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View Full Version : Hate crime/thrill killing of Memphis father

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-09-2013, 07:58 PM
http://topconservativenews.com/2013/12/hate-crimethrill-killing-of-memphis-father/ The media is calling this brutal murder a “robbery.” However, very little was gained. The man was killed after co-operating with the thugs and giving them his possessions. They simply killed him for the fun of it. Racial hatred was undoubtedly a prime motive. Check the link for a look at the lowlife scum that gunned the white man down simply because he was white! Media lists it as a simple robbery. This type of covering up of black on white crime is practiced nationwide 24/7 ! -Tyr

red states rule
12-10-2013, 04:08 AM
Can someone please explain to me why this nation does NOT have capital punishment for first degree murder?

Now this vermin will live off the over taxed citizens for the rest of their lives while the family of the victim must go on with an empty chair at the dinner table for the rest of their lives