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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-06-2015, 12:12 PM
A Dream Within A Dream - Poem by Edgar Allan Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

Edgar Allan Poe
One of my favorite poems by Poe.
I relate strongly to this dream within a dream.
As I went far astray long ago and abandoned mine.
Only to return near the end to pursue one.-Tyr

06-06-2015, 10:18 PM
A Dream Within A Dream - Poem by Edgar Allan Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

Edgar Allan Poe
One of my favorite poems by Poe.
I relate strongly to this dream within a dream.
As I went far astray long ago and abandoned mine.
Only to return near the end to pursue one.-Tyr

....My friend....Check this out...


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-08-2015, 08:05 AM
....My friend....Check this out...


:beer: :beer:..... Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-08-2015, 08:10 AM
Majesty Of The Bird Of Prey
(Eyes of the Hawk)

In wilderness flies the bird of prey
above the earthly fight and battle
Far from immense foaming ocean spray
far above pastures and the cattle
Gliding along spying for its meal
with those sharp all seeing eyes
Blessed with sharp claws of steel
marauder of the gentle blue skies
Soaring in wait for its coming kill
be it furry animal,fowl or fish
Nature blesses with awe, good or ill
such meaty meals,what a tasty dish

To its victims what a monster it may be
A wonder to we that can much further see.

Robert J. Lindley
Nov, 12 1981

Note: The splendor and beauty of Nature awes us but there is the savage side to be seen too.
And that savage side teaches us that sacrifices to survive require the ending of life of others.
Nowhere is that better seen or understood than in the actions of the earth's predators.
Those that fly interest me more, for as a young boy I dreamed of flying thousands of times.

This poem was entered in a poetry contest. Requirement was for old poems, the poet's favorite written in the past. Must be dated and not newly written just for the contest, any form 24 lines or less.
Contests results given this afternoon, this poem took 2nd place out of the 35 entered. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-08-2015, 07:16 PM
A Song That Lives On Just To Thrive

Cling like the wild wind to a stormy night
as a child to a sweet mother's hem
Dare to step from safety , from the Light
into shadows dancing free but dim
Be bold in the whispers of a cooing dove
a song that lives on just to thrive
Willing angel flying down from far above
to find the meaning of being alive!

Ride the wild wind into a realm of delight
across broad waters sail or skim
Seeking promised land far from your sight
land of beauty, so sleek and trim
The perfect fit , like a custom made glove
loving grace in a swan-like dive
Sweet spirit of great magic of newfound Love
greatest music any man can contrive!

Cling like the wild wind to a stormy night
as a child to a sweet mother's hem
Dare to step from safety , from the Light
into shadows dancing free but dim
Be bold in the whispers of a cooing dove
a song that lives on just to thrive
Willing angel flying down from far above
to find the meaning of being alive!

Robert J. Lindley, March, 1984

Note: Written long ago , revised for another poetry contest.
28 lines or less, subject love and dreams.
Must be any form of rhyme. No names, must
be new poem , list date.

06-08-2015, 07:22 PM
Dear Mr. Robert J. Lindley,
You made me a fan of your poetry! http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/good.gif

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-08-2015, 08:09 PM
Dear Mr. Robert J. Lindley,
You made me a fan of your poetry! http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/good.gif

Thanks. Any poet seeks to relate to and bring something to the readers of his/her poetry.
Is even better when the poet writes with the wish to help others understand this world, life, love , hope,
darkness, light, pain , sorrow death and /or any of human emotions and imaginations.--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-09-2015, 07:02 PM
Awaiting The Great Mists Of Transcending Time

The last day of memories sits in spectacular splendor
awaiting the great mists of transcending time
Sailing along on dancing waves of love soft and tender
followed by loud echoing flames of the sublime

Deep into the many wide valleys of mystical moonbeams
rests soft bundles awaiting the longing burn
Glorious flower meadows banked by fast running streams
devoid of past cutting agonies our hearts spurn

Streams flowing out in pleasing songs of romantic past
with gentle kissed touches so rapidly hurled
Proof of unending Love wrapped in grace meant to last
blessings given lovers faithful in this world

The last day of memories sits in spectacular splendor
awaiting the great mists of transcending time
Sailing along on dancing waves of love soft and tender
followed by loud echoing flames of the sublime

Robert J. Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2015, 02:36 PM
Great Love Lost, Truth Only Then Found

Where was I, journeying when I lost her heart,
a stranger to tragedy and great pain!
She that once healed me has now torn me apart,
wading wastelands of despair almost insane.

Where was I, when walking stone path so blind,
traveler seeking waste of lust and greed!
A damn fool devoid of care and looking to find,
that which I so stupidly thought I need.

While her faithful love battled to stay alive,
my desires raced onward into dark deeds!
She that gave all her love to help me survive,
watched me in error sow my wild seeds.

When did I, wake to this hell, long nightmare,
a cut beast all set to moan and bleed!
Crying out in misery how my life is so unfair,
still forgetting her pain and need.

When will, my soul lead me from my sad plight,
a victim of my own lusts and dark acts!
A beast screaming out for help in plain sight,
only now getting truth and the facts.

Where was I, journeying when I lost her heart,
a stranger to tragedy and great pain!
She that once healed me has now torn me apart,
wading wastelands of despair almost insane.

R.J. Lindley
April 9th, 1975

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2015, 04:51 PM
Shining Gods Of Poisoned Seas

How utterly useless are the sincere Pleas
to the shining Gods of poisoned seas
Words sent forth on a great ray of Hope
find blank images in an empty scope
Longings so in tune to vanities of Man
greed and lusts in each wishful plan
Dark desires in each and every Request
selfish wants for only the very best

How vain are man's deepest dark Desires
evil wrapped in armor in raging fires
Deeds hidden from the scourging of Light
oft carried out by messengers at night
Evil that lingers as it eats the Host
preparing the victim for coming roast
Tortured cries that will only this Seal
sad food for a famished beast's meal

How utterly useless are the sincere Pleas
to the shining Gods of poisoned seas!

Robert J. Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2015, 08:57 PM
Heaven Reaching Down


Moment of gold

Holy majestic kiss

Heaven reaching down to save man


by Robert J. Lindley


A Modern Cinquain poem written for a contest:--Tyr

Contest judged, my poem took 8th place. Not bad for my first Cinquain as the others awarded higher placings were great poems.
I saw about 8 published poets in lower placings than the 8th place finish I got. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2015, 11:08 PM
A Song That Lives On Just To Thrive

Cling like the wild wind to a stormy night
as a child to a sweet mother's hem
Dare to step from safety , from the Light
into shadows dancing free but dim
Be bold in the whispers of a cooing dove
a song that lives on just to thrive
Willing angel flying down from far above
to find the meaning of being alive!

Ride the wild wind into a realm of delight
across broad waters sail or skim
Seeking promised land far from your sight
land of beauty, so sleek and trim
The perfect fit , like a custom made glove
loving grace in a swan-like dive
Sweet spirit of great magic of newfound Love
greatest music any man can contrive!

Cling like the wild wind to a stormy night
as a child to a sweet mother's hem
Dare to step from safety , from the Light
into shadows dancing free but dim
Be bold in the whispers of a cooing dove
a song that lives on just to thrive
Willing angel flying down from far above
to find the meaning of being alive!

Robert J. Lindley, March, 1984

Note: Written long ago , revised for another poetry contest.
28 lines or less, subject love and dreams.
Must be any form of rhyme. No names, must
be new poem , list date.

Contest results in, this poem took 4th place. Very pleased with that result as competition by fine ,published poets was very stiff in that contest..

In the last three contests judged I took 2nd, 8th and 4th places. Prior to those three , I took a 1st place in my first comeback contest writings.
These poets my writings go up against are seasoned and many are well published poets.... -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-11-2015, 07:28 PM
Gone, Our Days Dancing In The Splashing Rain

As this our time retreats into faded thought
and our nights of love become a pain
We can both see that with a dear price bought
our days dancing in the splashing rain
Should we again find our way into love's realm
tempest breaking the greatest storm apart
Ship on truest course with heart at the helm
finding treasures not seen on any chart

When hope, our only saving grace fell very far
did we regret the touch of our lips then
Or invite in the misery creating this deep scar
thus viewing all our love passion as sin
What of the sorrow that chills us both so deep
deadly words that slash with no remorse
Nay, the damnation and costs make us both weep
each crying out for a much happier course

Has this time sealed our doom and failed pride
a journey based upon mistakes and lies
Drowning as we fail to cross darkness so wide
death under black waters with broken ties
Never reaching up for that romance saving hand
content to lick and eat our own pride
Saddest traveler into desolation's blackest land
moaning out regret as we enjoy the ride

Will our stubbornness give birth to great defeat
a testament to anger's futile arrogance
A nasty meal we each still find begging to eat
no victory in foolishly killing romance

Robert J. Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-12-2015, 02:32 AM
A Germ Of Hope

Just a little thought this very bright day
a ray of Hope wrapped in forgotten dust
Shall we dare to dance as they so often say
step into sweet heart of endearing trust

Tiny step, one that precedes a coming leap
not waiting for the fine music to play
Germ of Hope aching for a harvest to reap
in solemn trust of a united future day

Born of Hope the coming great romantic affair
a solid tree grown from the smallest germ
Fruits to eat within the two hearts we share
glorious sweet apple minus the nasty worm

Sweet little germ, fine and most neat one
uniting two souls moment they first met
Growing fantastic romance just set to run
with happiest moments two lovers ever get

Just a little thought this very bright day
a ray of Hope wrapped in forgotten dust
Shall we dare to dance as they so often say
step into sweet heart of endearing trust

Robert J. Lindley

Note: First seeing the light of day. Was written
in my private journal back in 1973 .

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-12-2015, 08:17 PM
Blue Eyes That Her Glory Reflects
(Through Your Eyes)(Visual# 4)

Bright glittering gold bleeds into blue eyes
heart's beauty reflected in calm skies
Magnificent splendor of my lover's face
her memory eternity can not erase

Robert J. Lindley, 06-12-2015

Written for contest..
Nette's contest, "Through Your Eyes"
Number of words used was max, 25 words.
Visual 4..

