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View Full Version : John Boehner Fed Up With 'Ridiculous' Tea Party Intransigence on Budget

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-11-2013, 07:51 PM

House Speaker John Boehner blasted outside groups for their criticism of the bipartisan budget deal, delivering an unusually sharp rebuke today to tea party and conservative activists while signaling he has had just about enough of their intransigence.

"They're using our members and they're using the American people for their own goals," Boehner said, his voice rising with anger during a news conference at the Capitol today. "This is ridiculous. Listen, if you are for more deficit reduction, you are for this agreement."

From Boehner, it was a rare and pointed public dressing-down of Club for Growth, Heritage Action, the Koch Brothers and other conservative groups that have urged Republicans to oppose the budget deal. Boehner openly questioned the motives of such groups, demonstrating a far more aggressive posture than he usually takes.

In response to Boehner's comments, Club for Growth President Chris Chocola said his group will still stand with lawmakers who oppose the deal.

"We stand with Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Tom Coburn, Rand Paul, members of the Republican Study Committee and every other fiscal conservative who opposes the Ryan-Murray deal," Chocola said in a statement.

"We support pro-growth proposals when they are considered by Congress," he added. "In our evaluation, this isn't one of those."

RELATED: Congress Gets Job Done for Once and Strikes Budget Deal

Since taking over the House majority three years ago, tea party conservatives have regularly challenged Boehner to push for deeper spending cuts and to repeal the Obama health care law. But after emerging from the government shutdown emboldened in the eyes of his rank and file, the speaker seems to have steadied control of his base.

"American people expect us to come here, find common ground and do the best we can, stick to our principles, but govern," Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., said. "That's what this has achieved."

Still, many tea party conservatives are expected to vote against the deal, including Rep. Tim Huelskamp, one of the House's most fiscally conservative members.

"It is the typical end of the year deal I've seen from my three years up here," Huelskamp, R-Kansas, said. "It's going to increase spending with promise of spending cuts sometime in the future. At the end of the day it's going to increase the deficit, it's going to raise taxes and fees and it's not going to address the long term overspending problem in Washington which is we need to reform entitlements."

FreedomWorks, a grassroots organization that advocates for individual liberty and constitutionally-limited government, said Boehner's real problem is "with millions of individual Americans who vote Republican because they were told the GOP was the party of small government and fiscal responsibility."

"Once again Republicans, led by John Boehner, are working with Democrats to increase spending yet again on the taxpayers' tab while promising 'savings' down the road," FreedomWorks president and CEO Matt Kibbe reacted in a statement. "We know how this movie ends. How can leadership credibly promise spending cuts later, after agreeing to a plan that rolls back the sequester savings promised two debt increases ago? There's a predictable pattern here." As I've been saying boner has the backbone of a damn jellyfish. The sooner they oust his sorry ass the better. He isn't much better than appeasing master John the backstabber McCain.--Tyr

12-11-2013, 08:06 PM
Boehner has NO ROOM TO TALK about being ridiculous.

He, and the many other spineless cowards who claim to be concerned about the American people are...the sole reason the Democrats have gotten so much power.

RINO'S have no intestinal fortitude, backbone, or Gonads to actually use the Democrat tactics back at the Democrats.
Always being the NICE GUY has been proven to make the saying "FINISH LAST" accurate, and true.

Like Obama...destined to destroy this nation from within, starting with our PANTYWAIST D.A.D.T. military being downgraded by elimination of the experienced Flag Officers in the services. CONGRESS has become the Laughing Stock of the entire World...led by OBAMA THE LIAR, and PERPETUAL JOKE.

Someone please? Tell us when we get Congress members who are no longer afraid of their reflections in the Mirror of Doom called Washington Politics.

12-11-2013, 08:32 PM
Hopefully the people in his district will wise up and vote his ass out next year, But I'm not holding my breath. Northern Ohio is full of stupids, but maybe they will wake up.

12-11-2013, 09:36 PM
Let me get this straight.

Boehner gives away the promises to cut spending, rolls over and agrees to fund Obamacare, and even gives away the spending cuts ALREADY AGREED TO IN THE SEQUESTER.....

....and then he says the TEA Party is being ridiculous???


12-11-2013, 10:13 PM
NOTICE TO ALL! The Republican Speaker of the House, and Ryan, with "MONICA" Murray have actually, and finally...SOLD AMERICA, and AMERICANS down the long, Crap River called politics.

They have sealed up any chances of ACTUAL, HONEST, LEADERSHIP taking place before the 2016 election cycle.



My newest grandson...born on the 6th of December, 2013, was born IN DEBT, to the tune of more than 40,000 U.S.OBAMABUCKS.

And, to every American reading this. No matter what your political preferences may be.

YOUR Children, grand children, and THEIR grandchildren are ALSO IN DEBT.
Thanks to CONGRESS, and a stinking, disfunctional, illiterate JACKASS named OBAMA.

red states rule
12-12-2013, 03:26 AM
Shades of 2010

Obama poll numbers are at BWG levels. Dems are running scared. Voters are pissed off at Obamacare. Republicans are gaining in nearly al polls. Dems running for re-election are having the fight of their political lives

and R's roll over AGAIN and do NOTHING to cut spending?

What the hell is going on?

12-12-2013, 08:55 AM
As I've been saying boner has the backbone of a damn jellyfish.

Maybe but let's win an election or two and try to make some substantive changes rather than charging at windmills.

12-12-2013, 01:53 PM
Maybe but let's win an election or two and try to make some substantive changes rather than charging at windmills.

fj. How in hell can anyone expect to WIN an election or two with dishonesty, lies, and intentional disregard for the very people they....THE POLITICIANS...were elected to Honestly represent.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to EMPTY the cesspool, in order to find the LEAKS that allow the contents to seep into Society, and slowly, but surely CONTAMINATE US ALL.

red states rule
12-12-2013, 04:06 PM
Win elections?


I could have sworn R's not only won but destroyed the Dems in 2010. In fact Dems lost over 600 elected positions across America. Dems suffered the worst defeat at the ballot box since the 1903

and R's still rolled over and forgot what got them a massive win

Amazing how those who claim to be conservatives make excuses for conservatives not to stand up for conservative principals and policies

red states rule
12-12-2013, 04:44 PM
Boehner has NO ROOM TO TALK about being ridiculous.

He, and the many other spineless cowards who claim to be concerned about the American people are...the sole reason the Democrats have gotten so much power.

RINO'S have no intestinal fortitude, backbone, or Gonads to actually use the Democrat tactics back at the Democrats.
Always being the NICE GUY has been proven to make the saying "FINISH LAST" accurate, and true.

Like Obama...destined to destroy this nation from within, starting with our PANTYWAIST D.A.D.T. military being downgraded by elimination of the experienced Flag Officers in the services. CONGRESS has become the Laughing Stock of the entire World...led by OBAMA THE LIAR, and PERPETUAL JOKE.

Someone please? Tell us when we get Congress members who are no longer afraid of their reflections in the Mirror of Doom called Washington Politics.


12-12-2013, 05:13 PM
Win elections?


I could have sworn R's not only won but destroyed the Dems in 2010. In fact Dems lost over 600 elected positions across America. Dems suffered the worst defeat at the ballot box since the 1903

and R's still rolled over and forgot what got them a massive win

Amazing how those who claim to be conservatives make excuses for conservatives not to stand up for conservative principals and policies

And still, amazingly, only controlled one half of one third of the three branches of government at the Federal level and have been unable to further advance that control. We can only hope that we don't get stuck with more gay-hating witches talking about self-aborting ducks and end up snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

red states rule
12-12-2013, 05:16 PM
More importantly lets hope they do not have self professed conservatives like you who think it is OK to run on reducing the deficit, the size of government and cut taxes - then turn around and do the opposite

You sound just like your boy Obama -making excuses for the failures of the R's

FU, if the voters have a choice between liberal Dems and want to be liberal R's the real libs win everytime

12-12-2013, 05:26 PM
More importantly lets hope they do not have self professed conservatives like you who think it is OK to run on reducing the deficit, the size of government and cut taxes - then turn around and do the opposite

You sound just like your boy Obama -making excuses for the failures of the R's

FU, if the voters have a choice between liberal Dems and want to be liberal R's the real libs win everytime

I see you're back to your ignorant talking points. That's effective. :rolleyes:

Bad candidates lose elections and losing elections has consequences. You should face facts of history. The Republicans had control of Congress in the 90's and effectively held down spending and could force certain tax and other issues. They had control of Congress in the 00's with Bush and didn't. They were punished by the voters because just having an R behind their name wasn't good enough. We might have control of the Senate now if it weren't for those particular bad candidates.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-12-2013, 06:20 PM
Maybe but let's win an election or two and try to make some substantive changes rather than charging at windmills. Can not win elections with Republicans GIVING AWAY WHAT WE STAND FOR. Exactly what would be the point? If we get a slightly less version of liberalism /socialism. We win an election very big in 2010. And Obama still got so much I can not tell it made a difference! Can you? -Tyr

12-12-2013, 06:22 PM
fj. How in hell can anyone expect to WIN an election or two with dishonesty, lies, and intentional disregard for the very people they....THE POLITICIANS...were elected to Honestly represent.

They can probably expect it, because they've been doing it for decades.

12-12-2013, 06:25 PM
And still, amazingly, only controlled one half of one third of the three branches of government at the Federal level and have been unable to further advance that control. We can only hope that we don't get stuck with more gay-hating witches talking about self-aborting ducks and end up snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Oh they'd snatch victory away by their own doing, just as they have been doing. And they will do it with the full support of braindead partisans that don't have enough brain cells to realize they keep doing it to themselves.

12-12-2013, 10:38 PM
Can not win elections with Republicans GIVING AWAY WHAT WE STAND FOR. Exactly what would be the point? If we get a slightly less version of liberalism /socialism. We win an election very big in 2010. And Obama still got so much I can not tell it made a difference! Can you? -Tyr

Nothings been given away. Besides, we won AN election and even then only won control of half of Congress (see aforementioned bad Senate candidates). What sort of power do you honestly think the Republicans have? I don't think anyone has mentioned that Ryan was the one who apparently negotiated the deal. He was the star conservative just a short while ago right?

12-12-2013, 10:50 PM
Oh they'd snatch victory away by their own doing, just as they have been doing. And they will do it with the full support of braindead partisans that don't have enough brain cells to realize they keep doing it to themselves.

There aren't enough voters who will back much of what they want and will only alienate the ones who might find their way to voting R anyway. The Republicans control Congress sure enough but they didn't even carry a majority of the votes so the '10 mandate is tenuous until they can consolidate it in '14. Things look positive right now but even with ACA being the piece of crap that it is the bar is set so low right now that any hint of not being a piece of crap will create some doubt in the independents.

BO's ratings are apparently taking a hit but he's not the only one:

Poll: Tea party favorability hits record low (http://www.politico.com/story/2013/12/tea-party-favorability-poll-101068.html)

12-12-2013, 11:20 PM
There aren't enough voters who will back much of what they want and will only alienate the ones who might find their way to voting R anyway. The Republicans control Congress sure enough but they didn't even carry a majority of the votes so the '10 mandate is tenuous until they can consolidate it in '14. Things look positive right now but even with ACA being the piece of crap that it is the bar is set so low right now that any hint of not being a piece of crap will create some doubt in the independents.

BO's ratings are apparently taking a hit but he's not the only one:

Poll: Tea party favorability hits record low (http://www.politico.com/story/2013/12/tea-party-favorability-poll-101068.html)

No doubt the tea party favorability is down because of a continued bashing from the left AND the right. I have a bad feeling that we are going to end up with some VERY disappointing results in both 14 and 16.

I read recently that upwards of 47% of the voting population is tired of both parties and considers themselves independent. You get that vote, you win, EVERY SINGLE TIME. One party realizes that, the other party merely pushes them away with all the social/religion based issues. Pretty easy to figure out which is which.

You have a record that shows, or talk about fiscal responsibility, smaller government, restraint on government, states rights over federal power, let people be free and do as they damn well like, no legislating of morality, then you probably have my vote. And probably millions of votes from others. You break one of them, you loose them all. It's quite clear where 'the right' keeps f'n up this one.

red states rule
12-13-2013, 02:26 AM
Now we see what "conservatives" like FU and Arbo really support

They have no problem with a budget deal that turns $18 billion is 'spending cuts' into about $22 billion in spending increases. As well as tax increases

Along with FU and Arbo, you have the liberal media as well as MSNBC praising the budget deal.

It is clear when "conservatives" oppose smaller government, lower taxes,and less regulation then they are clearly standing shoulder to shoulder with Obama, Reid, and Pelosi
. I guess this is what they call compromise and getting along with their Democrat "friends"

red states rule
12-13-2013, 03:32 AM
As I've been saying boner has the backbone of a damn jellyfish. The sooner they oust his sorry ass the better. He isn't much better than appeasing master John the backstabber McCain.--Tyr

Tyr, this is the reason he put on that performance that has received so well in the liberal media (and the self professed conservatives that back him)


red states rule
12-13-2013, 03:47 AM
Now we are seeing the liberal; media side with our resident self professed conservatives. On a deal that is "too good to be true" - that should tell you how badly this budget deal stinks

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=293 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/124581" frameBorder=0 width=520 allowfullscreen=""></IFRAME>

red states rule
12-13-2013, 04:20 AM
Let me get this straight.

Boehner gives away the promises to cut spending, rolls over and agrees to fund Obamacare, and even gives away the spending cuts ALREADY AGREED TO IN THE SEQUESTER.....

....and then he says the TEA Party is being ridiculous???


Little Acorn, this is the type of budget deal that 'true conservatives" need to support. After all it all about compromise and the spirit of bipartisanship

What could be wrong if the Obama loving media supports this deal?

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=293 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/124566" frameBorder=0 width=520 allowfullscreen=""></IFRAME>

12-13-2013, 09:32 AM
Now we see what "conservatives" like FU and Arbo really support

Hey you moron, I didn't say anything about the budget deal, so how about for a change you start dealing in reality instead of your twisted fantasy? Or is that too difficult for your little brain? Actually dealing with what was said rather than continually making up shit and looking like a fool? Thanks for more negative from you, glad to see you are still on the kick of abusing that part of the system. What a fucking child.

12-13-2013, 10:08 AM
Now we see what "conservatives" like FU and Arbo really support

They have no problem with a budget deal that turns $18 billion is 'spending cuts' into about $22 billion in spending increases. As well as tax increases

Along with FU and Arbo, you have the liberal media as well as MSNBC praising the budget deal.

It is clear when "conservatives" oppose smaller government, lower taxes,and less regulation then they are clearly standing shoulder to shoulder with Obama, Reid, and Pelosi
. I guess this is what they call compromise and getting along with their Democrat "friends"

What's it like to be so completely wrong that you need to make stuff up? Seriously, inquiring minds...

You're quibbling over pennies when we've got billions in deficit spending going on; What is the likelihood of them succeeding in hacking say, $300BB off of the budget this year or next? What do you honestly think that they would be able to accomplish?

And please, point out where I "praise" the deal. The only thing I praise is that this issue is off the table so the Republicans don't get hammered by the media down the line. The best thing to do is move on and win some elections so that they can get this country back on a pro-growth agenda with lower taxes and regulations. Shooting themselves in the foot now is only going to win them voters that they already have in the bank.

12-13-2013, 11:53 AM
I believe most sensible people are fed up with the Tea Party and their ridiculous divisive tactics. Responsible citizens want their government to agree on a budget that both sides can live with. Which is what they did.
The Tea Party represents only a very minimal section of the American people. I would say that about 80 percent of the public opposes their views and screwballs like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin.
Republicans in Congress are slowly finding out that appeasing the Tea Party only invites continued public scorn and ridicule. More Americans are moderate than not.
You want more Democrats in the White House and in Congress during the upcoming decade? Continue to back the Tea Party.

12-13-2013, 12:00 PM
I believe most sensible people are fed up with the Tea Party and their ridiculous divisive tactics. Responsible citizens want their government to agree on a budget that both sides can live with.

Sensible people? Let me ask a serious question then - why have you not bitched even once here about the Obama administrations failure to pass a budget in HOW MANY YEARS? Did the budget and our economy not bother you at all until some Republicans disagreed with one of their own and a current budget deal? I guess you're fed up when the tea party disagrees with a potential deal - but just cool and dandy when your beloved democrats fail to pass a budget for years and years, and circumvent congress to get things done instead. Sad, sick and pathetic hackery, but what else is new.

12-13-2013, 12:02 PM
Boehner has NO ROOM TO TALK about being ridiculous.

He, and the many other spineless cowards who claim to be concerned about the American people are...the sole reason the Democrats have gotten so much power.

RINO'S have no intestinal fortitude, backbone, or Gonads to actually use the Democrat tactics back at the Democrats.
Always being the NICE GUY has been proven to make the saying "FINISH LAST" accurate, and true.

Like Obama...destined to destroy this nation from within, starting with our PANTYWAIST D.A.D.T. military being downgraded by elimination of the experienced Flag Officers in the services. CONGRESS has become the Laughing Stock of the entire World...led by OBAMA THE LIAR, and PERPETUAL JOKE.

Someone please? Tell us when we get Congress members who are no longer afraid of their reflections in the Mirror of Doom called Washington Politics.

Sometimes our leaders know what they are doing. Chief Justice John Roberts was taking the long view on Obamacare, we now see it paying off. I'm not ready to dismiss Boehner just yet. Having said that, let's not let this budget battle be a distraction to fight citizenship for illegals.

12-13-2013, 12:35 PM
Boehner will be answering to the Tea Party next year. But what most libs and the media don't understand about the Tea Party is that it's not real party and the members are not out making trouble, wrecking things, and shouting in bullhorns to instigate riots. They are family and friends that get together and discuss the politicians in their area.

The Tea Party is not dead or even on life support. It's there waiting. It's the silent majority of our time and it will be heard next November.

12-13-2013, 01:00 PM
It really seems that by passing this budget, the (R)'s have declared themselves to be exactly what most independents see them as, (D)-Light. The (D)'s have moved to mostly be socialists, and the (R)'s have moved to mostly be (D)'s. Voting for either is a vote against the country.

12-13-2013, 01:13 PM
It really seems that by passing this budget, the (R)'s have declared themselves to be exactly what most independents see them as, (D)-Light. The (D)'s have moved to mostly be socialists, and the (R)'s have moved to mostly be (D)'s. Voting for either is a vote against the country.

Yep, agreed. It's funny, some condemn the R's for going along with anything with a (R) next to the name. Then when some stick to their principles, and go against a popular (R), they are also no good. I don't care what they call them, I just hope more and more republicans stick to their beliefs and don't bend on bad legislation.

It's also funny watching 'some' point fingers at the tea party, and claiming that they are divisive. These are the people that really are clueless about the core beliefs of these people. And it's funnier, considering this administration and senate has been the most divisive I've seen in all my years - but those same people ignore that. Also ignore the fact that Obama promised this to be the most transparent administration ever, and they hide more than ever. Hell, even the press corp is going nuts over them hiding shit and not letting them cover it.

We need to see an influx of REAL republicans, and some REAL conservatives, IMO. I think these changes are because these politicians are constantly selling themselves out and not honoring their constituents who placed them there.

12-13-2013, 08:19 PM
Yep, agreed. It's funny, some condemn the R's for going along with anything with a (R) next to the name. Then when some stick to their principles, and go against a popular (R), they are also no good. I don't care what they call them, I just hope more and more republicans stick to their beliefs and don't bend on bad legislation.

It's also funny watching 'some' point fingers at the tea party, and claiming that they are divisive. These are the people that really are clueless about the core beliefs of these people. And it's funnier, considering this administration and senate has been the most divisive I've seen in all my years - but those same people ignore that. Also ignore the fact that Obama promised this to be the most transparent administration ever, and they hide more than ever. Hell, even the press corp is going nuts over them hiding shit and not letting them cover it.

We need to see an influx of REAL republicans, and some REAL conservatives, IMO. I think these changes are because these politicians are constantly selling themselves out and not honoring their constituents who placed them there.

Jim. Bottom line for everything you mentioned above is. LYING by All Politicians has become the NORM.
All of them will do, and say whatever they feel is most beneficial to their Political Career, and WE THE PEOPLE do not fit into their equation.

12-14-2013, 03:01 PM
And it's funnier, considering this administration and senate has been the most divisive I've seen in all my years - but those same people ignore that.

We need to see an influx of REAL republicans, and some REAL conservatives, IMO. I think these changes are because these politicians are constantly selling themselves out and not honoring their constituents who placed them there.

Some interesting graphics here regarding the divisiveness of the Senate.


Yes, we need real conservatives but we also need good candidates, those who know how to get elected on a national stage without suffering foot-in-mouth disease. The media is stacked against Republicans for one, the Tea Party even more, so they have to be better than a typical Democrat candidate.

12-14-2013, 05:35 PM
Yes, we need real conservatives but we also need good candidates, those who know how to get elected on a national stage without suffering foot-in-mouth disease. The media is stacked against Republicans for one, the Tea Party even more, so they have to be better than a typical Democrat candidate.

From what I have seen/heard, I like Ted Cruz. But he is stiff and not very likable in his demeanor. So he'd never win.