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View Full Version : Student suspended, criminally charged for fishing knife left in father’s car

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-25-2014, 02:50 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/student-suspended-criminally-charged-fishing-knife-left-father-124606951.html Student suspended, criminally charged for fishing knife left in father’s car A senior at Northeast High School in Clarksville, Tenn. has been suspended for 10 days and faces a multitude of additional punishments including criminal charges because school officials found a knife belonging to his father inside his father’s car.

The student is David Duren-Sanner, reports local CBS affiliate WTVF.

The student’s father is a commercial fisherman who works on the West Coast. The father left — wait for it — a fishing knife in the car.

Duren-Sanner has sworn he knew nothing about it.

The boy’s father noted that the knife could have easily been wedged between two seats.

The incident occurred on Thursday.

“They called on the intercom that we had a random lockdown search,” Duren-Sanner told WTVF.

The car he drove to school was randomly chosen for a search.

“I was, like, ‘Sure, no problem.’ I didn’t have anything to hide,” he explained. “And he said, ‘Do you have anything that we might need to know about?’”

Duren-Sanner mentioned that his dad chews tobacco, so there would likely be snuff in the car.

The blade on the knife is longer than three inches. Consequently, school officials consider the knife a dangerous weapon.

Duren-Sanner tried to explain that the knife belonged to his father, the owner of the car, but to no avail.

School officials immediately suspended the senior for 10 days.

He will not be allowed to return to school when that 10-day period is up. Instead, Duren-Sanner must attend an alternative school full of alternative school students for 90 days after the suspension ends.

On top of all this punishment, he faces weapons charges thanks to the sheriff’s department, which concluded that the knife was effectively in the boy’s possession.

Peggy Duren, Duren-Sanner’s grandmother, said she tried to tell school officials that her grandson did not own the fishing knife. However, the tough vice principal was having none of it.

“Guilty until proven innocent,” Duren lamented. “It’s part of this zero tolerance policy.”

“He doesn’t deserve that,” Duren-Sanner’s grandmother added.

“It makes me sad. It breaks my heart that this is happening to kids,” she told the CBS station.

She also noted that her grandson has maintained a 3.0 grade point average. He is part of the ROTC program. He hopes to obtain scholarship help to attend college, but that’s in serious jeopardy now.

Duren-Sanner will appeal the draconian sentence from school officials on Wednesday. If he loses, he won’t get to go to prom or walk across in his graduation. He may not be able to graduate at all.

An active online petition at Change.org urges school officials to drop the charges against the student and end his suspension And here we have it folks the guilty until proven innocent insanity. This seems to allow for no proof of innocence to ever be accepted --why its called zero tolerance. Which almost every dumbasss liberal applauds and almost every Conservative condemns. When are we going to stop letting these dumbass control freaks mistreat our kids this way??
She also noted that her grandson has maintained a 3.0 grade point average. He is part of the ROTC program. He hopes to obtain scholarship help to attend college, but that’s in serious jeopardy now. ^^^ You see this, it means nothing and testimony that the knife belongs to the father meant nothing. Its an adoption of all cookies are the same approach rather than judging each individual case on its merits ! Pure insanity and brought to us by the mental disorder known as liberalism. It truly is a mental disorder.. In the real world the moment I se a person is an avowed liberal is the moment I show them no respect and no sympathy. They become less than human to me. Do not gripe about that judgment for they already view us as less simply for having moral/ethical principles. By the way, the boy was a responsible member and had high values with a plan to actually become something other than another dem voting government leech. Had he been black, some other druggie/criminal minority scum they'd likely found a way to severely limit his punishment.. That's a fact. --Tyr

02-26-2014, 01:31 PM
zero tolerance=zero thought

02-26-2014, 06:08 PM
And here we have it folks the guilty until proven innocent insanity. This seems to allow for no proof of innocence to ever be accepted --why its called zero tolerance. Which almost every dumbasss liberal applauds and almost every Conservative condemns. When are we going to stop letting these dumbass control freaks mistreat our kids this way?? ^^^ You see this, it means nothing and testimony that the knife belongs to the father meant nothing. Its an adoption of all cookies are the same approach rather than judging each individual case on its merits ! Pure insanity and brought to us by the mental disorder known as liberalism. It truly is a mental disorder.. In the real world the moment I se a person is an avowed liberal is the moment I show them no respect and no sympathy. They become less than human to me. Do not gripe about that judgment for they already view us as less simply for having moral/ethical principles. By the way, the boy was a responsible member and had high values with a plan to actually become something other than another dem voting government leech. Had he been black, some other druggie/criminal minority scum they'd likely found a way to severely limit his punishment.. That's a fact. --Tyr

I'd take the asshats to court on this premise: A fishing knife is a tool, NOT a weapon and policy was therefore not violated. A rock, hammer, tire iron, baseball bat, etc. can be used as a weapon, they aren't considered such because weapon isn't their primary purpose.

02-27-2014, 01:19 AM
I'd take the asshats to court on this premise: A fishing knife is a tool, NOT a weapon and policy was therefore not violated. A rock, hammer, tire iron, baseball bat, etc. can be used as a weapon, they aren't considered such because weapon isn't their primary purpose.
Weapons laws vary by jurisdiction but every one I've read was pretty airtight. For example, I have a rescue tool that has a glass punch, windshield saw, seatbelt cutter etc....and 4" locking blade that could be used to stab or slash-- so legally, it's considered a weapon. Rarely is this a problem where a reasonable determination of lawful purpose is allowed. The problem is that zero tolerance and mandatory minimum punishments negate any reasoning or discretion.

On another note, he gave permission to search because he 'had nothing to hide'. Pity no one taught him to have a zero tolerance approach to random encroachments of privacy.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-27-2014, 09:16 AM
On another note, he gave permission to search because he 'had nothing to hide'. Pity no one taught him to have a zero tolerance approach to random encroachments of privacy. Great point. However I suspect had he said no to the search they had other punitive measures for that too. Here is a true story. Back in 1974 I was working at a business that had about 85 employees. There had been a long string of thieving going on there and it had cost the company dearly. One Monday an hour before lunch they announced for all employees to go to the company parking lot. We did thinking it some kid of fire drill. Then a few minutes later out came 4 of the top dogs saying in order to stop the stealing they were going to search our cars because some very expensive products had just vanished that morning. Here is the kicker, as we stood there and they came up to each person they asked, "Are you giving us permission to search your car"? I thought strange that they ask now because before they announced that were just going to do it. I had at first made up my mind to just let them because I hadn't stole a damn thing but then it dawned on me suddenly they had no Constitutional right to do this and that's why they asked permission to search as they approached each vehicle. All 15/16 ahead of me had given permission. I then asked directly when they came to me at my car, "why are you asking for my permission" . I was answered honestly "because we have to have it in order to legally to search your car" . My answer was, I do not steal and you yourself admitted you have no legal right to search my car. So I say no on principle! Having heard this of the remaining people over half started saying no. I was 20 at the time and that afternoon several people told me they will now find a way to fire you. They never did try as far as I know, left on my own about 5 months later for a better job/more money. And the real thief?? Yes, they caught him red handed a few months after I had taken another job. It was one of the ever so trusted management people. The ones that were not having their cars searched. Seems he had developed a drug habit, a very expensive one--cocaine. Found out many years later they discussed after the search firing me for my refusal but guess which guy reminded them I could be innocent and just chose to stand on my rights. That's right, the very same guy they eventually caught that admitted he had done it all.. Strange ole world we live in huh? Guy steals , breaks trust but defends a young guy he didn't even really know. Dude was fired, no prosecution . Move to Florida and I've never heard a thing about him since. -Tyr