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View Full Version : Islamist Fighters Abduct 12 Nuns from Christian Village in Syria

red states rule
12-03-2013, 04:17 PM
More from the religion of peace and another story from the appeasers to ignore

It’s been two and a half months since the Obama administration backed off its threat to strike Syria, and in that time, the nation’s attention has moved onto other domestic and international matters, like Obamacare’s disastrous rollout and reining in Iran’s nuclear program. Although both are exceedingly important, we must not turn a blind eye to what’s going on in Syria, where peace remains elusive despite the Russian-brokered deal to rid the country of its chemical weapons. The latest news to come out of war-torn Syria is the abduction of 12 nuns from a predominately Christian village by Islamist rebels. Reuters (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/03/syria-nuns-moved-islamist-fighters_n_4376609.html?utm_hp_ref=world) has the details:

Islamist fighters who captured a Christian village north of Damascus have moved some nuns to a nearby town but it was not clear if they had been kidnapped or evacuated for their safety, the Vatican's ambassador to Syria said on Tuesday.

The militants took the ancient quarter of Maaloula on Monday after heavy fighting with President Bashar al-Assad's forces, activists said. Syrian state media said they were holding the nuns captive in the Greek Orthodox monastery of Mar Thecla.

Vatican envoy Mario Zenari said the 12 nuns had been taken from Maaloula to Yabroud, about 20 km (13 miles) to the north.

Zenari said the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate had told him armed men had entered the monastery on Monday afternoon.

"They forced the sisters to evacuate and to follow them towards Yabroud. At this moment we cannot say if this is a kidnapping or an evacuation," he told Reuters by telephone from Damascus. "I heard now there is a very fierce conflict going on in Maaloula."

The fighting, which pits al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front fighters and other rebels against Assad's forces, is part of a wider struggle for control of the Damascus-Homs highway in central Syria.


12-03-2013, 05:15 PM
Islamist fighters who captured a Christian village north of Damascus have moved some nuns to a nearby town but it was not clear if they had been kidnapped or evacuated for their safety, the Vatican's ambassador to Syria said on Tuesday.

Getting your outrage all ginned up?

12-03-2013, 09:42 PM
I wonder if this one will be proven false like the last one like it? ^^

12-04-2013, 09:28 AM
I wonder if this one will be proven false like the last one like it? ^^

I noticed one that you and your peanut gallery decided was false stood up and broke it off in your asses :laugh: and low and behold not a one of ya would admitt y'all where wrong except one that thanked the truth, but the other 3 of ya are BULL SHIT/CHICKEN SHIT LIBERALS that ran and hid :cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-04-2013, 09:45 AM

Getting your outrage all ginned up? A GOOGLE SEARCH SHOWS THE PREDOMINATE WORD IS --KIDNAPPED-- not --escorted --to safety...--Tyr

NBCNews.com (blog)

Pope Prays for 12 Nuns Abducted in Syria by Rebels

ABC News ‎- 3 hours ago

Pope Francis called Wednesday for prayers for 12 Orthodox nuns who were taken by force from their convent in Syria by opposition fighters.

Opposition fighters in Syria move 12 nuns from captured village

NBCNews.com (blog)‎ - 7 hours ago

Mother superior: Nuns abducted by Syrian rebels - USA Today


1 day ago - DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — The mother superior of a Syrian convent says 12 nuns have been abducted by opposition fighters and taken to a ...

Islamist fighters move 12 abducted Syrian nuns from Maaloula to ...


18 hours ago - Islamist fighters have moved the nuns abducted from a convent in the predominantly Christian town of Maaloula to a nearby town held by ...

PressTV - Syria foreign-backed militants kidnap 12 nuns in Ma'loula

www.presstv.ir › Middle East › Syria

1 day ago - Militants operating inside Syria kidnap 12 nuns from a convent in the Christian town of Ma'loula.

Opposition fighters in Syria move 12 nuns from captured village ...


7 hours ago - Opposition fighters in Syria have taken 12 nuns from a ... it was not clear whether the nuns had been kidnapped or evacuated for their safety.

12 nuns abducted as rebels recapture Maaloula | Christian News on ...


22 hours ago - Christian Today > The Vatican has reported that 12 nuns were abducted as opposition rebels captured Syria's historically Christian town of ...

Syrian bishop says nuns' kidnapping has shocked Christians ...


22 hours ago - The kidnapping of five Orthodox nuns from a Christian village near Damascus has shocked Syria's Christian community and filled many ...
Pope prays for 12 nuns abducted in Syria by rebels | News , Middle ...

4 hours ago - Pope Francis calls for prayers for a group of nuns seized from their convent in Syria and for all hostages held in the war-torn country.

Syria: 12 Nuns Abducted by Islamist Rebels in Christian Town of ...

by Umberto Bacchi - in 20 Google+ circles21 hours ago - Jihadists with al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra among groups that overran pilgrimage site.

12 Nuns Kidnapped in Syria by Islamic Militants - YouTube

► 0:38► 0:38


20 hours ago - Uploaded by Above Science
Islamist rebels have kidnapped a group of nuns from the Greek Orthodox monastery of St Thecla (Mar Taqla ...

12-04-2013, 09:55 AM

Proof is something they really don't want , it makes it to hard to debate :laugh:

12-04-2013, 12:24 PM

Actually it seems that "abducted" is the predominate word which has a different meaning than "kidnapped" and I haven't seen anything yet that says for sure what has happened.

Proof is something they really don't want , it makes it to hard to debate :laugh:

Who doesn't want proof? And debate is not really of issue here; it's what did or did not happen. This is the trend that we should be concerned about:

The nuns are the latest Christian clergy members to be abducted. Two bishops were seized in rebel-held areas in April, and an Italian Jesuit priest, Father Paolo Dall'Oglio, went missing in July after traveling to meet militants in Raqqa. None has been heard from since.

12-04-2013, 02:42 PM
Actually it seems that "abducted" is the predominate word which has a different meaning than "kidnapped" and I haven't seen anything yet that says for sure what has happened.

Who doesn't want proof? And debate is not really of issue here; it's what did or did not happen. This is the trend that we should be concerned about:


Fair enough Fj my mistake

red states rule
12-11-2013, 04:11 AM

FU does have a limited reading comprehension skills. His quote form the Huff and Puff post was INCLUDED in the OP. I guess FU was getting his desire for attention all ginned up

12-11-2013, 06:06 AM

A group of Orthodox nuns seized by Syrian rebels in the town of Maaloula appeared in a video broadcast Friday and said fierce shelling and bombardment had forced them to depart their convent.
In the brief footage aired by Al-Jazeera television, several of the nuns denied that they were being held hostage. Syrian rebels are believed to have taken the women to the nearby town of Yabroud, where they are reportedly staying in the home of a Christian family.
One of the nuns tells an unseen interlocutor that they are receiving “good treatment” during their ordeal. Another requests an immediate end to the targeting of holy places.
“A group brought us here and protected us, and we’re very, very happy with them,” one of the nuns says.

Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2013/Dec-07/240215-maaloula-nuns-deny-being-abducted-in-video.ashx#ixzz2nAB2N7O4
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

Yeh, there is a lot of disinformation spread by Assad supporters and Iran/Russia in this conflict.

If you don't believe me, here it is from their own mouths.


12-11-2013, 09:48 AM
FU does have a limited reading comprehension skills. His quote form the Huff and Puff post was INCLUDED in the OP. I guess FU was getting his desire for attention all ginned up

Well it seems that Townhall, and you, may have jumped the gun. I don't need to wonder why. I guess from your perspective it's better to hope that BO and the "Muzzys" look bad rather than safe return. And of course you'll ignore this:

This is the trend that we should be concerned about:

The nuns are the latest Christian clergy members to be abducted. Two bishops were seized in rebel-held areas in April, and an Italian Jesuit priest, Father Paolo Dall'Oglio, went missing in July after traveling to meet militants in Raqqa. None has been heard from since.

It doesn't fit your narrative.

red states rule
12-11-2013, 04:00 PM
For someone who struts around acting like is so much smarter than everyone else - FU really needs to take a reading comprehension course

While the link I used was indeed Town Hall, they used Reuters (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/03/syria-nuns-moved-islamist-fighters_n_4376609.html?utm_hp_ref=world) as the source for their article

Perhaps is FU was not so quick to talk down to folks he would have actually read and digested the OP before inserting his foot in his mouth

12-11-2013, 04:54 PM
For someone who struts around acting like is so much smarter than everyone else...

You know... I wouldn't think it if you wouldn't prove it every time you avoided debate. :slap: Besides, I comprehended that the actual news didn't seem to match your headline. But some nuns are just pawns of your hatred. :shrug:

red states rule
12-11-2013, 05:03 PM
You know... I wouldn't think it if you wouldn't prove it every time you avoided debate. :slap: Besides, I comprehended that the actual news didn't seem to match your headline. But some nuns are just pawns of your hatred. :shrug:

Still cherry-picking what you will respond to eh?

I understand your massive and fragile ego was deflated in my last post, but a real man would admit he made a simple mistake and move on

12-11-2013, 05:10 PM
Still cherry-picking what you will respond to eh?

I understand your massive and fragile ego was deflated in my last post, but a real man would admit he made a simple mistake and move on

:laugh: You couldn't deflate a balloon. You're just upset that the news didn't bear out your rant.

But congratulations on avoiding the passive-aggressive stuff that you're used to.

red states rule
12-12-2013, 02:00 AM
:laugh: You couldn't deflate a balloon. You're just upset that the news didn't bear out your rant.

But congratulations on avoiding the passive-aggressive stuff that you're used to.

My mistake FU

I thought given your obvious error you would have a little integrity to admit your mistake

My bad

Once again you show off another character trait common with liberals. Never admit a mistake or take responsibility for your actions - always pass the buck

12-12-2013, 09:04 AM
My mistake FU

Clearly, your comments didn't match the story. Why don't you care about the nuns?

red states rule
12-12-2013, 04:11 PM
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcThlMLvO1V79dVQ_GsgbmwQHqqV7sW39 hNETtQbs_83kp6NYiV9

12-12-2013, 05:40 PM
^So you've got nothing but a picture. Same S* different day.

red states rule
12-13-2013, 02:53 AM
Seems the self professed conservative is getting upset


12-13-2013, 04:41 AM

12-13-2013, 09:36 AM
Seems the self professed conservative is getting upset

Who can be upset when you provide this much comedy? :laugh:

12-13-2013, 03:00 PM

Jafar just as I pictured ya !! :laugh:

12-14-2013, 06:21 AM
Jafar just as I pictured ya !! :laugh:

If only I were that cool just eating popcorn ;)