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View Full Version : Starbucks implements gun-free zones in stores... and gets robbed at gunpoint

12-23-2013, 07:58 PM
Looks like Starbucks is finding out the hard way: When you ban people who obey laws and rule, from carrying guns in your stores, people who DON'T obey laws and rules come in with guns.

But the leftists will continue to insist, their laws will work if only we have enough of them. WHen they fail, that's simply a sign we need more.



How's that gun-free zone working out for Starbucks?

by Thomas Lifson
December 19, 2013

Three months ago, Starbucks' CEO Howard Schultz proudly announced a gun-free zone policy for his company's stores.

So, how's it working out? KKTV TV in Colorado Springs reports:

Police are searching for a man who held up at Colorado Springs Starbucks Sunday morning.

Employees told officers that after the suspect walled in, he pulled out a gun and demanded money from the register. He left after employees gave him money. No one was injured.

The suspect is described as a black man in his early-to-mid 20s, slim and about 6 feet tall to 6-foot-2. He was dressed in all black. Police say he may have left the area in a black Subaru-style vehicle.

12-23-2013, 08:42 PM
Starbucks is also learning what CUSTOMER FREE zones are as well.

No wonder the Police Departments have made Starbucks....PROTECTION FREE zones???