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View Full Version : DEA Agent Shoots Self in Foot During Safety Seminar

01-07-2014, 08:11 AM
This is funny in a sad way, a guy sent to educate others and even goes as far to say as far as he knows he is the only one with enough education to handle the Glock 40 :laugh: yes he said that right before he discharged the gun ( on accident ) in the class room :laugh: And then the story went on to say how the poor guy was teased by his co workers :laugh: YA THINK !!!

I guess the lesson to learn here is that none of us should get too pleased with ourselves when trying to explain something to other people.This is DEA Agent, Lee Paige, running a gun safety seminar in a Florida High School back in 2004. Unbeknownst to Mr. Paige, he was about to have the most embarrassing situation in his life play out, and soon it would be broadcast to the entire internet for millions of other people to share in.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-07-2014, 10:48 AM
This is funny in a sad way, a guy sent to educate others and even goes as far to say as far as he knows he is the only one with enough education to handle the Glock 40 :laugh: yes he said that right before he discharged the gun ( on accident ) in the class room :laugh: And then the story went on to say how the poor guy was teased by his co workers :laugh: YA THINK !!!

http://eaglerising.com/3959/dea-agent-shoots-self-foot-safety-seminar/ I give ya ten to ones odds that he is not only a dem but a liberal too. The majority of those type are arrogant and stupid. I've been shooting guns for over 53 years having shot well over ten thousand rounds in that time with never an accidental firing. I know enough about guns , shooting and weapons maintenance to be an instructor. In fact , have been just that for family and friends without pay many , many times. Nobody I ever taught has had a gun accident , ever! My father and grandfather taught me and they were the best. I once (only ever once)got into trouble for not unloading my hunting weapon before entering our yard (rule was before entering yard not before entering the house) upon my return home. Dad was watching out of the window as I came across the field. I stepped about ten feet inside our yard before I remembered to unload the rifle. He saw that and he saw me then unload it safely. I came into the house he asked how did it go. I told him and he then asked, any problems? I answered ,no. Then came the kicker, he asked , did you unload that gun as instructed? Now I had at that time no knowledge he had watched out of the window. I almost lied but remembered he hated liars so I told exactly how it happened. He then took my gun and told me I'd get it back in about 6 months. By the way he said, I watched you out of the window and knew the truth. Had you lied I'd given your gun to your brother with instructions for him to never let you ever use it again! My age at that time was 14 years old. I never made another mistake with a gun. Safety rules were ironclad in our family. Guns must be unloaded before entering the yard and only loaded after exiting the yard when going out to hunt. Reason was 11 kids in the house (7 boys+ 4 girls) an accidental firing would quite likely be hitting somebody. -Tyr