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View Full Version : Proposal Bans Snacking, Smoking Behind the Wheel

red states rule
11-27-2013, 06:02 AM
Give libs an inch - they will take 100 miles

Is there anything liberals do NOT want to stick their noses in? Why not ban all radios, CD players, and video monitors in all cars/trucks?

Or ban all passengers? After all talking can be distracting so you must drive alone. After all this is for your own good

BTW, has anyone heard what "conservative" Chris Christie thinks about this bill?

Applying eyeliner, eating a breakfast sandwich, scolding the children, talking to the dog, gazing too long at Christmas lights — these and who knows what other ordinary actions — could soon get you fined in New Jersey … if you do them while driving.
A state lawmaker wants to expand New Jersey’s ban on using hand-held cell phones while behind the wheel to include anything that could be considered distracted driving.

The Assembly transportation committee today voted 12-0 to approve a bill (A4461) sponsored by committee chairman John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex) that would ban drivers from engaging in "any activity unrelated to the actual operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that interferes with the safe operation of the vehicle on a public road or highway."

The activity could include eating, applying makeup, playing a video game or any number of a hundred other things (use your imagination here). The bill does not go into specifics, but leaves it up to police.

"Certainly there’s no law against having a video screen installed on your dashboard and watching movies," Wisniewski said. "All of the examples are ridiculous, except you see them happening, and you read about them having happened."

The penalties would be the same as for cell phone use: $200 for a first offense, $400 to $600 for a second and $600 to $800 for a third. After a third offense, a judge would also have the option of suspending the driver’s license.

The bill’s prospects for becoming law are uncertain. With less than two months left of the legislative session, no companion bill has been introduced in the state Senate, which would also need to pass it in order to send it to the governor’s desk.

http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/11/bill_would_ban_all_forms_of_distracted_driving.htm l

11-27-2013, 01:28 PM
You should have both hands on the wheel and be in control of the vehicle while being 100% aware of your surroundings when driving.

Laws like this are for the idiots who kill people and I would support it.

11-27-2013, 01:32 PM
You should have both hands on the wheel and be in control of the vehicle while being 100% aware of your surroundings when driving.

Laws like this are for the idiots who kill people and I would support it.

Your lack of understanding for personal liberty is breathtaking. Carefully eating some fries and a Coke on I-80 across Nebraska for example is no big deal. However, I wouldn't recommend it in Midtown Manhattan.

red states rule
11-27-2013, 02:16 PM
You should have both hands on the wheel and be in control of the vehicle while being 100% aware of your surroundings when driving.

Laws like this are for the idiots who kill people and I would support it.

I guess you never heard of the charge reckless driving. Libs never stop trying to control every aspect of our lives.

11-27-2013, 02:17 PM
You should have both hands on the wheel and be in control of the vehicle while being 100% aware of your surroundings when driving.

Laws like this are for the idiots who kill people and I would support it.

One could say, 'ideally, yes' to that.

But then, how far do you go in implementing a Nanny State ?

Do you say that all cities should run trams instead of cars, since trams run on tracks, stopping any possibility of their swerving out of control, unlike cars ? So ... logically, ban all cars in all cities ?

Human error WILL happen, because human beings are human beings. We either respect peoples' rights to be what they are, or, we might as well let the State govern our every waking moment for us.

red states rule
11-27-2013, 02:19 PM
One could say, 'ideally, yes' to that.

But then, how far do you go in implementing a Nanny State ?

Do you say that all cities should run trams instead of cars, since trams run on tracks, stopping any possibility of their swerving out of control, unlike cars ? So ... logically, ban all cars in all cities ?

Human error WILL happen, because human beings are human beings. We either respect peoples' rights to be what they are, or, we might as well let the State govern our every waking moment for us.

His only concern is that the driver of the truck packed with TNT drives safely, arrives at the selected target, and detonates on time so as many Jews as possible are murdered.

11-27-2013, 02:22 PM
His only concern is that the driver of the truck packed with TNT drives safely, arrives at the selected target, and detonates on time so as many Jews as possible are murdered.:clap::clap::clap:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to red states rule again.

red states rule
11-27-2013, 02:25 PM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to red states rule again.

I call them as I see them Drummond.

Jafar expresses his hate for Jews quite clearly and it is easy to see his true desires

11-27-2013, 06:00 PM
Leaving the moronic trolling and back patting alone and getting back to the topic of the thread….

This is a hand out to LE officers. It simply gives them more reasons to stop anyone and harass them and raise more money for the state.

11-27-2013, 06:13 PM
Give libs an inch - they will take 100 miles

Is there anything liberals do NOT want to stick their noses in? Why not ban all radios, CD players, and video monitors in all cars/trucks?

Or ban all passengers? After all talking can be distracting so you must drive alone. After all this is for your own good

BTW, has anyone heard what "conservative" Chris Christie thinks about this bill?There seems to be no end to the Liberal Fix's, and as usual wasting time and money on things that don't need fixing, Their the reason Prisoners would just as soon be in then out, This America, we have got to get these fools out of office.

11-28-2013, 12:48 AM
Anyone who goes out driving should do just that -- DRIVE. No eating, no reading, no texting, no computer use, no hair styling, no personal grooming.
If you are not aware of the term "distracted driving," then you need to be banned from driving. These are people who unexpectedly swerve into your lane, slow down and then speed up, ignore red or green lights and fail to slow down when you are stopped.
I find it difficult to believe that there are people who are stupid enough to be in favor of this. Probably the same idiots who endorse drinking and driving.
But go ahead, complain about liberals and nanny states and whatever. But remember this the next time you are hit by someone who is munching on a burger.

red states rule
11-28-2013, 03:23 AM
Leaving the moronic trolling and back patting alone and getting back to the topic of the thread….


red states rule
11-28-2013, 03:26 AM
Anyone who goes out driving should do just that -- DRIVE. No eating, no reading, no texting, no computer use, no hair styling, no personal grooming.
If you are not aware of the term "distracted driving," then you need to be banned from driving. These are people who unexpectedly swerve into your lane, slow down and then speed up, ignore red or green lights and fail to slow down when you are stopped.
I find it difficult to believe that there are people who are stupid enough to be in favor of this. Probably the same idiots who endorse drinking and driving.
But go ahead, complain about liberals and nanny states and whatever. But remember this the next time you are hit by someone who is munching on a burger.

Then you will support a law that bans all radios, CD players, no passengers - after all they can "distract" drivers as well. Being the obedient liberal Gabby I can see you complying with the law. After all it is for your own good right?

Like Jafer you must not know about the charge reckless driving and only a new law can curb the rabid problem of people eating a Big Mac and sipping a coffee while driving

11-28-2013, 02:47 PM
Leaving the moronic trolling and back patting alone and getting back to the topic of the thread….

Come, now, Arbo. Nobody's mentioned your 'superglue' support of FJ ...

This is a hand out to LE officers. It simply gives them more reasons to stop anyone and harass them and raise more money for the state.

And your intent in posting this, is what ? To express approval, or disapproval ? I see no clear indication in your wording.

11-28-2013, 02:54 PM
Come, now, Arbo. Nobody's mentioned your 'superglue' support of FJ …

Oh wait, I did not mention him. Oh that's right, you are just here to stir up shit whenever you can with mindless babble. Yeah, that's right, you applauded the other morons trolling about how another user wants to see Jews murdered… but it appears making such accusations, then more OT crap with the applauding such stuff, is all fine and good. That being the case, I feel it is safe to say you two are worthless human beings.

BTW, the only people 'supporting' each other here are you and the gang of retards that sit around slapping each others backs. Man, you are too stupid to see that you are doing what you are so dumb you think others are doing.

And your intent in posting this, is what ? To express approval, or disapproval ? I see no clear indication in your wording.

If you could understand english, perhaps you wouldn't have to ask such moronic questions.

11-28-2013, 03:10 PM
Oh wait, I did not mention him. Oh that's right, you are just here to stir up shit whenever you can with mindless babble. Yeah, that's right, you applauded the other morons trolling about how another user wants to see Jews murdered… but it appears making such accusations, then more OT crap with the applauding such stuff, is all fine and good. That being the case, I feel it is safe to say you two are worthless human beings.

BTW, the only people 'supporting' each other here are you and the gang of retards that sit around slapping each others backs. Man, you are too stupid to see that you are doing what you are so dumb you think others are doing.

Thanks for your characteristic flattery.

The POINT which seems to have 'escaped' you is that you're criticising levels of support which you, yourself, also indulge in. In fact .. maybe that's not entirely accurate. To what extent do myself and my friends work to answer FOR each other ? And to what extent have YOU been known to provide such a service for your own pal ?

If you could understand english, perhaps you wouldn't have to ask such moronic questions.

