View Full Version : Obamacare: A massive tax increase disguised as health care cost increases

12-03-2013, 11:51 AM
I've said before that Obamacare is basically a wealth-redistribution scheme, using "health care" as its excuse. In fact, it's simply a tax increase. A mandatory one, inevitably.

And coming at the worst possible time for the American people as they did their way out one of the longest recessions in living memory.


http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/11/common_core_third_grade_book_goes_full_dear_leader _on_obama.html

Common Core third grade book goes full Dear Leader on Obama

by Thomas Lifson
November 27, 2013

.... it is becoming clear that Obama's two terms will be regarded as a failed presidency. His "signature achievement," Obamacare, is a mess, and it won't be fixed by any of the remedies proposed. The website problems are the least of it. The Big Lie on keeping your insurance and keeping your doctor now looks as though it will reach about half the population of the United States, once employers start dumping their insurance.

It is axiomatic that a president who screws over half the population of the country in the most personal way cannot be regarded tenderly by history. By in effect imposing a massive tax increase disguised as health insurance cost increases, after promising that health care costs would go down, he risks what I have dubbed the Obamacare Recession hitting the country hard next year. Families are going to have cut spending on all sorts of discretionary purchases, restaurants, hard goods producers, housing, and almost all other sectors of the economy are going to be hit hard.

Then there is the matter of families losing their trusted physicians and access to first rate treatments. Cancer patients and others with life threatening illnesses are going to die. Obama lied, people died. The formerly sycophantic media cannot ignore these stories, for they will be legion, they are compelling, and people are interested in them. The old media monopoly is shattered. The blogosphere, Fox News, and social media will spread these compelling human tragedies no matter how assiduously the New York Times averts its gaze.

12-03-2013, 10:19 PM
It gets worse. There was never a payment method put into the system. You can sign up, but you won't be covered until you make a payment and the system has no means for you to make a payment. And the govt is putting the insurance companies on the honor system for reimbursement.

This stuff is oscar winning material. The Three Stooges, Keystone Cops, Laurel and Hardy, and all the stand ups on the comedy channel rolled into one big govt debacle. :laugh: