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View Full Version : TIME mag's list of candiates for MOTY is missing the two most obvious candidates

12-10-2013, 12:22 PM
From TIME's website:

"The recognition goes to the person who TIME’s editors think most influenced the news this year, for good or bad."

In other words, it goes to the person who a bunch of liberal extremists think most influenced a larger bunch of liberal extremists (news writers and editors) this year.

By this standard, the list of candidates should consist of only two:

1.) Fox News writers, commentators, and editorial board; or

2.) Rush Limbaugh.

This year, those two had more influence on the liberals who write, slant, and disseminate most news, than anyone else. By repeatedly pointing out just how bad the various Obama administration scandals were, and not letting up in the face of attacks and abuse by the rest of the media....

.... they actually got the mainstream media to start criticizing the Obama administration, and got ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and various other leftist outlets to say BAD things about the Obamanites.

Such a reporting trend among the liberal press is unprecedented, and in fact astounding. And it never would have happened if not for the persistent and factual reporting of Fox News and Limbaugh. Of course, those liberal outlets have since stopped reporting on the IRS, Obama's ineffectual response to Syria's use of WMDs on its own population, the coverup of Benghazi deaths of U.S. officials, the NSA, etc., and are winding down their criticism of Obamacare fast.

Nonetheless, they actually performed a little investigative reporting for a while there. And that is such a monumental change, showing such an earth-shaking "influence on the news", that the people who made it happen should be a shoe-in for the award.

Of course, that's like asking a naughty five-year-old who finally got caught with chocolate smeared over his face and his hand in the candy bowl, who was forced to go and wash up and even buy some replacement candy: "Which parent or grandparent or aunt or uncle was the most responsible for making you clean up your act? We want to give them an award!" ...and expecting them to give an honest answer.

So, sure enough, neither Limbaugh nor Fox News appears on TIME's short list of candidates.





The Top Ten Finalists for Person of the Year in 2013

By TIME Staff
Dec. 09, 2013

Here are the final ten contenders for TIME’s Person of the Year (listed alphabetically):

Bashar Assad, President of Syria
Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder
Ted Cruz, Texas Senator
Miley Cyrus, Singer
Pope Francis, Leader of the Catholic Church
Barack Obama, President of the United States
Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran
Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services
Edward Snowden, N.S.A. Leaker
Edith Windsor, Gay rights activist


TIME selected its first “Man of the Year” in 1927. The recognition goes to the person who TIME’s editors think most influenced the news this year, for good or bad.

red states rule
12-10-2013, 12:32 PM

12-10-2013, 01:15 PM

VERY good! :thumb:

12-10-2013, 01:27 PM
When TIME puts out an award for the person who influenced THE NEWS the most, they are basically giving the person the award, for being the one TIME reported on the most.

In other words, if there's a huge news story that TIME really doesn't want to report on, such as the terrible effects Obamacare is having on people across America, then TIME might grasp at any other story that comes along, and report heavily on that instead.

That's probably how Bashar Assad and Miley Cyrus got on the list.

Coud this year's award, be for the story that provided the most convenient diversion from Obama's failures?

red states rule
12-10-2013, 01:31 PM
TIME could do both Obama and Obamacare and get 2 for 1
