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View Full Version : Michelle Obama Says Americans Will Need To Make “Sacrifices” For Obamacare To Work

11-29-2013, 09:02 AM
So Moochelle says we need to sacrifice to make Obamacare work, well how about we all sacrifice just like the Obama's do ? Man I wish I could live that well , this woman and her husband are just that brazing, I can remember Obama telling us to tighten our belts , the same night he and hid Dem cohorts ate $ 100 a plate steaks , yes the poor Obama's are struggling.

People have been referencing this speech that Michelle made back in 2008, but video has finally surfaced giving context to what she was saying.
In the speech, Michelle attempts to address concerns over so many Americans not being able to afford health insurance. However, what she demands was a bit more revealing.
According to the FLOTUS, the American people will need to make sacrifices so that Obama will get what he wants. She was referring to Obamacare and the financial blow it will deal to our country.


11-29-2013, 10:02 AM
So Moochelle says we need to sacrifice to make Obamacare work, well how about we all sacrifice just like the Obama's do ? Man I wish I could live that well , this woman and her husband are just that brazing, I can remember Obama telling us to tighten our belts , the same night he and hid Dem cohorts ate $ 100 a plate steaks , yes the poor Obama's are struggling.

http://www.mrconservative.com/2013/11/27987-michelle-obama-says-americans-will-need-to-make-sacrifices-for-obamacare-to-work/Easy for her to say, especially sense ironically it doesn't effect her family at all.

red states rule
12-02-2013, 03:18 AM
She does not look any leaner to me

I guess with her making a sacrifice is having a endure dinner with a 2003 vintage Dom Perignon and not a 1983 vintage Dom Perignon

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-02-2013, 07:18 PM
That ffing biatcccch has not sacrificed a damn thing . How many damn multi-million dollar vacations has she sacrificed since becoming the traitorous dictator's co-conspirator? --NONE!!