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View Full Version : Scathing U.N. report demands Vatican act against child sex abuse

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-05-2014, 07:27 PM
http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/02/05/uk-vatican-abuse-un-idUKBREA140LM20140205 Scathing U.N. report demands Vatican act against child sex abuse
Reuters) - The United Nations on Wednesday accused the Vatican of systematically turning a blind eye to decades of sexual abuse of children by priests, and demanded it immediately turn over known or suspected offenders to civil justice.

In a scathingly blunt report, the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child said Church officials had imposed a "code of silence" on clerics and moved abusers from parish to parish "in an attempt to cover up such crimes".



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The Vatican called the report "distorted" and "unfair" and said the United Nations had ignored steps taken in the past decade to protect children.

The combative exchange sets the scene for the Vatican's biggest clash with the United Nations since 1994. Then, at a U.N. population conference in Cairo, the Vatican forced the international organisation to back down on a proposal to approve abortion as a means of birth control.

The report also lays out a fresh challenge for a commission named by Pope Francis in December to advise him on a scandal that has plagued the Church for decades.

The committee said it was "gravely concerned that the Holy See has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed, has not taken the necessary measures to address cases of child sexual abuse and to protect children, and has adopted policies and practices which have led to the continuation of the abuse by and the impunity of the perpetrators".


02-05-2014, 07:39 PM
I demand that the UNITED NATIONS should also admit how they fully support Child Abuse of all kinds, even to the point of appointing known HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION nations to be in charge of HUMAN RIGHTS????

Bout time somebody with some GONADS in our FRAIL, COWARDLY CONGRESS...find a way to discharge the occupants of the U.N. Headquarters to the TRASH HEAP of MOSCOW where the TRAITOR Snowden can betray his nation endlessly.

02-05-2014, 08:58 PM
Now that you've finished shouting..

Children here in Australia and more abroad have suffered at the hands of the Catholic church for decades at least and maybe longer. Sure the Vatican should respond!

While we are on the subject, the Salvation Army have also been enjoying the abuse of children both physical and sexual (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-03/salvation-army-whistleblowers-dismissed-for-reporting-abuse/5235430) it seems.

02-05-2014, 11:00 PM
Now that you've finished shouting..

Children here in Australia and more abroad have suffered at the hands of the Catholic church for decades at least and maybe longer. Sure the Vatican should respond!

While we are on the subject, the Salvation Army have also been enjoying the abuse of children both physical and sexual (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-03/salvation-army-whistleblowers-dismissed-for-reporting-abuse/5235430) it seems.

Sounds like this topic is the most popular method you can use to distract everyone from the known ABUSE (shouting) of Women and Children in Muslim countries.

Not gonna let you change the subject by declaring how terrible Catholics are.... That's just another form of LYING jafar.

02-06-2014, 07:22 AM
Now that you've finished shouting..

Children here in Australia and more abroad have suffered at the hands of the Catholic church for decades at least and maybe longer. Sure the Vatican should respond!

While we are on the subject, the Salvation Army have also been enjoying the abuse of children both physical and sexual (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-03/salvation-army-whistleblowers-dismissed-for-reporting-abuse/5235430) it seems.

The UN need to check itself and it's "PEACE KEEPERS" .
Child abuse is a local and state and federal crime.
It should not be that hard to prosecute the perps. IF the officails were serious. and IF the Vatican Cooporated.

the Minute the Church Moves some Creep outta state or out of the conuntry it becomes a federal and international fugative.

If the feds want to "render" some poeple back to the country for trail those are some I'd might approve of.

BUt Jafar.
didn't i post a thread about Muslim Forced Marriages, You and a few Muslims SAY it's not part of the Muslim faith but it is MOST prevalent in Muslim Countries.
And do we really want to get into all the of Man Boy activity in Afghanistan.
Should the Un Peacekeepers clean all that -not really Muslims but those who call themselves muslims- Crap .

Afghan Pedophilia: A way of life, say U.S. soldiers and journalists

Apologists say that Bacha Bazi or 'Boy Play' is a very old cultural practice in Afghanistan and part of that nation's mainstream.

Citing the Afghanistan strategy review, Vice President Joe Biden reported "great progress" in the counterterrorism effort that has significantly degraded al-Qaeda and the Taliban, particularly their leadership. Lagging behind, he said, is progress on the counterinsurgency front – eliminating terrorist safe havens in Pakistan and building a stable Afghan government.

However, not once did Biden – nor Defense Secretary Leon Panetta -- mention Afghanistan's dirty secret – a large number of pedophiles and pederasts among the Afghan male population.

Pedophilia (http://www.examiner.com/topic/pedophilia) is a widely-accepted practice in southern Afghanistan, where "boys are given to older men for the sexual gratification of the elder and the sexual education of the child," say many returning U.S. troops.

Afghans say pedophilia is most prevalent among Pashtun men in the south who comprise Afghanistan's most important tribe.

Apologists say that Bacha Bazi or 'Boy Play' is a very old cultural practice in Afghanistan and part of that nation's mainstream.

When U.S. officials such as President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta discuss the war in Afghanistan and make claims of success in that fledgling democracy, one issue that's avoided is the widespread sexual intercourse between Afghan men and young boys. In non- diplomatic terms, Afghanistan is a haven for child rape, according to several American military officers just returning from the frontlines of the Global War on Terrorism.

In a country that is considered overly repressive due to its adherence to the precepts contained in the Muslim religion's Koran, it's difficult for American service members and diplomats to understand the fact that a large portion of the Afghan male population are pedophiles (adults who enjoy sexual contact with prepubescent children) or pederasts (adults who enjoy sexual relations with pubescent or post-pubescent children).

While Muslims in Iraq have on several occasions stoned homosexuals for their sexual activities, not all Muslims believe pedophilia is a violation of Sharia law. Those who believe in the sacredness and infallibility of the Koran adhere to the teaching that women are sub-human and quasi-slaves, and therefore Muslim men will look for relationships -- even sexual relationships -- with others of their own gender.

According to Reuters, there is a lot of homosexuality going on in Afghanistan, but those engaging in it don't think of themselves as gay, so that makes it okay since Islam officially disapproves of the gay and lesbian lifestyle.

"They regard themselves as non-gay because they don’t “love” the sex object so Allah is happy. These are the men who avoid their wives as unclean. Apparently there is very little love of any kind in Afghanistan, which explains a lot," according to Reuters....

there's No excuse for the RC church for hiding their hellish abuse.
and there's no excuse for the Muslims Ignoring their hellish abuse.

Pot calling the kettle black in this case.

02-06-2014, 08:29 AM

:rolleyes: The UN has been pointless and advocating for children's rights (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_the_Rights_of_the_Child) for far longer than 5 years.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-06-2014, 11:07 AM
:rolleyes: The UN has been pointless and advocating for children's rights (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_the_Rights_of_the_Child) for far longer than 5 years. Exactly. Yet we see bamscum support it more and more. Do you reckon he knows its pointless? ;)--Tyr

02-06-2014, 12:05 PM
I agree with Rev, the local jurisdictions should be handling these cases, if they could. And if the perp bails, then the feds take over. If the UN wants to submit reports about people doing bad things and demanding action, they should not discriminate. They should make demands of ALL religions/races that may have a problem with child abuse of any kind. If they want to go public at hearings and make such demands, they should spend more time on the subject and equally condemn and demand similar of others. I think Africa has perhaps the most amount of child abuse in the world. India definitely ranks up there. Philippines. Believe it or not, New Zealand. And the list goes on.

I do think the Church should get rid of anyone proven to be involved in child abuse, and report them to the appropriate authorities and cooperate with any subsequent investigations. I think the same exact thing applies to any other place that may have this issue - not just the Vatican.

02-06-2014, 12:08 PM
I think the UN and its peacekeepers may need to work on that issue themselves before they start attacking Catholics over it.

02-06-2014, 01:20 PM
Now that you've finished shouting..

Children here in Australia and more abroad have suffered at the hands of the Catholic church for decades at least and maybe longer. Sure the Vatican should respond!

While we are on the subject, the Salvation Army have also been enjoying the abuse of children both physical and sexual (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-03/salvation-army-whistleblowers-dismissed-for-reporting-abuse/5235430) it seems.

Are you going to acknowledge that the Muslim religion, and acts carried out in its furtherance, ALSO has an awful lot to answer for ?

02-06-2014, 02:38 PM
The UN need to check itself and it's "PEACE KEEPERS" .
Child abuse is a local and state and federal crime.
It should not be that hard to prosecute the perps. IF the officails were serious. and IF the Vatican Cooporated.

the Minute the Church Moves some Creep outta state or out of the conuntry it becomes a federal and international fugative.

If the feds want to "render" some poeple back to the country for trail those are some I'd might approve of.

The Vatican is not a US state nor does it come under US federal law. The Catholic Church is a massive corporation and a hierarchy that needs to answer to the crimes committed under their noses and with it seems, their blessing.

BUt Jafar.
didn't i post a thread about Muslim Forced Marriages, You and a few Muslims SAY it's not part of the Muslim faith but it is MOST prevalent in Muslim Countries.

It's not a part of the Islamic religion. Where it's most prevalent is in South East Asia where unfortunately, ancient tribal customs are still adhered to.

And do we really want to get into all the of Man Boy activity in Afghanistan.
Should the Un Peacekeepers clean all that -not really Muslims but those who call themselves muslims- Crap .

Also non Islamic behaviour. If you were fishing for me to defend it, you paddled up the wrong creek. I abhor it as much as a human as much as I abhor it as a Muslim.

there's No excuse for the RC church for hiding their hellish abuse.
and there's no excuse for the Muslims Ignoring their hellish abuse.

Pot calling the kettle black in this case.

Pot/Kettle/Black? You mentioned two non Islamic customs and tried to pass them off as Islamic. I don't see the connection.

The Catholic Church has a hierarchy and is supposed to tightly control everything that goes on and control they have. They have covered up systematic abuses that have gone on for generations.

Are you going to acknowledge that the Muslim religion, and acts carried out in its furtherance, ALSO has an awful lot to answer for ?

No. The things you usually ascribe to Islam, violate Islamic Law.

02-06-2014, 03:33 PM
Exactly. Yet we see bamscum support it more and more. Do you reckon he knows its pointless? ;)--Tyr



02-06-2014, 05:56 PM
The Vatican is not a US state nor does it come under US federal law. The Catholic Church is a massive corporation and a hierarchy that needs to answer to the crimes committed under their noses and with it seems, their blessing.

I believe the priests and others around the world will fall under the jurisdiction of whatever locale they are in. For example, a priest in NYC would fall under NY laws. Only those working at the vatican would fall into the category you speak of, and as far as I know the abuses weren't happening there. Granted, they sure as hell could help cover things up, and can certainly help priests and others move around churches or even countries to get away from trouble. And no doubt at times the abusers were helped in avoiding arrest/prosecution. The Church needs to take a much more proactive stance and immediately get involved if an allegation comes up and fully cooperate with authorities. They should want these men out of the church as much as the police would like to catch them.

But the same can be said for all of the places I mentioned already, and many other places. Some of these places it's barely looked at or prosecuted, therefore giving off a vibe that it's accepted. No kid should ever have to be born into areas as such and be subject to abuse.

02-06-2014, 06:11 PM
No. The things you usually ascribe to Islam, violate Islamic Law.

Really ?

So .. the very founder of your religion, Prophet Muhammad, violated Islam with his 'child bride', Aisha ???

He violated his own religion ?

Perhaps, regardless of the depths he sunk to, he could do no wrong -- just everybody else who copied his example ??

Do tell .......

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-06-2014, 06:34 PM

http://i.imgur.com/3POyupA.gif I see bamboy's dog is on there exercising , why isn't his wife. :laugh:

02-06-2014, 06:45 PM
I see bamboy's dog is on there exercising , why isn't his wife. :laugh:

TYR. She is! You just can't see her...under the MICHELLE-GO-ROUND, shaking her booty to keep the HUNGRY Dog moving.

02-06-2014, 07:08 PM
Mehdi Hasan (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/mehdi-hasan)This is a column about Muslims and child marriage. .... Child, or underage, marriage is very much a part of British society. And the inconvenient truth is that it is Muslims - not Christians, Jews or Hindus - who are responsible for much of it. There is no point pretending otherwise. Nor is it morally tenable to stand idly by as young girls in the UK are forced into marriages before they are physically or psychologically ready, against their will and against the law.

First, a bit of background. The legal age for marriage in Britain is 16. Yet, back in October, I watched ITV's Exposure documentary, 'Forced To Marry', in which two undercover reporters, posing as the mother and brother of a 14-year-old Muslim girl, called 56 mosques across Britain to ask whether they would perform the girl's marriage. Shamefully, imams at 18 of those 56 mosques - or one in three - agreed to do so.
The imam of a mosque in Manchester was secretly recorded as saying that performing such a marriage would "not be a problem". An imam in Birmingham, despite being told that the girl didn't want to get married, could be heard saying: "She's 14. By sharia, grace of God, she's legal to get married. Obviously Islam has made it easy for us... We're doing it because it's okay through Islam."
Let's be clear: two-thirds of the imams refused to perform such marriages, with many making it clear they "found the request abhorrent". But here's the issue: a third of them didn't. A third of those imams hid behind their - my! - religion: "We're doing it because it's okay through Islam." Frustratingly, many Muslim scholars and seminaries still cling to the view that adulthood, and the age of sexual consent, rests only on biological puberty: that is, 12 to 15 for boys and nine to 15 for girls.

It doesn't have to be this way. As is often the case, there is no single, immutable 'Islamic' view. As Usama Hasan, a reform-minded British Muslim scholar and former imam, argues:
"There was a rival view in Islamic jurisprudence, even in ancient and medieval times: that emotional and intellectual maturity was also required, and was reached between the ages of 15 and 21." The latter view, he tells me, "has been adopted by most civil codes of Muslim-majority countries for purposes of marriage"....

Jafar, If i wanted to I could make a claim that the Vatican is Not Christian. I could point to a lot of thing not in the Bible that the Vatican practices and promotes. But frankly i can't say that everyone in the RC Church is "not a real Christian" But if they are invovled in pedophila or any other sin I can say they are REALLY BAD christians that need to go to jail. UNHOLY Christians (if they are Christians at all). But i've Yet to see even Vatican leadership claim that pedophilia is OK according to roman church teachings.
But i can CAN find Imams from Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Britain and elsewhere that will ENDORSE pedophilia as an Koran approved behavior for Muslim men. AND point to Mohamed as an example of the practice no less.
the RCChurch at least tries to cover it's sins, it hasn't tried to baptize it with God's approval (yet).

So what's a worse a rapist who lies saying "I'm not raping, leave me alone", or a rapist that says "God says it's OK"?

some evil is darker than others.

Dr. Salih bin Fawzan (http://www.famousmuslims.com/SHEIKH%20SALEH%20IBN%20FAWZAN%20AL-FAWZAN.htm), a cleric in Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, has reportedly issued a fatwa asserting that there is no minimum age for marriage and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.”
According to FrontPage (http://frontpagemag.com/2011/07/25/new-saudi-fatwa-defends-pedophilia-as-%E2%80%98marriage%E2%80%99/):

Appearing in Saudi papers (http://alwatan.kuwait.tt/ArticleDetails.aspx?Id=124848) on July 13, the fatwa complains that “Uninformed interference with Sharia rulings by the press and journalists is on the increase, posing dire consequences to society, including their interference with the question of marriage to small girls who have not reached maturity, and their demand that a minimum age be set for girls to marry.”
Fawzan insists that nowhere does Sharia set an age limit for marrying girls: like countless Muslim scholars before him, he relies on Koran 65:4, which discusses marriage to females who have not yet begun menstruating (i.e., are prepubescent) and the fact that Muhammad, Islam’s role model, married Aisha (http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/crcc/engagement/resources/texts/muslim/hadith/bukhari/062.sbt.html#007.062.064)when she was 6-years-old, “consummating” the marriage—or, in modern parlance, raping her—when she was 9.

FP reports that the point of the fatwa is not so much that girls as young as 9 can follow Muhammad’s example and have sexual intercourse, but that there is in fact no age limit at all for the children to be taken as wives. FP asserts the only question posed by the cleric is whether the child is literally physically capable of “bearing the weight” of her new husband, or, molester.

Fawzan reportedly illustrates this point by quoting Ibn Batal’s authoritative religious text Sahih Bukhari:

The ulema [Islam’s interpreters] have agreed that it is permissible for fathers to marry off their small daughters, even if they are in the cradle. But it is not permissible for their husbands to have sex with them unless they are capable of being placed beneath and bearing the weight of the men. And their capability in this regard varies based on their nature and capacity. Aisha was 6 when she married the prophet, but he had sex with her when she was 9 [i.e., when she was deemed capable].

Fawzan then reportedly concludes his fatwa with the warning:

“It behooves those who call for setting a minimum age for marriage to fear Allah and not contradict his Sharia, or try to legislate things Allah did not permit. For laws are Allah’s province; and legislation is his excusive right, to be shared by none other. And among these are the rules governing marriage.”

FP reminds us that Fawzan is not the first Islamic leader to legitimize pedophilia in Islam and that the former grand mufti of Saudi Arabia himself also supported “child-marriage,” citing the Quran and Sunna as proof.
Needless to say many young girls are falling victim such rulings. FP relates the circumstances surrounding the horrific death of a 13 year old girl who was reportedly raped and killed by her husband:

Recall, for instance, the 13-year-old girl who died while her much older husband was copulating with her (it was later revealed that, due to her reluctance, he was tying her up and “raping” her—as if there is another way to describe sex with children); or the 12-year-old who died giving birth to a stillborn (http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/yemeni-12-year-old-dies-while-giving-birth-to-a-stillborn-1.539240); or the 10-year-old who made headlines by hiding (http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/3733.htm) out from her 80-year-old “husband.”
But there are likely numerous other instances that go unreported as the victims’ fear bringing any attention that might result in further abuse, or even their murder.
Where are the human rights abuse investigations at times like these?....

Below an Egyptian Muslim Imam says that it's OK to have sex slaves .. as long as they are infidel women. He quotes the Koran, Hadiths and Mohamed to show that it's permissible today.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/tssBq4jCWtw?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I've yet to see a RC Priest go on TV and defend pedophilia and sex slavery as permissible from Church teaching or the Bible.
Or Issue a Holy encyclicals on it
as Some Imams have issued Fatwahs PROMOTING pedophilia.

Claiming they are NOT real Muslims is Fine but they sure seem to think they are. They quote Mohamed as much as you do, and again they have for an example Mohamed sleeping with a 9 year old child.

02-06-2014, 10:01 PM
Jafar, If i wanted to I could make a claim that the Vatican is Not Christian. I could point to a lot of thing not in the Bible that the Vatican practices and promotes. But frankly i can't say that everyone in the RC Church is "not a real Christian" But if they are invovled in pedophila or any other sin I can say they are REALLY BAD christians that need to go to jail. UNHOLY Christians (if they are Christians at all). But i've Yet to see even Vatican leadership claim that pedophilia is OK according to roman church teachings.
But i can CAN find Imams from Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Britain and elsewhere that will ENDORSE pedophilia as an Koran approved behavior for Muslim men. AND point to Mohamed as an example of the practice no less.
the RCChurch at least tries to cover it's sins, it hasn't tried to baptize it with God's approval (yet).

Your quote says "according to Frontpage". Do you see anything resembling truth on that far right Zionist blog? I don't.

According to FrontPage (http://frontpagemag.com/2011/07/25/new-saudi-fatwa-defends-pedophilia-as-%E2%80%98marriage%E2%80%99/):
Appearing in Saudi papers (http://alwatan.kuwait.tt/ArticleDetails.aspx?Id=124848) on July 13, the fatwa complains that “Uninformed interference with Sharia rulings by the press and journalists is on the increase, posing dire consequences to society, including their interference with the question of marriage to small girls who have not reached maturity, and their demand that a minimum age be set for girls to marry.”
Fawzan insists that nowhere does Sharia set an age limit for marrying girls: like countless Muslim scholars before him, he relies on Koran 65:4, which discusses marriage to females who have not yet begun menstruating (i.e., are prepubescent) and the fact that Muhammad, Islam’s role model, married Aisha (http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/crcc/engagement/resources/texts/muslim/hadith/bukhari/062.sbt.html#007.062.064)when she was 6-years-old, “consummating” the marriage—or, in modern parlance, raping her—when she was 9.

The Ayah 65:4 is relating to DIVORCE (it doesn't discuss marriage!) and the waiting period before the divorce is granted. In particular لَمْ يَحِضْنَ (Lam Yahidhna) which is those who do not menstruate is referring to those who are menopausal. It could also apply to those who hadn't started yet, but marriage at a young age was not uncommon 1400 years ago so both extremes were covered by it. Haven't we dealt with the young marriages of 1400 years ago it in another thread?

And I thought we were discussing the current plight of the Catholic Church and the institutional pedophilia they are guilty of. Bringing Islam into the discussion is way off topic.

02-07-2014, 06:50 AM
Jafar don't ignore the other items in my post to attack a source you don't like. It won't be hard to find simalar elsewhere in mainstream press or Or Islamic blogs.

And Jafar your 1st post mentioned the RC Church and then added in the Salvation Army.
I then added in the Muslim approved serial child abuses. You opened the gate. But I've repeated that BOTH practices are wrong. the RC Church --somewhat hypocritically-- but consistently say it's wrong, While far to many Muslim Imams say It's A-OK. If the UN is sticking it's nose in --for the sake of the children-- they should do it across the board don't you agree? And don't you agree that so-called Muslims ought to STOP teaching that it's OK to abuse boys because women are unclean, and that they ought to stop teaching it's OK to have sex with 9 year old girls under any so-called proper Islamic circumstances? And that they ought to STOP teaching that Mut'a "temporary marriage" is OK even with young girls who are basically trafficked sex slaves and prostitutes?
Young MUSLIM boys and girls are being taught that it's OK what's being done to them, that ALLAH says it right. I'm not telling them this, don't be upset with me, men who claim to be Muslim Scholars and leaders are doing this.

I'm being very blunt here Jafar because it's a serious issue. the RC Church needs to purge itself of it's creeps and turn them over to gov'ts for trial. But many in the self affirmed Muslim communities need to purge themselves of it's twisted justifications and promotion of the same practices. And turn over the abusers to local gov'ts for trials as well.

02-07-2014, 01:33 PM
I see bamboy's dog is on there exercising , why isn't his wife. :laugh:

I think that the first Dog (BO) was eaten with PEAS from the White House Garden.

02-07-2014, 01:48 PM
Jafar don't ignore the other items in my post to attack a source you don't like. It won't be hard to find simalar elsewhere in mainstream press or Or Islamic blogs.

And Jafar your 1st post mentioned the RC Church and then added in the Salvation Army.
I then added in the Muslim approved serial child abuses. You opened the gate. But I've repeated that BOTH practices are wrong. the RC Church --somewhat hypocritically-- but consistently say it's wrong, While far to many Muslim Imams say It's A-OK. If the UN is sticking it's nose in --for the sake of the children-- they should do it across the board don't you agree? And don't you agree that so-called Muslims ought to STOP teaching that it's OK to abuse boys because women are unclean, and that they ought to stop teaching it's OK to have sex with 9 year old girls under any so-called proper Islamic circumstances? And that they ought to STOP teaching that Mut'a "temporary marriage" is OK even with young girls who are basically trafficked sex slaves and prostitutes?
Young MUSLIM boys and girls are being taught that it's OK what's being done to them, that ALLAH says it right. I'm not telling them this, don't be upset with me, men who claim to be Muslim Scholars and leaders are doing this.

I'm being very blunt here Jafar because it's a serious issue. the RC Church needs to purge itself of it's creeps and turn them over to gov'ts for trial. But many in the self affirmed Muslim communities need to purge themselves of it's twisted justifications and promotion of the same practices. And turn over the abusers to local gov'ts for trials as well.

Rev. Jafar must, and has to use accusations against The Vatican, and Catholic Church as a DISTRACTION that creates anger, causing everyone to forget, and stop talking about His devout leader who has been accused of being many things, such as a Murderer, and Pedophile.
So..the louder jafar, and Muslims speak, or redirect attention from their OWN....the easier it is for them to feel safe. Hidden behind their so-called Religion of Peace by Beheadings.