View Full Version : Trayvon Martin Nativity Display

12-28-2013, 11:28 PM
Trayvon Martin Nativity Display At Claremont United Methodist Church Urges Us Not To Forget Gun Violence Victims
Trayvon Martin hasn't been forgotten at Claremont United Methodist Church in Claremont, Cali.-- in fact, he appears front and center in their Nativity display. He serves as a bloody and tragic reminder of the dangers of gun violence and racial privilege in today's America, reports David Allen of the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin. (http://www.dailybulletin.com/social-affairs/20131224/with-trayvon-martin-this-nativity-gets-edgy-update)
Amongst the traditional holy family, Martin sits hunched over in his iconic black hoodie, blood pouring from his chest and pooling at his feet, reports Patch.com. (http://claremont-laverne.patch.com/groups/around-town/p/nativity-scene-depicts-a-newly-born-jesus-and-dying-trayvon-martin) The title of the scene, "A Child is Born, a Son is Given," is outlined within the blood and evokes themes of both Christmas and Easter, according to artist John Zachary, who has been creating thought-provoking displays since 2007.


Now, I'm usually not the guy to get pissed off at religious matters on this site, but this one got me. Basically, a church in Cali. whored out their nativity in order to push a message about gun violence. What really gets me in the article is this line:

"There is no better time to reflect on gun violence than advent, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus," says a sign at the church. (http://www.claremontumc.org/).

Really? There is no better time than a time of joy, giving, and celebration of the birth of Christ for a message and image of senseless death? Really?

They try to say it's "thought-provoking", but it isn't. It's a bullshit "artistic" defense for throwing up an empty shock-message. What I am is agitated at is the use of this boy's death for a message, and that they used a nativity for it.

I mean think on it: If somebody tried to use the birth of your only child to promote a message like this, how pissed would you be?

No, everything does not need to be time for a "message", especially when there is already plenty of great messages already right there, such as Peace on Earth, and Good Will Toward Men. Why could they not focus on that message?

Now, to be clear, I say all this as someone who argued against Zimmerman on here, and I hold to that. But just as I wouldn't wish to see my late friend David used to such ends, I find it simply unconscionable using Martin's death in this manner.

12-29-2013, 09:32 AM
How disgusting. Let them make their point somehow, I have no issue with that, but using the nativity in any manner to make that point is pushing it too far. Do people like this really think that offensive "art" is going to make/force any type of changes? It's nothing more than an attention whore somewhere in there, IMO.

12-29-2013, 09:59 AM
Actually it's unconstitutional. They are using religion to promote a political agenda. Where's the ACLU?

12-29-2013, 10:00 AM
God will deal with their blasphemy. I'm not disgusted nor angry. I pity them. I will pity them even more when they see God's judgement in their life.

12-29-2013, 10:00 AM
How disgusting. Let them make their point somehow, I have no issue with that, but using the nativity in any manner to make that point is pushing it too far. Do people like this really think that offensive "art" is going to make/force any type of changes? It's nothing more than an attention whore somewhere in there, IMO.

Remember where this took place !!! California !! The Liberal Disney Land , did you expect anything less ?

12-29-2013, 11:09 AM
It just sucks that nativity scenes are seen less and less in public spaces, due to complaints, but one like this on church property gets attention. I also wonder - why choose such a controversial and race baiting event? If the idea is to "not forget gun violence", they could have done it in a number of ways other than in this manner. With all of that blood dripping out and all. This was/is no call to attention about gun violence but rather a political statement of sorts.

The Zimmerman acquittal struck him as a "worthy subject for Christmas comment". If it were truly about gun violence alone - wouldn't it have made more sense to simply say that gun violence was a worthy subject?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-29-2013, 12:02 PM
It just sucks that nativity scenes are seen less and less in public spaces, due to complaints, but one like this on church property gets attention. I also wonder - why choose such a controversial and race baiting event? If the idea is to "not forget gun violence", they could have done it in a number of ways other than in this manner. With all of that blood dripping out and all. This was/is no call to attention about gun violence but rather a political statement of sorts.

The Zimmerman acquittal struck him as a "worthy subject for Christmas comment". If it were truly about gun violence alone - wouldn't it have made more sense to simply say that gun violence was a worthy subject? Apparently it did not get the usual dem/liberal/socialist complaints from those obnoxious , blithering dumbasses. And we can see why can't we? As stated often by real decent Americans and ever so true, all of them are ffing hypocrites! Hypocrites that deserve a good swift kick in the ass every day IMHO... -Tyr

12-29-2013, 01:42 PM
Actually it's unconstitutional. They are using religion to promote a political agenda. Where's the ACLU?

Not exactly unconstitutional. The best that you can hope for is that they violated IRS non-profit regulation 501.x but I wouldn't expect anything there.

12-29-2013, 06:45 PM
It just sucks that nativity scenes are seen less and less in public spaces, due to complaints, but one like this on church property gets attention. I also wonder - why choose such a controversial and race baiting event? If the idea is to "not forget gun violence", they could have done it in a number of ways other than in this manner. With all of that blood dripping out and all. This was/is no call to attention about gun violence but rather a political statement of sorts.

The Zimmerman acquittal struck him as a "worthy subject for Christmas comment". If it were truly about gun violence alone - wouldn't it have made more sense to simply say that gun violence was a worthy subject?

What pisses me off is using it to trump the actual message of Christmas. In your usual nativity seen, you have multiple races present thanks to the wise men from the orient. In the center, you have a joyous birth that brings these disparate people together in a moment of awe. The entire scene is built around an image of unity, and showing that some of the greatest in our world can come from the most humble of origins.

There is no good excuse for this sort of thing, because there are so many other, better way of getting the message against gun violence across. Run a cash for guns collection, community awareness programs, establishing better neighborhood watches, etc.. All of these have the effect of both increasing awareness, as well as having an actual effect on gun violence. All without having to crap on anyone's holiday.

12-30-2013, 04:16 PM
I refuse to accept the premise here. The Zimmy situation was justice served at the point of a gun, not "gun violence'. :laugh:

01-03-2014, 07:10 PM
It truly done in terrible taste. I think their stunt backfired on them because I dont see anyone who thought it was a good idea.

01-04-2014, 07:11 PM
Everyone, please note....There are NO Wise men anywhere in that "scene".

And. It is "NOT" a valid Nativity scene. It is a political message of sorts that would

normally make the typical Liberal scream about the "CHURCH and STATE" rants.

na•tiv•i•ty (nəˈtɪv ɪ ti, neɪ-)

n., pl. -ties. 1. birth, esp. with reference to place or attendant circumstances.
2. (cap.) the birth of Christ.
3. (cap.) Christmas.
4. a horoscope of a person's birth.
[1200–50; Middle English nativite < Old French nativité < Late Latin nātīvitās]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.