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View Full Version : Where are the Islamists?

02-22-2014, 11:37 PM
Islamists are against gay marriage, right? Why do we hear crickets from them when it advances? Ditto for abortion. Ditto for trans-gender bathrooms. While I have held out hope for more Spencer Abraham types to emerge and watched for opportunities work with them, it's not happening. Islamists are frothing at the mouth to tear down Christianity, but don't lift a finger to tear down secularism, socialism and socialism's official religion, athiesm. Then there's feminism that systematically destroys families and produced a court system that openly discriminates against men. Again, where are the Muslims?

And no, it's not me that was caught up in that court system. If it matters, it was from watching half-sisters take men to the cleaners while I was still Elementary school age. Most of them were nice dudes. It resulted in some seriously messed up older nephews. This "baby uncle" knows the feminist playbook quite well as well as the fallout!

02-23-2014, 12:18 AM
My guess is that they are more caught up with the troubles at home than worrying about gay rights in America. While I doubt they support gay marriage, they mostly don't really care if the US passes laws to accept it.

If you asked me to go campaigning against gay marriage or abortions, I would most likely give a shrug, tell you to have fun and go for a nice bushwalk instead.

02-23-2014, 12:24 PM
My guess is that they are more caught up with the troubles at home than worrying about gay rights in America. While I doubt they support gay marriage, they mostly don't really care if the US passes laws to accept it.

If you asked me to go campaigning against gay marriage or abortions, I would most likely give a shrug, tell you to have fun and go for a nice bushwalk instead.

If Muslims want peace with conservative Christians, they would be wise to offer help in areas compatible with Islam which I previously mentioned. For example, as much as I despise Catholicism, Catholics can be counted on to boost numbers at an anti-abortion protest and to help resist removal of Nativity scenes among other things.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-23-2014, 01:36 PM
If Muslims want peace with conservative Christians, they would be wise to offer help in areas compatible with Islam which I previously mentioned. For example, as much as I despise Catholicism, Catholics can be counted on to boost numbers at an anti-abortion protest and to help resist removal of Nativity scenes among other things. Don't let Jafar kid you. He knows the alliance with leftists/libs/dems that Islam has is to hold back on criticizing the political issues they use to batter their political enemies with. I've repeatedly cited this unwritten alliance and what it is based upon= the age old adage of -"the enemy of my enemy is my friend".. As far as U.S. goes disavowing hardcore muslim teachings is allowed in order to deceive the enemy(USA) until strong enough to destroy them. Both the leftists and the Islamists see our nation as founded with the Constitution as the great enemy to destroy second only to Israel/Jews. Jafar pretends its a trivial matter but he knows this great deception is called for until after the Caliphate appears. The Islamists plan on destroying their allied dem/leftists last. Either Jafar knows this and lies about it or else he is truly ignorant of it and speaks from a condition of ignorance IMHO.-Tyr

02-23-2014, 01:44 PM
I think Muslim countries are laughing at us, regardless your opinion on the subject. I remember when Ahmadinejad visited Columbia University he stated "In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals like in your country. We don’t have that in our country. In Iran, we do not have this phenomenon. I do not know who has told you that we have it." - and of course he was actually laughing about it. As far as many of them are concerned, it's still wrong and illegal where they are, but they're likely hoping it would hurt our country as a whole.