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View Full Version : Miss school, lose your drivers license…

12-26-2013, 10:37 AM

Interesting, not awake enough to decide if this is good or bad. Thoughts?

12-26-2013, 10:47 AM
If you read the license study guide in many states, driving is a PRIVILEGE. That means the government can take it away for any reason it deems necessary. The reasons for losing your driving privilege is an ever growing list. I wonder how long before obesity, hate speech, not buying health insurance, deliquent taxes, too many vehicles on the road and other things are added to the list.

12-26-2013, 10:50 AM
I agree that driving is a privilege, always have. So in theory I agree with such legislation… but should we be working to make parents be responsible for uh, being parents? I think the bulk of the issue with kids missing school is lack of parenting.

12-26-2013, 10:55 AM

Interesting, not awake enough to decide if this is good or bad. Thoughts?

Arbo they do it down here at least in the County I live in, my older boy received his Lisc. while in 10th grade but had to average a C or better to keep it, the only time attendance came into play was if he had went past the amount of days you can legally miss and if suspended from school the school is suppose to notify the Dept. of Motor Vehicles and during the time you are suspended you can't drive ( personally I don't see how they can do this for each kid suspended but that is what they say, thank goodness I never found out ) And if you quit school then you couldn't get your lisc. until you where 18 ( at 18 or when you graduate you get a regular license ) but yes I think it is a good idea , it makes the kids strive to do right .

12-26-2013, 10:55 AM
I agree that driving is a privilege, always have. So in theory I agree with such legislation… but should we be working to make parents be responsible for uh, being parents? I think the bulk of the issue with kids missing school is lack of parenting.

Some kids don't belong in school. Schools are dumbed down enough as it is to accomodate kids that don't want to be there. After a certain age, let them fail. If they become hoodlums, lock them up.

12-26-2013, 03:51 PM
Since parents don't know how to be parents I suppose that GovCo has to step in and do stuff like this.

My kids figured out long ago that if they exhibit bad behavior I take away the privilege that they covet the most and then work down from there. When they were younger it was a favorite toy, or computer time. Then it was the cell phone and finally, the car. Depending on the infraction the first time it's a day, then a week, then a month and so on. When they started driving I explained to them if they get a moving violation then I mail their license to my insurance agent, since I didn't want to pay additional premiums. When time came for college I told both that I pay for As and B's only.

As a result I've had to take away toys quite a few times, cell phones less so, cars never. Both have been academically successful in college. Knock on wood, I've been successful at teaching them good behavior.

GovCo could never be this sucessful because they don't have a clue what individual kids covet. And they have to have a same policy for all, not different policies for different kids.

12-27-2013, 11:19 AM
GovCo could never be this sucessful because they don't have a clue what individual kids covet. And they have to have a same policy for all, not different policies for different kids.

Which is exactly the problem I have with such policies. Government's one size fits all answers to everything have proven they don't work.

12-27-2013, 01:12 PM

Interesting, not awake enough to decide if this is good or bad. Thoughts?

I have issues with the government stepping in like this. No, driving isn't a right, but nor should it be used for leverage by the state, either. A number of these kids who have cars also have jobs that are dependent on their cars.

You want to stop truancy? Make school a place where they can learn stuff they actually want to learn (shop, home ec., arts, etc.), and enforce actual standards. A lot of programs have been stripped from schools that allow students an outlet, or that they get really enthusiastic about, and I think that contributes to the lack of care about showing up. I mean, if everything you care about gets ripped away, but yet the school just paid down for shiny new metal detectors and tvs that cost more than your favorite activity, how much do you care anymore what goes on?

Then there's this lack of discipline enforced by the administrators in a lot of schools. Even with this, they're passing the buck to the cops, instead of enforcing discipline themselves. Just as many parents have passed the buck to the schools to parent their kids.

12-27-2013, 01:46 PM
I say no.
I'd suspect A bad truant kid will drive with or without a license. and it'd just punish the kids that have an excuse or may even have jobs.
I'd guess that this law would have unexpected consequences as well.

concerning so called driving privileges, i strongly disagree.

Driver Licensing vs. the Right to Travel
The following argument has been used in at least three states (Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia) as a legal brief to support a demand for dismissal of charges of "driving without a license." It is the argument that was the reason for the charges to be dropped, or for a "win" in court against the argument that free people can have their right to travel regulated by their servants.
The forgotten legal maxim is that free people have a right to travel on the roads which are provided by their servants for that purpose, using ordinary transportation of the day. Licensing cannot be required of free people, because taking on the restrictions of a license requires the surrender of a right. The driver's license can be required of people who use the highways for trade, commerce, or hire; that is, if they earn their living on the road, and if they use extraordinary machines on the roads. If you are not using the highways for profit, you cannot be required to have a driver's license.....

continue reading @

Do the state gov'ts own the road or do the people that paid for them?

Do you need a license to walk, ride a bike?
Does using a motor magically covey a state authority over your movements?

all rights not expressly given to the feds or states belong to the the people.
the rights to travel always in ever mode belong to the people 1st, if they cede some authority to the state they can take it back as well.

12-27-2013, 02:54 PM
I say no.
I'd suspect A bad truant kid will drive with or without a license. and it'd just punish the kids that have an excuse or may even have jobs.
I'd guess that this law would have unexpected consequences as well.

concerning so called driving privileges, i strongly disagree.

Do the state gov'ts own the road or do the people that paid for them?

Do you need a license to walk, ride a bike?
Does using a motor magically covey a state authority over your movements?

all rights not expressly given to the feds or states belong to the the people.
the rights to travel always in ever mode belong to the people 1st, if they cede some authority to the state they can take it back as well.

I wonder how many would be happy with having their driver license suspended for not buying health insurance? There's no barrier to that with existing legal precedence.

12-27-2013, 08:59 PM
you'll get a kick outta this...

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cV8gRA-JYeg?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

12-27-2013, 09:21 PM
I agree that driving is a privilege, always have. So in theory I agree with such legislation… but should we be working to make parents be responsible for uh, being parents? I think the bulk of the issue with kids missing school is lack of parenting.
True enough, but a minor child's liability while driving falls upon their parents; so given there exists wanton lack of responsibility in one area, it can be reasonably inferred that other responsibilities may be likewise lacking.

12-28-2013, 05:45 PM
Here's why I would take issue with it - do we recall the endless times in this year alone where CHILDREN were punished for gun fingers, paper guns, gun pop tarts and anything else that kids NORMALLY think up and play with. Could you imagine if these twits had to determine who could drive and who couldn't? I still have faith in our education system, but I don't have faith in them being a parent or big brother.

12-28-2013, 08:34 PM
They do this in KY. If you drop out of school you can't sit to get your drivers license until your over age 18. Good deterrent against dropping out for some I guess. I have a 16yo cousin who can't get her license bc she won't go to school. She's pregnant now. Just sits in her sisters trailer that my grandfather bought all day long. Lazy stupid.

12-28-2013, 08:42 PM
They do this in KY. If you drop out of school you can't sit to get your drivers license until your over age 18. Good deterrent against dropping out for some I guess. I have a 16yo cousin who can't get her license bc she won't go to school. She's pregnant now. Just sits in her sisters trailer that my grandfather bought all day long. Lazy stupid.

Here's my take - kids still can't get their licenses and cars until their 18 - if parents properly do their jobs, anyway. I think deterrents for bad grades, truancy and other things should be handled on the parent level. Of course schools already grade kids for their work, and they also take action based on attendance. But I don't think we should allow too much beyond that, of what happens outside of school.

If I dropped out of HS, my Dad would have told me to get a job within 24 hours or go back to school, and of course would tell me "this is no flop house". No way in hell would I have been able to get away with that one.

In other words, I DO believe in the deterrent, but disagree with who should control it.

12-30-2013, 07:12 PM
Here's my take - kids still can't get their licenses and cars until their 18 - if parents properly do their jobs, anyway. I think deterrents for bad grades, truancy and other things should be handled on the parent level.

The problem is most parents don't seem to do much parenting anymore.

12-30-2013, 07:30 PM
Hence GovCo does the parenting, and they suck at it. :laugh: