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06-17-2007, 02:27 AM
I hope all you dad's enjoy all them new ties....:coffee:

Have a great day!


06-17-2007, 05:09 AM
Thanks very much, Steph! I guess every day is happy father's day for me - because I'm a happy father!

06-17-2007, 10:34 AM
I'm away from the family today, but thanks for the well-wishes! :)

06-17-2007, 12:24 PM
I want to wish a special Happy Father's Day to my Dad. :cheers2:
While my sister was closer to my mom, I was a Daddy's Girl. My dad is a huge music fan, going way back. When I was growing up, we bonded over our weekly outings to shop for CDs. In my house, the TV was rarely on. The stereo was ALWAYS on. I would always look forward to my dad coming home, so we could listen to music together and talk about it.
My dad taught me to be independent. Most questions I asked were answered by "look it up, then we'll discuss it." He gave me straight answers and withheld very little.
Among the important things that my dad taught me was to always ask questions. If someone said something that I didn't understand, or that didn't seem right to me, ask why. My dad also emphasized that there are two sides to very argument/dispute. Before you get angry, try to figure out why the other faction is upset. Put yourself in their shoes.
My dad was a tough disciplinarian. His word was law. We were allowed to ask questions, but not to argue or whine. I didn't have internet access until I was in ninth grade. My dad didn't trust it, or us on it. We couldn't have a TV or a phone in our rooms. Everything we brought into the house had to be approved, including our friends.
My dad did not allow us to work during the school year. He felt we needed to concentrate on our grades and develop social contacts with other kids. If we wanted money for something, we had to present a proposal to my dad, who either approved or denied it.
My dad was strict, but he was willing to see the other side. He eventually warmed up to my sister marrying a Mexican guy and choosing to live in East Los Angeles. He grew to love my conservative Republican future husband, because my dad loved a good discussion/argument. My dad was willing to see the good side of anyone, if it was properly presented.
Most importantly, my dad never tried to tell me how to think or act. His beliefs and values were not imposed on my sister or myself. It was part of his "think for yourself" personality. He was not authoritarian in that respect.
I have seen kids scorned or thrown out of their homes for crossing their dads, or doing things that their fathers disapproved of. I have always been thankful that my dad never tried tried to force me to adhere to his particular beliefs and values.
My dad has always been there for me. He came home every night, and devoted every weekend and off day to his family. He never went out drinking or partying. His time was our time. And continues to be, even though my sister and I are both married.
Before my dad walked me down the aisle, he pointed out that he was only symbolically giving me away. He would always be my dad. Which is why I love him and dedicate this Father's Day message to him.

06-17-2007, 01:01 PM
I want to wish a special Happy Father's Day to my Dad. :cheers2:
While my sister was closer to my mom, I was a Daddy's Girl. My dad is a huge music fan, going way back. When I was growing up, we bonded over our weekly outings to shop for CDs. In my house, the TV was rarely on. The stereo was ALWAYS on. I would always look forward to my dad coming home, so we could listen to music together and talk about it.
My dad taught me to be independent. Most questions I asked were answered by "look it up, then we'll discuss it." He gave me straight answers and withheld very little.
Among the important things that my dad taught me was to always ask questions. If someone said something that I didn't understand, or that didn't seem right to me, ask why. My dad also emphasized that there are two sides to very argument/dispute. Before you get angry, try to figure out why the other faction is upset. Put yourself in their shoes.
My dad was a tough disciplinarian. His word was law. We were allowed to ask questions, but not to argue or whine. I didn't have internet access until I was in ninth grade. My dad didn't trust it, or us on it. We couldn't have a TV or a phone in our rooms. Everything we brought into the house had to be approved, including our friends.
My dad did not allow us to work during the school year. He felt we needed to concentrate on our grades and develop social contacts with other kids. If we wanted money for something, we had to present a proposal to my dad, who either approved or denied it.
My dad was strict, but he was willing to see the other side. He eventually warmed up to my sister marrying a Mexican guy and choosing to live in East Los Angeles. He grew to love my conservative Republican future husband, because my dad loved a good discussion/argument. My dad was willing to see the good side of anyone, if it was properly presented.
Most importantly, my dad never tried to tell me how to think or act. His beliefs and values were not imposed on my sister or myself. It was part of his "think for yourself" personality. He was not authoritarian in that respect.
I have seen kids scorned or thrown out of their homes for crossing their dads, or doing things that their fathers disapproved of. I have always been thankful that my dad never tried tried to force me to adhere to his particular beliefs and values.
My dad has always been there for me. He came home every night, and devoted every weekend and off day to his family. He never went out drinking or partying. His time was our time. And continues to be, even though my sister and I are both married.
Before my dad walked me down the aisle, he pointed out that he was only symbolically giving me away. He would always be my dad. Which is why I love him and dedicate this Father's Day message to him.

Gabby, that was very nice! Kudos.

Abbey Marie
06-17-2007, 06:42 PM
Happy Father's Day to all of our great guys!



Abbey Marie
06-17-2007, 06:43 PM
That was so sweet, Gabby. :)

06-17-2007, 07:37 PM
I would also like to wish my sons a Happy Father's Day! I also have had my own wonderful Dad on my mind all day. He's been gone since '57. but not a day goes by the I don't think of him with love!!

Hugh Lincoln
06-17-2007, 07:41 PM
Even as my 5-month-old daughter cries in her crib (and mom embarks on "Ferberizing"), I'm pretty happy with my new job. Happy Father's Day to the rest...

06-18-2007, 05:23 AM
A day late but the sentiment is the same! Had a relaxing day, of course after my son woke me up. Went to NJ for a picnic/party on Saturday and came home hung over at 1:30am. My son started yelling up the stairs for me at 6:30am because he was all proud that he had made me a card and a few other things at school for fathers day. Although groggy and head pounding, it was a nice way to wake up!

Hope all you other Dad's had a great day!

06-18-2007, 10:29 AM
My husband is very anxious to become a dad. He will get his wish in a year or so. We'll see how he enjoys it then. :laugh2: