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View Full Version : As Syria threat expands, Obama mulls options

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-19-2014, 09:40 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/syria-threat-expands-obama-mulls-options-065919873.html As Syria threat expands, Obama mulls options WASHINGTON (AP) — For the United States, Syria's civil war is threatening to start hitting closer to home

Peace talks between the Syrian government and opposition are faltering. President Bashar Assad's military is on the offensive and the rebels are in disarray. Most distressing to the Obama administration, U.S. officials say al-Qaida-linked militants are squeezing moderates out of the insurgency and carving out havens for potential terrorist plots against the United States.

The accelerating U.S. national security threat is leading the administration to take a fresh look at previously shelved ideas, including more robust assistance to Western-backed rebels.

They are also are looking at newer, more far-reaching options, including drone strikes on extremists and more forceful action against Assad, whom President Barack Obama told to leave power 30 months ago.

Obama's top aides plan to meet at the White House before week's end to examine options, according to administration officials. They weren't authorized to talk publicly on the matter and spoke only on condition of anonymity.

"We have to examine what the alternatives some might be proposing are and whether they're in our national security interest," White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Tuesday. He expressed concern about stepped-up intervention leading to "unintended consequences." a propaganda piece written to prepare the way for bamboy to get us involved in making sure the terrorist rebels there win. Check this arrogance out and you'll see what Obama is really all about . He commands the leader of another nation to step down because he Obama the ass has decided rebel terrorists should be in charge there. While playing that policy he wraps it to be in this nation's best interests. Since when the hell is it in our best interests for muslim terrorist jihadist rebels to control a nation? All this and our media carries this lying traitor's water for him! -Tyr

02-19-2014, 10:56 AM
a propaganda piece written to prepare the way for bamboy to get us involved in making sure the terrorist rebels there win. Check this arrogance out and you'll see what Obama is really all about . He commands the leader of another nation to step down because he Obama the ass has decided rebel terrorists should be in charge there. While playing that policy he wraps it to be in this nation's best interests. Since when the hell is it in our best interests for muslim terrorist jihadist rebels to control a nation? All this and our media carries this lying traitor's water for him! -Tyr


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-19-2014, 06:39 PM
:clap: As soon as Assad really gets the upper hand look for bamtraitor to hit him hard with our military and yes boots on the ground is in the considerations. Remember he can do no wrong and even should you say he does. Who the hell are to think you can not be drone struck? They can make you out to be a desperately wanted murder and child rapist overnight. Drone strike you in your car on the way to work. Get a big enough following and watch them do it and be praised for it . That is the government we have under this dictator. --Tyr

02-19-2014, 08:05 PM
So Tyr, you're saying that you are against action being taken against Al Qaeda in this case?

02-19-2014, 08:13 PM
it's becoming pretty obvious to me that the powers that be -globalist?- are determined to bust up Assad.
Putin's play to make it all go away the western powers aren't buying.
They don't want Syria as a friend of Russia, or as a friend of Iran.

Gen W. Clark mentioned years ago that the pentagon had plans on the table to attack
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon , Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
"for freedom and spredin' democracy" of course.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/rz5fZziMWEE?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

02-19-2014, 09:44 PM
very nice.....

Abbey Marie
02-20-2014, 12:44 PM
very nice.....


Welcome to the board, Arnold. :)

If you can, please tell us what is very nice, so we can respond to you.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-20-2014, 01:55 PM
So Tyr, you're saying that you are against action being taken against Al Qaeda in this case? Surely you are not that damn naïve! The rebel groups the ffing bamscum backs are the Al Qaeda terrorists groups. They are the largest and most powerful opposition fighters there. Do not be this damn silly. It would have better served our nation's interests for Assad to stay in power. Had we truly wanted to strike Al Qaeda units there we could have joined in early most likely with Assad's full agreement. Instead Obama took us against him and thus sealed the deal with his strong alliance with Russia. Do you ever deal in reality? Do you ever not simply join in because it helps Islam? You act as if the other terrorists there are not muslim also and not murdering innocent people as well. Perhaps you should look up the word--integrity. But no-- you know with no Syria = no Islamic caliphate.. And no Caliphate = no return of the magic imam as predicted .....--Tyr

02-20-2014, 02:05 PM
Surely you are not that damn naïve! The rebel groups the ffing bamscum backs are the Al Qaeda terrorists groups. They are the largest and most powerful opposition fighters there. Do not be this damn silly. It would have better served our nation's interests for Assad to stay in power. Had we truly wanted to strike Al Qaeda units there we could have joined in early most likely with Assad's full agreement. Instead Obama took us against him and thus sealed the deal with his strong alliance with Russia. Do you ever deal in reality? Do you ever not simply join in because it helps Islam? You act as if the other terrorists there are not muslim also and not murdering innocent people as well. Perhaps you should look up the word--integrity. But no-- you know with no Syria = no Islamic caliphate.. And no Caliphate = no return of the magic imam as predicted .....--Tyr

So, you support Assad? A man that has presided over the killing of 150,000+ (in this conflict anyway) of his own people? The best friend of your other enemy Iran? Your support for Assad means that you also support Hezbollah.

You are a complex man Tyr. I never know what you are going to hate next.

03-02-2014, 12:00 AM
I missed this. Ive been busy working. I was unaware that Syria was becoming an issue again.

So Syria and Ukraine both becoming hot spots.

Yesterday, I told someone not to be surprised if we were at war in 6 months. That was before I knew about the Ukraine. Now this.

I should have said six days.

03-02-2014, 12:01 AM
So, you support Assad? A man that has presided over the killing of 150,000+ (in this conflict anyway) of his own people? The best friend of your other enemy Iran? Your support for Assad means that you also support Hezbollah.

You are a complex man Tyr. I never know what you are going to hate next.

Dont need to support either of them. Let them kill each other off. Because both groups want us dead.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-02-2014, 06:32 AM
So, you support Assad? A man that has presided over the killing of 150,000+ (in this conflict anyway) of his own people? The best friend of your other enemy Iran? Your support for Assad means that you also support Hezbollah.

You are a complex man Tyr. I never know what you are going to hate next. I fully support = not supporting the rebels. I do not think I can make it any more clear than that. If Assad goes the replacements will be even worse IMHO.

03-02-2014, 11:17 PM
I fully support = not supporting the rebels. I do not think I can make it any more clear than that. If Assad goes the replacements will be even worse IMHO.

By Rebels you mean who exactly? Assad is fighting Al Nusra, ISIS and FSA. FSA are fighting Assad, Hezbollah, Al Nusra and ISIS. FSA is the Syrians and they are the ones who need the support and who should take control of the country when Assad falls. They should be helped in order to ensure that the Al Qaeda groups don't get a foothold in Syria because as we have seen so far, when they do take a city, the population are terrorised.

The FSA have enemies in common with you so don't you think they should be the ones getting the support?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-04-2014, 11:12 PM
By Rebels you mean who exactly? Assad is fighting Al Nusra, ISIS and FSA. FSA are fighting Assad, Hezbollah, Al Nusra and ISIS. FSA is the Syrians and they are the ones who need the support and who should take control of the country when Assad falls. They should be helped in order to ensure that the Al Qaeda groups don't get a foothold in Syria because as we have seen so far, when they do take a city, the population are terrorised.

The FSA have enemies in common with you so don't you think they should be the ones getting the support? As far as this country goes there are no good groups over there. The least offensive one as far as national concerns for us is Assad ... The FSA may be the least offensive of the remaining groups but even that I have doubts about myself. --Tyr