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View Full Version : Boston Bombing Truth?

02-23-2014, 09:35 PM

02-23-2014, 10:50 PM
I was unaware that there was a bomb training exercise running at the time of the Boston bombing but that would link in with the bomb training exercise running on 7/7 in London and the FEMA training exercises in New York in September 2001.

Doesn't that mean Boston was just another false flag like in Bali, Madrid, London and New York?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-24-2014, 09:16 AM
I was unaware that there was a bomb training exercise running at the time of the Boston bombing but that would link in with the bomb training exercise running on 7/7 in London and the FEMA training exercises in New York in September 2001.

Doesn't that mean Boston was just another false flag like in Bali, Madrid, London and New York? Was the Boston bombing done by two muslims? yes. And was it justified by their belief in Islam ? -yes.. Have you tried to divert from that by the post you just gave? yes. Jafar, some of us can not be lured away from the truth by such tactics. Nice try but no cigar.. -Tyr

02-24-2014, 09:28 AM
That link is full of holes. And not just full of holes, but factual errors that a kid could easily dissect.

The backpack was NOT white, it was in fact black, I saw it on his back AND on the ground with my own eyes.

Apparently, but not released yet, there is dashcam footage of Tamerlan getting run over.

Dzhokar WAS bloody when found, again, saw with my own eyes. There is video showing the 'tank' lifting the cover of the boat and him standing up for the first time, full of blood.

02-25-2014, 08:47 PM
I was unaware that there was a bomb training exercise running at the time of the Boston bombing but that would link in with the bomb training exercise running on 7/7 in London and the FEMA training exercises in New York in September 2001.

Doesn't that mean Boston was just another false flag like in Bali, Madrid, London and New York?

jafar. Now, you really are as laughable as you could ever hope to be.
You probably concur, and agree with all of the 911 Conspiracy junkies, who sit beside the Moon Landing of 1969 in a Hollywood Movie Studio...where you would also find the SIRHAN, SIRHAN murderer assignment by the CIA, or FBI of Robert Kennedy. And...we shouldn't forget the 2ND shooter in Dallas TX on November 22, 1963 either.

Did I forget any of your Convincing Conspiracy Crapola???

Oh...and I almost forgot the JIMMY HOFFA cornerstone theory where NIXON had his good buddy embedded in the SEARS TOWER in Chicago...to forever represent the TEAMSTERS UNION too?

02-25-2014, 09:10 PM
That link is full of holes. And not just full of holes, but factual errors that a kid could easily dissect.

The backpack was NOT white, it was in fact black, I saw it on his back AND on the ground with my own eyes.

Apparently, but not released yet, there is dashcam footage of Tamerlan getting run over.

Dzhokar WAS bloody when found, again, saw with my own eyes. There is video showing the 'tank' lifting the cover of the boat and him standing up for the first time, full of blood.

If I had been the EMT on the scene and was told to ventilate the patient...I would have put 2 more in his chest to make sure he was well ventilated.

02-25-2014, 09:12 PM
jafar. Now, you really are as laughable as you could ever hope to be.
You probably concur, and agree with all of the 911 Conspiracy junkies, who sit beside the Moon Landing of 1969 in a Hollywood Movie Studio...where you would also find the SIRHAN, SIRHAN murderer assignment by the CIA, or FBI of Robert Kennedy. And...we shouldn't forget the 2ND shooter in Dallas TX on November 22, 1963 either.

Did I forget any of your Convincing Conspiracy Crapola???

Oh...and I almost forgot the JIMMY HOFFA cornerstone theory where NIXON had his good buddy embedded in the SEARS TOWER in Chicago...to forever represent the TEAMSTERS UNION too?

Everyone knows Hoffe is buried under the 50 yard line of the Silverdome.