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View Full Version : I had no idea....but thought it was pretty cool!

12-06-2013, 09:57 AM
I, as most of you know unschool my children.

Almost a year ago to the day, I created a Facebook page to share info on unschooling for other Ohio families who were looking into unschooling their own children.

Unbeknownst to me, I just got free advertisement on a local Cleveland news station. :2up:

I had noticed an increase in my likes over the past few days and was trying to figure out why. I then received a message from a new member yesterday thanking me for the page and telling me she had learned about it from her local news.

I responded back asking who her local news was and then went on a search and found this.....


My page is mentioned at the bottom of the written piece.... :cool:

There is a Facebook page called "Unschooling Ohio" with more information.

12-06-2013, 10:26 AM
well guess I jumped the gun, should have watched the video all the way through. :eek:

He actually mentioned my page at 3:47 :dance:

12-06-2013, 03:50 PM
Congratulations Trinity. Any, honest effort put forth to present a valid form of education for our children should be rewarded, and admired.

Great to hear such things actually taking place without all of the usual, political fanfare so many of us hear every day.

Bet there are NO POLITICIANS involved, or Government agencies that will insist ONLY THEY can make the proper decisions about OUR CHILDREN.

Good luck, and Don't Give Up. As the Grandfather of five....soon to be six by next week.