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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-13-2014, 04:02 PM
Remember all that crying about the muslims in Tennesse BEING TREATED POORLY. Even a few members here joined in the chorus. And we that are not blind told it like it was , those muslims are not decent people just trying to live their lives. They are actively establishing muslim strongholds to spread the filth. Here is proof of what we already knew.
http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/david-james/dhimmitude-in-tennessee/ Textbook Used in Tennessee Islamic School Teaches Lies about Jews and Christians
And here is the January 2014 New York Times article documenting the negative statements about Israel and Jews in official Palestinian Authority media and textbooks. Research included in the report:

Adolf Hitler is quoted on the websites of Palestinian Authority schools. A young girl appears on Palestinian television, describing Jews as “barbaric monkeys, wretched pigs” and the “murderers of Muhammad,” the Islamic prophet. Maps on the Facebook page of the Palestinian presidential guards do not show Israel. President Mahmoud Abbas himself embraced as “heroes” released Palestinian prisoners who killed Israelis.”

Textbook Used in Tennessee Islamic School Teaches Lies about Jews and Christians

Watch Knoxville Anoor Academy’s 2013 promo video carefully and at minute 1:04 you see a row of textbooks which are Yahiya Emerick’s What Islam Is All About. This text is being used in Islamic private and weekend schools around the U.S., including in Tennessee. According to Emerick, this book was written in standard English to teach Muslim children living in the U.S. about Islam. The following are only a few examples of what the children learn from the Knoxville academy textbook about their Jewish and Christian neighbors:

p. 187 – I. Who Follows Ibrahim’s Example?

“So, although the Christians and Jews may make a big noise about following Prophet Ibrahim, in fact, neither of them do. Prophet Ibrahim fulfilled Allah’s commands, the Jews don’t even follow half of what their corrupted books say. The Christians don’t follow anything except what their philosophers and priests make up from time to time.”

p. 188 – “Prophet Ibrahim called all people to Allah’s way of life. The ‘Jews’ don’t call anybody to anything. They subscribe to a belief in racial superiority calling themselves the ‘chosen’ ones and excluding non-Jews as much as possible. Their religion even teaches them to call down curses upon the worship places of non-Jews whenever they pass by them! They arrogantly refer to anyone who is not Jewish as ‘Gentiles,’ equating them with sin.”

“Prophet Ibrahim told people to do good and he forbade the wrong. Many ‘religious’ and ‘non-religious’ Jews and Christians lead such decadent and immoral lives that lying, alcohol, nudity, pronography, racism, foul language, pre-marital sex, homosexuality and everything else are accepted in their society, churches and synagogues. Just turn on the television in any Jewish or Christian community and see what’s ‘normal.’”

Complaining Islamist Is Also a Vocal BDS Collaborator

After learning about the pamphlet, local agitator, Drost Kokoye, contacted apologist reporter Sky Arnold who wrote about the story. Arnold reported that after students and parents complained about the pamphlet, the Nashville Jewish Federation issued an apology for offending Muslim sensitivities.

But Tennessee Islamist Drost Kokoye’s only interest is in censorship and incitement. As she said, the offered apology isn’t adequate. Of course not, because her real agenda is more in line with her Quaranic doctrine. She is a vigorous advocate of BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) against the State of Israel and agitation against Jews.

p2Kokoye, who previously was a local organizer for the TN Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC), now works with Muslim youth and is a board member of the Muslim Youth Network of TN (MYNT) and the TN American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC). She collaborates closely with her friend, Remziya Suleyman, Dir. of the Islamist American Center for Outreach (ACO) and conveniently takes the role of “bad cop” for Suleyman, the Muslim voice of Tennessee, on sensitive interfaith issues like BDS.

Kokoye takes her inspiration from Islamic extremists like Siraj Wahhaj, Zaid Shakir, Muslim Brotherhood leader Jamal Badawi, and more recently, her twitter buddy BDS leader, Ali Abunimah. She was very young when she and her family came to the U.S. as refugees from Iraq, and she seems to regret this move because she routinely expresses her disdain for Americans, calling them “stupid,” especially those she labels as “white people.”
Told you people they are doing this education crap all over the country, teaching hatred for all things not of Islam. They are not just peaceful muslims trying to live a better life.. --Tyr

02-13-2014, 05:31 PM
Tyr. All of this....if I am just a tiny bit correct....probably is being done with the BLESSINGS of Obama, Holder, and their Lame, Liberal, Lousy members of Congress as well.

02-13-2014, 06:24 PM
I got to "frontpagemag.com" and stopped reading there. The rest after that can only be described as the usual uninformed, out of context, twisted diatribe that trashy blog is famous for.

02-13-2014, 07:58 PM
I got to "frontpagemag.com" and stopped reading there. The rest after that can only be described as the usual uninformed, out of context, twisted diatribe that trashy blog is famous for.

So, jafar. You finally agree with us about how much you despise, and do not wish to hear, or see TRUTH????

