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View Full Version : Democrats WIN the WAR ON POVERTY

01-17-2014, 04:49 PM

They have WON the WAR...since Obama's dream of 50 Million Poor Americans has come true.

01-17-2014, 05:48 PM
People using food stamps has exploded because the provision requiring people to, at leas,t LOOK for work after 3 months of unemployment has been forgiven in many states and counties.

Now I know many people on food stamps need it, but I would guarantee that just as many stay on them instead of either getting a job or asking for more hours at the job they have.

01-17-2014, 06:14 PM
People using food stamps has exploded because the provision requiring people to, at leas,t LOOK for work after 3 months of unemployment has been forgiven in many states and counties.

Now I know many people on food stamps need it, but I would guarantee that just as many stay on them instead of either getting a job or asking for more hours at the job they have.

Agreed Trigg. I honestly don't believe any of us here begrudge anyone from having access to Food Stamps, Welfare, or any of the other programs available. But, at the same time. Most all of us know there are probably an equal number of people who PLAY THE SYSTEM for all they can get, and as we have all been seeing. Obama, and the Democrats have made a huge success out of nearly forcing people to choose NOT TO WORK, when they can get everything WITHOUT A JOB.

01-19-2014, 06:40 PM
I don't have issue with people who use the programs to get assistance either. My problems come with those who live off the system with absolutely no attempt to support themselves.

We need to learn self government again.

01-19-2014, 10:59 PM
I don't have issue with people who use the programs to get assistance either. My problems come with those who live off the system with absolutely no attempt to support themselves.

Exactly correct. There are some who are genuinely unemployable. Such as veterans and first responders injured in the line of duty. Or those charged with the singular 24-hour care of children or elders.
Unfortunately, government assistance has become defined by those who abuse it. There are too many stories of abuse and not enough about the good uses. One of my co-workers has a sister who was hit by a drunk driver and is paralyzed from the waist down. Her only means of support is government assistance.