As an English person from England, I believe I can be relied upon to understand English, thanks very much ....

But tell me. Do you yet have an answer for me ? Or are you evading my previous query with 'flattery' ?

11-28-2013, 03:35 PM
Thanks for your characteristic flattery.

The POINT which seems to have 'escaped' you is that you're criticising levels of support which you, yourself, also indulge in. In fact .. maybe that's not entirely accurate. To what extent do myself and my friends work to answer FOR each other ? And to what extent have YOU been known to provide such a service for your own pal ?

As an English person from England, I believe I can be relied upon to understand English, thanks very much ....

But tell me. Do you yet have an answer for me ? Or are you evading my previous query with 'flattery' ?

What I said was clear, but there is now a continuing issue with your lack of comprehension of what others write. More nonsense and worthless babbling from you, go figure.

11-28-2013, 03:41 PM
Anyone who goes out driving should do just that -- DRIVE. No eating, no reading, no texting, no computer use, no hair styling, no personal grooming.
If you are not aware of the term "distracted driving," then you need to be banned from driving. These are people who unexpectedly swerve into your lane, slow down and then speed up, ignore red or green lights and fail to slow down when you are stopped.
I find it difficult to believe that there are people who are stupid enough to be in favor of this. Probably the same idiots who endorse drinking and driving.
But go ahead, complain about liberals and nanny states and whatever. But remember this the next time you are hit by someone who is munching on a burger.

Do all of us a HUGE favor gabby, and STAY OFF THE ROAD completely. Then, nothing will happen.

red states rule
11-30-2013, 06:03 AM
What I said was clear, but there is now a continuing issue with your lack of comprehension of what others write. More nonsense and worthless babbling from you, go figure.


red states rule
11-30-2013, 06:30 AM
Do all of us a HUGE favor gabby, and STAY OFF THE ROAD completely. Then, nothing will happen.

Looks like Gabby, DP's resident drive by poster. has fired her shots and driven off AT

11-30-2013, 08:16 AM
Give libs an inch - they will take 100 miles

Is there anything liberals do NOT want to stick their noses in? Why not ban all radios, CD players, and video monitors in all cars/trucks?

Or ban all passengers? After all talking can be distracting so you must drive alone. After all this is for your own good

BTW, has anyone heard what "conservative" Chris Christie thinks about this bill?

I don't think many people think it would be OK to drive down the pike in Jersey during rush hour traffic putting make up on but many of us don't need to be told what is common sense ( and yes the law makers also know this is common sense ) those that are stupid enough to put others as well as themselves in danger while driving are going to keep doing it no matter the law and honestly most cops aren't even going to be paying attention unless the car is being driven in a hazardous way ( In which case they could pull the driver over for many other reasons all ready ) there is no way the cops could safely watch for these things any more than they all ready do , and if they catch ya doing these things now they can ticket you already ( careless driving , reckless driving ) This new law is just another way to infringe upon peoples rights a bit easier. I have driven more miles than most families will drive in a life time and I have seen some of the wildest things people can do while driving so I do agree it is wrong but as another poster pointed out what is wrong in Manhattan would be fine heading across 40 out west, it is called common sense and the Libs and Dems want to act as though no one but themselves have any, that is the problem I have with this law and most that they try to bring up.

12-01-2013, 05:54 AM
Your lack of understanding for personal liberty is breathtaking. Carefully eating some fries and a Coke on I-80 across Nebraska for example is no big deal. However, I wouldn't recommend it in Midtown Manhattan.

If someone crashes into me or causes me to take evasive action because they are munching on a big mac instead of watching the road, I am all for it. To hell with your liberties if they put me at risk of being harmed by your incompetence.

I'm a careful driver. I don't eat or drink, operate my phone or do anything but concentrate on driving when I am driving. I even pull over to adjust my GPS or take a call (by Bluetooth handsfree). If I crashed and hurt or killed someone because of such a distraction, I would never be able to forgive myself.

red states rule
12-01-2013, 07:25 AM
If someone crashes into me or causes me to take evasive action because they are munching on a big mac instead of watching the road, I am all for it. To hell with your liberties if they put me at risk of being harmed by your incompetence.

I'm a careful driver. I don't eat or drink, operate my phone or do anything but concentrate on driving when I am driving. I even pull over to adjust my GPS or take a call (by Bluetooth handsfree). If I crashed and hurt or killed someone because of such a distraction, I would never be able to forgive myself.

