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View Full Version : 2013 Gun Sales Skyrocketed, Broke Previous Record by Wide Margin

01-08-2014, 07:43 AM
I imagine that the gun manufactures and anybody selling guns will miss Obama terribly when he leaves office, it is the one thing he did for this Country, he made the sale of guns the one thing that actually grew during his two terms as president!! ( of course that wasn't his plan so no he doesn't get credit for that either :laugh: )

Obama (http://patriotdepot.com/anti-obama-shirts/) could be named the gun salesman of the year.Check it out:
Amid the relentless push for more gun control (http://patriotdepot.com/pro-guns-pro-2nd-amendment/) in 2013, there were 21,093,273 background checks for firearm purchasers.
The NRA sent Breitbart News (http://patriotupdate.com/) a breakdown and comparison of this number against the numbers from previous years, and a record-setting trend is evident.
For example, the number of 2013 background checks is nearly two million more than the previous record – 19,592,303 in 2012 – and it far exceeds the 14,033,824 background checks performed during Obama’s first year in office


01-09-2014, 10:20 AM
I bought three last year.