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02-07-2014, 10:20 AM
Are there really Americans that believe this shit? This is like 1st graders making excuses. Pelosi is a fucking idiot, and I shake my head when I realize that so many Democrats and their supporters think she is so awesome. I seriously think she has brain damage.

Now that the Congressional Budget Office has confirmed that ObamaCare is the jobs-killer conservatives always claimed it was, the White House has put the spin machine into overdrive. Since they can no longer deny the truth, they've decided to convince you that destroying the workforce is a good thing. The idea is to make you believe that losing your employment is actually some kind of Bizzaro-world liberation.

You never really wanted that job; you were - perhaps without even knowing - trapped in it. You should be grateful that the Democrats have come along and relieved you of your suffering. They've even got a term for your former enslavement: "Job Lock."

As the New York Daily News reports, Nancy Pelosi has unveiled "job lock" (not freedom) as the new Democrat buzzword.

“What we see is that people are leaving their jobs because they are no longer job-locked,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters after House votes Tuesday afternoon. “They are following their aspirations to be a writer; to be self-employed; to start a business. This is the entrepreneurial piece. So it’s not going to cost jobs. It’s going to shift how people make a living and reach their aspirations.”

Pelosi said she hadn’t “fully” seen the report, but, “this was one of the goals. To give people life, a healthy life, liberty to pursue their happiness. And that liberty is to not be job-locked, but to follow their passion.”


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-07-2014, 10:26 AM
Are there really Americans that believe this shit? This is like 1st graders making excuses. Pelosi is a fucking idiot, and I shake my head when I realize that so many Democrats and their supporters think she is so awesome. I seriously think she has brain damage.

http://www.caintv.com/wh-spin-obamacare-isnt-costing Freaking insanity. That is like her saying, sure it is the middle of winter and your house is burning down to the ground but look on the bright side and enjoy the heat its putting off for you! Perhaps buy some marsh mellows and invite the kids to roast them! Have fun with it! This how the damn dems operate. They admit no mistakes . Dumbasses live in a fantasy world while they engineer one ffkk up after another. --Tyr

02-07-2014, 10:28 AM
Freaking insanity. That is like her saying, sure it is the middle of winter and your house is burning down to the ground but look on the bright side and enjoy the heat its putting off for you! Perhaps buy some marsh mellows and invite the kids to roast them! Have fun with it! This how the damn dems operate. They admit no mistakes . Dumbasses live in a fantasy world while they engineer one ffkk up after another. --Tyr

It's sad to see nitwits like Pelosi and Carney shoveling this bullshit. I don't know if it's sadder, or comical, that so many of their supporters actually lap this crap up and believe it.

02-07-2014, 10:43 AM
How long will it be before Democrats start referring to starvation as "freedom from food-lock"?

Or describing abortion as "relief from life-lock"?
This could be a whole new trend. :lame2:

02-07-2014, 08:32 PM
How long will it be before Democrats start referring to starvation as "freedom from food-lock"?

Or describing abortion as "relief from life-lock"?
This could be a whole new trend. :lame2:

It's going to continue as they're all anally "head-locked".

02-07-2014, 08:39 PM
Everyone. All of us know, full well. When Unemployment is high, spending is out of control, the national debt is endless, and the people remain Un-educated.

DEMOCRATS celebrate.

Everything taking place, across the political spectrum today is part of the Democrat/Obama plan to make America, and Americans fully DEPENDENT upon politicians who are always REWARDED for lying, and making Promises...they never keep.

Anyone who doubts this only needs to read about the 1964 LBJ promises to Black Americans about how successful the GREAT SOCIETY will be for them.
And you should also remember. LBJ's promises STILL haven't worked, or become reality.
Yet...The perpetually Un-educated, Uninformed, Easily Led, Gullible Americans who also voted for OBAMA....are STILL WAITING FOR THE IMPOSSIBLE TO HAPPEN.

02-08-2014, 04:15 PM
And while they're not 'job locked', i.e looking for a job that is 'truly meaningful' to them ... what do they live on ?

Benefits, by any chance ?

Enter Leftieism on to the scene, throwing money at the 'job-unlocked' citizens trying to 'find themselves'. Taxpayer money, very possibly affordable thanks to the more 'job locked' amongst you ... without whom, benefits payments would be exceedingly unaffordable.

The more grateful Lefties can make people for State handouts, the more successfully they sell the 'dependency' culture they want to ram down peoples' throats. And with greater success - comes a lack of enterprise, a lack of appreciation of good, honest, hard work as its own reward.

Hello Leftieism. Goodbye, strivers, goodbye the spirit which makes countries such as yours GREAT. Because in life there are good and satisfying jobs, and there are crummy jobs, but ALL are necessary to do.

02-09-2014, 04:45 AM
First off, what kind of idiot, now free from healthcare linked 'job-lock' quits their job without first securing another? It's like a free agent in sports taking a season off to evaluate their options--its just dumb.
I find unemployment figures confusing. Iirc, if someone quit their job to be Self-employed, that doesn't impact the unemployment rate, does it? I thought unemployed means you haven't a job AND are seeking one.

02-09-2014, 07:15 AM
First off, what kind of idiot, now free from healthcare linked 'job-lock' quits their job without first securing another? It's like a free agent in sports taking a season off to evaluate their options--its just dumb.
I find unemployment figures confusing. Iirc, if someone quit their job to be Self-employed, that doesn't impact the unemployment rate, does it? I thought unemployed means you haven't a job AND are seeking one.

The really important number is workforce participation rate and we are at the lowest since Carter. I can only surmise that Obamacare is going to make the rate worse as the employer mandate kicks in.

02-09-2014, 04:45 PM
First off, what kind of idiot, now free from healthcare linked 'job-lock' quits their job without first securing another? It's like a free agent in sports taking a season off to evaluate their options--its just dumb.
I find unemployment figures confusing. Iirc, if someone quit their job to be Self-employed, that doesn't impact the unemployment rate, does it? I thought unemployed means you haven't a job AND are seeking one.

logroller. In response to your FIRST OFF question.

We have all seen how more than FIFTY million Americans who voted for Obama...have probably also chosen to be those Idiots...accepting LIFELONG unemployment, and other handouts from the government...rather than wasting their time looking for a job, or wasting their days at a job for any reason...when they can be treated to FREE stuff that never costs them anything more than a trip to get their PHOTO ID (which is also free) in order to collect their funds, and VOTE for the people who PROMISED to guarantee...there is no reason for them to WORK.