Listen up bomb boy. The charge is called reckless driving. Only assholes like you passing another law will stop those vicious lawbreakers from eating their Big Mac or taking a sip of coffee

Why are idiots like you so obsessed with running every aspect of people's lives (and in your case wanting to end the lives of as many JEWs as possible?)

12-01-2013, 10:23 AM
I live on Long Island, the home of the elongated parking lot called the Long Island expressway. In the course of a lifetime of driving, I have seen people read the newspaper, apply makeup, shave, eat, use the phone, and many other inappropriate things behind the wheel. Still I don't see that adding more laws is any answer. I do think that in a case where there is an accident, the courts should be allowed to consider the effect of a distraction and penalize the driver if that is the case. As for me, I don't answer my phone, change the radio station, etc when I am driving. It's just common sense when 98% of the idiots on the road are out to get me.

red states rule
12-01-2013, 10:46 AM
I live on Long Island, the home of the elongated parking lot called the Long Island expressway. In the course of a lifetime of driving, I have seen people read the newspaper, apply makeup, shave, eat, use the phone, and many other inappropriate things behind the wheel. Still I don't see that adding more laws is any answer. I do think that in a case where there is an accident, the courts should be allowed to consider the effect of a distraction and penalize the driver if that is the case. As for me, I don't answer my phone, change the radio station, etc when I am driving. It's just common sense when 98% of the idiots on the road are out to get me.

Why libs think they can solve any issue with higher taxes and more laws is astounding.

12-01-2013, 10:54 AM
If someone crashes into me or causes me to take evasive action because they are munching on a big mac instead of watching the road, I am all for it. To hell with your liberties if they put me at risk of being harmed by your incompetence.

I'm a careful driver. I don't eat or drink, operate my phone or do anything but concentrate on driving when I am driving. I even pull over to adjust my GPS or take a call (by Bluetooth handsfree). If I crashed and hurt or killed someone because of such a distraction, I would never be able to forgive myself.
To hell with your liberties
that's the phrase that gets every law passed these days, and justifies a police state, but people don't call it that.

Jafar many people think Islam -and it's associated customs that many attach to it- contribute at least as many deaths AROUND the WORLD as eating burgers and smoking while driving.
Should i say, To hell with your religion if it puts me at risk of being harmed by yours or others adherents incompetent use or misuse of the Koran and various mullahs teachings, WELL THEN it should be against the law to be MUSLIM. stonings, beheading, bombings.... 9-11!!

Our country was founded on the idea that liberties were among the highest treasures of the human spirit. I could quote many on it but Patrick Henry comes to mind right now.
“...Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!...."

red states rule
12-01-2013, 11:18 AM
To hell with your liberties
that's the phrase that gets every law passed these days, and justifies a police state, but people don't call it that.

Jafar many people think Islam -and it's associated customs that many attach to it- contribute at least as many deaths AROUND the WORLD as eating burgers and smoking while driving.
Should i say, To hell with your religion if it puts me at risk of being harmed by yours or others adherents incompetent use or misuse of the Koran and various mullahs teachings, WELL THEN it should be against the law to be MUSLIM. stonings, beheading, bombings.... 9-11!!

Our country was founded on the idea that liberties were among the highest treasures of the human spirit. I could quote many on it but Patrick Henry comes to mind right now.
“...Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!...."

Rev you hit it out of the park

In Jafar's world it is outrageous to drive and eat a Big Mac

But it is an act of courage to drive a car/truck packed with TNT and detonate it so as many Jews as possible are murdered

12-01-2013, 11:29 AM
Here's my 2 cents,
If it's late at night, and I'm driving, I'm going to snack to stay awake. You wouldn't believe how often I'd eat chips while delivering pizza just to keep from staring off into space or passing out.

red states rule
12-01-2013, 12:26 PM
Here's my 2 cents,
If it's late at night, and I'm driving, I'm going to snack to stay awake. You wouldn't believe how often I'd eat chips while delivering pizza just to keep from staring off into space or passing out.

Many mornings I am eating my Egg McMuffin and sipping my coffee on my way to work

I do not care if some busy body do gooder lib gets pissed off that I am eating and drinking while driving. Deal with it

12-01-2013, 12:35 PM
Here's my 2 cents,
If it's late at night, and I'm driving, I'm going to snack to stay awake. You wouldn't believe how often I'd eat chips while delivering pizza just to keep from staring off into space or passing out.

I'm with you here. I'm like a baby in a car on long drives, the soft rumble of the ride just relaxes me to much, i have to have bags of popcorn. The crunching keeps me alert, if not i start to doze off.

Frankly driving tired is where i really have problems.
More than once i've been driving in the wee hours and literally started to hallucinate about things on the road,
I don't drink or smoke 'weed'. i was just tired out of my mind.

On a long stretch of road in North Carolina line with trees, i hallucinated that the trees were big cannons pointed at the road. I pulled over and let my wife drive.

once while moving for 24 hrs strait, I hallucinated that an up coming bridge was a wide-load trailer pulling a double-wide mobile home. i slowed my truck to a stop in the middle of the street and wondered aloud why the trailer wasn't moving. my brother was with me then and took the keys and drove the rest of the way.

so kids Mr. T says, don't do drugs and don't drive tired.

red states rule
12-01-2013, 12:43 PM
Has anyone ever drove home from McDonalds and NOT ate any of the fries?

12-01-2013, 10:07 PM
To hell with your liberties
that's the phrase that gets every law passed these days, and justifies a police state, but people don't call it that.

They are cracking down on mobile use while driving here after a number of deaths caused by people talking or texting while driving. I fully support that. Innocent people are being killed daily because of distracted drivers. I don't want to be the next.

Jafar many people think Islam -and it's associated customs that many attach to it- contribute at least as many deaths AROUND the WORLD as eating burgers and smoking while driving.
Should i say, To hell with your religion if it puts me at risk of being harmed by yours or others adherents incompetent use or misuse of the Koran and various mullahs teachings, WELL THEN it should be against the law to be MUSLIM. stonings, beheading, bombings.... 9-11!!

With respect, my religion has nothing to do with this. Besides, these things are also against the law in Islam so don't try and twist the thread to yet another Islam debate.

Our country was founded on the idea that liberties were among the highest treasures of the human spirit. I could quote many on it but Patrick Henry comes to mind right now.
“...Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!...."

It's a hard sell to say that laws that make driving safer are slavery or chains at all. Can't you just pull over or wait till you get home to stuff your face?

I don't know how the traffic is where you are, but I find that Sydney traffic requires 100% concentration or you are going to end up in a fender bender or worse.

I'm with you here. I'm like a baby in a car on long drives, the soft rumble of the ride just relaxes me to much, i have to have bags of popcorn. The crunching keeps me alert, if not i start to doze off.

Frankly driving tired is where i really have problems.
More than once i've been driving in the wee hours and literally started to hallucinate about things on the road,
I don't drink or smoke 'weed'. i was just tired out of my mind.

On a long stretch of road in North Carolina line with trees, i hallucinated that the trees were big cannons pointed at the road. I pulled over and let my wife drive.

once while moving for 24 hrs strait, I hallucinated that an up coming bridge was a wide-load trailer pulling a double-wide mobile home. i slowed my truck to a stop in the middle of the street and wondered aloud why the trailer wasn't moving. my brother was with me then and took the keys and drove the rest of the way.

so kids Mr. T says, don't do drugs and don't drive tired.

If you are tired, stop driving and rest or let someone else take over. It's quite simple. Slow down until you come to the next motel or something.

Has anyone ever drove home from McDonalds and NOT ate any of the fries?

Me. Not that I would eat such an excuse for food in the first place ;)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-01-2013, 11:50 PM
Give libs an inch - they will take 100 miles

Is there anything liberals do NOT want to stick their noses in? Why not ban all radios, CD players, and video monitors in all cars/trucks?

Or ban all passengers? After all talking can be distracting so you must drive alone. After all this is for your own good

BTW, has anyone heard what "conservative" Chris Christie thinks about this bill? Fatboy Christie thinks whatever obamaboy tells him to think. --Tyr

12-02-2013, 01:57 AM
Here's my 2 cents,
If it's late at night, and I'm driving, I'm going to snack to stay awake. You wouldn't believe how often I'd eat chips while delivering pizza just to keep from staring off into space or passing out.

All the old Truck stops had Pop corn machines in them , it seems the salt helps keep you awake , I imagine snacking on popcorn has saved many of lives.

red states rule
12-02-2013, 02:53 AM
All the old Truck stops had Pop corn machines in them , it seems the salt helps keep you awake , I imagine snacking on popcorn has saved many of lives.

Not to mention coffee, chips, pretzels, hamburgers and fires. Why this bothers busy body lefties is amazing