View Full Version : Logroller's responses to aboutime

01-31-2014, 04:32 AM
Obama, and Hillary Clinton CANNOT change the FACTS.

The evidence has been announced. Still in progress. http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?44716-Proof-will-be-denied-by-everyone-connected&p=681466#post681466

Deny what..that an 11 year-old mentally retarded person would think you're dumb?

Hardly-- I'm amazed! I didn't think it was possible for one person to possess such a vast reservoir of undiluted gibberish but you have proven, once again, that there is no such thing as unutterable nonsense. I used to think that you were just a gibbering idiot. Now, after reading your latest post, I have a much lower opinion of you.

If ignorance were a disability, you'd get the full pension. Reading your post makes blindness a wonderful thing to look forward to.

Of course I fully support your right to humiliate yourself on the Internet but Im curious, how blissful is ignorance-- have you ever noticed that whenever you sit behind a keyboard, some idiot starts typing?

Seriously, if all the village idiots... left their villages... and formed their own village... OF IDIOTS... in that village... YOU would be that village idiot's stupider brother.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-31-2014, 10:08 AM

Deny what..that an 11 year-old mentally retarded person would think you're dumb?

Hardly-- I'm amazed! I didn't think it was possible for one person to possess such a vast reservoir of undiluted gibberish but you have proven, once again, that there is no such thing as unutterable nonsense. I used to think that you were just a gibbering idiot. Now, after reading your latest post, I have a much lower opinion of you.

If ignorance were a disability, you'd get the full pension. Reading your post makes blindness a wonderful thing to look forward to.

Of course I fully support your right to humiliate yourself on the Internet but Im curious, how blissful is ignorance-- have you ever noticed that whenever you sit behind a keyboard, some idiot starts typing?

Seriously, if all the village idiots... left their villages... and formed their own village... OF IDIOTS... in that village... YOU would be that village idiot's stupider brother. Really? Cage thread to confirm a man is an idiot? If it were really true why would you feel the need to confirm it? Why not just admit his disputes with you irk you ? Are we here to rate each member's level of IQ? I've BEEN CALLED STUPID, IDIOT ,ETC. My IQ at age 15 was rated ABOVE 155 yet my views presented here have been described as stupid . ignorant etc. So high intelligence does not immune one from criticisms and I have no problem with that myself. I often criticize positions taken by very intelligent people, such intelligence does not mean perfection. Anybody can be wrong not matter how smart they are! Even me. :laugh::laugh::laugh: Also I am curious , correct me if I am wrong but I just clicked the link you gave in a thread in the top forums and it brought me down here to this cage thread. Isn't it in the rules here that cage threads are not to be presented on the top boards? Now I am speaking here for myself and not aboutime. He can handle himself quite well IMHO AND NEEDS NO HELP FROM ME WITH THAT. PERHAPS EVEN YOU CAN ADMIT WHETHER HE BE A COMMON MAN SPEAKING OR A RAVING GENIUS HIS WORDS ARE JUDGED BY THE INDIVIDUAL READER OF THOSE WORDS AND AS ONE SUCH READER I SEE MUCH MERIT IN HIS WORDS. I see heart, patriotism and concern for the future of this nation and his family. I take the good with the bad. Just sayin.. -Tyr

01-31-2014, 11:09 AM
Really? Cage thread to confirm a man is an idiot?

Confirm? No. Vent about it? I think that's a legitimate purpose of the cage.

01-31-2014, 02:44 PM
I clicked the link and chose to reply there. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing no matter one's level of intelligence don't you agree? --Tyr

Thanks Tyr. NO biggy with that. Seems the idiot who wanted it in the cage...got his wish.

01-31-2014, 04:30 PM
No log. YOU, and people like YOU are the problem.
Hardly. It's the unfounded bullshit you, and people like you spew that is the problem. If rational points were money and battleships cost a nickel, you couldn't put a down payment on a canoe.

01-31-2014, 04:46 PM
Thanks Tyr. NO biggy with that. Seems the idiot who wanted it in the cage...got his wish.
Hey straw-man, follow the yellow brick road and maybe...

01-31-2014, 04:49 PM
Hardly. It's the unfounded bullshit you, and people like you spew that is the problem. If rational points were money and battleships cost a nickel, you couldn't put a down payment on a canoe.

Thanks log. Was recently thinking the very same about you, like If brains were cotton. You wouldn't have enough to create a Q-tip for an ant.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-31-2014, 07:05 PM
Confirm? No. Vent about it? I think that's a legitimate purpose of the cage. I never stated it wasn't. I even mentioned that AT's replies irk logroller. I did not say AT was perfect etc. Sometimes maybe he likes to yank you guys chains. No rule against that which I know of here. I simply disagreed with logroller stating he is an idiot. And wondered if we had an IQ test here that I was unaware of. ;) I have no problem with them both venting here because as you say this is the place for it. --Tyr

01-31-2014, 08:00 PM
I never stated it wasn't. I even mentioned that AT's replies irk logroller. I did not say AT was perfect etc. Sometimes maybe he likes to yank you guys chains. No rule against that which I know of here. I simply disagreed with logroller stating he is an idiot. And wondered if we had an IQ test here that I was unaware of. ;) I have no problem with them both venting here because as you say this is the place for it. --Tyr

Tyr. Once again. Thanks for the thought. It's not like I haven't been called worse names here, and other places. In fact. When they choose to use the name calling. I just chalk it up to supporting my assertions about their lack of intelligence.

02-01-2014, 06:56 AM
... maybe...


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-01-2014, 12:23 PM
OK, YOU GOT ME THERE. No maybe to it.. :laugh: He does like to yank that chain. Methinks a few others here like doing that too. ;)--Tyr

02-01-2014, 02:56 PM
OK, YOU GOT ME THERE. No maybe to it.. :laugh: He does like to yank that chain. Methinks a few others here like doing that too. ;)--Tyr

I was laughing at an utter inability to do anything else... and even that not too well.

02-01-2014, 03:26 PM
I was laughing at an utter inability to do anything else... and even that not too well.

fj. To the contrary. Seems to be working quite well...in Your Behalf. Otherwise. Why would you need to defend it in any way...if it wasn't a Thorn in your side.
Name calling...as so often used here. Is one of the first qualifications most of you enjoy...just prior to getting your PRE-SCHOOL graduation certificate.

02-01-2014, 07:41 PM
Seems to be working quite well...

Agreed, your gibberish is in high form. :)

02-02-2014, 07:43 AM
Agreed, your gibberish is in high form. :)
Agreed. If ignorance were a disability, AT would get full disability...and I'd guess he has already.

02-02-2014, 03:38 PM
Agreed. If ignorance were a disability, AT would get full disability...and I'd guess he has already.

Thanks log. I'll take that as a compliment since Emulating, and Trying to be JUST LIKE YOU seems to have struck YOUR CHILDISH NERVE.

02-02-2014, 05:09 PM
Sweet, a fight, and I'm not involved! :popcorn:

02-02-2014, 05:28 PM
Sweet, a fight, and I'm not involved! :popcorn:

Yeah, Jim. It's always fun to watch ONE person fight themselves. You can call me Log from now on. How am I doin?

02-02-2014, 05:29 PM
Yeah, Jim. It's always fun to watch ONE person fight themselves. You can call me Log from now on. How am I doin?

No way you get me into this one! LOL I like both of you guys. I think you're both smart when you want to be. I'd buy you both a beer if I had a chance! :beer:

02-02-2014, 05:34 PM
No way you get me into this one! LOL I like both of you guys. I think you're both smart when you want to be. I'd buy you both a beer if I had a chance! :beer:

Thanks jim. Wish I could enjoy a beer with you too! But that's not possible anymore.

As for Log and I. This is a forum. And...."IT'S ALL IN THE GAME". As Tommy Edwards once sang.


It's like an electronic, technical, anonymous football game that NEVER ENDS.

02-02-2014, 05:39 PM
Thanks jim. Wish I could enjoy a beer with you too! But that's not possible anymore.

Sure it is! I can respect that and would buy you an O'Douls or another non-alcoholic beverage!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-02-2014, 07:03 PM
Sure it is! I can respect that and would buy you an O'Douls or another non-alcoholic beverage! Neither one of them is a dummy. It is sometimes good to slug it out in a thread and this is the place for it. I'd buy all you guys a couple good shots of whiskey and even shoot some pool with any of you three. :beer:--Tyr

Abbey Marie
02-02-2014, 09:50 PM
Would you all buy me a drink? I like Manhattans. :cool:

02-03-2014, 07:32 AM
OK, YOU GOT ME THERE. No maybe to it.. :laugh: He does like to yank that chain. Methinks a few others here like doing that too. ;)--Tyr

AT just likes messing with the liberals that try and pass themselves off as conservative :laugh:

02-05-2014, 03:17 PM
Would you all buy me a drink? I like Manhattans. :cool:

Come visit NYC and WiccanLiberal and I will buy you one at the Waldorf Astoria's Bull and Bear Tavern.

My Grandfather worked there 50 years... Best Manhattans in NYC

02-05-2014, 04:58 PM
Would you all buy me a drink? I like Manhattans. :cool:

Abbey. In today's world of OBAMA-ism's, related to pure stupidity, ignorance, hatred, and racism. I often wonder WHY I am remaining strong enough NOT to return to my days of DRINK.

I would love to buy everyone any Alcoholic drink they like...such as a Manhattan. But honestly.
It wouldn't be much fun...settling for a Coke, Ginger Ale, or Water while everyone else unwinds.

02-05-2014, 05:04 PM
Come visit NYC and WiccanLiberal and I will buy you one at the Waldorf Astoria's Bull and Bear Tavern.

My Grandfather worked there 50 years... Best Manhattans in NYC

Can you get me a free room for a weekend? :dunno: :)

02-05-2014, 05:10 PM
Can you get me a free room for a weekend? :dunno: :)

jim. Be careful if you go to NYC. These days...the most popular FREE ROOMS available might be at RIKERS ISLAND:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:!

In fact. With the new mayor running the entire city into the ground. That might just be the safest place you could end up.:laugh:

02-09-2014, 03:20 AM

I never said you were senile. An idiot... Suffering from cognitive disfunction... Sure. I mean its plain to see from your posts that's all true, but senile? I don't know about that, but if the shoe fits....besides, I thought we had an understanding that you wouldn't bring me into a discussion in which I wasn't a part. And I assure you, I specifically avoided a thread on senility and dementia that you were posting in.

02-09-2014, 04:55 PM

I never said you were senile. An idiot... Suffering from cognitive disfunction... Sure. I mean its plain to see from your posts that's all true, but senile? I don't know about that, but if the shoe fits....besides, I thought we had an understanding that you wouldn't bring me into a discussion in which I wasn't a part. And I assure you, I specifically avoided a thread on senility and dementia that you were posting in.

If it bothers you so much. Why do you feel any need to respond?

If it makes you feel more confident, and somehow impresses you for proving your own 'Disfunction' here. Pat yourself on the back. As for the so-called 'understanding' you mentioned. You really do sound bothered, as you assure me....again...how you AVOIDED a thread on senility, and dementia...but turn around...and do it anyway?
Guess you just have to defend the un-defendable...and pretend you didn't. Huh?

02-17-2014, 02:01 PM
Can you get me a free room for a weekend? :dunno: :)

Tie the wife naked to a tree...pelt her with marble size snowballs for 30 minutes and let her go.

Video tape the whole thing and we'll see about the room for a weekend... if you survive.

05-16-2014, 01:06 PM
My IQ at age 15 was rated ABOVE 155

Man, I see the total lies continue. LOL. I'm sure you fool yourself with such lies try-harder, but your posts sort of prove out it's total BS. :laugh:

05-16-2014, 04:42 PM
Man, I see the total lies continue. LOL. I'm sure you fool yourself with such lies try-harder, but your posts sort of prove out it's total BS. :laugh:

Where ever you have been I wish you would go back there. Gotta add another name to my ignore list.

Here's your brick.

05-16-2014, 05:31 PM
Where ever you have been I wish you would go back there.

Yes, I know your right wing family of low intelligence extremists would prefer nobody point out their stupidity. That was noted on day one.

Abbey Marie
05-17-2014, 10:31 AM
There are people who go around the Internet like angry little bees, pollinating forum after forum with their bitterness. It really must suck to be so unhappy.

05-18-2014, 06:38 PM
There are people who go around the Internet like angry little bees, pollinating forum after forum with their bitterness. It really must suck to be so unhappy.

Abbey. Agreed. People like that simply can't be happy unless...they make everyone else as miserable as they are. Remember the expression:
"Misery loves company?"
Do we have a candidate for that?:laugh:

05-23-2014, 07:42 PM
There are people who go around the Internet like angry little bees, pollinating forum after forum with their bitterness. It really must suck to be so unhappy.

Yeah there certainly are. Thankfully I only see some of the ones here on this forum and not on any other ones.

Not sure what it's like to be unhappy though, life is a great joy and every day is fun and exciting.

05-23-2014, 08:00 PM
Abbey. Agreed. People like that simply can't be happy unless...they make everyone else as miserable as they are. Remember the expression:
"Misery loves company?"
Do we have a candidate for that?:laugh:

Abbey. Something I found in my Pictures directory....http://icansayit.com/images/arbo.jpgLooks like this stuff doesn't work at all????

Abbey Marie
05-23-2014, 09:49 PM
Yeah there certainly are. Thankfully I only see some of the ones here on this forum and not on any other ones.

Not sure what it's like to be unhappy though, life is a great joy and every day is fun and exciting.

I will look forward to seeing your happy, uplifting posts in the future, then. :thumb: