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View Full Version : Obama can violate Acts of Congress, but don't YOU dare try it

12-24-2013, 12:20 PM
If Congress passes a law saying a certain deadline will be December 22, and Obama arbitrarily extends it to Dec. 23, nobody cares.



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-24-2013, 12:49 PM
If Congress passes a law saying a certain deadline will be December 22, and Obama arbitrarily extends it to Dec. 23, nobody cares.


http://www.investors.com/image/ramirez-122413-coal.gif.cms Dictators are only bound by the laws they choose to obey. America still hasn't figured out it now has a dictator in place. Obama sets new dates even strikes out provisions in a law which is the job of Congress to amend. In essence he has nullified Congress and gets to rule as he pleases. Blame him, his dem party and the ignorant jackasses that believe he is a Demi-God/Savior . HE PUSHES AMERICA EVER CLOSER TO CIVIL WAR EVERYDAY THAT HE INFESTS THE PEOPLES'S HOUSE!!! -tYR

12-24-2013, 01:02 PM
Think about this. Since the ACA (Obamacare) became the Law of the Land.

The first time Obama, or Congress changed, or did not follow the law of the land.

It became either NULL and VOID, or Obama, and members of congress who did not follow it to the LETTER. Violated the law across the board.

However. HOLDER, being the easy pawn, and law breaker he is. Just looks the other way, and has broken many laws as well.

Obama CANNOT violate acts of Congress. But there are too many WUSSES in Congress who fear for their own political careers.