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06-14-2007, 11:59 AM
Anyone really question that the time for a third party is at hand? The Democrats were desperate enough to pretend we have a parliamentary system, they failed with that:


Don Surber: No-confidence vote shows no competence
Democrats fell apart quickly upon regaining power

Thursday June 14, 2007

REMEMBER Fizzies? They were little pills that instantly turned a glass of water into a knock-off of Kool-Aid.

They were advertised as the "drink kids like to make."

Apparently not. The brand went on hiatus for 30 years, although an attempted comeback is on the way.

Watching Democrats run Congress is a lot like watching Fizzies work. There is a brilliant burst of bubbles as the Fizzie hits the water.

But then it quickly disappears in the opposite of an explosion, not unlike a meteor hitting the Earth.

Democrats grandly took office in January, installing the first woman House speaker amid much fanfare.

San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi promised the most ethical Congress in history. She promised open debate on the issues. She promised to get six things done in the first 100 hours of taking office.

Her first move was to try to get Jack Murtha elected as the No. 2 Democrat in the House. Murtha was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Abscam scandal.

That failed.

Next, she limited debate and amendments on her legislative pets.

Finally, her first 100 hours turned out to be about a month, as she redefined this not as normal time but as legislative time, which turned out to be about five hours a day.

Oh, and those five-day weeks she promised?

That turned out to be a few days in session a week as Congress took off for federal holidays, snow days (which cancelled two hearings on global warming) and the like.

Then Congress went on spring break.

Under Speaker Pelosi, the House of Representatives has worked like the caricature of a union shop.

Things in the Senate have been even worse under Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev.

Democrats keep challenging the weakest administration since Jimmy Carter, and incredibly, prove to be even weaker.

Reid and Pelosi failed to get a timetable placed on withdrawing troops from Iraq, even after larding up a vital defense appropriation with $20 billion in pork-barrel projects.

Next came the Amnesty bill (or as proponents called it, the Immigration Reform bill), which failed to garner more than 45 votes, even with Republican support.

Finally, on Monday, the Senate tried for the first time ever to have a no-confidence resolution against Alberto Gonzales, the Mike Brown of attorneys general.

And the Senate failed. Even with Republican support.

Public support of the Democratic Congress is a Fizzie, too. The Los Angeles Times released a poll this week that showed only 27 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, while 65 percent disapprove.

Last April, the same newspaper poll showed a Republican Congress with 28 percent approval and 61 percent disapproval.

It took Republicans 12 years to dissolve. Democrats have done it in less than six months.

I congratulate them on their efficiency.

Don Surber may be reached at donsurber@dailymail.com. His blog is at http://blogs.dailymail.com/donsurber/.

GW in Ohio
06-14-2007, 12:15 PM
Hey, give 'em time.

It took the Republicans 16 years to accomplish jack shit.

The Dems have only been at it less than a year. Give 'em time to establish a record of non-achievement.

06-14-2007, 12:31 PM
Hey, give 'em time.

It took the Republicans 16 years to accomplish jack shit.

The Dems have only been at it less than a year. Give 'em time to establish a record of non-achievement.

As noted, their learning curve is above the norm in this case.

06-14-2007, 02:28 PM
Hey, give 'em time.

It took the Republicans 16 years to accomplish jack shit.

The Dems have only been at it less than a year. Give 'em time to establish a record of non-achievement.

What about the 40 years you guys ran Congress before 94? You guys didn't accomplish jackshit in 40 years and it will be no different this time around as all you care about are votes and power.

06-14-2007, 02:48 PM
What about the 40 years you guys ran Congress before 94? You guys didn't accomplish jackshit in 40 years and it will be no different this time around as all you care about are votes and power. You forget they accomplished plenty. Huge deficits, 18% inflation, home mortgae rates up the wazoo and the highest tax bracket around 95%. Not to mention a very powerful Soviet Union.

GW in Ohio
06-14-2007, 03:00 PM
Y'know, guys, when we're tossing around accusations like, "Your party is the biggest bunch of screw-ups"........"No, yours is................"

When we're playing that game, you Republicans are soooooooooooooo vulnerable, and your vulnerability is summed up in one word......


Yes, Iraq. The biggest fuck-up in American history. A boondoggle that will cost the American taxpayer $1 trillion, that will cost the lives of.....how many? 3,000+?........of our finest young people.

Yes, Iraq, the fuck up that turned the US from the shining city on the hill, the country with moral authority and clout, into the stupid, jack-booted reincarnation of the old Roman Empire.

Yes, Iraq. The brainchild of Cheney and Rummy and the rest of that gang of idiots that created a whole new generation of America-hating Islamofascists.

Iraq lost Congress for the GOP and it will lose the White House for the GOP in '08. These days, George Bush is completely discredited and totally irrelevant. No one pays any attention to him any more and everyone is just counting down the days to January '09.

Hagbard Celine
06-14-2007, 03:02 PM
Y'know, guys, when we're tossing around accusations like, "Your party is the biggest bunch of screw-ups"........"No, yours is................"

When we're playing that game, you Republicans are soooooooooooooo vulnerable, and your vulnerability is summed up in one word......


Yes, Iraq. The biggest fuck-up in American history. A boondoggle that will cost the American taxpayer $1 trillion, that will cost the lives of.....how many? 3,000+?........of our finest young people.

Yes, Iraq, the fuck up that turned the US from the shining city on the hill, the country with moral authority and clout, into the stupid, jack-booted reincarnation of the old Roman Empire.

Yes, Iraq. The brainchild of Cheney and Rummy and the rest of that gang of idiots that created a whole new generation of America-hating Islamofascists.

Iraq lost Congress for the GOP and it will lose the White House for the GOP in '08. These days, George Bush is completely discredited and totally irrelevant. No one pays any attention to him any more and everyone is just counting down the days to January '09.

It's the truth. :dunno:

06-14-2007, 03:49 PM
Y'know, guys, when we're tossing around accusations like, "Your party is the biggest bunch of screw-ups"........"No, yours is................"

When we're playing that game, you Republicans are soooooooooooooo vulnerable, and your vulnerability is summed up in one word......


Yes, Iraq. The biggest fuck-up in American history. A boondoggle that will cost the American taxpayer $1 trillion, that will cost the lives of.....how many? 3,000+?........of our finest young people.

Yes, Iraq, the fuck up that turned the US from the shining city on the hill, the country with moral authority and clout, into the stupid, jack-booted reincarnation of the old Roman Empire.

Yes, Iraq. The brainchild of Cheney and Rummy and the rest of that gang of idiots that created a whole new generation of America-hating Islamofascists.

Iraq lost Congress for the GOP and it will lose the White House for the GOP in '08. These days, George Bush is completely discredited and totally irrelevant. No one pays any attention to him any more and everyone is just counting down the days to January '09.

Osama nor Hitlery can win a general election......you know this.

Iraq is worthy.

06-14-2007, 05:36 PM
Hey, give 'em time.

It took the Republicans 16 years to accomplish jack shit.

The Dems have only been at it less than a year. Give 'em time to establish a record of non-achievement.

Republicans accomplished quite a bit in their 12 years in the House (Where you got 16 i have no clue). For one, Congress actually balanced the budget for a number of years. Quite remarkable accomplishment indeed. Welfare reform was pretty dang impressive too. Tax cuts were a great accomplishment.

The Democrats promised all these things, they have accomplished none of it. if you think they are going to have an easy time getting reelected for nothing, i think you are mistaken.

06-14-2007, 05:38 PM
Y'know, guys, when we're tossing around accusations like, "Your party is the biggest bunch of screw-ups"........"No, yours is................"

When we're playing that game, you Republicans are soooooooooooooo vulnerable, and your vulnerability is summed up in one word......


Yes, Iraq. The biggest fuck-up in American history. A boondoggle that will cost the American taxpayer $1 trillion, that will cost the lives of.....how many? 3,000+?........of our finest young people.

Yes, Iraq, the fuck up that turned the US from the shining city on the hill, the country with moral authority and clout, into the stupid, jack-booted reincarnation of the old Roman Empire.

Yes, Iraq. The brainchild of Cheney and Rummy and the rest of that gang of idiots that created a whole new generation of America-hating Islamofascists.

Iraq lost Congress for the GOP and it will lose the White House for the GOP in '08. These days, George Bush is completely discredited and totally irrelevant. No one pays any attention to him any more and everyone is just counting down the days to January '09.

if you think the 06 election was about iraq then you dont really pay attention. The 06 election was about conservatives getting annoyed with Republicans not doing what they were elected to do and not going out to vote. Main reason: Immigration.

Unfortunately, their short sidedness put Democrats in Charge and they are trying to screw us over with this amnesty bill right now. I hope people are learning from this.

