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View Full Version : Chris Christie and trafficgate

01-09-2014, 10:01 PM
The republican governor for NJ is now hitting some hard times. Apparently there was a falling out between him and the mayor of Fort Lee, which is the city right at the George Washington Bridge. "Political revenge" had Christie and his cohorts purposely close lanes and such so that traffic would be a nightmare in that area and back up into Fort Lee in addition to huge delays at the bridge and every other road in the area.

And of course these idiots used email to come up with their plan. Idiots.

Now Christie fired his top aide and someone else resigned from the Port Authority. No doubt Christie had his hands directly in there too.

It all seems petty, which of course it was, but this is a HUGE deal around these parts and people are rightfully pissed off. Christie apparently has 2016 aspirations and something like this could obviously hurt, and hurt bad.

01-09-2014, 10:11 PM
Whatever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty?"

Because Christie isn't liked by many...much like many dislike Obama, Bush, or other politicians.

Shouldn't we be agreeing to wait until ALL THE FACTS are in?

Being a hypocrite, and declaring anyone...not just a politician...guilty, goes against everything most of us have been taught, and learned about our Legal system.

I honestly believe all of this is a set-up of sorts. Just like Obama, Clinton, Gore, Reid, Pelosi and many other Democrats have planned.

Notice how much attention is being RE-DIRECTED away from OBAMACARE, BENGHAZI, and the multitude of other OBAMA scandals NOBODY IN THE DEMOCRAT PARTY want to talk about.

01-09-2014, 10:14 PM
Yeah, LA pointed that out in a different thread, about how this is getting so much airtime while the media barely touched Benghazi.

I'm willing to wait on more facts, but what facts have been released thus far makes Christie and a few others look like they obviously did this as a measure of revenge. One of the guys involved resigned and took the 5th when in for questioning.

01-09-2014, 10:19 PM
Yeah, LA pointed that out in a different thread, about how this is getting so much airtime while the media barely touched Benghazi.

I'm willing to wait on more facts, but what facts have been released thus far makes Christie and a few others look like they obviously did this as a measure of revenge. One of the guys involved resigned and took the 5th when in for questioning.

jim. From what I've heard, and read. That guy who resigned, and took the 5th, actually worked for the PORT AUTHORITY of New York.

Add this to something else...not being talked about...as in ALL OF THE FRAUD by police, and firefighters in NYC who have made being victims of 9-11 a profitable business venture...that continues today. That includes THE PORT AUTHORITY as well.
But...we're not supposed to talk about that because IT'S NOT POSSIBLE FOR POLICE/FIRE to cheat, or get benefits...even when they didn't earn them. That's the Obama Principle at work.

01-09-2014, 10:19 PM
Total fuck up. What asshole would do that to so many people. What a clusterfuck to be a be to cause so much agony with so little effort.

01-09-2014, 10:25 PM
jim. From what I've heard, and read. That guy who resigned, and took the 5th, actually worked for the PORT AUTHORITY of New York.

Add this to something else...not being talked about...as in ALL OF THE FRAUD by police, and firefighters in NYC who have made being victims of 9-11 a profitable business venture...that continues today. That includes THE PORT AUTHORITY as well.
But...we're not supposed to talk about that because IT'S NOT POSSIBLE FOR POLICE/FIRE to cheat, or get benefits...even when they didn't earn them. That's the Obama Principle at work.

Oh, I know he was PA, but he was implicated within the email exchanges and was a part of the "Christie side" in this little feud.

01-10-2014, 09:49 AM
Those that jump in the presidential race early always get the early boot.

01-10-2014, 09:52 AM
Those that jump in the presidential race early always get the early boot.

Hillary hasn't technically went public, but we've all known forever, so I hope that still applies to her too!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-10-2014, 10:04 AM
Hillary hasn't technically went public, but we've all known forever, so I hope that still applies to her too! Exceptions are always made for dummocrats Jim.
Hillary will be made to be Godlike by the media same way they did Obama. It worked twice before why stop with it now? They know the majority of American citizens have been dumbed down along with another huge number that have been bought out with government freebies. Amazing how well you can train animals by giving them treats, works on humans too. Last two elections proved it beyond doubt for we that were educated before the system was destroyed by the dems/libs. And more freebies on the way just in time for next election = unemployment extensions, amnesty reform , bamcare exemptions, etc. Obama in charge and stolen future trillions to play with the goodies train is massive and running on full steam. -Tyr

01-10-2014, 11:23 AM

01-10-2014, 01:54 PM

GOOD ONE Little-Acorn.

Now, we need to get Hillary Clinton, and Obama to start talking about the BRIDGES OF BENGHAZI.

01-10-2014, 11:05 PM
I'm not as crazy about Chris Christie as I used to be,but I'm not convinced he was involved. I really didn't think the whole thing was as big a deal as the media made it out to be until my mom pointed out that because of the traffic jams fire,police and ambulances couldn't get where they needed to be. That is serious. I would imagine if he is lying,it will come out sooner or later. I prefer to wait until the facts come out.

One thing I can't stand is how the media always introduces him as 'future presidential candidate in 2016". Seems like they are trying to get that into peoples heads.

01-11-2014, 01:50 AM
I liked Christie when he was first elected. But even then I was weary of him. It's been clear for a few years that he isn't that great of a man. I believe we need to pull corrupt people out of power. Unfortunately, New Jersey has a problem finding honest ones.

I wish we could actually find a candidate, that will actually keep his or her promises and not sell out the second they are in office. It's so freaking annoying.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-11-2014, 10:28 AM
Those that jump in the presidential race early always get the early boot. Lets hope he does get the boot. After he helped obamscum get his second term I have no use for him. Obvious he is made from the same crap as Obama, completely 100% self-serving.

01-11-2014, 03:52 PM
Let me make myself clear here. I have never blamed Chritie for getting Obama re-elected.


01-13-2014, 03:09 AM
It may be entirely possible that Christie didn't know that this was going on. A lot of politicians, especially as you get higher up the chain, are increasingly dependent on their aides, and allow them a great deal more latitude than they would've had previously.

Unfortunately, this brings with it a greater chance of abusing said authority, such as what happened here.

01-13-2014, 08:21 PM
It may be entirely possible that Christie didn't know that this was going on. A lot of politicians, especially as you get higher up the chain, are increasingly dependent on their aides, and allow them a great deal more latitude than they would've had previously.

Unfortunately, this brings with it a greater chance of abusing said authority, such as what happened here.

DragonStryk. DO WE, or DO WE NOT have a sitting President (pretender) who also makes the very same claims as Christie?

Over the last five years. Obama has DENIED almost everything except...when he took credit for the SEAL TEAM SIX assassination of OBL.

Obama, and the Democrats are all so terribly STUPID. They Honestly have NO IDEA what is going on around them. DESPITE...being responsible for Everything.

01-13-2014, 09:22 PM
DragonStryk. DO WE, or DO WE NOT have a sitting President (pretender) who also makes the very same claims as Christie?

Over the last five years. Obama has DENIED almost everything except...when he took credit for the SEAL TEAM SIX assassination of OBL.

Obama, and the Democrats are all so terribly STUPID. They Honestly have NO IDEA what is going on around them. DESPITE...being responsible for Everything.

We're talking about different levels of it. A single day of traffic on the GWB wouldn't be considered all that abnormal were it not for the emails showing it was done out of spite, whereas Obama has repeatedly "missed" multiple lines that he himself wrote in his own legislation. Christie not realizing that his aide went and did something this one time is something that could be considered understandable, while Obama's litany of fuck ups that he "had no knowledge of" is either total bullshit, or utter incompetence.

01-13-2014, 09:50 PM
We're talking about different levels of it. A single day of traffic on the GWB wouldn't be considered all that abnormal were it not for the emails showing it was done out of spite, whereas Obama has repeatedly "missed" multiple lines that he himself wrote in his own legislation. Christie not realizing that his aide went and did something this one time is something that could be considered understandable, while Obama's litany of fuck ups that he "had no knowledge of" is either total bullshit, or utter incompetence.

I'll happily agree, and second BOTH as normal. I know many dislike, and even hate Christie. But then. I also remember who was the N.J. Gov. before, and since I lived in Pennsylvania, just across the Delaware from "Joisy" when it was still a Democrat Hell Hole. I am prone to give Christie the benefit of the doubt...Until, we get all of the facts.
Nonetheless. I'd rather have a Christie...here in Virginia, than the MCAWFUL who will now destroy everything the former Gov tried to fix.