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View Full Version : From Syria to Stateside: New Al Qaeda Threat to US Homeland

01-10-2014, 06:18 PM
Dozens of people from the U.S. who fought in Syria have returned home and are under FBI surveillance, but American officials fear that they haven't identified all of them, several senior officials told ABC News in interviews beginning last October.

The senior officials said that more than 50 "U.S. persons" -- a designation that covers both natural-born and naturalized citizens as well as those who have lived in the U.S. -- have returned here after battling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime in the Middle Eastern nation's bloody civil war. One of the senior counter-terrorism officials went further, saying the actual number of returning U.S. fighters from Syria is classified but is "much higher" than 50.

Not all of those who have returned are considered "jihadis" who adhere to the anti-U.S. violent ideology espoused by the late al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, but many are suspected of such sympathies, officials say.

Al Qaeda-aligned jihadi commanders in Syria screen new American arrivals in the ranks of foreign fighters to recruit those with clean passports who have the capability to conduct future operations against the West, two national security officials told ABC News.

One of the officials compared that process of selection to how the U.S. military screens raw recruits for Special Operations Forces qualification courses.

FBI Director James Comey said Thursday the threat is one of his "greatest concerns."


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-10-2014, 07:31 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/syria-stateside-al-qaeda-threat-us-homeland-191006958--abc-news-topstories.html Sure they went there to fight to help establish an Islamic caliphate in the M.E. but are not a threat to us!! Where do they get these dumbasses that write this crap!??? I know, from the liberal colleges that teach America is to blame for the majority of the problems in the world..-Tyr

01-10-2014, 08:14 PM
Tyr. If we listen to the Pro-Anti-Americans stateside who deny there is a threat.

How bout taking a look at this...right here in Virginia, U.S.A. for starters??


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-11-2014, 10:50 AM
Tyr. If we listen to the Pro-Anti-Americans stateside who deny there is a threat.

How bout taking a look at this...right here in Virginia, U.S.A. for starters??

http://youtu.be/dAyrpUdx9aI Why not shut the school down? They are using text books that teach murder is ok, murder against non-Muslims! IN ESSENCE THEY ARE TEACHING JIHAD! Proof of that would be the kid top of his class that conspired to kill Bush. You see how these liberals haven't the fortitude, courage or wisdom to take proper action . That school is actually teaching the foundation of the muslim terrorism that plagues the world today! Yet they think we must beg the Saudis to change the books! Shut the damn school down is the answer. ffing cowards and fooooools.. There is no freedom of speech to teach and incite murder! -Tyr

01-11-2014, 03:32 PM
Why not shut the school down? They are using text books that teach murder is ok, murder against non-Muslims! IN ESSENCE THEY ARE TEACHING JIHAD! Proof of that would be the kid top of his class that conspired to kill Bush. You see how these liberals haven't the fortitude, courage or wisdom to take proper action . That school is actually teaching the foundation of the muslim terrorism that plagues the world today! Yet they think we must beg the Saudis to change the books! Shut the damn school down is the answer. ffing cowards and fooooools.. There is no freedom of speech to teach and incite murder! -Tyr

Tyr. I agree. But our wonderful U.S. Govt, under the direction of A.G. Holder, being directed by Obama, and the ACLU have declared that C.A.I.R. (better known as the cover for the Muslim Brotherhood in America) has every right...according to the protections of our Constitution, to do as they please.
TAKE NOTE: Obama and company DEMAND the protections of the Same constitution HE IGNORES when it comes to AMERICAN CITIZENS.