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01-13-2014, 08:05 AM
OK so when I saw this article even mention the the Enquirer I lost all hope that this may be true but then again look at the facts, it seems maybe Moochelle is starting to get ready to go back to a life where the tax payers won't be paying for her every whim, hell they talk of a birthday party for her ( no doubt it will be star studded ) and lets not forget her lengthy Hawaii stay ( which Obama gave her a present and extended her vacation ) all not good enough for such a demanding Mooch, her looks at such important meetings show her lack of respect for her husbands job and shows all this animal is interested in is living the good life and letting someone else pay for it . I think she is getting ready to start living the life as they did before hand, smoking pot and talking about MY BABIES DADDY .

Wow. The foreign press has picked up on this and there seems to be a lot of smoke here. It doesn’t take much of a google search to see there are problems and even talks of divorce lawyers being contacted. Maybe Michelle is tired of all the lies too.Check it out:
A LEADING American divorce mediator will visit Washington this week to offer members of Congress advice on ending the “tiresome bickering” between Republicans and Democrats.
If US tabloids are to be believed, she may need to visit the White House first.


01-13-2014, 08:56 AM
She'll wait for after they get booted from the "White" house, blame it on the racism which is the very thread of US society...

01-13-2014, 09:06 AM
She'll wait for after they get booted from the "White" house, blame it on the racism which is the very thread of US society...

The very racism that her and her husband are pushing to make worse on a daily basis .

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-13-2014, 09:22 AM
She'll wait for after they get booted from the "White" house, blame it on the racism which is the very thread of US society...
She would have to give legal justification for a divorce and it couldn't be blamed on Bush this time! If it did happen Obama would blame it on the severity and pressure of his job, Republicans and Bush.. :laugh: . As he never does anything wrong! --Tyr

01-13-2014, 11:02 AM
The very racism that her and her husband are pushing to make worse on a daily basis . At least they are successful at something.

01-13-2014, 03:02 PM
If it's true, then Obama can add it to his list of accomplishments....

1. Screwed up the country
2. Screwed up the military
3. Screwed up health care
4. Screwed up the economy

If screwing things up was an Olympic event, Obama would be packing his bags for Russia. Perhaps they would skip to formailty of a contest and just give him the gold medal just for being Barry the Boy Blunder. He can place it next to his Nobel Peace Prize.

The man is the anti-Midas, everything he touches turns to crap

The man can mess up a one car funeral on a one way street

Not all people are that incompetent, it takes lots of practice.

Abbey Marie
01-13-2014, 04:05 PM
I don't wish divorce on anyone- but can the country just get a divorce from Obama?

01-13-2014, 09:06 PM
I'll believe it when I see it. And, on the light-hearted, funny side.

Wouldn't it be amazing, and entertaining if OBAMA and MOOSHELL did get a divorce, then Barrack Could finally use SAME SEX MARRIAGE to become the Wife, and Mooshell...the Hubby????

INQUIRING MINDS......might wanna think about it.