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View Full Version : Department Of Justice’s Message To Schools: Singling Out Black Students For Poor Beha

01-10-2014, 08:06 AM
And there are those that say that this administration doesn't have a racist agenda :eek: This is exactly the kind of thing that has taken this country back many years when it comes to race relations , if y'all remember at one point they were wanting to lower the standards of grading for blacks ( yes to make them keep up with other students ) that alone is a racist move, all these kids can learn and/or behave as well as the other so to make special circumstances for any race is ridicules .

Obama’s Department of Justice, under career race-baiter Eric Holder (http://www.nationalreview.com/article/353970/obama-administrations-race-baiting-campaign-andrew-c-mccarthy), issued a stark warning for schools across the country. It’s time to end the “racial disparity (http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2014/01/08/22231509-obama-administration-takes-aim-at-cutting-racial-disparity-in-school-discipline?lite)” in classrooms. Apparently, it is now “racist (http://dailycaller.com/2014/01/09/doj-to-schools-its-racist-to-punish-students-for-behaving-badly-texting-in-class/)” to single out black students for misbehaving in the classroom. No longer is it acceptable to punish a black student (http://dailycaller.com/2014/01/09/doj-to-schools-its-racist-to-punish-students-for-behaving-badly-texting-in-class/), or other minority student, for behaviors that would negate suspension or strong disciplinary action. Thus, this only proves how racist (http://www.nationalreview.com/article/353970/obama-administrations-race-baiting-campaign-andrew-c-mccarthy) the Department of Justice is in its deliberate manipulation of school policy. This is all about balancing the scales. Go easy on black students (http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2014/01/08/22231509-obama-administration-takes-aim-at-cutting-racial-disparity-in-school-discipline?lite)because they’re unfairly targeted, but punish other well behaving students to “even the playing field.” Obama’s Department of Justice is a nightmare, and the blame lies squarely on his shoulder’s and his comrade in arms, Eric Holder (http://www.nationalreview.com/article/353970/obama-administrations-race-baiting-campaign-andrew-c-mccarthy).


01-10-2014, 08:09 PM
Easy way to remedy this. Instead of looking like Black students are being singled out for bad behavior. They need to address the problem more accurately, and merely call it OBAMA-LIKE attitudes that deserve special attention.

That should make OBAMA, the Democrats, Progressives, and even the ACLU happy across the board.

PROFILING students as "Obama-like" is the Honorable, Honest, Truthful method to use.

And...LYING is a gentler way of describing their lousy attitudes.

01-10-2014, 08:19 PM
They aren't being singled out, they just happen to have worse behavior. Just like the crap that some try to spout about black folks in prison. There are more there because more of them commit crimes.

01-10-2014, 08:37 PM
They aren't being singled out, they just happen to have worse behavior. Just like the crap that some try to spout about black folks in prison. There are more there because more of them commit crimes.

Agreed Jim. But we're not permitted, or allowed to actually present HONEST facts that go against everything false most liberals have been convinced...is their version of truth.

Bottom line...IMO. The behavior of CHILDREN, no matter what color their skin happens to be. Begins, and ends in a Home...where CARING, Dedicated parents both live, and exist in what many of us get berated about these days...as in THE FAMILY UNIT.

The children, either well behaved, or those who are constantly poorly behaving...REPRESENT parents...or the LACK of parents at home.

RACISTS like Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton try to SLICE and DICE it into making excuses that point toward other races..as the cause of their lifelong problems...from the CIVIL WAR ERA.
It's been much easier for Jesse to BLAME "WHITEY" for problems he isn't able, or willing to resolve than to admit...PARENTLESS children, who happen to be predominantly Black are NOT caused because of any White skinned person.
Until they actually admit THEY are the cause of their own BLAME GAMES. Racism, Discrimination, and general Prolonged UN-EDUCATION by design...will go on.