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View Full Version : It's just the same old third world birthrate problem again

Tricky Dicky
02-01-2014, 05:36 AM
Like everthing else that is happening in the world, avoid the rhectoric, morality questions, historical ( and hysterical ) context and the rest of the liberal blah blah blah, to understand what is happening, get hold of a good reference book which will give the populations of various parts of the world in the 40s and compare those with the present numbers.
In particular look at the figures for the West Bank and Gaza at the time of the creation of the Jewish state. The vast increases are due to an abnormally high birthrate which has been generated courtesy of the UN. This means a corresponding vast number of young men ( and children ) who have nothing else to do with their lives but to try to kill Israelis. The increase in the Jewish population on the otherhand has been simple migration of the SAME ETHNIC PEOPLE ( unlike that of the US ) which has been supported by Israel's ability to create high tech employment.

02-01-2014, 07:21 AM
The vast increases are due to an abnormally high birthrate which has been generated courtesy of the UN.


Birthrates are tied to economic development; Israel has it, WB and Gaza don't.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-01-2014, 12:32 PM

Birthrates are tied to economic development; Israel has it, WB and Gaza don't. Not always true, see Africa. Where adverse conditions cause early death we see greater birth rates to compensate. True in Africa the greater birth rate is because they live in such poor conditions that sex is likely the only pleasure they can indulge in without having killed somebody to get the means to do so. Other factors exist to promote higher birth rate there ,religion being one.

Abbey Marie
02-01-2014, 12:51 PM

Birthrates are tied to economic development; Israel has it, WB and Gaza don't.

..and government handouts?

02-01-2014, 02:52 PM
Not always true, see Africa. Where adverse conditions cause early death we see greater birth rates to compensate. True in Africa the greater birth rate is because they live in such poor conditions that sex is likely the only pleasure they can indulge in without having killed somebody to get the means to do so. Other factors exist to promote higher birth rate there ,religion being one.

Africa proves my posit. People have more children when they are necessary to support the earlier generation. Plenty of religious folk don't have kids even as they're religion frowns upon birth control.

..and government handouts?

Not so much. Besides I was speaking to the country, though not exactly country, level in the OP.

02-01-2014, 03:43 PM
Like everthing else that is happening in the world, avoid the rhectoric, morality questions, historical ( and hysterical ) context and the rest of the liberal blah blah blah, to understand what is happening, get hold of a good reference book which will give the populations of various parts of the world in the 40s and compare those with the present numbers.
In particular look at the figures for the West Bank and Gaza at the time of the creation of the Jewish state. The vast increases are due to an abnormally high birthrate which has been generated courtesy of the UN. This means a corresponding vast number of young men ( and children ) who have nothing else to do with their lives but to try to kill Israelis. The increase in the Jewish population on the otherhand has been simple migration of the SAME ETHNIC PEOPLE ( unlike that of the US ) which has been supported by Israel's ability to create high tech employment.

Tricky Dicky. All you need to do is visit DETROIT, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK CITY, BALTIMORE, CHICAGO, and hundreds of other U.S. Cities. You sound like a wannabe spokesperson for CHINA, and their ONE CHILD rule to control the birthrate.
Too bad nobody considered that...prior to your Birthday.

Tricky Dicky
02-03-2014, 10:21 AM
..and government handouts?

No they haven't got any government handouts - it's handouts from the American tax payer

05-06-2014, 01:02 PM
The question we should be asking is whether quantity is greater than quality. A couple of thousand more Israeli Muslims will shift the political landscape but the Jews won't give up their seat of power easily.

AIPAC lobbyists are decreasing every decade Isreal should look to convert some of the Chinese to Judaism.

Abbey Marie
05-06-2014, 01:56 PM
No they haven't got any government handouts - it's handouts from the American tax payer

My point was that economic development is not the only contributor to increased birth rates. Government handouts also add to it, imo. This is generally speaking. I was not being country-specific.

05-06-2014, 07:34 PM
The question we should be asking is whether quantity is greater than quality. A couple of thousand more Israeli Muslims will shift the political landscape but the Jews won't give up their seat of power easily.

AIPAC lobbyists are decreasing every decade Isreal should look to convert some of the Chinese to Judaism.

What? So they can go to the apartheid state and be treated as badly as the white Jews treat the black Jews?

05-21-2014, 12:20 PM
What? So they can go to the apartheid state and be treated as badly as the white Jews treat the black Jews?

.... ahem ... !! ... 'no bias' here, then ... !!!!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I've found a rather interesting piece (sez me) which shows us that the reference to 'the apartheid state' is agenda-driven, following an established anti-Israel formula. One which the author of the following article is rather familiar with.

Here's what I mean ... >>


The war against Israel has passed through three phases.

The first was the attempt to annihilate Israel by conventional means. It began with Israel's birth in 1948, when Arab armies nearly captured Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and ended in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, when Israeli forces came within artillery range of Cairo and Damascus.

The next stage, starting in the early 1970s, sought to cripple Israel through terror. Suicide bombers nearly paralyzed the country, but by 2005 they too were defeated.

That is when Israel's enemies launched the third, and potentially most devastating, campaign: to isolate, delegitimize and sanction Israel into extinction. And a key weapon in this stage is the hugely destructive word "apartheid."

Today, the word "apartheid" is wielded by Israel's enemies to delegitimize the Jewish state. Adversaries point to the separation between Israeli settlers and Palestinian residents of the West Bank, separate Israeli and Palestinian roads, and separate schools, hospitals and legal systems. Although Israelis can elect their leaders, opponents of Israel say, Palestinians cannot. They claim that Israel has erected an "apartheid wall" between Jewish and Arab areas.

Yet none of this even remotely resembles apartheid. The vast majority of settlers and Palestinians choose to live apart because of cultural and historical differences, not segregation, though thousands of them do work side by side. The separate roads were created in response to terrorist attacks — not to segregate Palestinians but to save Jewish lives. And Israeli roads are used by Israeli Jews and Arabs alike. The separation of schools is, again, a cultural choice similar to that made by secular and Orthodox Jews and Muslim and Christian Palestinians. Many Palestinians, however, study in Israeli institutions such as Ariel University, located in a settlement. Thousands of Palestinians, many of them from Hamas-controlled Gaza, are treated at Israeli hospitals.

Israelis can indeed vote for their leaders, and so too can the Palestinians, but the Palestinian Authority has refused to hold elections for years. Palestinians are indeed tried under Israeli (originally British) military codes for security infractions, but other cases are referred to Palestinian courts. And even on security-related issues, Palestinians can appeal to Israel's Supreme Court.

Israel has erected a security barrier — only a small section is actually walled — between it and most of the West Bank. But the barrier, a vital counter-terrorism tool, is not permanent and has been moved several times to accommodate Palestinian interests. It is no more an apartheid wall than the fence between the United States and Mexico.

The West Bank represents a complex historical, humanitarian and security situation that six Israeli prime ministers from both the left and right have tried to resolve. Unfortunately, Palestinian leaders turned down Israeli offers of statehood in 2000 and 2008, and have now abandoned peace talks in favor of reunification with Hamas. They aspire to create a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza from which all Jews have been expelled. That is truly apartheid.

Outside of the West Bank, in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Israel, Jews and Arabs mix freely and increasingly live in the same neighborhoods. Arabs serve in Israel's parliament, in its army and on its Supreme Court. And though discrimination in Israel , as in America, remains a scourge, there is no imposed segregation. Go to any Israeli mall, any restaurant or hospital, and you will see Arabs and Jews interacting.

This reality has not prevented Israel's enemies from branding it with the apartheid label. They do so not to achieve a better peace arrangement with Israel but to isolate it internationally and to eliminate it through sanctions.

Israel is not an apartheid state and will not become one, even if the Palestinians continue to reject peace. However unwittingly, those who associate apartheid with Israel are aiding the third and perhaps ultimate stage in the effort to destroy the nation. They are also committing a grave injustice to the millions of American and South African blacks who were the victims of true apartheid.