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View Full Version : Officer shoots teen at party store

01-11-2014, 01:17 PM
This was November of last year. In Battlecreek, MI, police are dispatched to the party store on a report of a man with a gun. When the officer arrived, the kid had a gun, he immediately told him to put his hands up. Thinking his life was on the line, he shot the kid in the shoulder. The idiotic kid was carrying an airsoft gun.

The police cleared him of any wrongdoing but now the parents plan on suing the department. Speaking of "personal responsibility", these parents want to hold the police accountable and never mind the fact that their kid almost lost his life because HE was illegally carrying a gun. But rather than have the kid learn from the experience, they are teaching him to sue people when he does wrong.

BATTLE CREEK, Mich (WZZM) - A 14 year old Battle Creek boy is in the hospital after being shot by a police officer shortly after noon Saturday.

Police were called to the Drive Thru Party Factory to investigate a man with the gun. They say when the officer arrived at the store the teen was crouching near the drive thru area.

When the teen was ordered by an officer to show his hands, the officer mistook the toy gun for a large caliber pistol. The 21 year veteran officer fired once hitting the teen.

Police say the teens injuries do not appear to be life threatening.


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01-11-2014, 01:44 PM
A sad symptom of gun crazy culture. When a teen with a toy gun is seen as a threat.

01-11-2014, 02:02 PM
A sad symptom of gun crazy culture. When a teen with a toy gun is seen as a threat.

You're surely an idiot. Tell me, how the hell is a cop supposed to be able to tell it's not a real gun and he's about to be killed with that gun?

That's ok though, condemn a legitimate police officer with a gun while at the same time always digging ways to support Hamas and so many other terrorist scum.

01-11-2014, 02:55 PM
A sad symptom of gun crazy culture. When a teen with a toy gun is seen as a threat.

It's not the gun culture, that's not what's taught in real gun culture.
It's that crazy kid, he's not following true gun safety or common sense.

and things like this usually only happen in podunk areas anyway.

01-11-2014, 03:02 PM
It's not the gun culture, that's not what taught in real gun culture.
It's that crazy kid, he's not following true gun safety or common sense.

and things like this usually only happen in podunk areas anyway.

You would think even a 16yr old would realize that carrying an airsoft gun could EASILY be mistaken for a real gun. Hell, almost every single one I have ever owned looked just like a 9mm or a .45. But you have to be an idiot to openly carry one in public. And then beyond an idiot if you are still carrying one when a police officer tells you to put your hands up. He got a call about someone carrying a gun. Of course he came prepared and had his weapon ready, as HE would be the idiot if he wasn't prepared for the situation. It's a tragedy, but I don't think the officer can be faulted in this one.

I just saw another one (I'll look for it), where a line of officers had a guy on the edge of the woods who was holding up a towel? or similar and making believe he had a gun. The officer repeatedly told him that whatever the problem was that it wasn't worth dying over. They were VERY patient and had their lives at risk until they had no choice.

And yet another a few weeks back where someone did the same.

01-11-2014, 03:09 PM
Here's the first one:

Deputies pleaded with Joshua Ford to get down and show his hands.

“Nothing is worth getting shot over!” one of the deputies yelled.

Police attempted to take Ford into custody Dec. 1 when a deputy thought he saw a gun, and Ford, with a sweater covering his hands, acted as if he had a gun. The deputy shot Ford three times.

The video shows, as was previously reported, an officer yelling, “He doesn’t have anything,” less than a second before Cpl. Michael Hurney shot Ford.

A recently released report on the shooting by the Greene County prosecutor says Hurney was justified in the shooting.

The video shows Ford was shot while moving toward a deputy, with the deputy then moving toward Ford.

Before Ford was shot, a deputy can be heard on the video saying, “Put your hands up. Nothing is worth it.”

Later, with Ford not complying, a deputy yells, “I’m going to shoot you in the face.”

Once shots were fired, Ford was taken into custody and an ambulance called.

Deputies quickly worked to provide medical attention to Ford, according to both the deputy’s report and the video.

The report says deputies requested a helicopter to transport Ford but were declined because of fog.

Ford was transported to a local hospital for treatment. He was later pronounced dead at the hospital.

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01-11-2014, 03:18 PM
A sad symptom of gun crazy culture. When a teen with a toy gun is seen as a threat.

One of my favorite sayings: Stupidity is its own reward.

This kid was stupid. And just by what you say above, you are not far behind.

Here is an average airsoft handgun--does it look fake to you?


Tell me again how this was the officer's fault?

01-11-2014, 03:51 PM
Everyone like jafar ALWAYS must blame the gun (culture), when it permits them to ignore another part of the culture that has NO COMMON SENSE, MENTAL AWARENESS, or PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY TAUGHT TO THEM.

The result of the so-called "Gun-culture" is becoming the removal...almost voluntarily, of those who have No common sense, Mental awareness, or Personal responsibility.

Until all of those facts change, or go away. STUPIDITY will continue to rule. Not guns. Unless jafar has personally spoken to a gun...and convinced it to LEAVE someone's hands.

01-11-2014, 04:31 PM
You're surely an idiot. Tell me, how the hell is a cop supposed to be able to tell it's not a real gun and he's about to be killed with that gun?

That's ok though, condemn a legitimate police officer with a gun while at the same time always digging ways to support Hamas and so many other terrorist scum.

The idea is that the cop was expecting a kid to have a real gun vs here where the cop could quite safely assume that the kid is just probably playing cops and robbers with his mates.

One of my favorite sayings: Stupidity is its own reward.

This kid was stupid. And just by what you say above, you are not far behind.

Here is an average airsoft handgun--does it look fake to you?


Tell me again how this was the officer's fault?

Are you saying the cop couldn't look at the end of the airsoft gun where the bright orange tip is?

01-11-2014, 04:58 PM
The idea is that the cop was expecting a kid to have a real gun vs here where the cop could quite safely assume that the kid is just probably playing cops and robbers with his mates.

Are you saying the cop couldn't look at the end of the airsoft gun where the bright orange tip is?

Nowhere does it state that this gun had the orange tip. But regardless, the officer still acted properly. The officer came to the scene expecting an armed person. Kids don't play cops and robbers in front of convenience stores, with fake guns that look like real guns. Or at least if they do they are taking a rather large chance. Cops NEVER "assume" things and they should be relieved of their duties if they do. They need to handle each and every as serious as possible. One second later, and if a real pistol, the cop could be dead right now.

01-11-2014, 05:05 PM
The idea is that the cop was expecting a kid to have a real gun vs here where the cop could quite safely assume that the kid is just probably playing cops and robbers with his mates.

Are you saying the cop couldn't look at the end of the airsoft gun where the bright orange tip is?

jafar. It may surprise SLOW, UNINFORMED people like you, that playing cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, or GI JOE with anything that even looks like a weapon.....HAS NOT BEEN DONE since the age of Political Correctness took over almost everyone's DISFUNCTIONAL mind here in the U.S.

01-11-2014, 05:27 PM
jafar. It may surprise SLOW, UNINFORMED people like you, that playing cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, or GI JOE with anything that even looks like a weapon.....HAS NOT BEEN DONE since the age of Political Correctness took over almost everyone's DISFUNCTIONAL mind here in the U.S.

Glad I didn't grow up in your neighbourhood. I would have hated to be shot for using my Stormtrooper Rifle instead just of pissing off my friends who were using cap pistols. It made great pewpew noises.

01-11-2014, 05:30 PM
Glad I didn't grow up in your neighbourhood. I would have hated to be shot for using my Stormtrooper Rifle instead just of pissing off my friends who were using cap pistols. It made great pewpew noises.

Not as glad as I am. When I was growing up. Nobody had ever heard of an Explosive Vest.

01-12-2014, 09:16 AM
This was November of last year. In Battlecreek, MI, police are dispatched to the party store on a report of a man with a gun. When the officer arrived, the kid had a gun, he immediately told him to put his hands up. Thinking his life was on the line, he shot the kid in the shoulder. The idiotic kid was carrying an airsoft gun.

The police cleared him of any wrongdoing but now the parents plan on suing the department. Speaking of "personal responsibility", these parents want to hold the police accountable and never mind the fact that their kid almost lost his life because HE was illegally carrying a gun. But rather than have the kid learn from the experience, they are teaching him to sue people when he does wrong.

And honestly the Dash Cam video shows the cop pulling up screaming to put there hands in the air and then he fired , this all took place as he drove in and seen kids in front of the store just hanging, I would question whether this was a case where bullets had to fly.


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Jim this concerned me a bit, the article says the cop ordered him to put his hands up and then the cop mistook the toy for a real gun, it doesn't say did the kids follow orders ? Lets say someone with a real gun ( a law abiding citizen with a Concealed carry permit happened to be walking by when the cop pulled up ) Was the cop to jumpy ? Or did the kid while putting his hands up hold the gun in a threatening way ? It would be a real shame if the cop was just that jumpy that maybe a innocent person minding his/her own business could of gotten shot .

When the teen was ordered by an officer to show his hands, the officer mistook the toy gun for a large caliber pistol. The 21 year veteran officer fired once hitting the teen.

A sad symptom of gun crazy culture. When a teen with a toy gun is seen as a threat.

No jafar there are no guns over there :rolleyes: I have posted numerous times about the crime over there and your lack of a gun culture :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-12-2014, 12:13 PM
Jim this concerned me a bit, the article says the cop ordered him to put his hands up and then the cop mistook the toy for a real gun, it doesn't say did the kids follow orders ? Lets say someone with a real gun ( a law abiding citizen with a Concealed carry permit happened to be walking by when the cop pulled up ) Was the cop to jumpy ? Or did the kid while putting his hands up hold the gun in a threatening way ? It would be a real shame if the cop was just that jumpy that maybe a innocent person minding his/her own business could of gotten shot .
No jafar there are no guns over there :rolleyes: I have posted numerous times about the crime over there and your lack of a gun culture :laugh: In muslim controlled nations only the muslims are allowed to have guns. All infidels are not allowed anything more threatening that a small kitchen knife. No muslim community is truly completely unarmed , not even in Western nations where guns have been confiscated and outlawed. Take Australia for example, there the government knows the muslims kept their guns but turns a blind eye to it. You know military explosives are even more strictly guarded and regulated. Yet muslims have no problem getting and having a steady supply of those. In some cases those bomb making supplies are illegally supplied by American government=Obama.. AQ in Syria for example gets weapons and bomb supplies thanks to Obama. Yet Federal laws forbid him or anybody else here arming our terrorist enemies. He ignores all laws he does not like and gets by with it. That's the actions of a dictator.. -Tyr

01-12-2014, 01:45 PM
No jafar there are no guns over there :rolleyes: I have posted numerous times about the crime over there and your lack of a gun culture :laugh:

We may have crime like any other developed nation, but at least we don't feel the need to walk around armed or worry about whether our kids will get shot at school today.

In muslim controlled nations only the muslims are allowed to have guns. All infidels are not allowed anything more threatening that a small kitchen knife. No muslim community is truly completely unarmed , not even in Western nations where guns have been confiscated and outlawed. Take Australia for example, there the government knows the muslims kept their guns but turns a blind eye to it. You know military explosives are even more strictly guarded and regulated. Yet muslims have no problem getting and having a steady supply of those. In some cases those bomb making supplies are illegally supplied by American government=Obama.. AQ in Syria for example gets weapons and bomb supplies thanks to Obama. Yet Federal laws forbid him or anybody else here arming our terrorist enemies. He ignores all laws he does not like and gets by with it. That's the actions of a dictator.. -Tyr

I never met a Muslim with a gun. Your prejudice is showing.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-12-2014, 01:51 PM
We may have crime like any other developed nation, but at least we don't feel the need to walk around armed or worry about whether our kids will get shot at school today.

I never met a Muslim with a gun. Your prejudice is showing. Really? Who killed all those American soldiers then? Was it ghosts? And is jihad to be fought with broomsticks and prayer rugs? Being clever by saying you personally have never met a muslim with a gun means nothing since a great many dead victims of the murdering bastards obviously did! -Tyr

01-12-2014, 02:26 PM
We may have crime like any other developed nation, but at least we don't feel the need to walk around armed or worry about whether our kids will get shot at school today.

I never met a Muslim with a gun. Your prejudice is showing.

jafar. That ^ may be true. But then. You'd better hope you never meet a Muslim with a Bomb Vest, as is the new tradition. You will only get ONE CHANCE.

01-12-2014, 02:59 PM
I never met a Muslim with a gun. Your prejudice is showing.

Well, they're there, and I can post endless photos of muslims with guns, and tons of them the children they are teaching to hate jews.

01-13-2014, 03:14 AM
You're surely an idiot. Tell me, how the hell is a cop supposed to be able to tell it's not a real gun and he's about to be killed with that gun?

That's ok though, condemn a legitimate police officer with a gun while at the same time always digging ways to support Hamas and so many other terrorist scum.

Um, even if he wasn't aware it was an airsoft gun, why did he open fire when the kid showed him his hands? The kid was stupid for carrying an airsoft rifle in public, but the cop's next words should have been "Put the weapon on the ground, and keep your hands where I can see them!" That's standard procedure, not shooting the kid as he's complying with your orders.

01-13-2014, 07:46 AM
We may have crime like any other developed nation, but at least we don't feel the need to walk around armed or worry about whether our kids will get shot at school today.
Keep telling those lies jafar and then please tell us again how you are the only real muslim :rolleyes:

I never met a Muslim with a gun. Your prejudice is showing.I bet you never heard of these animals blowing up innocents as well , Its a real shame how decent folks can turn to lying just to get there point accross !!

Um, even if he wasn't aware it was an airsoft gun, why did he open fire when the kid showed him his hands? The kid was stupid for carrying an airsoft rifle in public, but the cop's next words should have been "Put the weapon on the ground, and keep your hands where I can see them!" That's standard procedure, not shooting the kid as he's complying with your orders.
Dragon you are so right, the video shows the the cop pulling in and opening fire as (kids) stand around, it seems to me a well trained officer would have to wonder why if someone is running around with a gun the kids would be just hanging around and no yelling hands up and then shooting is not what a police officer is trained to do.

01-13-2014, 01:44 PM
Really? Who killed all those American soldiers then? Was it ghosts? And is jihad to be fought with broomsticks and prayer rugs? Being clever by saying you personally have never met a muslim with a gun means nothing since a great many dead victims of the murdering bastards obviously did! -Tyr

When I lived in Egypt, nobody had guns except the police and soldiers. Guns possession is illegal there. Yes, Yes I know some have guns now (Israelis have been caught selling them. I wonder why? :p), but the country has been in the grips of a revolution and military coup.

Well, they're there, and I can post endless photos of muslims with guns, and tons of them the children they are teaching to hate jews.

I was referring to his ridiculous statement that only Muslims are allowed guns in Muslim nations. I'm sorry I even honoured that with a reply.

01-13-2014, 02:32 PM
When I lived in Egypt, nobody had guns except the police and soldiers. Guns possession is illegal there.

Here's one for Jafar's perusal ...


A 29-year-old Muslim policeman named Amer Ashour Abdel-Zaher murdered and wounded six Coptic Christians in the upper Egyptian town of Samalut. He walked about a train car searching for anybody with the sign of the Holy Cross tattooed on their wrist, a very typical custom amongst Egyptian Christians.

He spotted six Copts sitting together and singing Christian hymns, and opened fire on them while exclaiming the diabolical chant of “Allahu Akbar!” He murdered Fathy Ghattas, a 71 year old man. This heretic also injured Fathy’s wife, Emily Hanna, Sabah Saniod, Marianne, Maggie and her fiance Ashraf were severely wounded and had to be taken by helicopter to a Cairo hospital.

The perpetrator tried to escape but was caught by police. The Egyptian interior Ministry tried to belittle the attack and said that the killer was “mentally unstable” and had previously undergone medical treatment. Coptic activist Mark Ebeid had this to say on the verdict:

…usually killers of Christians, literally get away with murder …They are usually referred to hospital for being “mentally unstable” and after the matter has died down, they are just quietly discharged from hospital for being cured and this is usually the end of the story for the families of victims.

01-13-2014, 03:24 PM
Are you saying the cop couldn't look at the end of the airsoft gun where the bright orange tip is?

Are you saying there isn't such thing as PAINT or maybe it no longer had an orange tip (i.e. the kid broke it off)?

Even so, what was an airsoft gun doing in the hands of the kid in a public area?

Why do you insist on blaming the one that was DOING HIS JOB and protecting the general public? After all the mass shootings by spoiled brat emo-teens, you would think that the officer doing what needed to be done and stop the idiot before anything could happen would be more of a concern to you.

If this kid were one of my kids, he'd be lucky the officer shot him before I did. Then again, my kids will have it drilled into them the laws and safety regarding ANY firearm or anything like it, such as airsoft and paintball guns.

01-13-2014, 04:03 PM
Um, even if he wasn't aware it was an airsoft gun, why did he open fire when the kid showed him his hands? The kid was stupid for carrying an airsoft rifle in public, but the cop's next words should have been "Put the weapon on the ground, and keep your hands where I can see them!" That's standard procedure, not shooting the kid as he's complying with your orders.

What makes you think that the kid showed his hands? I didn't see that in the video. And as far as standard procedure, the authorities have the video as well, in addition to witness testimony, and the officer was cleared. If it were so obvious as you make it sound, he would have been relieved of his duties or reprimanded in some manner.

An officer, confronting someone with a gun, has fractions of a second to make a decision. Standard procedure is to shoot someone who raises a gun at an officer. Yes, I didn't see that in the video either, but since we're assuming. :)

01-13-2014, 04:07 PM
I just re-read the article and watched the video again. I'll change my mind if someone shows me that this kid dropped his weapon and raised his hands, but I don't see that anywhere. And whether a toy gun or not, if remotely realistic, and you raise it in any fashion towards police, you will get shot. This happens many times, each year. Another person was just shot recently when they raised a weapon and pointed it at multiple police trying to subdue them. Turns out it wasn't a weapon, but just the idiot making believe with a towel/shirt. No gun was seen by the police at all - still a valid shooting. Simply put, you don't point guns at police, not even fake guns, not even guns that aren't there. They are not going to stand around and hope the weapon is non-existent or filled with air.

01-13-2014, 04:25 PM
What makes you think that the kid showed his hands? I didn't see that in the video. And as far as standard procedure, the authorities have the video as well, in addition to witness testimony, and the officer was cleared. If it were so obvious as you make it sound, he would have been relieved of his duties or reprimanded in some manner.

An officer, confronting someone with a gun, has fractions of a second to make a decision. Standard procedure is to shoot someone who raises a gun at an officer. Yes, I didn't see that in the video either, but since we're assuming. :)

Because the cop said "Show me your hands". They only say that if they can't see your hands. It's really a very basic point of procedure. Why would he have automatically been been relieved of duty? Cops tend to back one another on these things, because being a cop is a brotherhood. Simply assuming it must be kosher because the cop was cleared is just silly.

Yes, they have fractions of seconds.... and years of training in the handling of guns, so no, he doesn't get off on that point. Just as I was trained in the handling and care of guns in boot, so too do cops receive training through the police academy, and unlike my training, theirs include when not to shoot, including procedures for dealing with armed suspects. Shooting them the second you see a gun is not a part of that training.

01-13-2014, 05:27 PM
Because the cop said "Show me your hands". They only say that if they can't see your hands. It's really a very basic point of procedure. Why would he have automatically been been relieved of duty? Cops tend to back one another on these things, because being a cop is a brotherhood. Simply assuming it must be kosher because the cop was cleared is just silly.

Yes, they have fractions of seconds.... and years of training in the handling of guns, so no, he doesn't get off on that point. Just as I was trained in the handling and care of guns in boot, so too do cops receive training through the police academy, and unlike my training, theirs include when not to shoot, including procedures for dealing with armed suspects. Shooting them the second you see a gun is not a part of that training.

Oh, I know he DEMANDED the kid show his hands, but that's where our knowledge stops. You said the kid did in fact raise them and then the cop shot him. That's why I asked how did you know that he raised them. As far as we know the kid raised his gun.

As to being relieved of duty, I'm saying that they performed an investigation already. Had they found wrongdoing he could have been relieved of his duties, which I've seen happen many times on bad shootings. But this officer has been cleared.

01-14-2014, 07:55 AM
Oh, I know he DEMANDED the kid show his hands, but that's where our knowledge stops. You said the kid did in fact raise them and then the cop shot him. That's why I asked how did you know that he raised them. As far as we know the kid raised his gun.

As to being relieved of duty, I'm saying that they performed an investigation already. Had they found wrongdoing he could have been relieved of his duties, which I've seen happen many times on bad shootings. But this officer has been cleared.

Jim you are exactly right , our knowledge did stop at the point of the officer ordering the kid to show his hands but if ya watch the video the kid was told to show his hands and then bullets where flying , this officer didn't have time to make a educated decision , he shot before he could of possibly took all the facts into play ( looked to me like as he pulled he already knew hue was going to fire ) and again I ask what if a person that legally could carry was walking out at the time, this cop screamed orders and shot all in one breath , as for the cops clearing him, man they would never look out for one of there own :rolleyes:

As a well trained officer personally I think he should of been able to tell the difference between a toy and the real thing ( of course he would of had to of actually payed attention ) also if ya look at the guns the toys kind of resemble a Glock ( without the orange tip ) Glock makes a all black gun ( most call it ugly and say never carry open because it is so ugly , a inside joke at the gun shops ) most guns aren't all black and I have never seen any with a orange tip but Glock is all black ( just like the toy ) and Glock is also what a lot of police officers carry ( nope not a rule or anything but Glock just makes a dependable affordable gun ) So IF this cop carried a Glock it seems like he should of known his weapon well enough to know the air soft gun was a toy . My kids have all kinds of air soft guns and honestly while grabbing one of my guns to carry I have never made the mistake of getting them confused .

01-14-2014, 08:41 AM
We may have crime like any other developed nation, but at least we don't feel the need to walk around armed or worry about whether our kids will get shot at school today.

I never met a Muslim with a gun. Your prejudice is showing.

*** Had to delete, image had a virus ***

01-14-2014, 12:59 PM
*** Had to delete, image had a virus ***

Sorry, Bud!! The image that you linked to contained a virus according to my scanner, Avast. It was an image from "middleeast.org", but hell, they may not know its infected either!

I took this screenshot:


01-14-2014, 01:13 PM
Jim you are exactly right , our knowledge did stop at the point of the officer ordering the kid to show his hands but if ya watch the video the kid was told to show his hands and then bullets where flying , this officer didn't have time to make a educated decision , he shot before he could of possibly took all the facts into play ( looked to me like as he pulled he already knew hue was going to fire ) and again I ask what if a person that legally could carry was walking out at the time, this cop screamed orders and shot all in one breath , as for the cops clearing him, man they would never look out for one of there own :rolleyes:

As a well trained officer personally I think he should of been able to tell the difference between a toy and the real thing ( of course he would of had to of actually payed attention ) also if ya look at the guns the toys kind of resemble a Glock ( without the orange tip ) Glock makes a all black gun ( most call it ugly and say never carry open because it is so ugly , a inside joke at the gun shops ) most guns aren't all black and I have never seen any with a orange tip but Glock is all black ( just like the toy ) and Glock is also what a lot of police officers carry ( nope not a rule or anything but Glock just makes a dependable affordable gun ) So IF this cop carried a Glock it seems like he should of known his weapon well enough to know the air soft gun was a toy . My kids have all kinds of air soft guns and honestly while grabbing one of my guns to carry I have never made the mistake of getting them confused .

Let me ask one question in response, because it seems your stance is that he acted too quickly after asking the kid to show his hands.

What would be an appropriate response if this kid turned and raised this "gun" as the cop asked him to show his hands. The officer has a call of an armed person, apparently sees someone with a gun, otherwise how did he know who to ask. The kid turns and lifts the gun. Yes, this shit can happen that quickly. Hell, maybe the kid was in the midst of turning around already before the cop even asks, and then he raises the gun, even if accidentally. The cop has a fraction of a second to determine if he is about to be shot. Should he have waited to see if he was shot at before firing himself?

I'm sure the kid was no danger at all, but the officer couldn't have known that, and was acting as if it was a real gun. IF it were a criminal and IF it were a real gun, this conversation doesn't even take place. And while neither was true, the police have no way to know that, which is why they handle every case the same. It's sad, it's a tragedy, but an unfortunate outcome for someone being dumb enough to bring ANY gun out of its holster in public. People get suspended for fake finger guns! In this day and age, fucking around with guns will get a serious response. Any parent purchasing toy guns should also teach this to the kids, that even though it's a toy, it can be taken seriously if used wrongly.

01-14-2014, 04:55 PM
Let me ask one question in response, because it seems your stance is that he acted too quickly after asking the kid to show his hands.

What would be an appropriate response if this kid turned and raised this "gun" as the cop asked him to show his hands. The officer has a call of an armed person, apparently sees someone with a gun, otherwise how did he know who to ask. The kid turns and lifts the gun. Yes, this shit can happen that quickly. Hell, maybe the kid was in the midst of turning around already before the cop even asks, and then he raises the gun, even if accidentally. The cop has a fraction of a second to determine if he is about to be shot. Should he have waited to see if he was shot at before firing himself?

I'm sure the kid was no danger at all, but the officer couldn't have known that, and was acting as if it was a real gun. IF it were a criminal and IF it were a real gun, this conversation doesn't even take place. And while neither was true, the police have no way to know that, which is why they handle every case the same. It's sad, it's a tragedy, but an unfortunate outcome for someone being dumb enough to bring ANY gun out of its holster in public. People get suspended for fake finger guns! In this day and age, fucking around with guns will get a serious response. Any parent purchasing toy guns should also teach this to the kids, that even though it's a toy, it can be taken seriously if used wrongly.

Jim the kid is guilty of bad judgement for sure but if the kid was turning in a threatening way I believe the officer's orders maybe would of been a bit more directly ( drop the gun , get on the ground , ) as for a conservation taking place , it didn't the cop no sooner ordered him to raise his hands and then he shot , IMO if I was pulling up to a call where someone had a gun I wouldn't of pulled right into there firing range , maybe of to the side a bit and behind my door ( that would buy a couple seconds and that may of been all it took) but you are right we can analyze this for ever and have 50 different opinions , I just personally feel this was handles all wrong and yes if it was my kid I would have a issue, sure like I said the kid was wrong but hell they give known murders more time to surrender.

01-14-2014, 05:07 PM
Jim the kid is guilty of bad judgement for sure but if the kid was turning in a threatening way I believe the officer's orders maybe would of been a bit more directly ( drop the gun , get on the ground , ) as for a conservation taking place , it didn't the cop no sooner ordered him to raise his hands and then he shot , IMO if I was pulling up to a call where someone had a gun I wouldn't of pulled right into there firing range , maybe of to the side a bit and behind my door ( that would buy a couple seconds and that may of been all it took) but you are right we can analyze this for ever and have 50 different opinions , I just personally feel this was handles all wrong and yes if it was my kid I would have a issue, sure like I said the kid was wrong but hell they give known murders more time to surrender.

Stop disagreeing with me you filthy jerk off! LOL

I can see the argument for both sides. Of course no one wants to see anyone get shot, especially a kid. I would love to read the official reports on this one (honestly never even looked, but I'll do so now!) Wasn't Gaffer a cop, or military cop? I'd like to hear his feedback on this one.

01-14-2014, 11:55 PM
Stop disagreeing with me you filthy jerk off! LOL

I can see the argument for both sides. Of course no one wants to see anyone get shot, especially a kid. I would love to read the official reports on this one (honestly never even looked, but I'll do so now!) Wasn't Gaffer a cop, or military cop? I'd like to hear his feedback on this one.

I guess this story is what makes me doubt all is good, I guess there is always at least 2 sides to a story .

It was about 3 o’clock in the morning in Yakima, Washington when Officer Casey Gilette was on patrol (http://www.yakimaherald.com/news/latestlocalnews/1814527-8/man-shot-by-yakima-police-was-holding-a) and noticed a car parked outside a car wash. Apparently, the car had been parked there for an hour. So, Officer Gilette approached the vehicle on foot and opened the passenger side door and saw a man holding a gun. The gun turned out to be a plastic, orange-tipped Airsoft gun, but before that detail was confirmed, the patrolling officer fired four shots and eventually hit the man in the car Rocendo Arias in the head, killing him.

This bothers me a lot, why is it against the law to have a gun in your possession , when a cop shouts orders and gives ya no time before he shoots he has become judge juror and executioner !!!

We can argue all day about whether it was a wise thing to do for this teenager in California or this individual in Washington to be carrying toy guns in public. The greater point here is why being in possession of a gun, real or not, is automatically assumed to be something only a criminal would do, and therefore deserving instant execution.


01-15-2014, 11:43 AM
I was a deputy sheriff for 8 1/2 years.

When you come up on a situation you can't chose how close you will be, what angle you come in from. You have no idea how the suspect is going to act. And when the confrontation occurs you have seconds to act.

I'm sure the officer saw a gun, not a toy, but a gun, and was fearful the kid would use it. Everyone reacts differently in high stress situations and this guy probably reacted quicker than he should, however, if it had been a real gun and the kid was going to use it he only had one second reaction time. Factors to be considered too, like what kind of neighborhood was it. How was the kid dressed, were others around him fearful or acting with him.

Tragic occurrence that leaves the kid dead and the officer haunted for the rest of his life. Based on what I read it was justified. Unlike TV, the officer will be placed on paid leave (taken from his vacation time), he'll write his report and be interviewed numerous times. Following that he will be counseled for as long as necessary. All witnesses will be interviewed as well, multiple times.

Something I learned in the war, what makes you afraid and react in certain ways is your imagination.

01-15-2014, 02:32 PM
I was a deputy sheriff for 8 1/2 years.

When you come up on a situation you can't chose how close you will be, what angle you come in from. You have no idea how the suspect is going to act. And when the confrontation occurs you have seconds to act.

I'm sure the officer saw a gun, not a toy, but a gun, and was fearful the kid would use it. Everyone reacts differently in high stress situations and this guy probably reacted quicker than he should, however, if it had been a real gun and the kid was going to use it he only had one second reaction time. Factors to be considered too, like what kind of neighborhood was it. How was the kid dressed, were others around him fearful or acting with him.

Tragic occurrence that leaves the kid dead and the officer haunted for the rest of his life. Based on what I read it was justified. Unlike TV, the officer will be placed on paid leave (taken from his vacation time), he'll write his report and be interviewed numerous times. Following that he will be counseled for as long as necessary. All witnesses will be interviewed as well, multiple times.

Something I learned in the war, what makes you afraid and react in certain ways is your imagination.

Gaffer. We will always have to listen to the people who have NO IDEA what they are talking about in situations like this, and countless others.

I am always reminded by one sentence that helps me remember why I should say nothing. And that sentence is "THERE, BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD...GO I".

Unfortunately. There are so many out there who claim they don't believe in such things. And, oddly enough. Most of them are now residents of URNS, and CEMETERIES.

01-15-2014, 03:05 PM
Here's one for Jafar's perusal ...


Walid Shoebat's site. Seems legit..... NOT! Even so, what is your point?

Are you saying there isn't such thing as PAINT or maybe it no longer had an orange tip (i.e. the kid broke it off)?

Even so, what was an airsoft gun doing in the hands of the kid in a public area?

Why do you insist on blaming the one that was DOING HIS JOB and protecting the general public? After all the mass shootings by spoiled brat emo-teens, you would think that the officer doing what needed to be done and stop the idiot before anything could happen would be more of a concern to you.

If this kid were one of my kids, he'd be lucky the officer shot him before I did. Then again, my kids will have it drilled into them the laws and safety regarding ANY firearm or anything like it, such as airsoft and paintball guns.

When I was living in France, one of the kids in the area was shooting other kids with a bb gun. I just went and took it off him and binned it. The office could have done the same except he was working in an area where he must have been so scared of being shot that he over reacted.

*** Had to delete, image had a virus ***

Your image of a Palestinian guarding a funeral in a town that had been raided by Israelis is supposed to say what? That people have guns to protect themselves in a warzone where enemy forces regularly roll in and shoot people? The nerve of the guy! :p

<center>A masked Palestinian gunman holds up his AK-47 during the funeral of Ashour Salim Deeb, 70, in Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza strip, December 1, 2002. Israeli troops and tanks raided a Palestinian-ruled town in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, killing a local man during clashes and razing the family homes of three militants before leaving, witnesses said.


01-15-2014, 03:30 PM
Your image of a Palestinian guarding a funeral in a town that had been raided by Israelis is supposed to say what? That people have guns to protect themselves in a warzone where enemy forces regularly roll in and shoot people? The nerve of the guy! :p

Did you see the image before I removed it or did you go to the link from the infection report? I'm just curious if your machine reported the infection too, or if mine was incorrect?

01-15-2014, 07:53 PM
Did you see the image before I removed it or did you go to the link from the infection report? I'm just curious if your machine reported the infection too, or if mine was incorrect?

I grabbed the link from your report. I don't know if the infection was there. Avast has been known report false positives in the past. I am on a linux box so immune to it anyway.