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02-02-2014, 04:54 PM

02-02-2014, 05:02 PM
Here's a woman who would SUPPORT Obama, no matter what....


02-02-2014, 05:06 PM
Here's a woman who would SUPPORT Obama, no matter what....


might be closer to PMS :laugh2:

02-02-2014, 05:12 PM
What a fat, disgusting piece of crap. I would have backed my tailpipe right up to her window and filled her car with exhaust. I would prefer to just run her fat ass over, but it might harm the truck.

02-02-2014, 05:40 PM
might be closer to PMS :laugh2:

namvet. APOLOGIZE! That would be an insult to PMS. :laugh:

Treehugging Liberals are easy to identify. Just listen to her. TRASH IN...TRASH OUT.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-02-2014, 08:29 PM
Here's a woman who would SUPPORT Obama, no matter what....

http://youtu.be/CVdMySWfAIQ The man's wife should have beat her fat ass for cursing in front of her kids. Had it been me I would have told my wife to stomp her liberal dumb ass. That is exactly the type of people I detest and would just love to kick the hell out of hell were it a man instead of a woman. Let a man ever start off with that crap with me and he'll never do it again to anybody. That woman ever so richly deserved to get the hell beat out of her!!!! -Tyr

02-02-2014, 08:38 PM
The man's wife should have beat her fat ass for cursing in front of her kids. Had it been me I would have told my wife to stomp her liberal dumb ass. That is exactly the type of people I detest and would just love to kick the hell out of hell were it a man instead of a woman. Let a man ever start off with that crap with me and he'll never do it again to anybody. That woman ever so richly deserved to get the hell beat out of her!!!! -Tyr

Tyr. That's what those dumb asses want us to do...clobber them, so they can prove how violent we are....and SUE us at the same time.
But...we're expected to EXCUSE such idiotic behavior if it comes from IGNORANT liberal slobs like her. They depend on getting something for FREE...like everything they are never willing to work for on their own. So..idiots like her are on the prowl for anyone dumber than her...but she never is able to find such people...because WE LAUGH AT THEM, and tell them to vote for Obama.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-03-2014, 09:41 AM
Tyr. That's what those dumb asses want us to do...clobber them, so they can prove how violent we are....and SUE us at the same time.
But...we're expected to EXCUSE such idiotic behavior if it comes from IGNORANT liberal slobs like her. They depend on getting something for FREE...like everything they are never willing to work for on their own. So..idiots like her are on the prowl for anyone dumber than her...but she never is able to find such people...because WE LAUGH AT THEM, and tell them to vote for Obama.
Here in the South we tend to give 'em what they asked for... Worry about the consequences later. It is their tough luck when they find out that their disrespect and stupidity doesn't get 100% protection around here like it does in other areas in the country. A man talking to me like that would have gotten his ass stomped quicker that you can say lickity split. That thing being a woman felt safe talking to the husband like that because he was a man. My wife now is a very gentle person ,born and raised in the Philippines and would have ignored the woman but my first two wives were born and raised here in the South and either one of them would have stomped that thing's fat ass without me having to tell them to do so. I admire that spirit in a person, that if you cross this line you get an immediate attitude adjustment with no delay, no talking just swift action. Damn sure keeps a lot of fools in line around here. Think of it this way, that fatass witch had no right to go disturb and verbally assault that family which were minding their own business. The law gave no immediate redress for that so the victims should have. I've given dozens of attitude adjustments in my time and those adjustments likely saved many hundreds of future victims from enduring the attacks from the men I taught not to continue their shat! Of course I did it as a job sometimes, to immediately help others sometimes, as fun sometimes, as practice sometimes but all those were still a public service(beating a bully always is). I learned long ago beat a man's ass right for doing a thing he rarely continues doing it. Sure I paid a high price for it more than a few times(lost my best friend) but my sense of honor and core principles remained intact . I never had to look back and say to myself--I should have done something, I should have saved that victim. I did do with no hesitation and I have the scars and witnesses to prove it. --Tyr