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View Full Version : 504 Documented Examples of Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Etc.

01-10-2014, 08:09 AM
For those of you that care to try and keep track with this liar we call our president .

Every President, every politician, and every human being tells lies and engages in acts of hypocrisy. But Barack Obama does these things to a far greater degree than anyone else that I have ever known of. His campaign promises were so much better sounding than anyone else’s – no lobbyists in his administration, waiting five days before signing all non-emergency bills so people would have time to read them, putting health care negotiations on C-SPAN, reading every bill line by line to make sure money isn’t being wasted, prosecution of Wall St. criminals, ending raids against medical marijuana in states where it’s legal, high levels of transparency. Obama’s promises of these wonderful things sounded inspiring and sincere. They sounded so much better than the promises of any other President. So when Obama broke these promises, it felt so much worse than when other Presidents broke their promises.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-10-2014, 08:24 AM
For those of you that care to try and keep track with this liar we call our president .

http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/01/504-documented-examples-obamas-lies-lawbreaking-corruption-cronyism-etc/ An old standard by such con artists, promise the moon and deliver squat. Always works on suckers. Now we have millions of suckers with buyer's remorse but its too late because those same stupid dumbass idiots gave him a second term. And millions more are still stupid to what they have done because all the wrecking bampunk has done is explained by his slavish media to be Republican not going along with his truly wonderful and Godlike plan to create a Utopia. Sad, sickening and so very real. Amazing stupidity compounded by massive ignorance feed and nurtured by a completely sold out media. Proof that massive propaganda can deceive and deceive very well. Just lay the proper foundation(destroy education) ,send a continuous barrage of propaganda and its off to the races. Communists and Nazis had that down pat and we have massive proof of that with tens of millions murdered. Rinse and repeat, we are into the repeat stage now. The millions of deaths are likely to come sooner or later. Give the designers time. --Tyr

01-10-2014, 09:01 AM
The phrase, if he opens his mouth he's lying, has never been more true.

01-10-2014, 02:06 PM
The phrase, if he opens his mouth he's lying, has never been more true.

Gaffer. I have been saying that for as long as I have known about Obama, and his desire to run for Pretender-in-Chief.

OBAMA IS A PROFESSIONAL LIAR. That is all we need to say.