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View Full Version : Landrieu Completely Throws Obama Under the Bus in First TV Ad

red states rule
12-11-2013, 04:29 PM
I do hope the voters are not as stupid as Dems think they are. Dems are praying to God the voters have very bad memories and will swallow everything they are dishing out like they did in 2012

I’m confused. Last week Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) said if she could vote for Obamacare again (http://townhall.com/video/landrieu-says-she-would-vote-for-obamacare-all-over-again-n1758698), she would. Now for some reason she’s completely distancing herself from it?

If you are to believe this ad, President Obama lied to her constituents. Not her (via Politico (http://www.politico.com/story/2013/12/landrieu-tv-ad-distances-her-from-aca-101012.html))

But there’s just one problem here: in 2009 Landrieu herself said if Americans liked their health care plans, they could keep them. Oops (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/danieldoherty/2013/12/11/landrieu-throws-obama-under-the-bus-in-first-tv-ad-n1761227):

<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7mvmVFmyA-E" frameBorder=0 width=560 allowfullscreen=""></IFRAME>

The ad spot above is deceptive and misleading. It puts all the blame on the president, when in truth she built support for -- and ultimately helped pass -- Obamacare. At the same time the ad paints her as a hapless bystander who (ahem) had no idea millions of Americans would lose their health care coverage. And now, of course, the good public servant that she is, she's working hard to “fix” a “glitch” she never saw coming.

I'm skeptical. From Guy’s piece last October (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2013/10/31/bipartisanship-democrats-republicans-offer-bills-restoring-obamas-keep-your-plan-pledge-n1733880):

In September 2010, all Senate Democrats, including Landrieu, voted to reject a plan Republicans said would have killed Obama administration regulations that now have resulted in the cancellation of insurance policies. Her ad implies she didn’t know this would happen -- which is exceedingly difficult to believe given what you just read. Republicans were ringing the warning bells for years. Democrats ignored them. Now she’s in deep political trouble, so what does she do? She runs ads foisting all the blame on the president of the United States.
I wonder how he feels about this.


12-11-2013, 06:35 PM
red states rule. LANDRIEU is a politician FIRST.

If her mouth Moves. As a politician. She, like Obama...is LYING.

The Supreme Court said it is FINE, and OKAY for politicians to Lie.

They have been granted that right via the 1st Amendment.

Which is why...WE THE PEOPLE...must never lose our power to VOTE LIARS OUT OF OFFICE.

red states rule
12-12-2013, 02:18 AM
red states rule. LANDRIEU is a politician FIRST.

If her mouth Moves. As a politician. She, like Obama...is LYING.

The Supreme Court said it is FINE, and OKAY for politicians to Lie.

They have been granted that right via the 1st Amendment.

Which is why...WE THE PEOPLE...must never lose our power to VOTE LIARS OUT OF OFFICE.

AT, it is clear Mary is like the Gov in Blazing Saddles. She has to do something!!!!!
