View Full Version : Is there a black Miley Cyrus?

12-22-2013, 05:02 PM
I can't think of any myself. Perhaps watching relatives being abandoned to be single mothers causes them to check that feminist attitude at the door. Here is an example be being sexy instead of a vulgar tease like Miley Cyrus. Chaka Khan let the lyrics do the talking AND made the man the focus.

I will make you wish there were 48 hours to each day.


12-22-2013, 08:51 PM
My Goodness! How in the world did any of us manage to make it through the 60's, 70's, and 80's music without using ONE "F" word????

And, isn't it odd. Listening to those sounds, with actual words that rhyme, and fit the music actually allowed us to UNDERSTAND what the words were saying, and what they really meant?

Those days are GONE. It involved people who actually HAD educations that made them interesting, even without all of the SWEAR WORDS, and the "N" Word.