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View Full Version : ID's required to attend NAACP rally to protest voter ID requirements

02-09-2014, 03:22 PM
Crazy changes by the GOP in North Carolina in 2013, so the NAACP is marching in protest. One of the major things they are protesting is having to produce photo ID for in person voting. In order to be in this march of protest, they are advising everyone to carry photo ID!!!

In a flier entitled "Important Dos and Don'ts for Marchers!!!," the NAACP state at the top that all protesters conduct themselves "in accordance with the historic custom of the Civil Rights Movement." They should also listen to their "marshals at all times" and follow the "Dos" and "Don'ts" underneath the opening paragraph.

Some of the Dos are sensible for any rally, such as, "look out for the elderly and the young" and "wear a hat and very comfortable shoes" (emphasis theirs).

Then there are ones that are common sense that you wouldn't expect to have to tell people, such as "DO NOT intimidate, threaten, ostracize or degrade anyone," and do not threaten commuters.

In the middle of the list, however, is a drastically ironic "Do." To go to the rally, you are asked to have "photo identification (driver's license, passport or other valid photo id) with you and keep it on your person at all times."

Remember, this is a protest against needing a photo ID to take part in a fundamental responsibility of Americans... but to go to that protest, you are supposed to have an ID.


http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/02/ids_required_to_attend_naacp_rally_to_protest_vote r_id_requirements.html

02-09-2014, 04:36 PM
Someone please explain HOW the meaning of the NAACP's letters aren't RACIST?

It has been more than forty years since Black Americans declared that the use of the words

COLORED PEOPLE...(as used in NAACP) is just as racist at using the "N" word.

Are there any NAACP members out there who can explain the Hypocrisy....Please???

02-09-2014, 04:43 PM
Someone please explain HOW the meaning of the NAACP's letters aren't RACIST?

It has been more than forty years since Black Americans declared that the use of the words

COLORED PEOPLE...(as used in NAACP) is just as racist at using the "N" word.

Are there any NAACP members out there who can explain the Hypocrisy....Please???

Same reason as it's ok for black people to use the N word.

02-09-2014, 04:47 PM
Same reason as it's ok for black people to use the N word.

Thanks jim. Let me go and find my TREVON hoodie I use whenever going to the Doctor. Maybe I can start to get some of my Meds for FREE.

02-09-2014, 11:52 PM
Its ironic but, assuming this is a public forum, it cant be required (and the article makes no mention of either it being a private event nor that IDs are a requirement--just that its a 'DO') Just as one has a right to protest in public, so too does one have a right to vote. If its a private event then all bets are off, but unless and until someone is refused the ability to participate for not having a ID, then its moot. Just like a voter ID law is moot until someone is refused the ability to vote. Tbh, that'd be a great counter protest-- try to attend without an id. If someone's refused, then it'd blow a hole in their cause. Otherwise, its just a strong suggestion.

02-10-2014, 05:22 PM
Its ironic but, assuming this is a public forum, it cant be required (and the article makes no mention of either it being a private event nor that IDs are a requirement--just that its a 'DO') Just as one has a right to protest in public, so too does one have a right to vote. If its a private event then all bets are off, but unless and until someone is refused the ability to participate for not having a ID, then its moot. Just like a voter ID law is moot until someone is refused the ability to vote. Tbh, that'd be a great counter protest-- try to attend without an id. If someone's refused, then it'd blow a hole in their cause. Otherwise, its just a strong suggestion.

Wow, log. Look at how well you DEFEND the stupidity, and honest dumbness. Making any, and all excuses to avoid sounding like you disagree with known hate-filled Americans is simply Hypocrisy, at it's finest. Thank you.

02-10-2014, 07:21 PM
Wow, log. Look at how well you DEFEND the stupidity, and honest dumbness. Making any, and all excuses to avoid sounding like you disagree with known hate-filled Americans is simply Hypocrisy, at it's finest. Thank you.
Where did I defend anything but an individual right to protest, vote, speak? Show me one instance in the post above. I'd thought about why an ID might be necessary, but mentioned nothing of the sort because it would be conjecture. Instead, I spoke in simple truths-- These 'hate-filled Americans' (yourself included) can protest and say whatever they want-- they also said 'DO wear a hat' -- but, unless they actually infringe on another's rights by preventing them participating without a hat/ID, there's no problem in just saying something IMO-- is there? Do you or don't you support free speech?

02-10-2014, 08:07 PM
Where did I defend anything but an individual right to protest, vote, speak? Show me one instance in the post above. I'd thought about why an ID might be necessary, but mentioned nothing of the sort because it would be conjecture. Instead, I spoke in simple truths-- These 'hate-filled Americans' (yourself included) can protest and say whatever they want-- they also said 'DO wear a hat' -- but, unless they actually infringe on another's rights by preventing them participating without a hat/ID, there's no problem in just saying something IMO-- is there? Do you or don't you support free speech?

Thank You....Thank You...Thank You....log. You've finally proven what I was saying.



02-11-2014, 07:14 AM
Thank You....Thank You...Thank You....log. You've finally proven what I was saying.



Once again you've failed to answer even the most simple of questions; but nonetheless, you're welcome for defending freedom.

02-11-2014, 11:52 AM
Its ironic but, assuming this is a public forum, it cant be required (and the article makes no mention of either it being a private event nor that IDs are a requirement--just that its a 'DO') Just as one has a right to protest in public, so too does one have a right to vote. If its a private event then all bets are off, but unless and until someone is refused the ability to participate for not having a ID, then its moot. Just like a voter ID law is moot until someone is refused the ability to vote. Tbh, that'd be a great counter protest-- try to attend without an id. If someone's refused, then it'd blow a hole in their cause. Otherwise, its just a strong suggestion.

It's just funny because the very group making the ID a "DO is the same group aiming at laws and want it to be a "DO NOT" when it comes to something as important as voting. I don't know the specifics of whether the event was considered private or public, but I can't imagine whatever they were doing was as important as voting, but they asked for attendees to have ID for this event, and then were going to whine about having to have ID to vote. (yeah, I know, one helluva run on bloated sentence, sue me!) :)

02-11-2014, 12:14 PM
Wow, log. Look at how well you DEFEND the stupidity, and honest dumbness. Making any, and all excuses to avoid sounding like you disagree with known hate-filled Americans is simply Hypocrisy, at it's finest. Thank you.

It's just funny because the very group making the ID a "DO is the same group aiming at laws and want it to be a "DO NOT" when it comes to something as important as voting. I don't know the specifics of whether the event was considered private or public, but I can't imagine whatever they were doing was as important as voting, but they asked for attendees to have ID for this event, and then were going to whine about having to have ID to vote. (yeah, I know, one helluva run on bloated sentence, sue me!) :)

AS log said it's a "DO", not a requirement.
If they don't wear comfortable shoes are they not going to be allowed to march?

Frankly i think some ID should be required at voting time, but a voter card or a drivers license or a work ID or even a credit card should be enough IMO.

Not sure what everyone on about over this issue.
especially when the voting machines, the counts and voter purges are a FAR bigger problem in most of the country.

02-11-2014, 01:46 PM
AS log said it's a "DO", not a requirement.
If they don't wear comfortable shoes are they not going to be allowed to march?

Frankly i think some ID should be required at voting time, but a voter card or a drivers license or a work ID or even a credit card should be enough IMO.

Not sure what everyone on about over this issue.
especially when the voting machines, the counts and voter purges are a FAR bigger problem in most of the country.

I never said it was a requirement, just that it was a "DO" for them. But whether a requirement or a recommendation, still funny. Would be funny if some anti-gun nutters showed up to a protest packing heat too!

02-11-2014, 02:30 PM
Once again you've failed to answer even the most simple of questions; but nonetheless, you're welcome for defending freedom.

Never have felt any need to answer such simple questions from such simple people.