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View Full Version : College to award annual Trayvon Martin Award for Social Justice

02-20-2014, 08:57 AM
So now we will make a Thug a hero, what happened to living with the ruling of the jury ? This kid was a punk and got what was coming to him, if GZ didn't do it it would of happened sooner or later, but we now see what shape our country is in when we decide to make a award to remember a thug !!

The Providence College Black Studies Program e-mailed students, faculty, and administrators Tuesday to renew an award called the Trayvon Martin Award for Social Justice.The award honors those who have shown leadership and commitment to ”challenging and eliminating racism” and “empowering others to seek social justice,” said the e-mail obtained by The Daily Caller.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-20-2014, 09:11 AM
So n
ow we will make a Thug a hero, what happened to living with the ruling of the jury ? This kid was a punk and got what was coming to him, if GZ didn't do it it would of happened sooner or later, but we now see what shape our country is in when we decide to make a award to remember a thug !!
http://dailycaller.com/2014/02/18/college-to-award-annual-trayvon-martin-award-for-social-justice/ Sickening. Truth and justice be damned. Of course the government paid perpetual victims do not give a damn about that to start with. All they care about is having any excuse to demand more and more! --Tyr

02-20-2014, 11:59 AM
Next they'll award the Tawana Brawley award for Law School Students...

Or maybe the Jesse jackson Award for Jewish Studies and acceptance.

Or possibly the Al Sharpton Award ....

How about the Joanne Chesimard Prize for Bank Robbery and Murder?