View Full Version : How can we stop the polar bear from dying out due to global warming?

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07-02-2007, 10:27 PM
Alright guys, break it up. Come back swinging just do it above the belt. :)

07-02-2007, 11:22 PM
Got lots of Polar Bears there in India, do ya?

No. If you had been reading the thread though, India does contribute to global warming and should be doing what it can to stop it. However, the
other references made to India is this thread are pointless and do not serve any real purpose.

Hunting is he NUMBER 1 PROBLEM, which, btw is REAL.

No. The bears are dying out more due to starvation than hunting.

The point is not moot because the agreement includes protecion of their ecosystems. However, no one is powerful enough to control he weather.

However, one can take steps to reduce global warming. I have provided links showing how.

Also, I hope you recycled that juice box.

I try and recycle everything, thank you. Including my empty BEER bottles!

I feel sorry for you too.


But I won't say why. :laugh:

There isn't a need to play coy.

Poor Rahul. The humor is in your factual links, from leftist fear mongers - then you calling me a commie who posts from right wing studies. Duh.

I asked you if you were. You said you were. What was I to do? Deny it?

I think I listed some suggestions in the form of questions. Go back and read.

I read everything.

The focus of debate is on anything posted in the correct forum. How about you take your snivellilng little self elsewhere and start your own "Rahul's Rules board" if you can't handle it.

What could I not handle? Maybe you could be more precise.

I have no idea what those two children have in common polar bears.

In the meantime, how do we find the bears a new sheet of ice?


07-02-2007, 11:24 PM
Neither, he has never seen a wild polar bear.

I agree.


Polar bear 'extinct within 100 years'


Fragile ecology

Scientists believe that Ursus maritimus, the "sea bear", evolved about 200,000 years ago from brown bear ancestors.

Whether it can "change its spots" and behave more like a brown bear is another matter.

Lynn Rosentrater, climate scientist in the WWF International Arctic Programme, thinks it unlikely.

There have been cases of polar bears scavenging in bins for food in summer, she said, but the animals need seal fat to get through the winter.

"In the absence of sea ice the whole basis of polar bear ecology ceases to exist," she explained.

07-02-2007, 11:31 PM
sorry but they are WHITE.....they deserve to die

07-02-2007, 11:45 PM
sorry but they are WHITE.....they deserve to die

Boy, I found that funny...

07-02-2007, 11:46 PM
Neither, he has never seen a wild polar bear.


Haven't I?

Not that it's any of your damn business, but I used to work for Conoco-Phillips Alaska based in Anchorage. As part of the Telecom crew, we frequently flew to the North Slope to maintain and install computer / telephone networks.

I have indeed seen Polar Bears, including one of them was stalking a co-worker of mine out of the truck.

You may ask JimNYC about where I worked - he and I used to email each other frequently whilst I was employed there.

NOW, both of you smartass punks - How many Polar Bears and other bears have you observed and had dealings with in the wild?

I've seen them, lived among them, dealt with them, killed them, skinned them, ate them, and even rescued them. Years of experience, and I have the brown bear claw from the first bear I killed when I was 15 years old with a .44 Ruger carbine hanging on the wall above my computer here.

Other than a bunch of horseshit you both dredged up from the same bullshit site that has no credibility or basis in reality (let alone references) and a bunch of cutesy fucking bleeding-heart pictures, what is your experience with these animals?

And no, IdiotCannon, your little guided tour in Kodiak does not qualify you.

07-03-2007, 12:10 AM
sorry but they are WHITE.....they deserve to die

Saving the polar bears from drowning/dying out due to starvation is not a race issue. It's about saving the environment and reducing global warming.


So, what are your suggestions?

07-03-2007, 02:52 AM
if I lock up a goat in a cinderblock room with nothing to eat but glass, any kind of glass, that goat will die of starvation.

You simply believe too many myths...........city boy.

Believing that global warming is causing the bears to die out because of starvation is not a myth. You and I disagree on a great many things.


Global warming could starve polar bears


Climate change is threatening polar bears with starvation by shortening their hunting season, according to a study by scientists from the Canadian Wildlife Service. The study of the bears in Western Hudson Bay also draws attention to the increasing numbers of hungry bears wandering into the northern Canadian community of Churchill, Manitoba.

Executive Director of the Churchill Northern Study Center, Harvey Lemelin said: "Bears now have to be moved away from property using everything from dogs to vehicles to cracker shells. In the last three years we've gone from 20 encounters to 36 and we're not done with the season yet."

Seals less accessible

The study, by Ian Stirling and colleagues is published in the journal Arctic. It finds that the bears' main food source, ringed seals, are becoming less accessible. The seals live on the ice of Hudson Bay but this ice is breaking up earlier and earlier.

The polar bears therefore have less time to hunt and are returning to land in poorer condition. Weight for both male and female polar bears is declining and female bears are having fewer cubs. However, significant population decline has not yet begun.

The study says that the sea ice season in western Hudson Bay has been reduced by about three weeks over the last 20 years. The scientists say the shorter season could be caused by a long-term warming trend.

'Cut greenhouse gases'

A previous Nasa study found a 2.9% decline in total Arctic sea ice extent over the last decade.

"The plight of the Hudson Bay polar bears is a warning that that climate change is not something that will happen far off in the future, it's happening now," said Stephanie Tunmore, climate campaigner with green pressure group Greenpeace.

"World governments must intensify negotiations to cut greenhouse gas emissions while simultaneously beginning the phase-out of fossil fuels and switch to renewables," she added.

07-03-2007, 03:26 AM
As far as I know, the white fluffy bears are doing just fine, in our neck of the woods...

07-03-2007, 04:52 AM
As far as I know, the white fluffy bears are doing just fine, in our neck of the woods...

I disagree. The bears need our help desperately. Have you visited Polar Bear SOS?

https://img.getactivehub.com/08/custom_images/nrdc/polarbearsos_header.jpg (http://www.polarbearsos.org/)

Global Warming Threatens Polar Bears with Extinction!

Time is running out for polar bears. Scientists warn that rising Arctic temperatures may cause nearly all of the summer sea ice that the bears depend on for survival to vanish by 2040. Polar bears are already suffering the grim effects of global warming: birth rates are falling, fewer cubs are surviving and more bears are drowning. With more than 25 percent of the world's polar bear populations already in decline, further warming could drive this beloved animal to extinction by the end of this century! Act now!

more (https://www.polarbearsos.org/polarmoreinfo.html)

07-03-2007, 04:55 AM
I disagree. The bears need our help desperately. Have you visited Polar Bear SOS?

:laugh2:Never been to bear SOS.......

But, I can tell you.....from living up here since.......

Our fluffy white bears............are doing AOK....:laugh2:

07-03-2007, 04:58 AM
Our fluffy white bears............are doing AOK....:laugh2:

You seem to find humor in the strangest of things. Perhaps you could share your source showing the bears to be AOK.


07-03-2007, 05:04 AM
You seem to find humor in the strangest of things. Perhaps you could share your source showing the bears to be AOK.


Don't need to prove a source...I live up here....

From all the fluffy white bears I've spoken to.......they say.......leave us alone..........thank you....:laugh2:

Wait.....I think they just told me...

If you don't live around them, and don't really know what the hell your taking about.......

They asked me to tell you.......

To sit down and shut the hell up......

07-03-2007, 05:14 AM
Don't need to prove a source...I live up here....

When making a claim, it is customary to provide a source.

Run this ad! Save the Polar Bear


Our new TV ad is reaching millions of Americans and sparking an outpouring of support for polar bear protection. Please help us keep this ad on the air!

You may donate something to the cause. It would help the bears greatly.

07-03-2007, 05:23 AM
When making a claim, it is customary to provide a source.

You may donate something to the cause. It would help the bears greatly.

My donation is what the fluffy white bears I live up here with told me...

Get your ass up here and study them, or leave them the hell alone..

I have my money bet on the fluffy white bears.....kicking your butts...:laugh2:

07-03-2007, 05:26 AM
Why have you not replied to my post, Rahul? Where is your donation?

07-03-2007, 05:27 AM
I have my money bet on the fluffy white bears.....kicking your butts...:laugh2:

We need to save the bears not joke about them.


07-03-2007, 05:29 AM
Why have you not replied to my post, Rahul? Where is your donation?

Your post was small, and might have gotten lost in the amount of posts that have been made. I apologize. It also seems I get asked the most number of questions on this Forum. I am human, and I may miss a question here and there sometimes.

So, how would you suggest we combat global warming?


07-03-2007, 05:32 AM
I suggest you stop with the waste of bandwidth. Enough of picture after picture after picture. You made your point, now debate the topic with words.

And again, my son has donated money online to help the polar bears. Why don't you do the same, and then post proof here for all of us? Do you need some links where you can do so?

07-03-2007, 05:36 AM
I suggest you stop with the waste of bandwidth. Enough of picture after picture after picture. You made your point, now debate the topic with words.

It's not a waste of bandwidth. Pictures help to generate sympathy for the cause and may help save the bears ultimately. In addition, it is easier to generate sympathy for the cause when photographs of polar bears are shown.


Further, you haven't advised what it is you are confused about in the debate here.

07-03-2007, 05:40 AM
It's not a waste of bandwidth. Pictures help to generate sympathy for the cause and may help save the bears ultimately. In addition, it is easier to generate sympathy for the cause when photographs of polar bears are shown.

Further, you haven't advised what it is you are confused about in the debate here.

You haven't answered my question about the donation you are going to make...

And the posting of picture after picture is not open for debate.

07-03-2007, 05:45 AM
You haven't answered my question about the donation you are going to make...

I have helped the bears more than you know and continue to do so despite your efforts to stop me. My methods of helping the bears, donations, and other activities are not going to be shared with everyone here at Debate Policy.

Regardless, the bears need your help too.

Here are some stickers for the Bears.


What You Can Do To Curb Global Warming


Order NRDC "Unplug for Polar Bears" and "Turn Off Global Warming" stickers for chargers and light switches by emailing: polarbearsosinfo@nrdc.org Be sure to give your mailing address and how many sets of stickers you need (each set contains six stickers, 3 each of "Unplug for Polar Bears" and "Turn Off Global Warming"). Supplies are limited so please keep your order to two sets, unless you have a special need for schools or institutions.

07-03-2007, 05:47 AM
I have helped the bears more than you know and continue to do so despite your efforts to stop me. My methods of helping the bears, donations, and other activities are not going to be shared with everyone here at Debate Policy.

Regardless, the bears need your help too.

Here are some stickers for the Bears.

Personally, I think you're a liar until I see proof, but that's me.

And please adhere to what I stated about the pictures or the privilege you enjoy will be revoked.

07-03-2007, 05:52 AM
Thanks......good grief......

Raual......you cause could be noble......if it were a true cause...

But, it could be in your world...of somewhere of make believe...

live amongst the real world of the fluffy white bears, and you might have a true vision of whats going on..

The people who live amongst these beautiful beast.....will tell you......

They are fine, and the best swimmers amongst the rest of us humans...

If they truly needed our help.......the people who live amongst them, would be the first to save them.....

As all native of the land.......we do never wish our animals who roam this earth be extinct for any reason that we can save them...

We don't do it for a money cause......

We just do it.....because it's the right thing to do....

07-03-2007, 05:58 AM
Personally, I think you're a liar until I see proof, but that's me.

Do you always insult those whose opinions you are critical of?

And please adhere to what I stated about the pictures or the privilege you enjoy will be revoked.

What privelege is it that I enjoy? Could you be more precise, please? Furthermore, is posting pictures not allowed on this particular thread, but is on others? Why?

Thanks......good grief......

You are welcome.


It is impolite to mis-spell usernames.

you cause could be noble......if it were a true cause...

Of course it's a true cause. What part of it did you not understand?

live amongst the real world of the fluffy white bears, and you might have a true vision of whats going on..

You still have not shown me a source for your claims.

They are fine, and the best swimmers amongst the rest of us humans...

They are not geared to swim 200 plus miles non stop in the ocean. duh.

If they truly needed our help.......the people who live amongst them, would be the first to save them.....

I disagree. Most on here seem to be against the cause, even the forum administrator who wishes to revoke posting priveleges, seemingly.

As all native of the land.......we do never wish our animals who roam this earth be extinct for any reason that we can save them...

There isnt any evidence of that.

Anyway, how would you suggest stopping global warming?

07-03-2007, 06:02 AM
Do you always insult those whose opinions you are critical of?

What privelege is it that I enjoy? Could you be more precise, please? Furthermore, is posting pictures not allowed on this particular thread, but is on others? Why?

Rahul, this isn't Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Nor is it Dongguan City. I don't answer to you.

07-03-2007, 06:04 AM
Rahul, this isn't Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Nor is it Dongguan City. I don't answer to you.

I agree. It's New Delhi, as far as I can tell. . . ;)

So, how would you suggest saving the Bears?

07-03-2007, 06:06 AM
I agree. It's New Delhi, as far as I can tell. . . ;)

So, how would you suggest saving the Bears?

By laughing at repetitive indians. Then maybe feeding them to the starving bears.

I think you need to go back to USM - they obviously failed you.

07-03-2007, 06:08 AM
Anyway, how would you suggest stopping global warming?

We're enjoying the global warming up here......

Too bad your not....and the earth will end......whenever she feels like it...

Either we will adapt.......or go out with a bang.........

See ya in the long run....:laugh2:

07-03-2007, 06:08 AM
I think you need to go back to USM - they obviously failed you.

Insults are not required, but seemingly plenty. In the meantime, perhaps you could be nice and articulate what privelege it was that has been taken away.

07-03-2007, 06:18 AM
Insults are not required, but seemingly plenty. In the meantime, perhaps you could be nice and articulate what privelege it was that has been taken away.

It hasn't been taken away - yet. But if you continue to be a repetitive piece of shit, posting picture after picture, you will be placed into the moderation queue - which means none of your posts will be viewable until a moderator approves it.

07-03-2007, 08:38 AM
You may ask JimNYC about where I worked - he and I used to email each other frequently whilst I was employed there.

For those of you who aren't familiar with NightTrain, he was instrumental in the creation of my original board. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that he was a co-creator along with a few others.

His word is solid. His loyalty is solid. I've never doubted a single word he's typed and he has posted hundreds of pictures over the years to backup his stories. In my opinion, his reputation is impeccable. He's extremely well traveled and has proven this as well. It's entirely up to him to divulge his background, but I can say I would be proud to have his credentials.

I consider it an honor to be his friend and would take his word over op/ed pieces, Wiki entries or blathering from the clueless any day of the week.

BTW - Glad to see you around, NT. Always a pleasure to see you posting. :)

07-03-2007, 02:53 PM

Haven't I?

Not that it's any of your damn business, but I used to work for Conoco-Phillips Alaska based in Anchorage. As part of the Telecom crew, we frequently flew to the North Slope to maintain and install computer / telephone networks.

I have indeed seen Polar Bears, including one of them was stalking a co-worker of mine out of the truck.

You may ask JimNYC about where I worked - he and I used to email each other frequently whilst I was employed there.

NOW, both of you smartass punks - How many Polar Bears and other bears have you observed and had dealings with in the wild?

I've seen them, lived among them, dealt with them, killed them, skinned them, ate them, and even rescued them. Years of experience, and I have the brown bear claw from the first bear I killed when I was 15 years old with a .44 Ruger carbine hanging on the wall above my computer here.

Other than a bunch of horseshit you both dredged up from the same bullshit site that has no credibility or basis in reality (let alone references) and a bunch of cutesy fucking bleeding-heart pictures, what is your experience with these animals?

And no, IdiotCannon, your little guided tour in Kodiak does not qualify you.

Ding Ding Ding..... I think we have a winner.

07-03-2007, 03:23 PM
Ding Ding Ding..... I think we have a winner.

Double Ding. I'm hoping for the end of this awful, awful thread.

07-03-2007, 09:57 PM
No. The bears are dying out more due to starvation than hunting.

Rahul, you have no idea why the Polar bears are dying. You disregard credible news and cling to bogus news.

Your opinion is not expert, or informed, it is manufactured, by eco zealots.

What will YOU do to save the polar Bears Rahul?

You wanna move up North and catch seals for em? Refrigerate the outdoors?

Or you wanna work on curbing greenhouse gas emmissions and depopulating the earth of people?

It really is an us or them equation.

Either we depopulate or they go extinct.

Increased greenhouse gasses are just a function of more people.

The population of the earth has doubled since i quit wearing diapers.

And two species a day died as a result.

Please don't preach down to us with cutsy pics. It only makes you look like a braindead hippie chick.

Try to address the real probs and not peddle a guilt trip.

what are you gonna do to save the polar bear Rahul?

(posting gradeschool level threads don't cut it babe, sorry)

07-03-2007, 10:10 PM

Haven't I?

Not that it's any of your damn business, but I used to work for Conoco-Phillips Alaska based in Anchorage. As part of the Telecom crew, we frequently flew to the North Slope to maintain and install computer / telephone networks.

I have indeed seen Polar Bears, including one of them was stalking a co-worker of mine out of the truck.

You may ask JimNYC about where I worked - he and I used to email each other frequently whilst I was employed there.

NOW, both of you smartass punks - How many Polar Bears and other bears have you observed and had dealings with in the wild?

I will openly admit having never seen a polar bear in the wild.

You only exploited your experiences with browns which I have seen hundreds of. Which doesn't say shit about whether Polar bears eat motor oil.

I've seen them, lived among them, dealt with them, killed them, skinned them, ate them, and even rescued them.

Oh really, you have seen, lived amongst, dealt with, killed, skinned and rescued polar bears? Cuz i gotta scream LIAR!!!!!!!!!

you are full of shit loser.

And no, IdiotCannon, your little guided tour in Kodiak does not qualify you.

Look poser punk ass, I lived in AK 5 years, I worked from the Pribiloff islands where polar bears hunt Walrus to Kodiak and Attu. I have stalked Buffalo in the Shumigans and watched Brown bears killing Caribou out the window of landing aircraft in Cold bay.

But since neither YOU nor I have ever watched Polar bears eat at dumps we have to rely on people who have.

people who have = something greater than zero

Meanwhile i have watched bears eating garbage at the Unalaska dump and they try everything.

I also watched a Brown Bear eating a whale carcass in False Pass when I was en route to the Nushgak river mouth. Dead, smelly, rotting carcass the size of a school bus and the bear was there for weeks like a pig at a smorgasborg. They will eat anything.

07-03-2007, 10:20 PM
Ding Ding Ding..... I think we have a winner.

You lose.

07-04-2007, 01:46 AM
I will openly admit having never seen a polar bear in the wild.

Thanks. I knew that already.

You only exploited your experiences with browns which I have seen hundreds of. Which doesn't say shit about whether Polar bears eat motor oil.

If you knew anything about bears in general, you would have immediately recognized that there is no way in hell they would eat motor oil and tires. It most likely would kill them.

Oh really, you have seen, lived amongst, dealt with, killed, skinned and rescued polar bears? Cuz i gotta scream LIAR!!!!!!!!!

Your reading comprehension skills are lackluster at best :

NOW, both of you smartass punks - How many Polar Bears and other bears have you observed and had dealings with in the wild?

I've seen them, lived among them, dealt with them, killed them, skinned them, ate them, and even rescued them. Years of experience, and I have the brown bear claw from the first bear I killed when I was 15 years old with a .44 Ruger carbine hanging on the wall above my computer here.

See? I added emphasis this time around to assist you. To clarify, these would be Polar, Brown & Black bears. No Pandas, however.

you are full of shit loser.

Don't think so, Slick. I'm the real deal.

Look poser punk ass, I lived in AK 5 years, I worked from the Pribiloff islands where polar bears hunt Walrus to Kodiak and Attu. I have stalked Buffalo in the Shumigans and watched Brown bears killing Caribou out the window of landing aircraft in Cold bay.

That's real impressive. Were you a cannery worker?

But since neither YOU nor I have ever watched Polar bears eat at dumps we have to rely on people who have.

Lucky guess on your part - in fact, I personally have not watched Polar Bears at dumps. Quite a few locals in villages within Arctic Circle consider it a passtime to watch the bears at the dump. I was invited, but declined. Dumps just don't do it for me.

Show me the money. I'm quite certain that if Polar Bears eat motor oil and tires, I'd have seen it or heard about it by now - by someone who lives in Alaska, or by one of the thousands of biologists that study these animals as a career. You two clowns are the very first to make such an absurd claim to me.

people who have = something greater than zero


I also watched a Brown Bear eating a whale carcass in False Pass when I was en route to the Nushgak river mouth. Dead, smelly, rotting carcass the size of a school bus and the bear was there for weeks like a pig at a smorgasborg. They will eat anything.

A washed up whale is perfectly normal food for any bear. Motor oil and tires, however, is not.

07-04-2007, 01:51 AM
The facts always disturb you, dmp.


Polar bear meat is an excellent source of iron and protein. Polar bear fat provides us with vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help to reduce the risk of heart disease. Polar bear meat is usually baked or boiled in a soup or stew.

Why is this?

07-05-2007, 03:19 PM
You lose.

Wrong chump...you just got owned.

07-09-2007, 11:26 PM
If you knew anything about bears in general, you would have immediately recognized that there is no way in hell they would eat motor oil and tires. It most likely would kill them.

Idiotic. I have watched goats eating glass with my own eyes. It didn't even phase em. Besides loser, you don't even know what was expressly meant by "eating". It could have been more like tasting.

Your reading comprehension skills are lackluster at best :

Really punk assed liar? here is your exact quote in a discussion about Polar Bears:

I've seen them, lived among them, dealt with them, killed them, skinned them, ate them, and even rescued them.

You lied. Own it.

Before that you claimed to know what Polar Bears ate based on your experience with Browns and blacks.

Then you pretended to know how Brown bears eat salmon and you were proven a LIAR again because I have actually watched Browns eat Salmon. You appear to have no idea how they do it.

Don't think so, Slick. I'm the real deal.

I don't think so slick!

That's real impressive. Were you a cannery worker?

Yup for 3/4 of a King Season then I went out on the fishing/crabbing boats.

Show me the money. I'm quite certain that if Polar Bears eat motor oil and tires, I'd have seen it or heard about it by now - by someone who lives in Alaska, or by one of the thousands of biologists that study these animals as a career. You two clowns are the very first to make such an absurd claim to me.

Your reading comprehension skills are less that Zero Chump. Neither myself or even Rahul have personaly vouched for what Polar bears eat.

We have linked to two Alaskans who claim eye witness accounts or Polar bears eating tires, oil and grease at dumps.

Which may not be the strongest creds in the world, but hey at least they HAVE seen Polar bears eating at dumps and YOU haven't.

Them 1
You less than 0

07-09-2007, 11:27 PM
WB once again LC! :cheers2:

07-09-2007, 11:27 PM
Wrong chump...you just got owned.

Wrongo Sin Bad, your man is a terrible debater, can't keep his lies straight and pretends to know things he doesn't have any knowledge of whatsoever.

You lose and that's a wrap Jack!

Book im Danno!

07-09-2007, 11:45 PM
Wrongo Sin Bad, your man is a terrible debater, can't keep his lies straight and pretends to know things he doesn't have any knowledge of whatsoever.

You lose and that's a wrap Jack!

Book im Danno!

Who's Remie's man?

07-09-2007, 11:45 PM
The facts always disturb you, dmp.

Why is this?

I am wagering an informed guess: polar bear meat probably tastes as bad as black bear meat.

But hey if you live up there it is still food and one less predator trying to eat your kids.

Eskimos in some regions exclusively eat their seal meat rancid. And many of them also lived on diets of nothing but meat. In the Aleutians food is more abundant than any place i have ever been. But it is all meat.

The Russians who first pillaged it called the Aleuts the strongest men on earth. Tho they weren't the smartest. They were reportedly whipped out to the very last man by Russian seal trappers, and the successive descendants are all half Russian as a result.

They say the traditional lodges had one entrance thru the roof. So an ambush was easy. Set fire to the lodge and fire at them exiting on high. A slaughter.

Phenomenally tough people tho.

Tough enough to hunt Walrus with hand tools.

Their relatives to the south killed whales out of ocean canoes by diving into the water to fasten floats around the creatures. (don't ask me how i cannot imagine it)

The water in that region is 46 degrees F.

Tough squared.

07-09-2007, 11:47 PM
Who's Remie's man?

That would be the illustrious Dr NightTrain.

07-09-2007, 11:49 PM
That would be the illustrious Dr NightTrain.

Oh, ok thanks! :cheers2:

07-09-2007, 11:50 PM
I haven't seen you on in a while, where have you been?

07-10-2007, 03:11 AM

07-11-2007, 11:42 AM
It is a well known fact, to most of us at least that global warming is causing the ice floes to melt off the Arctic, and polar bears are drowning due to having to swim far greater distances than before in search of food, and not being able to return to dry land.

There are some that steadfastly deny the occurence of global warming despite the mountains of evidence proving it, but the more rational amongst us acknowledge that it is indeed a problem.

How do we save the bears?

Your thoughts and comments on this important issue would be much appreciated.

This is how we save the polar bear from a fate worse than death.....

We put it on welfare in New York State...

that way, it gets food stamps, an apartment, all the things it needs to live and it can have as many babies as it wants without worrying about eligibility....

It probably can get a few boyfriends (more than likely black bears from New York City with crack or meth problems who are also gang members that the New York State Department of Social Services saw fit to move to the Upstate area to save taxpayers money but at the expense of the communities they settle in).... that will impregnate it, leave it for another polar bear, then come back for a cut of the welfare money once a month....

It's so easy!

P.S.... if that doesn't work, then we should get Al Gore to have a huge rock concert to draw awareness to the problem...

P.P.S. oh yeah, he already did...

07-11-2007, 11:48 AM
Really punk assed liar? here is your exact quote in a discussion about Polar Bears:

Sure, omit the part where he CLEARLY stated the following:

NOW, both of you smartass punks - How many Polar Bears and other bears have you observed and had dealings with in the wild? The only loser here is you, that's been proven. The only punk here is you, that's been proven.

07-11-2007, 12:44 PM
This is how we save the polar bear from a fate worse than death.....

We put it on welfare in New York State...

that way, it gets food stamps, an apartment, all the things it needs to live and it can have as many babies as it wants without worrying about eligibility....

It probably can get a few boyfriends (more than likely black bears from New York City with crack or meth problems who are also gang members that the New York State Department of Social Services saw fit to move to the Upstate area to save taxpayers money but at the expense of the communities they settle in).... that will impregnate it, leave it for another polar bear, then come back for a cut of the welfare money once a month....

It's so easy!

P.S.... if that doesn't work, then we should get Al Gore to have a huge rock concert to draw awareness to the problem...

P.P.S. oh yeah, he already did...

Great idea. And while they are there they can go to the local tire dump and eat all the tires they want. And what the hell, give them all the motor oil they want to wash it down.

07-11-2007, 10:55 PM
The only loser here is you, that's been proven. The only punk here is you, that's been proven.

So now YOU are talking trash and covering the back of your shit for brains friend. Here is his whole quote:

NOW, both of you smartass punks - How many Polar Bears and other bears have you observed and had dealings with in the wild?

I've seen them, lived among them, dealt with them, killed them, skinned them, ate them, and even rescued them. Years of experience, and I have the brown bear claw from the first bear I killed when I was 15 years old with a .44 Ruger carbine hanging on the wall above my computer here.

So if he is stupid enough to insist that experience with other bears somehow qualifies him to know what Polar bears eat in a dump, something he has never witnessed,....and if he clearly doesn't even know how "other bears" eat salmon why should anybody listen to his BS. Especially When your freind Boone's Farm is contesting folks who actually have seen the things they are attesting to?

You are joining the ranks of your liar loser friend Jimmy. Congrats on the demotion.

07-12-2007, 05:59 AM
So now YOU are talking trash and covering the back of your shit for brains friend. Here is his whole quote:

Yes, I consider NT to be a good friend. He doesn't need me to cover his back though, I just felt like telling you what a prick you were. He's not here much as he's often sent on jobs that keep him away from his computer for lengths of time.

So if he is stupid enough to insist that experience with other bears somehow qualifies him to know what Polar bears eat in a dump, something he has never witnessed,....and if he clearly doesn't even know how "other bears" eat salmon why should anybody listen to his BS. Especially When your freind Boone's Farm is contesting folks who actually have seen the things they are attesting to?

Don't take offense when I say I'll take NT's opinion over yours. He's posted stories and accompanying pictures of many outdoor adventures for us over the years. All I've ever seen from you is trolling.

You are joining the ranks of your liar loser friend Jimmy. Congrats on the demotion.

To be considered in the ranks of NT is a compliment. I'm just glad others don't consider me to be in your ranks. I'd feel sad to be looked at as a stupid fuck with the IQ equivalent to that of a pair of monkey's testicles.

07-12-2007, 07:52 PM
Loose thinks wildlife is when his boyfriend goes apeshit to Gloria Gaynor down at the leather bar.

Loose, if you are such an outdoorsman/bushman go duck hunting with me this year, just a warning though, were up at 3:30 in the morning and wet and muddy before sunlight, might get your city boy hands dirty and bloody too.

I promise I won't frag your sorry troll ass in the blind either.

Bears eating motor oil.......ROTFLMFAO!

07-13-2007, 01:54 AM
My my, this is quite interesting watching you dig yourself in deeper.

Idiotic. I have watched goats eating glass with my own eyes. It didn't even phase em.

How exactly does a goat figure into this discussion? Are you mental?

Besides loser, you don't even know what was expressly meant by "eating". It could have been more like tasting.

I think everyone can agree that Webster's can settle this :

Main Entry: eat
Pronunciation: 'Et
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): ate /'At, dial or British 'et/; eat·en /'E-t&n/; eat·ing
Etymology: Middle English eten, from Old English etan; akin to Old High German ezzan to eat, Latin edere, Greek edmenai
transitive verb

1 : to take in through the mouth as food : ingest, chew, and swallow in turn

Interestingly, here's another example compliments of Webster that you can take to heart and practice :

- eat one's words : to retract what one has said


Really punk assed liar? here is your exact quote in a discussion about Polar Bears:

I thought it was perfectly clear, let me attempt again.

I've seen and dealt with the 3 species of North American bears for the vast majority of my life, something you haven't. That gives me personally a wealth of experience that a stoned cannery worker from the lower 48 can't possibly understand, and your rants prove what limited knowledge about bears you posess.

Seeing a bear on a beach from a boat one time as you were getting shipped off to a minimum wage SlimeLine and taking the Sierra Club Hippie Feel-Good Tour (bring your own bong) in Kodiak guided by a granola in no way qualifies you.

Was there a good rousing round of Kumbaya after you became an expert on bears on your 2 hour tour with your bunny-hugging buddies? Or did you achieve expert status when you spied that bear on the beach from the boat?

You lied. Own it.

You're making a fool of yourself. A chimp could understand my point. You don't score points by being obtuse, rather the opposite occurs.

Before that you claimed to know what Polar Bears ate based on your experience with Browns and blacks.

Then you pretended to know how Brown bears eat salmon and you were proven a LIAR again because I have actually watched Browns eat Salmon. You appear to have no idea how they do it.

Go back and re-read my posts. I'm not going to type it out for you again. This time, I want you to actually read what I posted. Really read it. Concentrate. Use the dictionary if the words are unfamiliar to you. Ask questions respectfully and I'd be glad to educate you on the habits of bears, typical foods, best methods of killing, best methods of avoiding, best methods of baiting, identifying species by tracks, what species can climb trees, tips for avoiding being hunted while hunting, tactics that bears utilize, and I'll even give you a recipe on some killer spring black bear roast.

But only if you pull your head out of your ass.

Yup for 3/4 of a King Season then I went out on the fishing/crabbing boats.


You're a real sourdough!

Your reading comprehension skills are less that Zero Chump. Neither myself or even Rahul have personaly vouched for what Polar bears eat.

The funny thing about you is that you're not smart enough to remember and failing that too lazy to go back and read the bullshit you claimed just a few days ago :

Nobody sed that Polar bears can digest oil, just that they eat it. Just like a dog might eat a whole loaf of bread in 1.5 seconds and then lose it out the back door.


Actually no. No matter how motor oil may taste to you it is actually extremely likely that the Polar bears taste receptors would not be able to distinguish motor oil from fat.


It is extremely likely that just as animals can not tell the sweet smell of antifreeze (a poison)from food, they also can not differentiate between motor oil (fat) and animal fat.

I especially enjoyed the next line :

Fat and oil are essentially the same, just long hydrocarbon chains.

Oh, I almost missed another little gem :

But they eat motor oil for gods sake. They peel the skin off salmon and throw away the meat.

Funny, funny stuff!

We have linked to two Alaskans who claim eye witness accounts or Polar bears eating tires, oil and grease at dumps.

You have? Holy shit, where? Show me those Alaskan eye witness accounts! :laugh2:

I showed this thread to a few of the guys I'm working with at Elmendorf AFB and I think it's safe to say you're a minor celebrity both at Elmendorf AFB and Ft. Richardson and around Anchorage. Where do you live? About 85% think you're in California.

By the way, as I was going back through this thread to make you eat your words, I came across this Steely-Eyed observation :

The problem is Bears eat people. I have lived in places where you had to pack a 50 cal. in order to defend yourself from bears who would maim you, kill you or eat you if they could. Everybody packed, even women. Sometimes kids.

A mandatory .50 cal, eh? Where was this savage land that bears were actively hunting humans whenever they had the chance? Women and kids with .50 cals too? Amazing, simply amazing! What kinds of .50 caliber weapons were these? Did they have any HumVees patrolling with twin .50s in case of a full frontal bear assault?

Tell us of these places, I'd like to visit this magical land.

The point is Bear is horrible food unless you are starving.

On a serious note, spring black bear is actually damn good eating. It's a little more greasy than beef, but it's very good meat.

07-13-2007, 04:41 AM
This is how we save the polar bear from a fate worse than death.....

We put it on welfare in New York State...

that way, it gets food stamps, an apartment, all the things it needs to live and it can have as many babies as it wants without worrying about eligibility....

It probably can get a few boyfriends (more than likely black bears from New York City with crack or meth problems who are also gang members that the New York State Department of Social Services saw fit to move to the Upstate area to save taxpayers money but at the expense of the communities they settle in).... that will impregnate it, leave it for another polar bear, then come back for a cut of the welfare money once a month....

It's so easy!

P.S.... if that doesn't work, then we should get Al Gore to have a huge rock concert to draw awareness to the problem...

P.P.S. oh yeah, he already did...


Oh my friggin gosh........

Why didn't I think of that.....????

That will work.........Good one...:cheers2:

I'm sure that's a way we can all save................the fluffy white Bears.......

07-13-2007, 07:13 AM
Loose, if you are such an outdoorsman/bushman go duck hunting with me this year, just a warning though, were up at 3:30 in the morning and wet and muddy before sunlight, might get your city boy hands dirty and bloody too.

I promise I won't frag your sorry troll ass in the blind either.

Bears eating motor oil.......ROTFLMFAO!

Can I go too. I am betting LC can blow the shit out of a duck call.

07-13-2007, 07:53 AM
Can I go too. I am betting LC can blow the shit out of a duck call.
Probably not because he would need to "blow" instead of "suck".

You know "suck baby suck, blow is just and expression"

07-13-2007, 12:50 PM
Probably not because he would need to "blow" instead of "suck".

You know "suck baby suck, blow is just and expression"

I guess we could just turn the call around, then it would sound like he swallowed a duck:dance:

07-13-2007, 09:39 PM
It appears we won't be hearing from screwyloosy anymore, he turned pussy and ran with his tail between his legs. Just received this email from him:

Unregister me.

And fuck off too you weeny. You seem to have a penchant for being in bed with or related to the biggest dicks on the forum.

Not my prob. I have never seen a board run by a mod who acted like the sissy you do when your hoodmates take a few soft punches.

Later, terminate my account.</pre>Appears he may have been a tad angry at being told he was similar to monkey testicles. And he has the audacity to call me the sissy? :laugh2:

07-13-2007, 10:54 PM

Funny stuff, he was cornered like a rat.

I thought it was hilarious that he claimed he didn't say bears ate oil when he made the assertions no less than 5 times.

Nice work there, Jimbo :cheers2:

07-13-2007, 11:22 PM
I guess we could just turn the call around, then it would sound like he swallowed a duck:dance:


07-14-2007, 06:44 AM

Funny stuff, he was cornered like a rat.

I thought it was hilarious that he claimed he didn't say bears ate oil when he made the assertions no less than 5 times.

Nice work there, Jimbo :cheers2:

I can't stop laughing! Not sure I've ever seen someone act like such a girly and even admit they were quitting because they were ganged up on, by all 2 of us. LOL

It gets funnier though, I replied to his email and he replied back again. I basically told him that he was the pussy and that I wouldn't do anything at all to his account or posts. This was his reply:

Aw shucks Jimmy, no matter how hard I tried I could nevewr be half the
yellow pussy that you are.

You run a scared stiff moderation crew. You may not be courageous enough to
take a subjective look, but few and far between are the admins that play
such nepotistic games as your board.

Keep my posts, they double your net worth.
</pre>Funny how he blabbers about moderation when no moderation was taken in the slightest bit. I guess that's his way of making himself feel like less of a pussy, by claiming he was pushed out of here by the mods. Poor little deluded girly!

Hey, Lucy, since you'll be going into seclusion over your fears, why not stack up on some motor oil and used tires, I heard it was some damn good eatin! :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
07-14-2007, 12:50 PM
As a mod, I'm curious to know: What am I supposed to be "scared stiff" of? :confused:

Edited to add: Btw, I posted twice in here that we should save the polar bears, if they are in fact dying out. But it's so much more fun to generalize and make baseless accusations.

10-26-2007, 09:33 PM
This thread deserves a ribbon. Mainly for my witty musings and educational posts, but others contributed as well.

Anywho, I give it one Andy Cap! :clap::clap:


10-26-2007, 09:52 PM
It is a well known fact, to most of us at least that global warming is causing the ice floes to melt off the Arctic, and polar bears are drowning due to having to swim far greater distances than before in search of food, and not being able to return to dry land.

There are some that steadfastly deny the occurence of global warming despite the mountains of evidence proving it, but the more rational amongst us acknowledge that it is indeed a problem.

How do we save the bears?

Your thoughts and comments on this important issue would be much appreciated.

Canadian Survey Reveals Polar Bears Populations Increasing - Nearly Tripled Since 1980'shttp://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=PressRoom.Blogs&ContentRecord_id=386695C9-802A-23AD-406A-5AF123A82298 :salute:

10-26-2007, 10:44 PM
Sadly it might take, and im not kidding, or being sarcastic, giving up all cars, no longer eating meat, or using cattle because raising cattle and cars are the biggest producers.

But in all honesty, I hope it will simply take better fuel economy, global cooperation, and some brilliant ideas.

It is a well known fact, to most of us at least that global warming is causing the ice floes to melt off the Arctic, and polar bears are drowning due to having to swim far greater distances than before in search of food, and not being able to return to dry land.

There are some that steadfastly deny the occurence of global warming despite the mountains of evidence proving it, but the more rational amongst us acknowledge that it is indeed a problem.

How do we save the bears?

Your thoughts and comments on this important issue would be much appreciated.


10-26-2007, 10:51 PM