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View Full Version : Michelle Obama wants $10 donations to 'help protect Obamacare'

01-27-2014, 02:53 PM
Well, so much for the liberals who get angry when it's referred to as "Obamacare", as the fat lady herself calls it the same. And now while many are seeing rates increases, or their insurance dropped, or their coverage getting shittier - she wants MORE money to go to the dolts who put this atrocity out there.

First lady Michelle Obama is seeking $10 donations to protect Obamacare, her husband's troubled health insurance system.

Just one day before he gives the annual State of the Union address, the first lady sent out a fundraising email to supporters hoping to use the speech to prompt donations to help Democrats in the midterm elections this fall.

Friend —

Earlier this month, because of what you did, it became illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against the up to 129 million Americans living with pre-existing conditions. Young Americans are able to stay on their parents' health care plans as they get on their feet, and we can now know that our insurance companies won't put lifetime caps on our coverage.

You should be so proud of that. That happened because you organized, you talked to your friends and neighbors, and you chipped in what you could, when you could, to elect Barack and a Congress who supported his agenda.

Today, I'm asking you to do it again.

So before Barack gives his State of the Union address tomorrow, chip in $10 or more and help protect Obamacare:


Thank you so much,




01-27-2014, 02:58 PM
Anyone dumb enough to give HER money after she spent how many millions of OUR tax dollars extending her vacation in Hawaii, needs to have their heads examined.

01-27-2014, 03:14 PM
Well, so much for the liberals who get angry when it's referred to as "Obamacare", as the fat lady herself calls it the same. And now while many are seeing rates increases, or their insurance dropped, or their coverage getting shittier - she wants MORE money to go to the dolts who put this atrocity out there.


Sadly. So many Americans are so gullible, and dumb...since they voted for Obama. They will think sending 10 bucks is worth it.
But...I see this as Michelle building up her GET OUT OF TOWN account...since we all know, the IRS won't be handling that kind of POOR PEOPLE'S MONEY.
Unfortunately. Like before.
The Information-Starved Americans with little common sense, or education WILL do everything MOOSHELL says.
And, if that doesn't work
She'll just blame the Republicans, and George Bush...like her idiot Husband.