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View Full Version : Democrats Pander for Americans to accept Defeat - Declare Surge 'Failure'

06-13-2007, 04:20 PM
What IS IT with this fockers? Seriously? How can people be SO COMPLETELY CLUELESS?

Top US congressional Democrats bluntly told President George W. Bush Wednesday that his Iraq troop "surge" policy was a failure.

Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi challenged the president over Iraq by sending him a letter, ahead of a White House meeting later on Wednesday.

"As many had forseen, the escalation has failed to produce the intended results," the two leaders wrote.

"The increase in US forces has had little impact in curbing the violence or fostering political reconciliation.

"It has not enhanced Americas national security. The unsettling reality is that instances of violence against Iraqis remain high and attacks on US forces have increased.

"In fact, the last two months of the war were the deadliest to date for US troops.

The letter appeared to preview a fresh showdown over Iraq between anti-war Democrats and the president, just a few weeks after Bush forced his foes to strip troop withdrawal timelines from a 100 billion dollar emergency war budget.

It also came a few days after the US military mourned its 3,500th soldier killed in action in Iraq.

Pelosi and Reid told Bush in the letter that they planned to send him new legislation to "limit the US mission in Iraq, begin the phased redeployment of US forces, and bring the war to a responsible end."

Read the rest:

In other news - The Al Qaeda Quanquest reports Osama is very happy!


06-13-2007, 06:10 PM

06-13-2007, 06:46 PM

I've suggested that but they still allow you to troll here for some reason.

Pale Rider
06-14-2007, 03:08 AM
What IS IT with this fockers? Seriously? How can people be SO COMPLETELY CLUELESS?

I think it's pretty simple d, they'd rather have another 9/11 here than fight them there. I say pull out, do what they want, and when we get hit again, all their arguments will be in the toilet.

06-14-2007, 01:08 PM
That's like declaring a football game over at half-time...in favor of the team that's losing...by about 40+ points.

06-14-2007, 11:35 PM
The "clueless" ones who those who still believe that something can be accomplished. All we are doing now is further inflaming the ongoing civil war. Our continued presence aggravates religious hostility, promotes further terrorism and gives terrorist groups a reason to exist in the region.
Bush totally fucked this one up. The primary reason he wants U.S. troops to remain in Iraq is so he can leave office without having to solve the problem. Bush is a growing inflamed polyp in the butthole of world peace. Bush apologists who still enjoy the growing daily slaughter are enablers for Bush to continue fucking the world up the ass. World peace queers, you might say.

06-15-2007, 07:34 AM
The "clueless" ones who those who still believe that something can be accomplished. All we are doing now is further inflaming the ongoing civil war. Our continued presence aggravates religious hostility, promotes further terrorism and gives terrorist groups a reason to exist in the region.
Bush totally fucked this one up. The primary reason he wants U.S. troops to remain in Iraq is so he can leave office without having to solve the problem. Bush is a growing inflamed polyp in the butthole of world peace. Bush apologists who still enjoy the growing daily slaughter are enablers for Bush to continue fucking the world up the ass. World peace queers, you might say.

Your 'opinion' is based out of hatred and ignorance. Hatred for the GOOD people in Iraq, and Ignorance of how to fight a war.

06-15-2007, 12:01 PM

06-15-2007, 12:06 PM

For once you got something right, you are lame.

06-15-2007, 08:24 PM
AQ is in iraq. We are fighting them there. Pulling out will just allow them to take over there and use iraq as a base to launch attacks on us here.

06-15-2007, 08:33 PM
AQ is in iraq. We are fighting them there. Pulling out will just allow them to take over there and use iraq as a base to launch attacks on us here.

One would think that the way terrorism that is lining up, people would start to get the idea how important it is that we don't back down now.

06-15-2007, 08:50 PM
One would think that the way terrorism that is lining up, people would start to get the idea how important it is that we don't back down now.

You would think so. But libs can't see beyond Bush hating. There is a very dangerous enemy out there that literally wants us all dead and is using iraq as a front to fight us. Even bin laden has said iraq is their major front in the war against us. We're there and they're there. So lets get it on no matter how long it takes.

3500 dead in iraq over the past 4 years. If we just pull out all those dead are in vain. We give the enemy a base of operations and eventually have to go back in and retake the country again. I've always been against paying for the same real estate twice. As far as I'm concerned once an American dies securing the country that country is ours to make into whatever we want.

06-21-2007, 12:04 AM
You don't have much room to talk about hatred and ignorance, dmp.

Your 'opinion' is based out of hatred and ignorance. Hatred for the GOOD people in Iraq, and Ignorance of how to fight a war.

You don't have a clue, do you?