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View Full Version : Whispers persist that Hillary won’t run: Health may be worse than disclosed

03-02-2014, 07:09 AM
This is the only chance IMO to avoid her and to save our Country, if she gets in she will continue the route Obama has started and that will be all it takes to send us into darker places than we have ever seen. I don't wish sickness on anybody but with all Hillary had done in her life I guess it is kind of fitting.

Is this another attempt to make people feel sorry for her? Remember how sick she got when she was supposed to testify before congress?Check it out:
If you listen to the chattering class in Washington, D.C., Hillary Clinton is a virtual certainty for the 2016 (http://patriotdepot.com/2016-presidential-election/) Democratic nomination, and the front-runner in the next presidential (http://patriotdepot.com/anti-obama-shirts/) race.
But in private, rumors persist that the former Secretary of State may not even be capable of making it to Iowa and New Hampshire. Clinton, these skeptics often say, will not run for president (http://patriotdepot.com/anti-obama-shirts/) again because of health concerns.


03-02-2014, 10:26 AM
the Clinton liebrary is now releasing documents. they were required to release after 12 years, but Bubba and his ole lady delayed it an extra year. my guess to remove incriminating evidence against them both.



ok maybe it does matter !!!

meanwhile Bubba could give a rat's ass less. he's busy with the hookers.

Bill Clinton's controversial couplings has reached a new level after he was pictured spending time with prostitutes at a recent charity event.
The former President was in Los Angeles on Thursday and photographed with two female attendees who work as legal prostitutes in Nevada.
Identified as Ava Adora and Barbie Girl by TMZ (http://www.tmz.com/2014/03/01/bill-clinton-hookers-prostitutes-unite-4-humanity-2014/), both of the women are known to work at the Bunny Ranch brothel near Carson City.

link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2570912/Bill-Clinton-poses-PROSTITUTES-charity-event.html)

03-02-2014, 10:32 AM
Bill Clinton's controversial couplings has reached a new level after he was pictured spending time with prostitutes at a recent charity event.
The former President was in Los Angeles on Thursday and photographed with two female attendees who work as legal prostitutes in Nevada.
Identified as Ava Adora and Barbie Girl by TMZ (http://www.tmz.com/2014/03/01/bill-clinton-hookers-prostitutes-unite-4-humanity-2014/), both of the women are known to work at the Bunny Ranch brothel near Carson City.

link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2570912/Bill-Clinton-poses-PROSTITUTES-charity-event.html)

Read that too. They tried to distance themselves but the Bunny Ranch wasn't having it. When the pictures of Bill and the Hookers went viral, they tried to claim that the girls snuck in, and were tossed out after the picture. But that's not true, they WERE invited and had bracelets even from the front door, where the guest list was matched. Embarrassment leads to lies.

03-02-2014, 10:39 AM
Read that too. They tried to distance themselves but the Bunny Ranch wasn't having it. When the pictures of Bill and the Hookers went viral, they tried to claim that the girls snuck in, and were tossed out after the picture. But that's not true, they WERE invited and had bracelets even from the front door, where the guest list was matched. Embarrassment leads to lies.

just trying to cover his ass. wonder what Hitlary thought when she saw it ??? well maybe i don't

03-02-2014, 10:42 AM
just trying to cover his ass. wonder what Hitlary thought when she saw it ??? well maybe i don't

What did she think? LOL "Just another day".

And I can't wait until the campaign kicks into gear, and he follows her like a puppy dog and acts like she walks on water (while he's out of the water hitting on anything that moves)

03-02-2014, 10:49 AM
What did she think? LOL "Just another day".

And I can't wait until the campaign kicks into gear, and he follows her like a puppy dog and acts like she walks on water (while he's out of the water hitting on anything that moves)

its a marriage of convenience. doubt if they give a shit about each other anyway

my guess is someday they'll find him dead on top a some whore :laugh::laugh:

03-02-2014, 12:58 PM

03-02-2014, 01:00 PM
^^ Hookers from the Bunny Ranch!! Slick Willie is always on the prowl.

03-02-2014, 04:08 PM
He had to show them his "STIMULUS PACKAGE".

03-02-2014, 04:24 PM
5920 5921 With so many memories of BUBBA's-MONICA'S two terms.

I still find it hard to believe that HITLERY won't be running.

She, and the Democrats can always use 'FDR' and his Polio...Wheelchair Secrets as comparisons for her.

But..everybody still needs to worry about HER answering the RED PHONE (Pink) at 3:00 In the Morning.http://icansayit.com/images/hilly3amcall.gif

03-02-2014, 05:14 PM
5920 5921 With so many memories of BUBBA's-MONICA'S two terms.

I still find it hard to believe that HITLERY won't be running.

She, and the Democrats can always use 'FDR' and his Polio...Wheelchair Secrets as comparisons for her.

But..everybody still needs to worry about HER answering the RED PHONE (Pink) at 3:00 In the Morning.http://icansayit.com/images/hilly3amcall.gif

mean time..............


03-03-2014, 08:04 AM
just trying to cover his ass. wonder what Hitlary thought when she saw it ??? well maybe i don't

I am sure that she thought it was all made up , " not her Bill " hell I bet she will be telling ( or maybe he will ) but one of them will be telling us to read there lips ..... :laugh:

03-04-2014, 08:30 PM
I put nothing past her. Expect the unexpected. Nothing in Politics these days is predictable, or certain.

Keep this in mind......http://icansayit.com/images/HILL.JPG while Bubba played with Monica.
Hillary was pretending to be the MAN Bill could never be.

03-05-2014, 07:38 AM
its a marriage of convenience. doubt if they give a shit about each other anyway

my guess is someday they'll find him dead on top a some whore :laugh::laugh:

I still believe Hillary is a fish eater, the funny thing is all these so called woman libbers want her in office but she has done more to push back woman's rights than any other human being alive , just the fact that her husband can cheat on her in front of the world and she is OK with it just to keep power :laugh: Yup ladies let your man do as he pleases as long as you get what you want :laugh: