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02-28-2014, 03:41 AM
As a parent who has had four children competing in all sports (well, maybe not tennis), I know that I would have been kicked out of the gymnasium every time if these rules existed .....


Idaho parents sent to penalty box for cheering at kids' basketball games

02-28-2014, 06:50 AM
Yep, this country is going to be slowly swallowed by this PC bullshit. If I were a parent there, and yelling got me a minute in the box, I would just stay there for the duration. :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-28-2014, 09:40 AM
Brett Webb, 18, was one of the referees who monitored the fans. He told the paper a total of 15 red cards were handed out during a trial run of the ban.

"Obviously, they want to cheer for their kids," he said. "It's hard to say, 'Hey, stop doing that.'" No, its not just "hard to say stop doing that" its ffing insane but who ever says libs were sane? I've known for decades they were bonkers.

02-28-2014, 09:45 PM
What I find so hard to believe after reading this kind of stuff, almost daily, from somewhere in our country is.

How so many of our Fellow...IGNORANT Americans actually are stupid enough to put up with this kind of PC Bullshit.

PARDON my swearing but...DOES ANYONE ELSE see how ONE STEP, ONE DAY, ONE PERSON, ONE IDEA at a time...

WE ARE ALL BEING ELIMINATED, and OUTDONE by greedy, ignorant, stupid, dumb, Liberally Illiterate, SELFISH People who are so DUMB, they simply have no idea...nor do they care, how the nation they think FEEDS THEM, PROVIDES EVERYTHING FOR THEM...is just leading them all toward their OWN, EVENTUAL DEMISE????

Just go back and look at the number of threads...TOPICS like this over the last year, or since OBAMA was elected to DESTROY AMERICA.

03-01-2014, 04:28 AM
As a parent who has had four children competing in all sports (well, maybe not tennis), I know that I would have been kicked out of the gymnasium every time if these rules existed .....
Stupid experiment. Any sport that has cheerleaders isn't suited for golf claps. Very unlike tennis, where silence is golden. Not to mention, basketball is one of the rowdiest-- you can't put the genie back in the bottle. I've seen bleachers cleared at a 5th-grade girls basketball game. Sorta deserved, the opposing coach got in one of the girl's face on a hard foul...which was ruled a charge on HER daughter. You might think a basketball coach would know that if your player runs full-speed down court (out of control really), leaning so far forward that she couldn't see, there might be a defender willing to stand firm and take the charge-- but you'd be as wrong as that coach was. Because basketball is a scrappy game. Shoot, its even talked about when a team has 'fouls to give'.

03-02-2014, 05:59 AM
Stupid experiment. Any sport that has cheerleaders isn't suited for golf claps. Very unlike tennis, where silence is golden. Not to mention, basketball is one of the rowdiest-- you can't put the genie back in the bottle. I've seen bleachers cleared at a 5th-grade girls basketball game. Sorta deserved, the opposing coach got in one of the girl's face on a hard foul...which was ruled a charge on HER daughter. You might think a basketball coach would know that if your player runs full-speed down court (out of control really), leaning so far forward that she couldn't see, there might be a defender willing to stand firm and take the charge-- but you'd be as wrong as that coach was. Because basketball is a scrappy game. Shoot, its even talked about when a team has 'fouls to give'.

Wow, just listening to you describe this event makes me believe that you are pretty passionate about kids and sports LR ... just for that, you are banished to the penalty box!!!