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View Full Version : Business Owner Jailed for “Loitering” On His Own Property

11-27-2013, 08:18 AM
Big Brother showing a little more muscle or there abuse of it is more like it.

Eric Lee owns and runs a discounted furniture store in Dekalb County, Georgia called Unclaimed Freight (http://www.unclaimedinc.com). He was told by local police that the crime rate in that area is exceptionally bad, so it was recommended to him that he carry a firearm. He received a permit and then proceeded to carry a concealed weapon.
His business had been the target of thieves in the past, so he was often on the lookout for them at night. One evening, he heard some racket and went outside around the corner of his building to see what it was and saw some homeless delinquents gathered around.
Police showed up and began interrogating Mr. Lee about what was going on and whether he had any weapons. He told them that he did have a weapon and a permit. But evidently they weren’t there to make sure everyone was safe. They just wanted to make some arrests. So, they took his gun and arrested him for “loitering.” Yes, “loitering” on his own property.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-27-2013, 09:51 AM
Big Brother showing a little more muscle or there abuse of it is more like it.
http://lastresistance.com/3811/business-owner-jailed-loitering-property/ He should sue them for every damn dime he can get! That is the only punishment that will get their attention. Money talks and bull shat walks. Cops do crap like this all the time. That is a fact. In my life I have watched some of the most unjust actions you'll ever see being done by police officers. As a bouncer in a couple clubs I've seen cops arrest the guy every time when it was the wife or girlfriend that came in hitting ,attacking the guy !!! They so often did so even after I pointed out the man was just defending himself by pushing her off of him. He never hit her but tried to stop her hitting him with that club. O' yes they ignored the club she brought in which is a deadly weapon. They are taught to arrest the guy. Was once a time when the cops would take the word of the bar owner or bouncer about who instigated the fight and who hit first. I have no use for cops and personally no need for them ever. I can defend me and mine better than any of the bastards anyways. I am guessing about 30% of them these days are worthless, lazy , corrupted bastards. And that may be a low estimate. --Tyr

11-27-2013, 09:51 AM
I hope he gets MILLIONS in the lawsuit. Tens of Millions.

11-27-2013, 05:54 PM
It seems some think the biggest threat to this country are islamists, as is clear by the amount they cry about islamists. But the REAL thread to this country and it's citizens is our own government and our own LE. Perhaps if more people paid attention to what was going on IN this country, more would realize this.

11-27-2013, 05:56 PM
We have met the enemy and they is us.

11-28-2013, 07:08 AM
It seems some think the biggest threat to this country are islamists, as is clear by the amount they cry about islamists. But the REAL thread to this country and it's citizens is our own government and our own LE. Perhaps if more people paid attention to what was going on IN this country, more would realize this.

We have met the enemy and they is us.

I am not sure they are any worse than the Islamist but I do have to agree with y'all this enemy is here now so we need to handle what we have to first.

red states rule
11-28-2013, 07:15 AM
Free people own guns. Slaves do not

We know what the left wants all of us to become