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View Full Version : Obama: Some People Dislike Me Because They Don’t Like That I’m Black

01-21-2014, 07:59 AM
Maybe if he didn't keep reminding us it would be different , but with him screaming all the time about racism and him being black it is kind of hard not to think about the color of his skin. I am sure in fact I know there are those that will hate Obama just for being half black ( if he is that much ) I mean he says he is black but then takes his family to Hawaii for Vacation's , he spends more time on the Golf course than any other black man I know, what I am getting at is Obama can scream he is black all he wants but he is just as much white , in fact he lives his life in all fashions as a white man and only becomes black when it is convenient. Let's face it the only thing black about Obama is his free loading wife, many have been saying that since day one but Obama man when it is convenient he becomes a Homie real quick. After all these same people that hated him because he is black still do and the liberal idiots that voted for him because he was black still love him, maybe his approval rating has dropped so much actually has nothing to do with his color but rather the lousy job he is doing, people get sick of being lied to!

On Sunday, The New Yorker released an interview (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-19/obama-says-racial-animus-may-soften-support-new-yorker-reports.html) with President Barack Obama in which the president stated that his approval ratings had been suppressed due to racism. “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president,” Obama stated. “Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black president.”


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-21-2014, 09:18 AM
Maybe if he didn't keep reminding us it would be different , but with him screaming all the time about racism and him being black it is kind of hard not to think about the color of his skin. I am sure in fact I know there are those that will hate Obama just for being half black ( if he is that much ) I mean he says he is black but then takes his family to Hawaii for Vacation's , he spends more time on the Golf course than any other black man I know, what I am getting at is Obama can scream he is black all he wants but he is just as much white , in fact he lives his life in all fashions as a white man and only becomes black when it is convenient. Let's face it the only thing black about Obama is his free loading wife, many have been saying that since day one but Obama man when it is convenient he becomes a Homie real quick. After all these same people that hated him because he is black still do and the liberal idiots that voted for him because he was black still love him, maybe his approval rating has dropped so much actually has nothing to do with his color but rather the lousy job he is doing, people get sick of being lied to!

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/01/19/Obama-interview-racism Couldn't be because he is a lying bastard and has instituted national policies that make life so much harder for tens of millions of American citizens. No way, a small thing like that doesn't even register. Da messiah does no wrong! And his supporters actually haven't a damn clue how bad they have been scammed and shafted up the ass by this piece of scum... but we know. We that are not gullible, blind and stupid dumbasses know.. --Tyr

01-21-2014, 01:32 PM
How do I hate Barack Houdini? Let me count the ways......

1. Obamacare
2. The economy
3. Kneecapping defense
4. Playing footsies with the Iranians
5. N.S.A
6. I.R.S
7. Playing the race card
8. Blaming everyone for your failed policies
9. Forcing American astronauts to have to bum rides from the Russians
10. Advocating drug use when drug use is a problem amongst American children (of course, Obama is a good argument to discourage pot use amongst kids, after all.... look at how he turned out)

01-21-2014, 01:59 PM

01-21-2014, 02:43 PM

I see you're illustrating how people are losing their shirts with Obama in the Presidency.

01-21-2014, 02:49 PM
If I had a real chance to sit down, face-to-face, with Obama. I would tell him the truth.

I hate liars, being lied to, listening to endless lies, and people like him who lie to fool people.

And, since I know that sit-down will never happen.

I only have to say. "OBAMA IS, AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN A LIAR".

I do not hate him, dislike him, or not trust him because of the color of his skin.

That excuse is what AMERICANS with no courage, who are dishonest, and betray others as a habit always have to say because they fear being labeled as RACISTS.

The EXACT reason so many White Americans voted for him twice.

Like the Lion from the WIZARD OF OZ.......They have no courage.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-21-2014, 07:13 PM
I see you're illustrating how people are losing their shirts with Obama in the Presidency. If the bampunk had him alone in a dark room he would likely be losing his pants too. Didn't know that about the messiah did you? :laugh: --Tyr

01-21-2014, 08:22 PM



So. To be fair, and equally respectful to the Pretender-in-Chief.
I salute him as well....5872. That's the Liberal, Democrat, Progressive, and most Socialist sign of respect he has EARNED.

01-21-2014, 09:58 PM
I wish I had the money to hire Matthew Mcconaughey to make a political ad for me...a reprisal of his closing argument scene from A Time To Kill. It would go like this: Imagine your president being responsible for Fast and Furious, Solyndra, IRS targeting of Tea Party groups, the deaths of 4 citizens in Benghazi, the totally botched roll out of the ACA, the repeated bald-faced lying to the American people and other un-Presidential acts and statements...now imagine he's white!

01-22-2014, 01:09 AM
You know, I've never seen anyone actually object to Obama because of race. On the face of it, the objections have been that he's a democrat, and thus, republicans were going to have a natural issue with his issues. Then there were those who believed that he wasn't actually born in the country. Aside from that, it's basically been a whole ton of conservatives disliking his very-liberal policies.

Now, i have seen a lot of accusations of racism as a motivator, but not actual proof of any racism. The term just gets slapped around, and liberals nod sagely, having labeled people with no evidence of actual wrong-doing.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-22-2014, 08:12 AM
Now, i have seen a lot of accusations of racism as a motivator, but not actual proof of any racism. The term just gets slapped around, and liberals nod sagely, having labeled people with no evidence of actual wrong-doing.

The term just gets slapped around, and liberals nod sagely, having labeled people with no evidence of actual wrong-doing When have they ever not done that? Its like stripes on a tiger with such people. Where a lie is as good as the truth , all that matters is how you use it and what you can get from it. That's the modern liberal democrat. -Tyr

01-22-2014, 01:51 PM
When have they ever not done that? Its like stripes on a tiger with such people. Where a lie is as good as the truth , all that matters is how you use it and what you can get from it. That's the modern liberal democrat. -Tyr

Well, there was a time in our history where him being black would have meant the majority of white folks were against him on that simple point, but the thing is, we moved past that decades ago now. We've pretty much been expecting now that we're going to at some point have a black president as well as expecting we'll have a female president somewhere along the way.

01-22-2014, 01:59 PM
I don't like Obama because he is a butthole.

01-22-2014, 02:51 PM
I don't like Obama because he is a butthole.

Yep, sometimes it can easily be summed up! :laugh:

01-22-2014, 02:52 PM
You know, I've never seen anyone actually object to Obama because of race. On the face of it, the objections have been that he's a democrat, and thus, republicans were going to have a natural issue with his issues. Then there were those who believed that he wasn't actually born in the country. Aside from that, it's basically been a whole ton of conservatives disliking his very-liberal policies.

Now, i have seen a lot of accusations of racism as a motivator, but not actual proof of any racism. The term just gets slapped around, and liberals nod sagely, having labeled people with no evidence of actual wrong-doing.

DragonStryk. SPOT ON. And, we must all recognize, and take note how most of those who accuse US...non-Black Americans of being racists against Obama. Just happen to be the people who MUST, at all cost. Proliferate the endless divide Obama relies on to make such claims, so easily.
Obama knows very well. The more he can convince THE EASILY LED, GULLIBLE Black Americans to BELIEVE everything he says, and does. As in voting Democrat in every election. He cannot lose the backing of the people he betrays, and fools so well.

01-22-2014, 03:49 PM
I don't like Obama because he is a butthole.

Which is fitting given that he has served up a big excrement sandwich. I get really annoyed when people from other countries who want to force their government sponsored difficulties upon us. They are jealous of our 12 cent per KWH electricity, gasoline under one USD per liter, a luxury car under 35 grand, keeping 75 grand of a 100 grand salary, etc., etc., etc. .... They applaud the anti-American President that wants to ruin all these things in spite of it not helping their lot in life one bit. It's the height of pettiness wanting others worse off so they will be equal to you.

01-24-2014, 04:51 PM
Well, there was a time in our history where him being black would have meant the majority of white folks were against him on that simple point, but the thing is, we moved past that decades ago now. We've pretty much been expecting now that we're going to at some point have a black president as well as expecting we'll have a female president somewhere along the way.

He's not the first black president, he's the first mulatto president. The first black president has yet to be elected.

01-24-2014, 04:59 PM
He's not the first black president, he's the first mulatto president. The first black president has yet to be elected.

Gaffer. Not true. Remember how the NAACP declared CLINTON as the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT?