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View Full Version : Sheila Jackson Lee - executive orders

02-05-2014, 12:37 PM
I wish an executive order would be drawn up to send this scumbag to Mars with a one way ticket. She's an enemy to our country, IMO. Not to mention a major racist and political hack of the worst kind.

Sheila Jackson Lee: Writing executive orders for Obama to sign ‘our number one agenda’

Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said that the new Congressional Full Employment Caucus will “give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign.”

Jackson Lee added that writing up executive orders “should be our number one agenda.”

“We will be answering the call of all of America because people need work and we’re not doing right by them by creating work,” the Texas congresswoman said. “I believe this caucus will put us on the right path and we’ll give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign with pride and strength,” Jackson said Jan. 29 at a press conference where she and fellow Democrats launched the Full Employment Caucus.

“In fact, I think that should be our number one agenda. Let’s write up these executive orders — draft them, of course — and ask the president to stand with us on full employment,” Jackson Lee added.

President Obama has declared 2014 a “year of action” despite facing a Republican-controlled House of Representatives opposed to most of his potential legislative reforms.

The Full Employment Caucus, a new job-oriented working group, was created by Democrats including Rep. John Conyers Jr., Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. Charles Rangel, Rep. Frederica Wilson, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Jose Serrano, Rep. Mike Quigley, and Jackson Lee.


02-05-2014, 05:13 PM
Sheila Jackson Lee's photo can now be found in most dictionary's, next to the word(s) Dummy, Idiot, Racist, and the words "STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES" as delivered by FORREST GUMP.

By the way. LEE is another Liar who represents Washington DC. Check out her record on UNEMPLOYMENT, and POVERTY by VOTERS.

Don't laugh too hard.

02-05-2014, 05:49 PM
1. 2013, Lee demanded GOP leaders who saw President Barack Obama as being divisive to "take the cotton out of their ears."

2. "I'm a queen and demand to be treated like one," a former staffer recalled Lee saying. It was never officially recorded, but ex-aides to Lee went to the Daily Caller to complain about her being the 'worst boss' in the Capitol.

3. In response to a NRA ad that featured President Obama's two daughters, Lee said the NRA was "reckless and irresponsible" and may have "jeopardized the security of the first family."

4. In response to school safety, Lee says they should be fortresses but not armed.

“We should be looking at bullet-proof glass for schools ... We are sophisticated enough to build schools with that kind of technology.”

5. Conservatives quickly jumped on Lee after she said this on the house floor:

“And let’s think about moving into 2013, how we make this economy better by looking carefully at how we reform entitlements that are not handouts but they are earned.”

6. Soon after Trayvon Martin's death, Lee questioned George Zimmerman's actions:

“Did he lose his life because of the color of his skin? … Did he become a threat because he had a dark skin? That is the question that has to be answered for Mr. Zimmerman and for the Department of Justice.”

7. In response to allegations that there may have been fraud in the 2008 presidential elections, Lee brought race into play when she said the allegations probably started “maybe because we elected the first African American president.”

8. In what is considered a big faux-paus on the House floor, Lee gave the University of Houston some props:

“We’re excited about Cougars. We’re Cougar Red.”

9. “To all the bloggers, shut up and stop playing racial politics,” Lee said on the PBS talk show program hosted by Tavis Smiley.

10. "This is not an idea of anyone over another person. Republican and Democratic Senators have already voted for this clean bill that we could vote on today. We have martial law. What that means - and my colleagues know what it means - is that you can put a bill on in just minutes," Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Houston.