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View Full Version : You won’t believe the lenient punishment for this kindergartener-dragging principal

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-23-2014, 02:17 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/won-t-believe-lenient-punishment-kindergartener-dragging-principal-160414029.html You won’t believe the lenient punishment for this kindergartener-dragging principal NBC Connecticut has obtained damning school surveillance video appearing to show an elementary school principal dragging kindergarteners down school hallways on two separate occasions.

The principal is Carmen Perez Dickson. At the time, she was the chief administrator at Tisdale School in Bridgeport, Conn.

So, America, guess what happened to Dickson. Was she fired? Was she arrested? Is she rotting away in prison?

Of course not. Don’t be silly. Principal Dickson got suspended for all of six months. She is still employed. And when her suspension ends next month, she will return to work in the Bridgeport Public Schools (though at least not as principal at Tisdale).

Both the kindergartener-dragging incidents occurred in the spring of 2012. The details which led Dickson to drag two separate kids down the hallways have not been disclosed. The mothers of the dragged children made the videos public.

Sandra Kase, chief administrative officer for the school district, told NBC Connecticut that her recommendation was that the school board fire Dickson. However, the local school board did not agree. On a divided vote, the board voted for the slap-on-the-wrist suspension.

“The Board did not exactly agree with us, so the action that was taken was not what we recommended,” Kase said. “If I saw the same evidence and saw the same video today, we’d support the same recommendation we made at the time.”

Dickson’s lawyer told NBC that the Dickson’s actions fell into the Bridgeport board of education’s policy guidelines for the use of reasonable force.

It’s not clear if Dickson’s suspension has been paid or unpaid Abuse my child like that and I would kick somebody's damn ass . Also despite my being arrested I'd still file child abuse charges against the person. When are we going to stop letting these supposed authority figures just do as they damn well please? When are we going to start demanding a better class of person be hired in such positions? And look at her name Carmen Perez Dickson. Very likely a newbie citizen or one generation from being a foreigner. Almost certainly of Hispanic heritage. The brutality of those nations comes here with them. I bet the witch is a child of illegal invaders or else one herself. In my opinion one the mothers of those two kids should have stomped her sorry ass. Not clear if the witch was paid or not during her suspension! Get that .. -Tyr

02-23-2014, 02:29 PM
She may not have been beating them, but any type of inappropriate touching is wrong. Would it be ok if any of the kids in the school dragged their friends down the hall? I understand she's received a lengthy suspension, but she also did it twice. Just like all the kids are held to the exact rule "one size fits all" when being disciplined, I think teachers and administration should be held to a much higher standard.

More concerning to me is this:

Dickson’s lawyer told NBC that the Dickson’s actions fell into the Bridgeport board of education’s policy guidelines for the use of reasonable force

An education department has ANY guideline for "reasonable force"? Call the police if something is out of hand, but I don't think anyone should be placing hands on the kids.

02-23-2014, 03:56 PM
If I was the parent of that child, and saw the video.

I would be calling the Police, and demanding the arrest of that person putting hands on my child.

If parents allow this kind of treatment...of their children to take place without repercussions. We lose our power as parents, or guardians of the children.

NOBODY, BUT NOBODY...anywhere, at any time CAN, or SHOULD put their hands on our children, for any reasons..other than to protect, or help them avoid being injured. PERIOD.

02-23-2014, 04:40 PM
I read a lot of comments about this story, on a few sites, and it's disturbing to read so many supporting her and saying she did the right thing, and that the kid likely deserved it. That's a bit much in my opinion. If I walked into the school, and saw ANYONE dragging my kid down the hall like that? If a kid is out of control, you call the parents or even the authorities if it's that bad. Some will say that she didn't do much of anything, other than "gently" drag the kid down the hall. But damn, do we next setup what are good ways of teachers placing their hands on children and what are bad? How about just all bad, that suits me best.

Abbey Marie
02-23-2014, 04:41 PM
Oh, man, the nuns from my grade school days would have called this principal a softie!