02-13-2014, 08:46 PM
Since when are the lessons in an Islamic school in Eastern Tennessee a justification for arson against an Islamic Center in Middle Tennessee?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-13-2014, 08:56 PM
Dr. Subhi Ali, Chairman of the Jerusalem Fund, is the father of Haslam appointee Samar Ali. Dr. Ali’s organization advocates BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) against Israel as a way to end Israel as a Jewish state; to destroy it by any means possible. The Hamas Charter is posted on the JF website, along with position papers and information briefs suggesting that there are positive aspects to Hamas. Is this JF’s effort to help legitimize Hamas regardless of its terrorist designation? Or is it because JF’s founder Sharabi supported Hamas’ strikes against Israel?

The terrorism financing prosecution referred to as “The Holy Foundation” (HLF) involved the largest pro-Palestinian Islamic charity in the U.S. It was designated as a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” and shut down by the U.S. government. Its leadership was convicted for raising money for the designated terrorist group, Hamas. Just like the Jerusalem Fund, HLF’s mission was to provide humanitarian assistance to needy Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza. But HLF was proven to be a funding source for Hamas whose avowed purpose is to destroy Israel. The Hamas charter advocates violent jihad as the only solution. The charter identifies Hamas as Muslim Brotherhood.

A 1979 report “Anti-Israel Influences in American Churches” referred to “Dr. Hisham Sharabi, president of the National Association of Arab Americans, who has been publicly criticized by moderate Arab-American leaders for his defense of Palestinian terrorist tactics.” A former student also noted Sharabi’s support of “radical Palestinian terror groups.”
Sharabi described Hamas as “the true fida’i (self-sacrifice) resistance in Palestine since the outbreak of the Palestinian intifada.” In 2003 he said: Too much truth for you Jafar?? Perhaps this is false too .. -Tyr
The terrorism financing prosecution referred to as “The Holy Foundation” (HLF) involved the largest pro-Palestinian Islamic charity in the U.S. It was designated as a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” and shut down by the U.S. government. Or this one as well. -Tyr
Sharabi described Hamas as “the true fida’i (self-sacrifice) resistance in Palestine since the outbreak of the Palestinian intifada.” While your answer to the truth is to discount the source because it is not a pro-Islamic source admitting its transgressions. That is like deny the doings of the Nazis because the Nazi government never admitted them to be true. Self confession isn't in the muslim creed as you well know. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-13-2014, 09:02 PM
Since when are the lessons in an Islamic school in Eastern Tennessee a justification for arson against an Islamic Center in Middle Tennessee? I never said they justified arson. I stated they justified the suspicions of the locals and the article proves those suspicions right. If you want to discuss Islam and its actions do try to educate yourself on it or else I will just ignore your replies on the subject. I do not care to try to discuss an issue with a person not acquainted with the topic enough to do anything other than present a disapproval based upon false sentiment and a PC attitude. You are supposed to be intelligent do try to educate yourself. Is that too much to ask? That's as nice as I can be to your infantile accusation.
Remember all that crying about the muslims in Tennesse BEING TREATED POORLY. Even a few members here joined in the chorus. And we that are not blind told it like it was , those muslims are not decent people just trying to live their lives. They are actively establishing muslim strongholds to spread the filth. Here is proof of what we already knew. ^^^^^ Now show me in that statement were I justified arson. Go ahead try. Next time do not post a damn lying accusation about me pedro. . I am quite precise in my words. I never stated they justified any retaliatory actions at all. --Tyr

02-15-2014, 07:51 PM
I never said they justified arson. I stated they justified the suspicions of the locals and the article proves those suspicions right. If you want to discuss Islam and its actions do try to educate yourself on it or else I will just ignore your replies on the subject. I do not care to try to discuss an issue with a person not acquainted with the topic enough to do anything other than present a disapproval based upon false sentiment and a PC attitude. You are supposed to be intelligent do try to educate yourself. Is that too much to ask? That's as nice as I can be to your infantile accusation. ^^^^^ Now show me in that statement were I justified arson. Go ahead try. Next time do not post a damn lying accusation about me pedro. . I am quite precise in my words. I never stated they justified any retaliatory actions at all. --Tyr

Arson qualifies as poor treatment. That should be self evident. The way the authorities played "see no evil" is unconscionable. Either you're for the rule of law or you're against it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-15-2014, 09:47 PM
Arson qualifies as poor treatment. That should be self evident. The way the authorities played "see no evil" is unconscionable. Either you're for the rule of law or you're against it. Yet you still have not shown me where or how I ever justified the actions taken in the arson. Arson that I never mentioned as a matter of fact. The two are not the same . The locals were correct in their suspicions about what the muslims truly believe ,teach and do and my pointing that out has nothing to do with approving any actions they did or did not chose to take. Good God man, do try to stop acting so simple minded. I'll tell you when I offer a judgment on the arson as I just did--here it is for you again because you appear rather slow on the uptake on this topic. Whoever did the arson had no right and should be legally prosecuted. Now does that satisfy you or do you need me to hold your hand while you happily travel down the primrose path?--Tyr