View Full Version : Police Officer Stops to Play Catch With Boy Playing Alone

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-21-2014, 10:06 AM
I put this into religion and ethics because it shows how cops used to be. It shows the behavior we should be demanding in those that have such authority and carry a gun with the authority to use it! Video in the link shows how police should be acting instead of the new Obama inspired gestapo attitude they are ever so rapidly advancing. We need more cops like that... --Tyr
http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/police-officer-stops-to-play-catch-with-boy-playing-alone-002435126.html?vp=1 .
Police Officer Stops to Play Catch With Boy Playing Alone
.By ABC News | ABC News Blogs – 14 hours ago . ABC News' John Donvan reports:

It’s usually trouble that gets police dashboard cameras rolling. They look in on an often depressing landscape of busts, brawls and tempers blown.

But a dash cam video surfaced Saturday from Rosenberg, Texas, that shows a different picture. Sgt. Ariel Soltura was doing a routine traffic stop with his dashboard camera rolling, as is customary. All of a sudden, he saw a group of kids playing football, with one kid not part of the group. So Soltura stopped his car.

In the video, it’s looks almost ominous when the car stops right where a child is standing. What’s going to happen next? A confrontation? Was the kid in trouble?He runs in and out of frame continually until it shows that someone had tossed him a football.

A few seconds later, the police officer enters the frame and reveals that he’s the one who threw the ball.

“I got out,and I think the universal sign that everybody knows for throw me the football,I held my hands up in a triangle form,” Soltura said.

“I wasn’t expecting that,” 10-year-old Jermaine Ford said. “I thought I was in trouble and did something wrong.”

“Something snapped in his head where he’s like, ‘Hey this guy is here to play football with me,’” Soltura said.

When the police department posted the video online, it drew a million hits within hours.People were drawn to the connection between a cop and a kid who never even knew each other’s names.

They met again today for another catch.

01-21-2014, 02:07 PM
That one act of community spirit could have saved the kid from straying down the dark path later on.

Even if he is a fat cop, he took the effort to reach out to the community and showed what a role model should be.