06-14-2007, 05:49 PM
Republicans accomplished quite a bit in their 12 years in the House (Where you got 16 i have no clue). For one, Congress actually balanced the budget for a number of years. Quite remarkable accomplishment indeed. Welfare reform was pretty dang impressive too. Tax cuts were a great accomplishment.

The Democrats promised all these things, they have accomplished none of it. if you think they are going to have an easy time getting reelected for nothing, i think you are mistaken.

Let's also not forget the first 100 hours of the Democrat congress vs. the first 100 days in the Contract With America.

06-14-2007, 08:04 PM
What about the 40 years you guys ran Congress before 94? You guys didn't accomplish jackshit in 40 years and it will be no different this time around as all you care about are votes and power.

and whitehouse furniture and keyboard keys...

06-14-2007, 08:05 PM
Let's also not forget the first 100 hours of the Democrat congress vs. the first 100 days in the Contract With America.

how to spell democrat:


06-15-2007, 04:03 AM


The New "Iron Triangle"
Political science types have always told us that the "iron triangle" is congressional committees, corporations, and lobbyists. Today it's polls, the media, and bias.

Bush's approval rating slid 6 points from 35 percent in April, NBC said...

The latest poll also found Americans growing more discontented with the Democratic-led Congress, with 64 percent disapproving of Congress' job performance. Only 23 percent approved, down 8 points since April.

The headline there then, of course is:

Bush job rating hits record low in NBC/WSJ poll

Reuters saw fit to put the stat about Bush in paragraph two, the stat about Congress in paragraph five.

The story of course is that Americans seem discontented with the government in general for a number of reasons. The secondary story is that the recently elected Congress's approval rating is still much lower than the unpopular president's, and is declining more steeply.

But Reuters, which is in a pitched battle with Associated Press for the left-bias award, sees a different story and makes sure that's what the headline-skimmer (i.e., most readers) sees.
Posted by Paul Geary in Media at 00:05

Pale Rider
06-15-2007, 05:04 AM
Yup. I believe the democrap party should disbanded and outlawed in America. They are the scum of the earth, and good for absolutely NOTHING, and I think more and more Americans are realizing that, on BOTH sides of the isle.

I think we're going to see big things happen this presidential election alright, consisting of the liberals suffering the HUGEST defeat in the history of the democrap party. However, that very well may be accompanied by a republican defeat as well. This could be the year an independent takes the White House. I think ALL of it hinges on how our representatives vote on this amnesty bill.

GW in Ohio
06-15-2007, 07:28 AM
Osama nor Hitlery can win a general election......you know this.

Iraq is worthy.

So goes the opinion of insecure, racist men.

You got a problem being governed by a woman or a black man, Bubba?

GW in Ohio
06-15-2007, 07:31 AM
if you think the 06 election was about iraq then you dont really pay attention. The 06 election was about conservatives getting annoyed with Republicans not doing what they were elected to do and not going out to vote. Main reason: Immigration.

Unfortunately, their short sidedness put Democrats in Charge and they are trying to screw us over with this amnesty bill right now. I hope people are learning from this.

Of course the '06 election was a referendum on Iraq. Every political analyst, except those on Fox News, says so.

GW in Ohio
06-15-2007, 07:34 AM
Yup. I believe the democrap party should disbanded and outlawed in America. They are the scum of the earth, and good for absolutely NOTHING, and I think more and more Americans are realizing that, on BOTH sides of the isle.

Isn't that how Hitler started out? As I remember, he intimidated and attacked the other political parties in Germany until there was just one party.....the Nazi Party.

GOPers, GOPers,
Uber alles.........

Abbey Marie
06-15-2007, 09:18 AM
Isn't that how Hitler started out? As I remember, he intimidated and attacked the other political parties in Germany until there was just one party.....the Nazi Party.

GOPers, GOPers,
Uber alles.........

And your side's calling for impeachments every week is different. :rolleyes: Your hatred of Bush is clouding your judgment.

GW in Ohio
06-15-2007, 09:36 AM
And your side's calling for impeachments every week is different. :rolleyes: Your hatred of Bush is clouding your judgment.

I've never agreed with those who've called for Bush's impeachment.

It isn't an impeachable offense to be stupid and incompetent.

To the American voters I'd say, "We had our chance to dump this horse's patoot in '04, and many of you voted for him, so we're stuck with him."

Abbey Marie
06-15-2007, 09:38 AM
I've never agreed with those who've called for Bush's impeachment.

It isn't an impeachable offense to be stupid and incompetent.

To the American voters I'd say, "We had our chance to dump this horse's patoot in '04, and many of you voted for him, so we're stuck with him."

Then you are different from the libs we usually see on this board. They try to find an impeachable offense for any and every Republican in power.

GW in Ohio
06-15-2007, 09:50 AM
Then you are different from the libs we usually see on this board. They try to find an impeachable offense for any and every Republican in power.

During the Clinton years, I was a card-carrying Republican (I mean a real card-carrying Republican....I carried a card in my wallet with an image of an elephant that identified me as a member of the Ohio Republican Party).

Anyway, I cheered the impeachment of President Clinton because I loathed him and approved of any effort to bring him down.

But looking back on the Clinton impeachment, my belief is that it never should have happened. He did lie under oath but the whole thing was the result of a witch hunt by Ken Starr that was entirely politically motivated.

Impeaching presidents because you don't like them cheapens and dilutes the process.

Abbey Marie
06-15-2007, 10:00 AM
During the Clinton years, I was a card-carrying Republican (I mean a real card-carrying Republican....I carried a card in my wallet with an image of an elephant that identified me as a member of the Ohio Republican Party).

Anyway, I cheered the impeachment of President Clinton because I loathed him and approved of any effort to bring him down.

But looking back on the Clinton impeachment, my belief is that it never should have happened. He did lie under oath but the whole thing was the result of a witch hunt by Ken Starr that was entirely politically motivated.

Impeaching presidents because you don't like them cheapens and dilutes the process.

I agree with your last statement, and would add calling our President stupid and evil cheapens and dilutes the office in the eys of the country, and the world.

Btw, I was a Democrat and a feminist for years, until I achieved wisdom. I guess we cancel each other out. :)

GW in Ohio
06-15-2007, 10:26 AM
I agree with your last statement, and would add calling our President stupid and evil cheapens and dilutes the office in the eys of the country, and the world.

Btw, I was a Democrat and a feminist for years, until I achieved wisdom. I guess we cancel each other out. :)

Abbey: No, it's Bush who has severely damaged our image in the world.

It will take the next president years to undo the foreign policy damage caused by the stupid, incompetent Bush administration.

06-15-2007, 10:33 AM
Just wondering about the idea of a 3rd party. Everyone says 'it can't be done', yet the only thing lower than the President's approval ratings are Congress'.

06-15-2007, 10:44 AM
So goes the opinion of insecure, racist men.

You got a problem being governed by a woman or a black man, Bubba?

Doesn't surprise me that you would place the race/ gender card, as your arguments are so weak.

Personally I would have no problem with Walter E. Williams as president and Ann Coulter as veep.

GW in Ohio
06-15-2007, 11:37 AM
Doesn't surprise me that you would place the race/ gender card, as your arguments are so weak.

Personally I would have no problem with Walter E. Williams as president and Ann Coulter as veep.

Ha, ha.......:laugh2::dance::laugh2:

Ann Coulter will be VP the day monkeys fly out of your butt and John Edwards gets a $5.00 haircut.

Go ahead and nominate Walter Williams for prez. The massive public response will be.....

Who? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

06-15-2007, 11:53 AM
Not all Republicans are bad. A select few of them are very sweet, intelligent, humorous and logical. They are very passionate about life and know how to use their tongues.
Doesn't apply to anyone here, though. :coffee:

06-15-2007, 11:55 AM
Ha, ha.......:laugh2::dance::laugh2:

Ann Coulter will be VP the day monkeys fly out of your butt and John Edwards gets a $5.00 haircut.

Go ahead and nominate Walter Williams for prez. The massive public response will be.....

Who? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

Nice try at deflecting the issue. Try using more smilies next time to distract me. But its about your accusations that OCA, or any conservative for that matter, is racist. Ask OCA if he would vote for the ticket that I proposed. Or any other conservative on this board who you have accussed of being racist. THIS IS A DIRECT CHALLENGE TO YOU THAT I PREDICT YOU WILL IGNORE OR DEFLECT.

06-15-2007, 11:58 AM
The only reason why Conservatives are enamored with Ann Coulter is that they want to have sex with her. Something about a big mouth that is open all the time appeals to them.

06-15-2007, 12:01 PM
The only reason why Conservatives are enamored with Ann Coulter is that they want to have sex with her. Something about a big mouth that is open all the time appeals to them.
Not really. Your's is open all the time and you don't appeal to me at whatsoever. :laugh2:

06-15-2007, 12:47 PM
Of course the '06 election was a referendum on Iraq. Every political analyst, except those on Fox News, says so.

So everyone cant be wrong?

I prefer to think for myself. Dont have to rely on analysts that way.

06-15-2007, 12:51 PM
Abbey: No, it's Bush who has severely damaged our image in the world.

It will take the next president years to undo the foreign policy damage caused by the stupid, incompetent Bush administration.

I dispute this baseless claim that our image in the world is being damaged by President Bush. Look at world events. Last week Bush was cheered as a hero in Albania. He is respected by Putin and the Chinese. Germany and France have recently overwhelmingly elected, not only pro american, but pro Bush leaders.

Who exactly have we damaged our image with? And why the hell is image more important than substance for you? Why is it more important for you to look good than to do good?

06-15-2007, 12:53 PM
The only reason why Conservatives are enamored with Ann Coulter is that they want to have sex with her. Something about a big mouth that is open all the time appeals to them.

Actually, its because she is an intelligent outspoken woman who backs up her statements with concrete facts. Her books are incredibly intelligent.

Of course, youd have to read books to actually know that.

GW in Ohio
06-15-2007, 02:29 PM
I dispute this baseless claim that our image in the world is being damaged by President Bush. Look at world events. Last week Bush was cheered as a hero in Albania. He is respected by Putin and the Chinese. Germany and France have recently overwhelmingly elected, not only pro american, but pro Bush leaders.

Who exactly have we damaged our image with? And why the hell is image more important than substance for you? Why is it more important for you to look good than to do good?

Here is what many of you guys and your icons (Bush, Cheney, Rummy, etc.) are totally clueless about.......

Politics is about image. Do you not pay attention to US political campaigns? They're all about image. You want substance? Go to the library and visit the classics section.

In foreign policy, image may not be everything, but it counts for an awful lot. For years and years and years, our image in the world was that of a well-meaning superpower, that occasionally screwed up, but always represented the values of freedom, democracy and respect for the individual.

And now, in just 6 short years, the Bush team of fuckheads and clueless incompetents has changed our image to that of a jackbooted imperialist bully that uses military force to get its way in the world and could care less about human rights. Other countries used to respect us, even if they didn't always agree with us. Now, very few other countries respect us, although many fear us. But along with fear also goes hatred, and we are right now the most hated country in the world.

I don't really give a shit if you accept this or not. It's true, and it's the reason the Republicans got waxed in the '06 elections. And it's the reason the GOP will get its ass kicked again in '08.

06-15-2007, 04:22 PM
Here is what many of you guys and your icons (Bush, Cheney, Rummy, etc.) are totally clueless about.......

Politics is about image. Do you not pay attention to US political campaigns? They're all about image. You want substance? Go to the library and visit the classics section.

In foreign policy, image may not be everything, but it counts for an awful lot. For years and years and years, our image in the world was that of a well-meaning superpower, that occasionally screwed up, but always represented the values of freedom, democracy and respect for the individual.

And now, in just 6 short years, the Bush team of fuckheads and clueless incompetents has changed our image to that of a jackbooted imperialist bully that uses military force to get its way in the world and could care less about human rights. Other countries used to respect us, even if they didn't always agree with us. Now, very few other countries respect us, although many fear us. But along with fear also goes hatred, and we are right now the most hated country in the world.

I don't really give a shit if you accept this or not. It's true, and it's the reason the Republicans got waxed in the '06 elections. And it's the reason the GOP will get its ass kicked again in '08.

All you have done is reinforced what you said before. Simply repeating "we are losing our image in the world" doesn't change things.

But you are completely ignoring that there is no evidence of your asserteion. Bush is hailed as a hero in Albania. France and Germany vote in pro bush leaders. We've had great relations with India, Poland, and have donated millions to help Africa. We are respected by Russia and China. What nations do you think we are losing our image in???

Abbey Marie
06-15-2007, 04:35 PM
Abbey: No, it's Bush who has severely damaged our image in the world.

It will take the next president years to undo the foreign policy damage caused by the stupid, incompetent Bush administration.

How was our image in the world on 9/11/01? When the USS Cole was bombed in 2000? When the blind sheik engineered the first bombing of the WTC in 1993? (Gee, who was President then?) How about the bombing of US Embassy in Beirut in 1983? I could go on.

Libs who blame bad attitudes against the US on President Bush suffer from, at best, ignorance or misunderstanding of world history and world politics. At worst, hate-fueled blindness.

GW in Ohio
06-15-2007, 04:46 PM
All you have done is reinforced what you said before. Simply repeating "we are losing our image in the world" doesn't change things.

But you are completely ignoring that there is no evidence of your asserteion. Bush is hailed as a hero in Albania. France and Germany vote in pro bush leaders. We've had great relations with India, Poland, and have donated millions to help Africa. We are respected by Russia and China. What nations do you think we are losing our image in???

"Bush is hailed as a hero in Albania."

Do you have any idea how frickin' lame that is?

They love him in Albania (God only knows why) and the rest of the world loathes him.

06-15-2007, 04:52 PM
"Bush is hailed as a hero in Albania."

Do you have any idea how frickin' lame that is?

They love him in Albania (God only knows why) and the rest of the world loathes him.

While they may not 'love him' in Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, you must account for their elections, overwhelmingly choosing clones of him. Shoot, he didn't win a landslide, most of these did. No better flattery than imitation.

06-15-2007, 04:56 PM
"Bush is hailed as a hero in Albania."

Do you have any idea how frickin' lame that is?

They love him in Albania (God only knows why) and the rest of the world loathes him.

Ive cited a number of nations throughout the world which have high respect for President Bush. You've yet to provide anywhere in the world where President Bush has ruined our image.

Instead of just acting with condescension, perhaps you will want to acknowledge contrary views and provide reasoning before you dismiss them. Because when you just act like anyone who disagrees with you isnt worth conversing with, discussion gets boring pretty fast.

BTW, If you listen to Osama Bin Laden, the image of America was that we are a bunch of cowards who dont have the stomach to do what it takes for what is right. And Im rather glad President Bush has changed that image before the world. It's a shame you liberals want to return to the cowardly image and run from Iraq.

Abbey Marie
06-15-2007, 05:05 PM
While they may not 'love him' in Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, you must account for their elections, overwhelmingly choosing clones of him. Shoot, he didn't win a landslide, most of these did. No better flattery than imitation.

And if everyone "loved" him, that would mean he is most likely a slick politician, who says whatever people want to hear, with no backbone and few core beliefs.

06-15-2007, 05:17 PM
And if everyone "loved" him, that would mean he is most likely a slick politician, who says whatever people want to hear, with no backbone and few core beliefs.
Core beliefs of making illegals legal is not high on my list of desirable attributes. However, I do agree to some degree with WOT. Then again, seems he threw Pace under the bus.

06-15-2007, 05:23 PM
The only reason why Conservatives are enamored with Ann Coulter is that they want to have sex with her. Something about a big mouth that is open all the time appeals to them.

No, we like her because she is one of the most intelligent women in the country and the world, it has nothing to do with how beautiful she is.

06-15-2007, 07:56 PM
So goes the opinion of insecure, racist men.

You got a problem being governed by a woman or a black man, Bubba?

Lol you are a Demo and you call me a racist?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Reality in America is that they won't vote for a woman pres and Osama won't be able to carry a single southern state, its just reality.

06-15-2007, 08:02 PM
Nice try at deflecting the issue. Try using more smilies next time to distract me. But its about your accusations that OCA, or any conservative for that matter, is racist. Ask OCA if he would vote for the ticket that I proposed. Or any other conservative on this board who you have accussed of being racist. THIS IS A DIRECT CHALLENGE TO YOU THAT I PREDICT YOU WILL IGNORE OR DEFLECT.

Umm love Walter Williams but think Ann Coulter has good views on most subjects but.........I think she's on the pipe. Now if we could transfer Ann's well thought out views into Michelle Malkin's body then you'd have something.

BTW is Malkin fucking crosseyed? She got schooled by Geraldo of all people on immigration last night and when she got pissed I swear she'd go crosseyed.

Pale Rider
06-15-2007, 10:47 PM
BTW is Malkin fucking crosseyed? She got schooled by Geraldo of all people on immigration last night and when she got pissed I swear she'd go crosseyed.

Oh yeah... I saw that too, but I came away with a little different impression. I thought geraldo got his pants tanned by Michelle. :D

06-16-2007, 08:23 AM
Hey, give 'em time.

It took the Republicans 16 years to accomplish jack shit.

The Dems have only been at it less than a year. Give 'em time to establish a record of non-achievement.

Right/ The Dems didn't just appear on the radar screen in 2006. They've ALREADY proven themselves phenominal failures. They're on the fast track to doing so again.

06-16-2007, 10:42 AM

BTW is Malkin fucking crosseyed? She got schooled by Geraldo of all people on immigration last night and when she got pissed I swear she'd go crosseyed.

I thought it was a pretty fair debate. It appears to me that she goes crosseyed when she's responding to something she thinks is dumb, as in "duhhhh". Its probably something she picked up from her girlfreinds in Junior High and she still uses it. She's quite young, you know.

06-16-2007, 10:45 AM
"Bush is hailed as a hero in Albania."

Do you have any idea how frickin' lame that is?

They love him in Albania (God only knows why) and the rest of the world loathes him.

Crickets chirping on my direct challenge to you on post 29, liberal boy.

BTW notice to all: I'm going on vacation next week and may not post at all.

09-03-2012, 06:06 PM
Whatever happened to that pussy?

11-30-2012, 02:51 PM
Just wondering about the idea of a 3rd party. Everyone says 'it can't be done', yet the only thing lower than the President's approval ratings are Congress'.

Who ever came up with this Bi-partisan BS Crap, needed to be labled a Traitor. Its my belief that they should be done away with entirely and if proposed to be brought back then it be viewed as Treason. Dems and Rebs are 2 sides of the same coin, coined by Socialism. We need dramatic change if we are to survive as a nation.

12-03-2012, 10:51 AM
Because it can't be anything else.

The only reason why Conservatives are enamored with Ann Coulter is that they want to have sex with her. Something about a big mouth that is open all the time appeals to them.

what kind of sick perverted line of thought is this? This shames more than you know. And you might have thought it was funny. The guy challenging on you was right, even tho you didn't ignore or deflect it in one sense of the word, you did on several others. You didn't say that conservatives find what she's standing for allign with what they want, you went out and debased conservatives and Ann Coulter. To ME, this Shames you. It shows you cannot take debate seriously. Take my advice and leave this site before you shame yourself more with stupid comments like the quoted above.

12-03-2012, 01:16 PM
Because it can't be anything else.

what kind of sick perverted line of thought is this? This shames more than you know. And you might have thought it was funny. The guy challenging on you was right, even tho you didn't ignore or deflect it in one sense of the word, you did on several others. You didn't say that conservatives find what she's standing for allign with what they want, you went out and debased conservatives and Ann Coulter. To ME, this Shames you. It shows you cannot take debate seriously. Take my advice and leave this site before you shame yourself more with stupid comments like the quoted above.

One redeeming quality Gabby has is to stay of good cheer. I'm sure she falls out of her chair laughing as she comes up with this crazy stuff. She misses out on an informed discussion though by limiting herself to yanking people's chains. But it's a decision she's made. She does liven up the board though. I wonder if "WindSong" thinks of coming back.

12-03-2012, 03:50 PM
One redeeming quality Gabby has is to stay of good cheer. I'm sure she falls out of her chair laughing as she comes up with this crazy stuff. She misses out on an informed discussion though by limiting herself to yanking people's chains. But it's a decision she's made. She does liven up the board though. I wonder if "WindSong" thinks of coming back.

tailfins. The only person gabby impresses...other than you. Is gabby. As for 'yanking people's chains'. You are correct. But my wife has never called it "a chain". Nor has she ever described it as "yanking". So. We can both agree to what GABBY'S real talents are.

12-03-2012, 07:09 PM
tailfins. The only person gabby impresses...other than you. Is gabby. As for 'yanking people's chains'. You are correct. But my wife has never called it "a chain". Nor has she ever described it as "yanking". So. We can both agree to what GABBY'S real talents are.

I like your style, quite subtle. You really are quite good. That's because it's hard to tell if you really mean it or not. You are a trash talker par excellence.

12-03-2012, 07:15 PM
I like your style, quite subtle. You really are quite good. That's because it's hard to tell if you really mean it or not. You are a trash talker par excellence.

Thanks very much tailfins. I take that as a great compliment. It proves my learned, liberal, democrat tactics really do hurt liberals, and democrats when you use their tactics. And it shows what having the SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT really means.

I remember the words of one Ronald Reagan who advised:
"Keep your friends close, and your Enemies closer!"

Using Liberal, Democrat tactics, as taught by liberals like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, and throwing those tactics back in their face. WORKS.