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View Full Version : Activism trumps abusive court order in Pelletier case

02-27-2014, 11:20 PM
Apparently the pickets and vigils planned for the facility made them want no part of it. It prevented the court order from being carried out.

At the most recent custody hearing Monday, Mahoney said the court said it had decided to transfer Justina to a foster care facility, Shared Living Collaborative in Merrimack, Mass.
The Christian Defense Coalition, based in Washington, D.C. (http://www.ctnow.com/topic/us/washington-dc-PLGEO100101200000000.topic), had been planning to hold a prayer vigil at the Shared Living Collaborative on Saturday. Mahoney said they will have the vigil and a news conference at the youth facility in Framingham instead.
Citing unnamed sources, The Boston Globe (http://www.ctnow.com/topic/arts-culture/mass-media/newspapers/the-boston-globe-PRDPER00034.topic) reported Wednesday that Shared Living Collaborative declined to accept Justina because of the national publicity that the case has received. Mahoney, who has been in contact with the Pelletier family about the case, said he couldn't comment on why Justina won't be transferred to the facility, citing a gag order that Judge Joseph Johnston has placed on all parties involved in the hearings.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-27-2014, 11:39 PM
Apparently the pickets and vigils planned for the facility made them want no part of it. It prevented the court order from being carried out.

http://www.ctnow.com/health/connecticut/hc-justina-pelletier-update-20140226,0,3946128.story Could be they decided it was the Christian thing to do. Not help the State in this obvious dictatorial travesty of justice. -Tyr