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View Full Version : Georgia to Pass Awesome Slowpoke Bill

03-02-2014, 07:16 AM
I think this is awesome and should become a federal law, having spent most of my life driving all over our Country I know this happens in all states but is usually committed by the same type of people whether in the North, South, East or West it is the same thing, some arrogant ignorant asswipe decides he
/she will be the new speed limit enforcer ( I can tell you more than one needed to stop and change there draws as I passed them :laugh: )

One of my biggest pet peeves on the road is the left-lane highway cruiser. If you’re a compulsive reader of my articles (Why would you do that to yourself?), you may remember that I have written on this very issue before (http://politicaloutcast.com/2013/02/left-is-wrong-right-is-right/).I don’t care how fast you are going. The leftmost lane on the highway is for passing. That is basic road etiquette, but, not surprisingly, few people here in Georgia follow it. And it is frustrating.
Well the Georgia State legislature is here to save the day. They are currently enacting a bill (http://www.ajc.com/news/news/state-regional-govt-politics/slow-poke-bill-aims-to-stop-left-lane-lingerers/ndcyc/?icmp=ajc_internallink_textlink_homepage) (dubbed the Slowpoke Bill) that would make lollygagging in the left lane a misdemeanor. That’s right. All those people with their left blinker still on … going 62 in a 65 … in the left lane … pacing the car on their right … with ten cars piled up behind them … Johnny Law is coming for you.


03-02-2014, 08:29 AM
I think this is awesome and should become a federal law, having spent most of my life driving all over our Country I know this happens in all states but is usually committed by the same type of people whether in the North, South, East or West it is the same thing, some arrogant ignorant asswipe decides he
/she will be the new speed limit enforcer ( I can tell you more than one needed to stop and change there draws as I passed them :laugh: )


They have had that in Massachusetts for years, but it's not a misdemeanor. However up here they don't need the cops to enforce that. Given a culture proud of being rude, a slow poke being tailgated with horns blaring plus high beams, passed abruptly almost getting hit as other cars cut in front of them plus countless middle fingers usually is enough of a hint.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-02-2014, 08:38 AM
I think this is awesome and should become a federal law, having spent most of my life driving all over our Country I know this happens in all states but is usually committed by the same type of people whether in the North, South, East or West it is the same thing, some arrogant ignorant asswipe decides he
/she will be the new speed limit enforcer ( I can tell you more than one needed to stop and change there draws as I passed them :laugh: )
http://lastresistance.com/4903/georgia-pass-awesome-slowpoke-bill/ Few things irritate me more than slow poke drivers. I do not mind those dead set on doing exactly the speed limit ,nor those doing a tad over the limit but those slow poking in the fast lane really piss me off! Especially when they could just do it in the damn slow lane. As a young man in the Summer time I used to pull up beside them if they had their window down and ask them how'd they like a damn foot stuck up their ass? That used to piss my ex-wife off to no end. Of course I only did that if it was a young adult man fully capable of taking punitive action if he decided to . Not one ever did. Lucky them!! -Tyr

03-02-2014, 08:54 AM
Few things irritate me more than slow poke drivers. I do not mind those dead set on doing exactly the speed limit ,nor those doing a tad over the limit but those slow poking in the fast lane really piss me off! Especially when they could just do it in the damn slow lane. As a young man in the Summer time I used to pull up beside them if they had their window down and ask them how'd they like a damn foot stuck up their ass? That used to piss my ex-wife off to no end. Of course I only did that if it was a young adult man fully capable of taking punitive action if he decided to . Not one ever did. Lucky them!! -Tyr

If you live in the South, that's a good way to get shot. I presume you would have followed suit had they pulled over to call your bluff. A dead body next to the shooter's door (and they never exit their vehicle) could easily be spun as self defense.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-02-2014, 09:33 AM
If you live in the South, that's a good way to get shot. I presume you would have followed suit had they pulled over to call your bluff. A dead body next to the shooter's door (and they never exit their vehicle) could easily be spun as self defense. Born and raised here in the South Hoss. Trust me on this , there is not a thing you can enlighten me on ABOUT THE SOUTH, fighting , guns or self defense. Sure I would have pulled over back then to settle the matter had they ever chosen that path. Back then we used to use our fists to settle such matters. Unlike current times where people want to use a gun because they are too cowardly to be man enough to ever fist fight. Should I ever have just cause to drag a man out of his car you can bet your last penny I'll not be unarmed doing so. Times change and its best for survival to know that. The just cause I spoke of would never be something as trivial as his driving too slow.-Tyr

03-02-2014, 10:40 AM
In the article:

The reaction to the bill is hilarious. Some lady (armygirl1974), who probably has no idea how bad she is at driving, responded, “What if the speed limit is 65 and I am going 65, am I supposed to move over and let someone going 90 pass[?] Give me a ticket, I dare you.”

You see, this is the problem, ignorance and stupidity. Most people don't know the law. She acts like moving to the right is a sin - when in reality it's the law long before this. Technically, in most states, you aren't supposed to drive in the speed lane at all, it's for passing. Of course everyone more or less ignores that law, but at least most people go fast enough to where it doesn't hold up other drivers who need to pass.

03-02-2014, 11:26 AM
In the article:

You see, this is the problem, ignorance and stupidity. Most people don't know the law. She acts like moving to the right is a sin - when in reality it's the law long before this. Technically, in most states, you aren't supposed to drive in the speed lane at all, it's for passing. Of course everyone more or less ignores that law, but at least most people go fast enough to where it doesn't hold up other drivers who need to pass.

Even if we concede that such a woman is right, why ask for trouble? Being a commuter in the NYC area, is it your experience that people in traffic respond to such things on their own, making life impossible for the slow poke?

03-02-2014, 04:42 PM
Once again, with driving. I believe the major problem has become Education, and the lack of it, joined with the Lack of common sense.

DMV's across the nation have become too Liberal (pardon the pun) with issuing driver's licenses.

Seems like the one, and only requirement for driving today is...Being able to see OVER the steering wheel...


There was a time when I loved to drive. But no longer is that possible. Nor am I upset...seeing the TOTAL IDIOTS on the roads today. I no longer want any part of it.

Those SLOW drivers in the so-called 'Passing Lane' seem to be convinced...if the speed limit says 55, 65, or 70. They can switch their CRUISE CONTROL on that speed...and not attract attention of the COPS...since they aren't breaking the law.
But everyone else around them knows there are NO SHORTAGES of SUCH IDIOTS on the road.

It is a wonder how any of them managed to get from Point A...to Point B without killing themselves, or others.

03-03-2014, 07:49 AM
In the article:

You see, this is the problem, ignorance and stupidity. Most people don't know the law. She acts like moving to the right is a sin - when in reality it's the law long before this. Technically, in most states, you aren't supposed to drive in the speed lane at all, it's for passing. Of course everyone more or less ignores that law, but at least most people go fast enough to where it doesn't hold up other drivers who need to pass.

Ding Ding Ding give that man a cigar , You are exactly right Jim the left lane is for passing and you are also correct about it being ignorant people that do it all the time, it seems to me if you see someone's babies Momma you will find a left lane dweller, and on the same token if ya find a ol red neck Girl that thinks she can beat up the world ( yes Jim you know the lady I am talking about :laugh: ) you will also of found another left lane dweller.