Note-I was inspired and wrote a much longer poem but this is the short
version allowed by contest requirements.
The long poem is in my private journal.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-13-2015, 12:44 PM
You Can Never Truly Go Back

Life is forever changing its stripes
very few things stay the same
Time flows on, most things it wipes
often we are the ones to blame

Racing back to relive memories dear
a failed trip into happier day
Suddenly we must face what we fear
time makes most things go away

When we go to most cherished places
found changes hurting our souls
Not there are the old well loved faces
sadness replaces longed for goals

If only, just a moment when a lost Dad
could be found by journeying back
I would give all wealth that I ever had
for his touch that kept me on track

Life is forever changing its stripes
very few things stay the same
Time flows on, most things it wipes
often we are the ones to blame

Robert J. Lindley , 06-13-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-17-2015, 08:46 AM
A Shining Light To Those Still Lost

In that moment, between day and night
the time you may choose to sacrifice
your own spirit, heart, soul or mind
Goodness breaks out with the light
far more than enough just to suffice
seeing past the apathy of the blind!

That moment, you choose to freely give
greatness be it very large or small
wraps you in a magic, fleeting embrace
Perhaps even daring to allow to live
momentary giant that stands so tall
great credit to life and human race!

That moment, the blessing of Love
splendor of giving at great cost
seals great reward to all it reaches
Shall be praised, recorded from above
a shining Light to those still lost
example of true Love that teaches!

Robert J. Lindley, 06-17-2015

Note: Came to me this morn , this thought ,
this poem was born.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-17-2015, 07:18 PM
Hope Cooks Its Morning Meal

Dark shadows of death it enshrouds,
roaring lightning in storming clouds
Flames it destroys as it dares burn
Hope lives and truly enjoys its turn

Sunset may cloak beauty of the hills
long before creeping dawn-time chills
Yet its mercy screams out very loud
candlelight given unto good and proud

Deep in morn's lingering misty fogs
echoes songs of glistening waking frogs
Far above the ancient nighttime croaks
angels remove earthly blinding cloaks

At the head of the cool, gurgling brooks
Hope sits to eat lively, the meal it cooks!

Robert J. Lindley, 06-17-2015

Note: A sonnet written to ease hearts pain
and shatter the slow purple haze.

06-18-2015, 04:31 AM
Blank verse

(from reflections of my gone youth)

I have not forgotten and will never forget you, even when I stop remembering your name...
We've become stupid train passengers careening in an endless thread of Time.
Once we were in different cars and this can not be helped...
Because of the hardships and mad hustle everybody is shaken by the road fever
Especially because the cries of speakers and drum rumble burst into car windows...
The train is rushing as it should be, by his spiral way,
And if it has a stronger drifting on turnings we must not be afraid,
As it is run by people paid for it...
I do not believe in terrible, but if it happens and I can get out of the wreckage
I still can find you among thousands of others,
As I remember the smell of your hairs.

Sorry if my translation is poor. In Russian it sounds pretty good and I tried to do my best.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2015, 08:09 AM
Blank verse

(from reflections of my gone youth)

I have not forgotten and will never forget you, even when I stop remembering your name...
We've become stupid train passengers careening in an endless thread of Time.
Once we were in different cars and this can not be helped...
Because of the hardships and mad hustle everybody is shaken by the road fever
Especially because the cries of speakers and drum rumble burst into car windows...
The train is rushing as it should be, by his spiral way,
And if it has a stronger drifting on turnings we must not be afraid,
As it is run by people paid for it...
I do not believe in terrible, but if it happens and I can get out of the wreckage
I still can find you among thousands of others,
As I remember the smell of your hairs.

Sorry if my translation is poor. In Russian it sounds pretty good and I tried to do my best.

Very nice.....I hope you found her and married her!-Tyr

06-18-2015, 09:46 AM
Very nice.....I hope you found her and married her!-Tyr
Oh, No! It is dedicated to the First Love.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2015, 03:40 PM
Darkness Devours Another Soul

(Tenebris deuorat supervenit alia anima)

Deep into his soul, he drank the bitterest brew
reeking of pain and spilled blood in sad wine.
All went so well with this black torturing stew
heartaches and terror fruits now so very fine!

Past sins ripped his heart into pieces of regret
his miseries birthed nothing that changed life.
Prayers given failed and changed nothing yet
storms ate his soul and cast forth future strife!

Laments of crying pain stirred no hearing soul
As the great monster sat for a satisfying feast.
Stopping deep and savage hurt was the only goal
slaying the heart of the massive destroying beast!

Deep into his soul, he drank the bitterest brew
reeking of pain and spilled blood in sad wine.
All went so well with this black torturing stew
heartaches and terrors fruits now so very fine!

Robert J. Lindley, 06-18-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2015, 05:49 PM
The Bloom Off The Flower,The Dying Rose

Old,blind and very ill,they wait to die
Growing cold with chill they sadly lie
Ravages of Time eats away heart and might
Until sunny day becomes a darkened night

In this world Time brings on that spirit
Savaging body,so silent we never hear it
Broken down,resting in an old folk's home
Sad dying souls never again to ever roam

As Death arrives there is no ringing bell
only the one way trip,to Heaven or Hell
Or the trip into a dark and long dirt nap
buried deep into the grave's earthen trap

What was once singing,love and solid gold
now is sin's judgment on these dying old
The bloom off the flower,the dying rose
cries all face it,venturing where it goes!

Robert J. Lindley, 06-18-2015

Note: A dark one but much truth rests deep within.

06-18-2015, 05:56 PM
The Bloom Off The Flower,The Dying Rose

This is Great! It is a real talent, gift to be able to choose proper words to make a person feeling. Thank you again!

06-18-2015, 06:36 PM
This is Great! It is a real talent, gift to be able to choose proper words to make a person feeling. Thank you again!

Balu....yup....Tyr is good like that...:cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2015, 08:28 PM
Balu....yup....Tyr is good like that...:cool:

Thanks, fifty years writing I should at least know something... ;)

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to LongTermGuy again.--- :beer: :beer:

06-18-2015, 08:36 PM
Thanks, fifty years writing I should at least know something... ;)

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to LongTermGuy again.--- :beer: :beer:

And the most fascinating thing is that you know HOW to deliver what you have in your Soul. And you really have. :clap:

06-18-2015, 08:54 PM
Dear Robert,
Unfortunately I am not allowed to raise your reputation, though I am eager to. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/sad.gif

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-19-2015, 10:06 AM
A Look Inward

For all I ever once was
all I ever want to be,
fleeting mists singing
and rising fogs in morn
sunset views triumphant;
resting deep inside of me
shadows of a spirit
cold and stark in reality.

R. J. Lindley,
March 11, 1976

A Look Backward

For all I ever once did
and all my heart sees,
glowing memories
and loves beyond measure
days the sun stirs;
rainbows softly drifting
spirit patiently waiting
love's hopes sweetly livin'.

Robert J. Lindley, 10-04-2015

Found this old poem(very rare free verse from 39 years ago) and decided to give
a new and up to date answer/reply.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-19-2015, 05:32 PM
Spouts A Very Small And Magical Fountain

There is a mystical land in this world
where compassion is increased in scope
There rests a shining banner unfurled
holding heart's greatest gift in Hope!

High upon a snow-laden majestic mountain
in a hidden cave very deep within
Spouts a very small and magical fountain
that serves to shrink living men!

A mere taste of its free flowing gift
casts forth a great magical spell
Father time is then eternally set adrift
rose fragrance comes forth the smell!

A new man found suddenly small his size
cutting his arrogant follies down
Instantly his heart grew so very wise
and no longer lived he as a clown!

His short stature forced him to look up
thus Heavenly look was his new view
Love of All filled his heart's new cup
he saw things bright and brand new!

High upon a snow-laden majestic mountain
in a hidden cave very deep within
Spouts a very small and magical fountain
that serves to shrink living men!

Robert J. Lindley, 06-19-2015

NOTE: This was a unfinished poem written back in 1983,
I just finished it today after finding it late
last night tucked in an old letter in a box of books.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-20-2015, 12:39 AM
Restored Was His Heart, Soul And Might
(The Woodsman)

Hollow place in the woods most deep,
now unmolested by man or by beast.
Reserved for a wise visitor's return,
a promise he swore one day to keep,
when starry night holds a big feast!

Life called the woodsman far away,
into a war he was so sadly cast.
He simply had rushed to take his turn,
sacred duty in life he had to pay,
while praying it not to be his last.

Shell and shock had laid him so low,
laying in a hospital back East.
That vow was not forgotten by he,
April, time came for him there to go,
to partake in a moonlight feast!

Arriving back there with setting sun,
he trekked into forest all alone.
Returning king was this brave man,
a true woodsman and Nature's son,
above him glory of moonlight shone.

Found again the hollow so very deep,
his throne nestled, cozy and fine.
Moonlight and Nature did so conspire,
as he laid down to peacefully sleep,
to ease his tired and troubled mind!

Waking with the soft, wet morning dew,
this king greeted Nature and the day.
Smile that gave all there such delight,
so his life danced and began again anew,
restored was his heart, soul and might!

Robert J. Lindley, 06-20-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-21-2015, 09:29 AM
Thoughts On The Rail

I ponder on, this big world, you and I
Does love ride the hard gusting wind
Moving its beauty about in a sunny sky
A journey magnificent but without an end!

I hope, life will forever hold anew
Eternity and the joys of sweet dreams
So often united in the hearts of two
Wading the brooks and mountain streams!

May I know, the joys my father found
The great treasures of his humble life
Spirit flying fast while earthly bound
Above the din of sin and earthly strife!

Robert J. Lindley, 06-21-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-24-2015, 02:06 PM
Thunder In My Faithful Heart

How dare the God of Thunder to strike
this mountain top I so happily rest
Has he no fear of my greatest dislike
of disturbing me while at my best?

Behold! A spirit that strikes him back
A defiance of his mad arrogant power
He dares launch such surprise attack?
where I rest my weary bones that hour?

Nay! I defy him to dare to strike me
soul filled with courage of my mind
His mistake he shall in the future see!
He dares to disturb now another kind!

I that, hold Thunder in my faithful heart
Scoff at this futile war he dares to start!

Robert J. Lindley, 06-24-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-28-2015, 09:32 AM
I Shall Not Embrace Your Cold Heart

I shall not embrace your cold heart
Nor look into those vicious eyes
Love exists not on a scientific chart
But in passion and heart's ties

I shall not eat of the jaded fruit
Offering you set at my place
Nor fall for your so sexy and cute
Smile upon such a pretty face

I shall not lie upon the bed you offer
Nor drink from the cup you stain
O' yes, I am now your biggest scoffer
Love broken was my greatest pain

I shall not embrace your cold heart
Nor look into those vicious eyes
Love exists not on a scientific chart
But in passion and heart's ties

Robert J. Lindley , 06-28-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-28-2015, 02:15 PM
The Song Of The Vietnam Vet

As blood comes pouring from his bowels
The skin all broken open
The itching that does never stop
The anger that was spoken
At the vet from Vietnam
The scars so deep within
The awful pains of memory
The mind all filled with din

The self hatred, that fills his heart
The anger, oh, the anger
Though he is very far away
From all that senseless danger
The war goes on, and on, and on
Until his dying day
That’s the vet from Vietnam
And he must live this way

He gave his life to serve his country
Though he is not quite dead
His life will never be the same
Each day is filled with dread
And no one really cares at all
Although they say they do
About that poor old veteran
Who fought for you, and you

Peter Duggan 28 June 2015

This great poem is by my very good friend, the Australian poet , Peter Duggan that served in Vietnam.
I checked in today and saw this and snatched it. I Didnt even ask!!!! haha..
He previously told me not to ask each time but instead to just copy and then present any of his poems I wanted to present here!
Got from him in private conversations that Vietnam did a number on him for decades afteward but he is alright now.--Tyr

06-28-2015, 02:22 PM
The Song Of The Vietnam Vet


This great poem is by my very good friend, the Australian poet , Peter Duggan that served in Vietnam.
I checked in today and saw this and snatched it. I Didnt even ask!!!! haha..
He previously told me not to ask each time but instead to just copy and then present any of his poems I wanted to present here!
Got from him in private conversations that Vietnam did a number on him for decades afteward but he is alright now.--Tyr



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-28-2015, 07:27 PM


Yes, it was damn tough on those caught in the middle but then again so is every damn war.
Women , children and the old and weak suffer the most it seems.

What did you think about the poet's poem? -Tyr

06-28-2015, 09:10 PM
What did you think about the poet's poem? -Tyr
It is a VERY difficult question for me as I am not able to FEEL the poetry abstract. Russians live our own way, by feeling of fairness. This is our advantage and our drawback at the same time. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/sad.gif We are NOT Jews. We are NOT measuring EVERYTHING for money.

The illustration to my words:

The Monument in Berlin.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-01-2015, 08:02 AM
A Look Back

Fleeting the moments of laughter and joy,
Love promises so much more:
There is no finality in the life garnered
Once we see the dread of its end.

So short were the days in the sun:
Where shining dawns offered deep hope
All we once were has now been done
We live and loved in a misty dream.

Robert J. Lindley. 06-30-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-02-2015, 11:50 PM
Let This, Our Hearts Save

In such dreams no light is shone,
When this, our life, is done,
And these, our days, are gone
We look back for the fun
As shadows cross the blue moon:
Again we may find loves of the past,
Hearts not mended too soon
Shadow ships sailing at full mast!

And memories seeking the light,
Dances upon a new shore,
Starlight in the calm night
Serenity forgiving forevermore!

Of all the good and sad this life gave
Let this, grace and honor, our hearts save!

Robert J. Lindley, 07-02-2015

07-02-2015, 11:57 PM
Let This, Our Hearts Save

You doubled your poem from the the neighboring thread?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-03-2015, 12:08 AM
You doubled your poem from the the neighboring thread?

Yes, was too busy to write one for this thread tonight so placed this poem twice.
I have about two dozen sticks in the fire now --so my time is severely limited.
I am losing about 3/4 hours sleep now by being on and posting.....
I should be sleeping. --- :sleep: Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-04-2015, 03:43 PM
The Shadow Realm

Life has been light passes slowly within time
Dreams of racing shadows within faint light
Some sound off in sweetest songs so sublime
Others terrorize jubilantly in the late night

Sweet shadows speak of softest love and joy
Replaying moments that family held so dear
These are fun like a child's favorite toy
Never the dark ones that bring deepest fear

Night midway often sends its darkest beasts
Leaping, screaming and crying shadows abound
The scratchers look for human flesh for feasts
The criers and moaners play for horrific sound

Crawlers move about scarring the bedroom wall
While gnashers wail, chatter their teeth loud
Bed shakers push it up until its ready to fall
The hideous ones show ugliest faces so proud

Surviving is calling light of day shadows in
Each one forces a dark shadow to quickly flee
Those that ease life and are always a friend
Bring love, relief and joy that so frees me

Robert J. Lindley, 07-04-2015

This poem is written for a very important contest.
A contest that interested me quite deeply.

07-05-2015, 01:38 PM
I have been enjoying a lot of your poetic posting Ty. I appreciate well expressed language but can never seem to put my own imaginings down as poetry. I have recently been rereading some of Anne Morrow Lindbergh's published diaries. I had always been impressed by her imagery and phrasing and wondered whether you had read anything of hers and, if so, what you thought of it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-05-2015, 06:14 PM
I have been enjoying a lot of your poetic posting Ty. I appreciate well expressed language but can never seem to put my own imaginings down as poetry. I have recently been rereading some of Anne Morrow Lindbergh's published diaries. I had always been impressed by her imagery and phrasing and wondered whether you had read anything of hers and, if so, what you thought of it.

Interior Tree

Burning tree upon the hill
and burning tree within my heart,
what kinship stands between the two,
what cord I cannot tear apart?

The passionate gust that sets one free,
– a flock of leaves in sudden flight –
shatters the bright interior tree
into a shower of splintered light.

Fused moments of felicity,
when flame and I and heart unite,
come they from earth, or can they be
the swallows of eternity?

Within the Wave

Within the hollow wave there lies a world,
gleaming glass-perfect, rising to be hurled
into a thousand fragments on the sand,
driven by tide’s inexorable hand.
Now in the instant while disaster towers,
I glimpse the land more beautiful than ours,
another sky, more lapis-lazuli,
lit by unsetting suns, another sea
by no horizon bound, another shore,
glistening with shells I never saw before.
Smooth mirror of the present, poised between
the crest’s “becoming” and the foam’s “has-been” –
how luminous the landscape seen across
the crystal lens of an impending loss!

Bare Tree

Already I have shed the leaves of youth,
stripped by the wind of time down to the truth
of winter branches. Linear and alone
I stand, a lens for lives beyond my own,
a frame through which another’s fire may glow,
a harp on which another’s passion, blow.

The pattern of my boughs, an open chart
spread on the sky, to others may impart
its leafless mysteries that I once prized,
before bare roots and branches equalized,
tendrils that tap the rain or twigs the sun
are all the same, shadow and substance one.
Now that my vulnerable leaves are cast aside,
there’s nothing left to shield, nothing to hide.

Blow through me, Life, pared down at last to bone,
so fragile and so fearless have I grown!


Her other writings I am not familiar with other than memories that she was a very good author.
However , her poetry is of the first rank IMHO. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-11-2015, 12:08 AM
Live Life, Love Deeply

Life is sweet mists in the trees
rides on a floating rainbow
Smooth sailing on calm blue seas
sunshine to make Love grow!

A dance that spreads pure joy
music soft, slow with wine
Duets with a girl and a boy
flowers blossoming so fine!

Promises of the romantic nights
days filled with epic song
Tours of many wonderful sights
love deep and forever long!

Paradise exists for each heart
a crown for true pleasure
Believe in it, give it a start
life is the greatest treasure!

Robert J. Lindley, 07-11-2015

Note- Contest write.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-11-2015, 11:10 PM
The Piper Played On And On

The mystic piper paid his earthly dues
strange tunes he did so often choose
Notes that ring so loud and so clear
wiping away doubt and darkened fear

Yet each found this a false delight
shadows that lurched in evil night
Music set to lowly goals and greed
easing pains from a desperate need

Dancing in a deepened hollow ring
woes trailed all that shout and sing
Piper plays on in his standard way
as his victims spin and gaze far away

Stars spin away so very far, far above
this world needs more, always more love
Mystical Pipers may come and may go
evil the dark wind they belch and blow

Robert J. Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-13-2015, 10:59 PM
The Long Road To Her Heart

As I trample my sweat into reddened dust
walking down this long winding road I must
Seek her soothing heart laced with glee
ripened fruit hanging upon a fantasy tree!

Blowing petal to petal , heart to heart
welcoming breeze guides me from the start
Time holds no wonders that she can not give
paradise awaits with its glory as we Live!

Although the morn is long, the sun so hot
my life is wonderful knowing what I got
A treasure sent to hold me in my place
moonlit eyes upon her soft glowing face!

As I trample my sweat into reddened dust
walking down this long winding road I must
Seek her soothing heart laced with glee
ripened fruit hanging upon a fantasy tree!

Robert J. Lindley, 07-12 2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-15-2015, 08:21 AM
The Gift, Then The Complaint

Gladly if only, I had nothing to say,
I could just murmur and walk far away
Instead I write to spend my new day
doing so with no acclaim and no pay!

This life can be so mysterious indeed
first you may refuse to stop or plead
Yet time brings its own eternal whip
a cut each little time you dare slip!

No great solace lasts more than a week
future may grant but tis' only a peek
A sight given to beg the mind to see
To climb the tallest mountain to plea!

Of course the world cries out to stop
toss away the fine broom and dirty mop
With much deeper sinister cry and hue
dire threats blast you right on cue!

Gladly if only, I had nothing to say,
I could just murmur and walk far away
Instead I write to spend my new day
doing so with no acclaim and no pay!

Robert J. Lindley, 07-15-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-16-2015, 09:47 AM
All The World Races Away , While I Pause

I will write yet again this sweet night,
cows need milking , the barn cleaning.
Sunny morn but this place is a sore sight,
critters need feeding, fence is leaning!

I will hold my thoughts until sunset,
a chore that allows me to still give.
Sure life is a gamble, a very sad bet
yet we must learn to love and let live!

Do not sorrow for my poor saddened cause,
there is gold in the clouds, a kiss awaits.
All the world races away , while I pause
to tempt her and curse the darker fates!

Robert J. Lindley, 07-16-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-16-2015, 09:38 PM
A Storm, A Tempest And A Hope

Remorse hangs like dark and bitter fruit
A tragic voyage far off the right course
Cuts to the mind with an evil root
Blood-lust still in the crying remorse
A shot into this darkened lost world
Future clouded in a racing mist
A boulder into a grave now hurled
More pains added to the emerging list
Volley blasted to summon a darker Fate
Deep bath in seething, rich hate!

Ship sent to give a last chance
Treasure laid for the roving eye to see
Nights promised with engulfing romance
Endless pleasures for our loving tree

Then the shadow raced into a new sight
Trumpet sounded to eat away your face
Darkness soon ate away the splendid light
Revealing my saddened soul in its deep disgrace!

No stars shine upon this torture heart
The world shudders without you in my life
We die a thousand deaths when we are apart
You my love were to be my eternal wife!

Now time eats into the void of our loss
As our future certainty is a great unknown
On this stormy sea, swells give us a toss
Where such dark evil plans are blown

Pray for mercy to be downward cast
A miracle to be given and sent
If our love was ever meant to last
The Light must return and give blessed consent!

Robert J. Lindley, 07-16-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-17-2015, 09:25 PM
Stand Next To This Given Fire

In that olden time, the world was so new,
The trees glowed, roses were only blue,
Within the heart of man Hope was born:
Her heart spoke to my long lost soul,
Her eyes said this command to me,
Stop! Your hate takes an evil toll,
your darkness is bitter froth in the sea!

Lay your head on my comforting breast,
your spirit needs a deep rest
A fire started by God's own hand,
a storm loaded with greatest joy
Heal now, be your very best,
find that loving dream as a little boy!

Bring along the new found inspiration,
a promise cures now your desperation,
Stand next to this given fire
Rest your bones, hold on before you tire!

As the flames warm your soul, touch mine
you found love and eyes that do still shine!

Robert J. Lindley , 07-17-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-18-2015, 10:05 AM
Thunder Gives Its Preceding Applause

The Rain gifts blessings multi-fold,
aided by its sister Wind, earth reaps.
Bounties plentiful, harvests gold ,
as into awaiting soil it seeps.

Fields cry for the coming spray,
showers sent to man and beast.
If withheld we begin to truly pray,
so that we live and may have a feast.

Echoes in Heaven announce the Rain,
thunder gives its preceding applause.
A gift, same as in our births pain,
we must conform to Nature's laws.

Skies above gift this blessing down.
Upon earth's thirsty, waiting gown.

Robert J. Lindley, 07-18-2015

Nature's gift, this bounty we receive,
Gods love, even as Satan deceives
Look up to give returning praise,
for from death only He was ever raised....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-20-2015, 09:27 PM
Here is one I just finished a few minutes ago.

Down To The Last Gulp

This tired, old lake, down to the last gulp
cold, like last drink in a coffee cup.
Once streams flowed in with great speed,
now banks bare and deeper life is in need!

Trees shading have all withered and died,
too busy holding on to have ever cried.
While back, storm brought such sweet relief.
Now drought eats its dinner, gifting grief!

Time was once a dear and trusted friend,
now it is just a messenger of a sad end.
Fish are dying in the ever expanding mud,
heart slowing down begging for new blood!

This old lake, down to the last dance.
Drought singing out, no rain, no romance!

Robert J. Lindley, 07-20-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-24-2015, 09:45 AM
Now, Just Let It Be

Far behind, dear life stood very still.
Cry went out- Save me please!
From ashes to heart raced that chill,
shaking he stood, weak at the knees!

No medicine could grant needed relief,
where spirit fell on its own sword
Only faith, steadfast in holy belief
could defeat the darkest invading horde!

Across the new found meadow was HOPE.
Miracle sent forth from up on high .
Horizon opened up, given greater scope
Soul breathed easier and began to fly!

Far ahead, sweet life could then see.
Beautiful scenes promised to reward.
HOPE spoke out, now just let it be
Soft and easy what was once very hard!

Robert J. Lindley, 07-24-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-24-2015, 11:57 PM
Lamentations, Pleas Of A Desperate Man

Give me fire so I may warm my bones,
hold me steady to stop my bleeding.
There is a cry in my begging tones,
and deepest pain laced in my pleading!

Has not the angry sky beat me down?
Earth holds my spirit in disregard.
Am I not now a broken, crying clown?
A joker on a torn and stained card!

Let the night eat my foolish pride,
beat me until I wail and then moan.
Drown me in a stormy ocean tide,
let my sins cry out and be shown!

O' God! Hear this fool's sad plea's,
I bow to your judgment from above.
A rascal fallen upon bended knees,
Fill my soul with life and your love!

Robert J. Lindley , 07-24-2015

Note--Once long ago, I uttered these words.
As sure as water is wet, HE that heard,
gifted his Holy word....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-26-2015, 10:09 AM
Goddess Of Sweetest Desire

Eternally strong, forever soft and free,
Her life spread as wings of a dove.
Fragrant fruit on Nature's fairest tree.
She that so displayed her true love.
Earth could not hold her dancing glee,
Even within its throngs of spirits fair--
music gifted from Heavenly song,
angels thrilled to her image see,
became brighter that moment and more aware;
While happiness came racing on in,
She the fantasy of mortal men.

Hoping that Fate to her life be so kind,
her admirers sent their praise and thanks.
Sight given to those formerly so blind,
miracles sent from majestic heavenly banks!

To her Nature bowed its lofty head,
with pluck sang a streaming, gentle song
And increased her deep love instead--
this she knew, gift so very great and long,
found a path where angels and Gods tread!

Mists of time gentle to her beauty were,
all yielded to the hands of Fate,
such were the great blessings given her--
vanished any vestige of mortal hate,
She the sympathy of the Fates did stir!

Robert J. Lindley, 07-26-2015

Written for contest.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2015, 10:44 PM
What Bell Rings Out So Clearly For You?

Hells bells, the ringing always carries on
Life be it beautifully great still endures
Ravages, we in this dark world, are cast upon
Temptations, great multitude of dark allures.
What bell rings out so clearly for you?

Massively sad are the long and crying bells
Peeling out that string of long blue notes
The ringing sends the message that tells
Nobody needs to send out words they wrote.
What bell rings out so clearly for you?

We may hear, not know for whom the bell tolls
Dire such bells ring in with a call to alarm
Such is how Fates streams in rushing flows
So unlike cow bells singing out on the farm.
What bell rings out so clearly for you?

For many happy events beautiful bells extol
Signal to join in the joy or meet to pray
This the sound that all God's children know
Calling out, walk calm in the Christian way
What bell rings out so clearly for you?

When loved one is sick, off goes alarm bells
Ringing in your mind like a dropping shoe
Then the call to prayer rushes and so impels
Miracles often brought if your faith is true!
What bell rings out so clearly to you?

Xxxxxx - X - XXXXXXX, 07-28-2015

Note- Written for Debbi Guzzi's contest
For Whom The Bell Tolls, give date--no names

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-01-2015, 01:48 PM
Just Not Meant To Be

Stars glaring down on a hot summer night
pain and heartache eating in her soul
He had stormed off after a bitter fight
Dark of this night now taking its toll!

Memories, other nights and blissful days
Echoes of kisses tasting long and deep
Why could he not change his savage ways
Was it a jump he was so afraid to leap?

Did I demand he change too damn much
placing a chain on his freedoms then
All dark and I am clueless about such
the more savage ways of boys and men!

Haunting voice from the past replied
He said he always loved you but he lied!

Robert J. Lindley, 08-01-2015

Note. Sonnet written for a contest.
I just saw that the contest requires the poem meet the ten syllable count. So I just did a quick rewrite to meet that requirement.

Here it is...-Tyr

Just Not Meant To Be

Stars glaring down on a hot summer night
pain and heartache eating into her soul
He had stormed off after a bitter fight
Dark of this night now taking a huge toll!

Memories, other nights and blissful days
Echoes of kisses tasting long and deep
Why could he not deny his savage ways
A jump he was just too afraid to leap?

Did she demand his changing too damn much
placing a huge chain on his freedoms then
All dark , she was clueless about such
denying savage ways of boys and men!

Haunting voice from the distant past replied
He said he always loved you but he lied!

Robert J. Lindley, 08-01-2015

Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 109

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-04-2015, 07:39 PM
From the graveyard of old poems written decades ago. A sonnet , a dark one! -Tyr

Revenge, Often A Great Meal

His hot gun was empty, one more life now black
He thought only a moment, never looked back
Why bother to dare question what had to be done
Death was grisly business, not meant to be fun!

The moment before he shot, a silence came on
this the execution, was a light to be shone
Murder of mother and father, a most grisly tale
now the guilty was dead, sent on into hell!

The dead tell no tales, they can hurt no more
down that dark path, sent on to Hell's door
Cold chill did its very best to wake him again
tell he had just executed his former friend!

Fate, master of sad, long and agonizing decrees
Nobody escapes, no matter how great are their pleas!

Robert J. Lindley
April 7th, 1973

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-04-2015, 07:59 PM
Just A Natural Thing

Emerging into the coolness of the frost on the ground,
Nature calls deeply to my soul with its sweetest sound
Fall has sunk in with its widespread leaf killing bite
The wild woods so naked present a less appealing sight.

Sunset breeze stings much more in its calm and cool way,
Nature demands more from furry critters in hardship pay
Owls know the coming change will bring them more meals
Drastic change spreads across meadows, woods and hills.

This coming bleak and savagely measured epic onslaught,
a lethal trap to the many critters unprepared and caught
No mercy given in Nature's most wrathful and cold season
Nature demands weak and sick die, survival is the reason.

Spring awaits killing off of the useless, and its unneeded.
Its garden must flourish with beauty after its been weeded!

Robert J. Lindley, 08-01-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-05-2015, 08:32 PM
A Darkness Comes This Day

By all the bad signs that tap me
From this shell that now wraps me,
Hard as rock from bottom to top,
Great the God of war that did see
The spark resting deep within me.
Courage still rages, will never stop
These hard years that burnt my mind,
Pains etched into this aching soul,
Were no miracles to hunt or find.
Just punches one learned to roll.

Blackness now descends to engulf me,
Dark blood stirs in my weary head.
Beneath the massive armor wrapping me,
Lies the soldier long since dead!

R.J. Lindley
Sept 19th , 1969

From the graveyard of my early writes, age 15..
My dad had died a few months before this poem
was written.

08-06-2015, 11:21 AM
A Darkness Comes This Day

From the graveyard of my early writes, age 15..
My dad had died a few months before this poem
was written.

http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/personal/hi.gif :clap::clap::clap:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-08-2015, 01:22 PM
I just wrote this.. Needed a distraction from the crap in this world and the trash last night.

Prayer To The God Of Winter

Ye foolish God of Winter,
How dare you paint this land in white
Tis enough the wind and brutal cold
The cold raging in, seeping in at night
Pains that rake deep this body old!

Why think thou the beauty overrides,
Are not the aches we cry often about
Witness to your malicious white attack
Shall we gather here to scream out
Or silently moan behind your back?

Cease now, with this cold fluffy stuff,
Think thee , all so dearly love snow
While you send this floating rain
We dare to curse, so you will know
And perhaps, not send the white again!

Pray Ye, merciful God of Winter,
A reprieve from bitter slicing cold
A time to warm old bodies and bones
Here us, honor this plea, don't scold
We that beseech thee in desperate tones!

Robert J. Lindley, 08-08-2015

Note- Fall is here, winter is just around
the corner. I love the beauty and majesty
of snow but the cold often can be brutal.
This poem is about that brutality when
it is extreme and so harms so many.
Thus the great beauty does not compensate.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-09-2015, 12:40 PM
God's Poetry Of Stars And Its Deep Verse

God's poetry of stars, and its deep verse
a play HE need not ever rehearse.
Heavens filled with stars shining,
poets sweetly writing ,loving and opining.

God's poetry of earth, and its deep verse
healthy love and life needing no nurse.
Majestic rivers, lakes and cool, cool streams
endless wonders and heads filled with dreams.

God's poetry of mankind, and its deep verse
ever forward, no need to reverse
Roads to travel, love and promised paradise
needing no more, such will surely suffice.

God's poetry of earth, a well for our thirst.
God's poetry of earth, in his Love we are first!

Robert J. Lindley, 08-09-2015

Note- A new sonnet, written just because I can..
And because acknowledging God as the Creator can not
be done too often IMHO....

08-09-2015, 01:12 PM
As far as there are those, who are able to write such a poetry, your country is not hopeless. And NO matter how many there are those like you, and understanding you, Robert! :slap: :clap:

08-09-2015, 01:35 PM
As far as there are those, who are able to write such a poetry, your country is not hopeless. And NO matter how many there are those like you, and understanding you, Robert! :slap: :clap:

Your idea of 'praise' ? To find a way of including totally gratuitous (if indirectly expressed) disparagement, in offering it ?

My understanding of the purpose of this thread was, and is, that it was meant to be unconnected to any debate or reference concerning geopolitical issues.

You should have respected that .. as low in 'respect' as you are otherwise.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-09-2015, 02:09 PM
Guys both comments push the envelope here a bit ..
This Creative Writing sub-forum is to be free of this .
Please refrain from doing so in future posts. A request.
Lets not disparage either country, not in here , ok? --Tyr

08-09-2015, 02:53 PM
Guys both comments push the envelope here a bit ..
This Creative Writing sub-forum is to be free of this .
Please refrain from doing so in future posts. A request.
Lets not disparage either country, not in here , ok? --Tyr

Fine by me, Tyr.

08-10-2015, 02:29 PM
Guys both comments...
My expressions of my Love to your poetry and what i though of it was expressed me as I could.
Hope YOU understand what i meant.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-10-2015, 07:26 PM
My expressions of my Love to your poetry and what i though of it was expressed me as I could.
Hope YOU understand what i meant.

Both comments understood. And neither comment was deleted.
Just stay in the writing and poetry venue here , all will be fine.

Do you have any other great Russian poet to present their works from?
I can think of another great one but would rather you give another.. ----Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-10-2015, 09:00 PM
Satan Bellows Out, God Answers

Hear me, Satan bellowed out in a mighty shout
I Rule the Universe and all must bow to me
I that stalk the earth spitting volcanic fire out
stir deep oceans and swirl up the raging seas.

My hand that paints this earth with its fears
can destroy millions with a single damning curse
I that the stars must envy and shine to see
Mankind fears my wrath knowing it to be the worse.

Every being alive sees and so greatly fears me
Master of disease, pestilence and all bloody wars
Man has been made a slave and a slave shall he be
I Shoot - death,sickness,torture,pain and scars.

Behold my majestic splendor, all my awesome might
Death rests in my words,burning flames in my mind
I decide what shall be unholy good or evil night
Even God fears me and all of my dark demonic kind!

Suddenly a voice boomed out and light beamed down
God spoke,yes you are arrogant in casting fears
Your wickedness sorrows me and sadly I now frown
You fail to learn Love and for that I shed my tears!

Mankind fallen and with death you had their Fate
my Son's mercy and grace has now redeemed them
No longer chained by the darkness of your hate
Salvation and paradise by his side now awaits them.

Now bow to the Heavens and the stars now shining
bow to man and the glory by faith he has awaiting
You that bellow and sicken all with your whining
Banished are you and yours for all the dark hating.

Begone from my sight, back into your hellish pit.
I'll endure no more of your hateful,childish fit!

Satan retreating,shot back in a loud screeching hiss.
I shall shoot again and by all Hell I will not miss!

R.J. Lindley
Nov. 22,1973

Note- posted as written long ago , no editing.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-12-2015, 10:57 PM
Spring Once Called Out Her Plan

Spring once called to the rocks and streams,
your cries bring me again in cool, cool dreams.
Nature my mother, sends me now to comfort you
to each its benefits from seasons so true.

Spring once called to the forest and fields,
your cries bring me in an anxious rush.
Nature my mother, sends Her love in my yields
as my beauty explodes in a silent hush.

Spring once called to the moaning skies,
your cries bring me to wet your big rains
Nature my mother, Her love never denies
although renewal brings its own deep pains!

Spring once spoke, this into the heart of man
your cries for blessings sent to your God
Nature my mother, holds you so dear in Her plan
has gladly and forever been given Divinity's nod!

Robert J. Lindley, 08-12-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-13-2015, 11:49 PM
Autumn Revisited , A Look Back

Sitting on mossy stone, I watch Autumn fly
no respite from Winter's friend
Over heading the wild birds soar on by
almost time for this season's end.

This stream , banks covered in green moss
shall very soon flow deeper and cold
This forest will reflect more of this loss
musings I find deeper as I grow old!

What of the sunny Summer days, memory fair?
a short gust in a fast receding storm
Bears scouting for coming Winter's hiding lair
survival searching now is the prime norm.

As Autumn prepares for Winter's hard blast
Slowing moving Rime suddenly races so fast!

Robert J. Lindley, 08-13-2015

Note--Time to dread Winter. This seasonal apprehension
goes back to my childhood. Back then Winters were
brutal on we kids without coats and proper protection
from its blasts.. Yet we survived and later prospered.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-14-2015, 09:05 PM
Glowing Cloud On Mountain Top

I met you there, so very full of grace
single rose in your shining raven hair
Radiance beaming from your sweet face
couldn't stop myself, I had to stare!

Every moment since, forever treasured
nights glowed on, your smile a star
Everything since that night measured,
love raced in deep like a speeding car!

Now time has given me such great sorrow
Heaven welcomed your spirit on in
Misery my food, heartache my tomorrow
forever gone my lover, my great friend!

Glowing cloud on mountain top now dances
I gamble that climb and take my chances!

R.J. Lindley
Oct. 16th, 1973

08-15-2015, 12:34 AM
... Do you have any other great Russian poet to present their works from?
I can think of another great one but would rather you give another.. ----Tyr
There are plenty of them, but... to find a proper translation, handing over the full aroma of the composition is a damned difficult thing, but I'll try.

08-15-2015, 02:05 AM
Dear Robert,
I would recommend you to follow the links:





http://vagalecs.narod.ru/Index.html (http://samlib.ru/a/as_w/miscellenious2013.shtml)

08-15-2015, 02:40 AM

The cranes

Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers,
Which haven't returned from blood's fields,
Haven't layed in our land,
But have turned into white cranes.

From those distant times
They fly and we hear their voices.
Is it because so often and so sadly
We are falling silent and looking into heaven?

The tired crane flock flies, flies through the sky,
Flies in the mist at the end of the day.
And it is a small gap in this order -
Perhaps this place is for me.

The day will come, and in such crane flock
I'll swim in the same blue-gray haze.
Calling out like a bird from the heavens
All of you who are left on earth.

Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers,
Which haven't returned from blood's fields,
Haven't layed in our land,
But have turned into white cranes.

Taken from http://lyricstranslate.com/ru/zhuravli-zhuravli-cranes.html#ixzz3irpCaKK0

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2015, 09:13 AM
There are plenty of them, but... to find a proper translation, handing over the full aroma of the composition is a damned difficult thing, but I'll try.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Balu again.

As it is even when not translating(!), since each poem has so much hidden and openly intended nuances to interpret and imagine too.

Thanks! -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2015, 09:14 AM

The cranes

Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers,
Which haven't returned from blood's fields,
Haven't layed in our land,
But have turned into white cranes.

From those distant times
They fly and we hear their voices.
Is it because so often and so sadly
We are falling silent and looking into heaven?

The tired crane flock flies, flies through the sky,
Flies in the mist at the end of the day.
And it is a small gap in this order -
Perhaps this place is for me.

The day will come, and in such crane flock
I'll swim in the same blue-gray haze.
Calling out like a bird from the heavens
All of you who are left on earth.

Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers,
Which haven't returned from blood's fields,
Haven't layed in our land,
But have turned into white cranes.

Taken from http://lyricstranslate.com/ru/zhuravli-zhuravli-cranes.html#ixzz3irpCaKK0
Thats a top level poem my friend.
Will check the links you gave after I finish reading here and will bookmark them too!
Many thanks!-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2015, 09:17 AM
Dear Robert,
I would recommend you to follow the links:





http://vagalecs.narod.ru/Index.html (http://samlib.ru/a/as_w/miscellenious2013.shtml)

Awesome sources my friend. Here from first one I linked to.

Федор Тютчев
Последняя любовь
Fyodor Tutchev

The Last Love
(translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov)

О, как на склоне наших лет
Нежней мы любим и суеверней...
Сияй, сияй, прощальный свет
Любви последней, зари вечерней!

Полнеба обхватила тень,
Лишь там, на западе, бродит сиянье,-
Помедли, помедли, вечерний день,
Продлись, продлись, очарованье.

Пускай скудеет в жилах кровь,
Но в сердце не скудеет нежность...
О ты, последняя любовь!
Ты и блаженство и безнадежность.
Между 1852-1854
Oh how in our declining years
We love with tenderness and bias!...
Keep shining, farewell light, oh yes,
Shine on, you light of final love of ours
There`s only light there in the west,
Half of the sky is in a cloud,-
Slow down, evening, don't make haste,
Continue, charm, do not die out.

The blood in veins may be abating,
But tender heart will always flare...
Last love, you're really amazing!
You're both enjoyment :and despair...

Between 1852-1854

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2015, 09:22 AM
Константин Бальмонт


Konstantin Balmont

The Mermaid

(Translated from the Russian
by Alec Vagapov)

Если можешь, пойми. Если хочешь, возьми.
Ты один мне понравился между людьми.
До тебя я была холодна и бледна.
Я -- с глубокого, тихого, темного дна.

Нет, помедли. Сейчас загорится для нас
Молодая луна. Вот -- ты видишь? Зажглась!
Дышит мрак голубой. Ну, целуй же! Ты мой?
Здесь. И здесь. Так. И здесь... Ах, как сладко
с тобой!

I'll be yours if you want. Understand if you can
If I like anyone in this world, you're the one.
I'd been cold, pale and feeble before I met you.
Well, I come from the bottom, deep, quiet and blue.

No, don't hurry. The moon will be shining for us.
There it is! Can you see it? New moon. Now it shines!
Look, the darkness is breathing. Come. Kiss me. You're mine.
Here and there. That's it. You are sweeter than wine!

Great poem. This will be a goldmine for me to read and inspire to write too!
I owe you amigo.... --Tyr

08-15-2015, 09:23 AM
Thats a top level poem my friend.
Will check the links you gave after I finish reading here and will bookmark them too!
Many thanks!-Tyr
Thank you, Robert, that you liked it and will find the time to see what is in the links. :beer:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2015, 09:28 AM
Thank you, Robert, that you liked it and will find the time to see what is in the links. :beer:
I already bookmarked every linked source you provided. Tonight I'll dive in for a feast of reading and perhaps writing a few inspired Russian poems..... Poets take their inspiration from any great poem they find! - :beer: -Tyr

08-15-2015, 09:36 AM
I already bookmarked every linked source you provided. Tonight I'll dive in for a feast of reading and perhaps writing a few inspired Russian poems..... Poets take their inspiration from any great poem they find! - :beer: -Tyr

Please, search the links thoroughly, as there are cross-links to many other poets. Do treat them (the links) as a 'launching site'.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2015, 09:42 AM
Please, search the links thoroughly, as there are cross-links to many other poets. Do treat them (the links) as a 'launching site'.

Yes thanks, already made that connection my friend. I am very fast/astute when it comes to connectivity and gathering/storing information. :beer:-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2015, 01:20 PM
Beauty Grows Roadside Flowers In May

Why worry about the vast dark terrors unseen
when man himself walks often as a raging beast
The beautiful peacock struts and does so preen
as rising sun shines its glory from the East.

Does not an eagle fly next to the shining Sun
where spirits unseen rest within its fire
Tempt the worst to better enjoy the very best
do not great poets love and so richly inspire.

Far above, stars and heaven exist, to look down
upon man's prideful loves, lives and affairs
So true! Far too many seek an undeserved crown
strut about in arrogance and prideful airs.

If truth be sought, such vanities race away
as sweet beauty grows roadside flowers in May!

R.J. Lindley
Feb, 11, 1976

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-18-2015, 08:51 PM
I Was An Artist

I was an artist before this world was old
painting in colors, splashing and bold
Scenes from Nature, God's painted scenes
inspiration seized by any artistic means.

Green meadows blowing in the wind
stars shining, in Heavens with no end
A dreamer painting in the deep blue sky
a seeker, never wondering exactly why.

I'll be an artist, when this world is no more
a drifter splashing colors , shore to shore!
Moving from magical realm to realm
in a flying chariot, unicorns at the helm.

I was an artist before this sad world was old.
A good and noble act or so I have been told.

R.J. Lindley

08-19-2015, 03:50 AM
I didn't know which thread to post this on, but thought you poetry folks might find this interesting, I stumbled upon it:


The famous Robert Frost poem we’ve read wrong forever (http://nypost.com/2015/08/16/the-famous-robert-frost-poem-weve-read-wrong-forever/)

By Stephen Lynch (http://nypost.com/author/stephen-lynch/)

August 16, 2015 | 6:04am

It is the most famous poem in American literature, a staple of pop songs, newspaper columnists and valedictorian speeches. It is “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost:


Everyone can quote those final two lines. But everyone, writes David Orr in his new book “The Road Not Taken” (Penguin Press), gets the meaning wrong.

The poem is praised as an ode of individuality, to not follow the pack even though the path may be more difficult.

Except Frost notes early in the poem that the two roads were “worn . . . really about the same.” There is no difference. It’s only later, when the narrator recounts this moment, that he says he took the road less traveled.


Wrongly referred to by many as “The Road Less Traveled,” the poem’s true title, “The Road Not Taken,” references regret rather than pride. That’s by design. Frost wrote it as somewhat of a joke to a friend, English poet Edward Thomas.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-23-2015, 01:38 PM
Blackness Descending

My deep rage knows no damn bounds
Lucifer, let loose your hounds
Burning fire rages on in my mind
if only that future victim I could find!

Lay on these hands to spare no relief
shatter hell and rip his sick belief
Yet control says, hold your hate
while anger says, crush do not wait!

This storm forever stays inside me
I race away but tis futile to flee
The monster digs in its cutting grip
I fear actions, as sadly often I slip

Once darkness invades this angry soul
nothing satisfies but a bloody goal
I must stop and reach for the Light
to hold back and not something fight!

My deep rage knows no damn bounds
Lucifer, let loose your hounds
Burning fire rages on in my mind
if only that future victim I could find!

Robet J. Lindley

No note!!!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-23-2015, 01:43 PM
Blackness Descending

My deep rage knows no damn bounds
Lucifer, let loose your hounds
Burning fire rages on in my mind
if only that future victim I could find!

Lay on these hands to spare no relief
shatter hell and rip his sick belief
Yet control says, hold your hate
while anger says, crush do not wait!

This storm forever stays inside me
I race away but tis futile to flee
The monster digs in its cutting grip
I fear actions, as sadly often I slip

Once darkness invades this angry soul
nothing satisfies but a bloody goal
I must stop and reach for the Light
to hold back and not something fight!

My deep rage knows no damn bounds
Lucifer, let loose your hounds
Burning fire rages on in my mind
if only that future victim I could find!

Robert J. Lindley

No note!!!!

typo, edit....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-24-2015, 09:49 PM
Forever Lost Within Her Evil Dreams

Life raced on merrily away, as it should:
Heartache, grief and rejected love ran
Forever striking all the dreamers it could,
shaken and shocked lay the sad heart of man.

This world, rages and breaks the weakest:
Looking for souls to cut and break
Found first are the soft and the meekest,
nightmares burning all at the stake.

Dark nights, she enters to dare tempt:
A vixen built to heart so swell
Hidden quite well her hate and contempt,
And sins she brings straight from Hell.

She, darkness coming as a heated flame:
With lies splashing in her streams
When embraced one forgets even their name,
Forever lost within her evil dreams!

Life raced on merrily away, as it should:
Heartache, grief and rejected love ran
Forever striking all the dreamers it could,
shaken and shocked lay the sad heart of man.

R.J. Lindley
Nov. 22nd 1991

08-24-2015, 10:06 PM
Blackness Descending

My deep rage knows no damn bounds
Lucifer, let loose your hounds
Burning fire rages on in my mind
if only that future victim I could find!

Lay on these hands to spare no relief
shatter hell and rip his sick belief
Yet control says, hold your hate
while anger says, crush do not wait!

This storm forever stays inside me
I race away but tis futile to flee
The monster digs in its cutting grip
I fear actions, as sadly often I slip

Once darkness invades this angry soul
nothing satisfies but a bloody goal
I must stop and reach for the Light
to hold back and not something fight!

My deep rage knows no damn bounds
Lucifer, let loose your hounds
Burning fire rages on in my mind
if only that future victim I could find!

Robet J. Lindley

No note!!!!

Dark poetry. I certainly hope I am not that future victim.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2015, 06:48 PM
Hero's Night, The Silver Spirit Healing

As a great hero, retires to his night bed
brave warrior haughty and filled with pride.
Suddenly gripped from behind, bound instead
by great power that can never be denied!

What great power holds me hard and fast?
voice whispers back, Silver Spirit holds.
You evil days may very soon become your last
binding your arrogance as it now scolds!

What invisible power, can ever bind me thus
am I not a most powerful courageous man?
Yes, your infected black heart is full of pus
that infection to be removed as is the plan!

Powerless, hero awaits the next strong act
a wait soon to be very painfully known.
Body deeply racked with soul still intact
his dark pride he was immediately shown.

Next his heart was cut and magically bled
spirit's blade dealing painful blows.
Voices then invaded his now weeping head
scourged all the way down to his toes.
As a calm then blasted into his new heart
the guilt and intense pain flew away.
He rose , embracing his blessed new start
Spirit, gifted him this sweetest day.

Silver Spirit to him then suddenly appeared
with angelic smile on its powerful face.
Broken warrior now healed, divinely seared
with humility, rejoining the human race!

R.J. Lindley
May 14th, 1971

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2015, 10:57 PM
Golden Were The Moments Stolen To Be Alone

Yesteryears, full of life and memories of gold
long nights dreaming of glories ahead
O'yes, forgotten were our dreams so sadly sold
or many useless hours we played in bed!

Looking back,the fog of regret appears there
so much to hold to feel yet again
Like the pretty girl's legs, lips and her stare
fantasies there for both boys and men.

Sweetest lips and blond hair of Tammy Faye
short skirt, imagination ran so wild
Her soft voice, sexy smile stirs me still today
she that was by no means still a child!

Golden were the moments stolen to be alone
each girl, fine and very full of life
A short tryst, night deep hot time, then gone
long before my wild life found a wife.

Yesteryears, full of life and memories of gold
long nights dreaming of glories ahead
O'yes, forgotten were our dreams so sadly sold
or many useless hours we played in bed!

Robert J. Lindley, 08-28-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-30-2015, 10:00 AM
Our Private Moments, Dreams In Fairy Fields

All of you, your smile, captured all of me
Was no mistake, my heart was not denying
Your love-kiss had power of a splashing sea
You captured me, this heart tis' not a'lying!

Fairest of all, with red rose in your hair
Cursing the world every time you walked away
Missing you hurt and gave me a mighty scare
My heart ached, as walking away you did sashay.

Our private moments, dreams in fairy fields
Nights there on your softest satin sheets
Such depth, pleasured love giving its yields
Ecstasy raging in, as passion flows and heats.

What we once had, fleeting but so very rare
Rainbow treasure, gold heaped in mythical pots
Life gave, heartlessly took away, tis' not fair
Fate's savage firing hit me with all its shots.

All of you, your smile, captured all of me
Was no mistake, my heart was not denying
Your love-kiss had power of a splashing sea
You captured me, this heart tis' not a'lying!

R.J. Lindley
April 17th 1983

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-30-2015, 11:23 AM
Greatest Monster From Heaven Ever Fell

Satan rides lightning in dark stormy skies
the master of the burning fires in Hell
Author and the master of blasphemy and lies
greatest monster from heaven ever fell.

Satan hits the ground with crackling thud
raging about seeking victims to devour
Hate, sin and curses in dark, bloody mud
savaging the innocent with his power.

No mercy given to those he tempts to deny
the life of the Saviour and his gifts
Across this world in lightning he can fly
trying to destroy Light that so uplifts.

In the deepest darkness he does his best
luring millions to follow his lead
All that succumb fail the greatest test
with no shield are ripened to bleed!

Satan rides lightning in dark stormy skies
the master of the burning fires in Hell
Author and the master of blasphemy and lies
greatest monster from heaven ever fell.

R.J. Lindley
Jan 23rd, 1969
Note- This poem is presented as was written, with no edits..
Another one from my private poems collection. I was 15 years old
when I wrote this poem. My dad had not died yet..


How Poetry Began

Gentle spirit came to visit noble man
sent poetic verse throughout the land
Declared she, I am the original Muse
your heart , soul and mind seek to use

Write and sing,love so deeply with me
we together shall plant a poetry tree
As our hearts join to this world sail
love and hope shall forever prevail

The Universe I have long ago tread
every galaxy my words have been read
You , mankind are the last I will meet
the poetic ground now underneath my feet

Open your hearts and see with new eyes
this new way will defeat all the lies
Beam of true light shall open your mind
you will be the first in all poetic kind

With this visit the original Muse departed
poetry spread in each heart it was started
Now we seek ever to find this greatest Muse
to prove how brilliantly she did choose!

Robert J. Lindley, 09-13-2014

This is was written as an entry in the
How Poetry Began contest....
Has not been entered. Seems the deadline has now passed..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-31-2015, 07:30 PM
What Fantasy, Just To Think To Touch Her Curves

Flowing from her curves, hot buckets of steam
She the sexpot, in every man's lustful dream
With her smile, a man's imagination could fly
Worst words she could ever say, would be good-bye!

What fantasy, just to think to touch her curves
Her soft touch could rattle any man's nerves
That voice, rivaled angels above gladly singing
When she moaned, historic echoes kept a'ringing!

There was such treasure in the sight of her legs
So much that sooner or later every man begs
The vision of delight, the sight of her breasts
Refusing such charms, nobody had passed such tests!

Flowing from her curves, deepest desire ever known
She the devil's bride, tempts by just standing alone!

Note, A sexy sonnet about ***** ******** -- I met her last night.

R.J. Lindley
July 27th, 1979

PRESENTED AS WAS WRITTEN , SO LONG AGO. Complete with that old note.
Name erased by me now ! I Almost messed up and posted it...:whistling2:
I can still see her image from that first night!
Burned into my mind as a memory of my once wild life.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-03-2015, 10:25 PM
A Night Walk, Nature Then Talks

Forgotten, my life,my dear sweet sorrows
images fading fast as deeper I invade.
Nature sings,cares not for our tomorrows
nor our vanities we so foolishly made!

Forrest path was wide and very well worn
I had walked hundreds of time before.
This night my mind and my heart both torn
my wife had just walked out the door!

My flashlight was not needed much at all
full moon spraying light on the ground.
I reflected back to our love and its fall
how love troubles follow me around!

Yet farther I went,calmer my soul became
mother Nature sensed my agonizing pain
She was assuring that she'd be the same
giving me a renewed spirit like rain!

I saw night creatures scurry all about
watching me with those glowing eyes.
My heart almost happily sang to leap out
beauty came and my mind felt the skies!

Starlight merged,shining moon cried aloud
trees then began to very softly speak
Starlit night-sky without a hiding cloud
warm tears were now wetting my cheeks!

Why O' why did my dear wife wish me to die
had not I bought her this sweet land.
Nature showed me lonely in the night sky
sometimes leaving is taking that stand!

Then an owl called out its lonesome hoot
there was healing in that great call.
Had I not my life and good health to boot
life again could be a dancing ball!

Nature moved me to settle this great hurt
to enjoy so deep the God gifted scenes.
Allow the heart to again dance and spurt
Grab onto hope by any and all means!

Forgotten, my life,my dear sweet sorrows
images fading fast as deeper I invade.
Nature sings,cares not for our tomorrows
nor our vanities we so foolishly made!

Returning now,down this old well worn path
stars and moon spraying ever brighter.
Gone were pains and my dark and evil wrath
heart and soul soothed and much lighter!

R.J. Lindley
Sept,3rd 1975

Note-- Presenting this poem , a gem from my private
journal. Forty years ago today! Written when I was
a healthy, robust young 21 years old and so full of piss and vinegar.:laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-07-2015, 06:30 PM
Skies Raining Down On Thirsty Ground

Softest blue sky, sweeter than apple pie
warming sun rays waking the ground.
Earth anticipating where seeds lie,
cycle that spins on around and around.

Ground begs for cloud's sweetest relief
water streaming down to thirsty soil.
Heaven rains even for those in disbelief,
golden crops reaped by sweat and toil!

Plants break ground, gather first gasp
Nature rules the earth's green fields
Man works to harvest in very firm grasp,
all that fertile earth's bounty yields!

Softest blue sky, sweeter than apple pie
warming sun rays waking the ground.
Earth anticipating where seeds lie,
cycles that spin on around and around.

R.J. Lindley
Aug. 22nd, 1979
Hero's Night, The Silver Spirit Healing

As a great hero, retires to his night bed
brave warrior haughty and filled with pride.
Suddenly gripped from behind, bound instead
by great power that can never be denied!

What great power holds me hard and fast?
voice whispers back, Silver Spirit holds.
You evil days may very soon become your last
binding your arrogance as it now scolds!

What invisible power, can ever bind me thus
am I not a most powerful courageous man?
Yes, your infected black heart is full of pus
that infection to be removed as is the plan!

Powerless, hero awaits the next strong act
a wait soon to be very painfully known.
Body deeply racked with soul still intact
his dark pride he was immediately shown.

Next his heart was cut and magically bled
spirit's blade dealing painful blows.
Voices then invaded his now weeping head
scourged all the way down to his toes.
As a calm then blasted into his new heart
the guilt and intense pain flew away.
He rose , embracing his blessed new start
Spirit, gifted him this sweetest day.

Silver Spirit to him then suddenly appeared
with angelic smile on its powerful face.
Broken warrior now healed, divinely seared
with humility, rejoining the human race!

R.J. Lindley
May 14th, 1971
Note- Pride goeth before the fall. Shall I someday feel
that searing blade?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-08-2015, 07:54 AM
Faith In A Dream A'calling

I thirst,
give me water from the tree,
of divine knowledge and light.

I desire,
wisdom to live and be free,
light to make keen my sight.

I pray,
pure heart to faithfully give,
thoughts that hold so true.

I beg,
true love to hold and live,
heart and soul set to renew.

I feel,
happiness floating in time,
family that holds me steady.

I know,
heaven to be so very sublime
and this spirit sits on ready!

No doubt,
we going into another realm,
where light gifts eternal joy.

I await,
ship with Master at the helm,
spirit nothing can ever destroy!

Robert J. Lindley, 09-06-2015

Note--Most came to me in a dream last night.
I can only hope that I filled in the spaces correctly....

Just saw this new contest at my poetry forum..and decided to enter this poem.
It was not written for any contest but seems like a contest was waiting on it to me!

Sponsor Name

Laura Leiser

Contest Name

Where Do You Think You Will Spend Eternity?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-12-2015, 06:18 PM
Brave Men Wade Into Shadows On Death's Ground

Power of one secret word can shatter all,
send men into war and deadly harms way.
Dead and dying on battlefields they fall
for dead glory and pittance of pay.
Brave men wade shadows on death's ground
duty bound, praying for divine reprieves.
Bloodshed reigns, ghastly deaths are found
Dark Lord lies, that eternally deceives!

Curse not legions of those fallen brave,
honor rests in dying for a true cause.
Heroes die in pain, as madmen simply rave
wasted lives best give deeper pause!
Blood gushes from spears with iron tips
lives depart in battles forgotten.
Charon sings out about his many trips
ferrying bodies gashed, dead and rotten!

Honor embraced those that fought dying well,
others lay in dark forgotten graves.
Charon took their lost souls deep into Hell
where misery lives, nothing ever saves.
No records exists of battlefield dying words
testaments of mouths gurgling red blood.
Rotting flesh, meals for hell's carrion birds
maggots feasting upon blood soaked mud!

Fear one secret word that can shatter all
duty, honor fail when wrapped in lies.
True warriors live to answer a just call
seeking life later in Vahalla's skies.
Serving truth in defending freedom's fate
they may find death to not be so hard.
Each knows with death they do have a date
and joker resting on at least one card!

Power of one secret word can shatter all,
send men into war and deadly harms way.
Dead and dying on battlefields they fall
for dead glory and pittance of pay.
Brave men wade shadows on death's ground
duty bound, praying for divine reprieves.
Bloodshed reigns, ghastly deaths are found
Dark Lord lies, that eternally deceives!

Robert J. Lindley, 02-11-2015

Poet's Dream, Lover's Lament, Loss Echoes Into Dark Pits

Poet's dream, lover's lament and loss echoes into dark pits
life assaults us with its darkest, shocking hits.
Sadness hangs its tentacles into our longest held desires
shooting burning embers out of devastating fires.

Upon the highest mountains we climb just to see our souls
fate delivers deep misery written in its rolls.
As we counter with our sincere prayers and desperate cries
love so often burns up and then quickly dies.

When we settle into those sweet valleys so far down below
beg for fair weather, a blizzard brings its snow.
Storms race in delivering sunken ships on a storming sea
pains grows like leaves on huge spreading oak tree.

And if ever we find a shining cloud we hope saves our love
we soon see hail blasting down from darkness above.
Bleak future begins to invade our lives and sweetest dreams
only bad luck embraces us or so it always seems.

Poet's dream, lover's lament, loss echoes into dark pits
life assaults us with its darkest, shocking hits.
Sadness hangs its tentacles into our longest held desires
shooting burning embers out of devastating fires.

Robert J. Lindley, 02-11-2015

Another poem from my private journal...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-20-2015, 11:56 AM
Where I Rest My Tired Soul And Dream With No Fear

Cool flowing brook, clear water up to my knees
This day, vacation into mother Nature's lair
Wading in, beautiful stream wrapped in trees
This morning's softest breeze, blowing my hair.

A step on back, into this my favorite wild woods
Enjoying life, pleasures in such gentle things
Wandering and admiring, all of Nature's goods
Each moment embracing, treasures the forest brings!

Beautiful vista begging me to shade and rest
Soft green, flowers telling me, lay right here
This fine comfy bed, part of Nature's best
Where I rest my tired Soul and dream with no fear!

My Soul begging me, never to dare ever miss.
Mother Nature's sweet embrace, a kiss like this!

R. J. Lindley
June 14th, 1981

Note- Another poem from my private journal.
While looking for a poem on darkness and death there
I found this one and thought, just present this...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-21-2015, 07:29 PM
Tired Old Man Awaiting His Flight

Old man sat there sad,worn,torn and broken
Shell of the vibrant man that once was he
Pondering wisdom in words long ago spoken
Love one,love all- seek love and be free.

Gone,youthful days of summer's sweet blazes
Days when he chased stars and the moon
Now known wild with fools and the crazies
Faded shallow glories gone far too soon.

Late afternoon shadow gave its usual chill
Lost in thought he closed his ragged coat
Life now he viewed as hollow and surreal
Now too late to abandon his old sinking boat.

Hours flew by, his heart heard its last call
Soon tired soul was told,rise up to depart
Finding warmth and glitter in Heaven's hall
Old battered heart refused to ever again start.

Spirit glowing in a magnificent golden home
He found old friends and family again near
Assured of happiness,no need to ever roam
No memories of sad loss, deep pain and fear!

Robert J. Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-24-2015, 10:03 AM
Spring And Sunlight Wrap This Heavenly View

Slowly I climb that very steep and rocky hill,
seeking the beautiful summit so far above.
As a breeze sends me that cool pleasant chill,
far away echoes, sweet calls of morning dove.

Summit reached, burden was greatly reduced,
as I saw great flowery meadows unfurled.
This the beauty God magnificently produced,
one of his many fine gifts to this world.

Spring and sunlight wrap this Heavenly view,
in a sheen invading my searching soul.
Each visit, I find feelings serene and new
relieving me of dark world's heavy toll.

Thus I battle with dark and unknown gloom.
By entering Nature's gifted wilderness room.

Robert J. Lindley, 09-24-2015

Note: I just felt the need to write a sonnet this morn.
Thus from my memory this new poem was born.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-24-2015, 08:45 PM
Final edited version.-Tyr

Dream Weaver

Beside still waters and pastures lush and green
I wander into a late summer night dream.
She appears with her eyes so beautiful and deep
a vision that forever tempts me in my sleep.

Long flowing gold adorned her jet black hair
chasing me showing how much she does care.
Caution for beauty sometimes lead men astray
yet her laughter begs me to forever stay.

An image that so sweetly burns into my brain
I pray it return forever again and again.
Into those eyes of one that knew love
looking for eternity from high above.

As I feel myself slipping and start to wake
offering my true heart for her to take.
She flies away laughing, dancing as she goes
will she ever return again, nobody knows.

Robert J. Lindley, 09-24-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-25-2015, 08:33 AM
Bitter Tears Will Never Stain Your Face

You broke this loving heart, knowing not how
bitter tears will never stain your face.
As you seek love's pleasure only to take a bow
I realize my own, my own foolish disgrace!

Within memories of long and hot steaming nights
pierce shards of jagged and broken glass.
You that promised faithful love and shining moon
turned vicious, wicked and so damn crass!

Our last night, you promised deep love forever
instead I found your sharpest gut shots.
Hit me, sent me into dark and sad world I never
knew was full of your hates and evil rots!

My disgrace was still giving you another chance
a night for you to again slash me deep.
I gave my all, this heart dwelt in true romance
while yours lived in treachery you keep!

You broke this loving heart, knowing not how
bitter tears will never stain your face.
As you seek love's pleasure only to take a bow
I realize my own, my own foolish disgrace!

Robert J. Lindley, 10-13-2014

Note- Contest write but was never entered.
Death of a friend put me in a blue mood and I
shelved this poem.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-27-2015, 08:33 AM
River Sonnet, Number One

When river cuts its first great course
Carved into racing curves, solid stone.
Too late, for the much needed divorce
Great power over vast time was shown.
Where rushing waters now swiftly flow
Life swelling in its tumbling currents.
Hungry ocean awaits its endless goal
Always thirsting for rain fed torrents.

Whether sandy beaches or rocky shores
Wildlife seek its many fertile bays.
Man looks on and in great awe adores
Its wild and many snake dancing ways.

Racing into gasping oceans and seas.
So often refusing dry desert pleas.

Robert J. Lindley, 06-27-2015

Note: number two, fragment started,

Against a sad life's extra heavy toll
rivers can soothe man's aching soul.
We love the crashing way they roll
splashing fish- cereal in their bowl.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-27-2015, 10:03 AM
The Shining Mr. Black

Mr. Black, a clever and insidious little man
had a very dark and wicked little Muse.
Deception the primary weapon in his sad plan
aways holding another slick trick to use!

Wearer of such a superb deceiving face mask
he practiced reciting lies two by two.
Always ready with a lie should you dare ask
confident he can always deceive you!

Wrapped in clouds with many halo's to spare
so many admired his falsely laid path.
With absolutely no honor, he hadn't a care
no fear of retribution delivered wrath.

Yet truth, as so often, hits him with fact.
Glaring mistake, such he can never retract!

Robert J. Lindley, 09-27-2015
Note: Truth has a way of making itself known,
even about clever little deceivers.


Our Games Played Between Soft Sheets

Life held fast by a long golden rope,
glittering in brilliant light.
Scenes racing by in panoramic scope,
retracing moves made that great night!

Infinite joy rests in that dream cloud,
colors splashing in majestic hues.
Love you, my sweet soul cried out loud,
why did you not see the clues?

Dare I proclaim your sexiest feats,
purple gold wrapped in pure silk.
Our games played between soft sheets
I cereal, you the sweetest milk!

All saw you, as apple in God's eye,
yet only my heart knew it true.
You the great beauty played so shy,
thus me falling, right on your cue!

Life held fast by a long golden rope,
glittering in brilliant light.
Scenes racing by in panoramic scope,
retracing moves made that great night!

R. J. Lindley
AUG. 19TH 1980

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-28-2015, 08:32 AM
An old poem that I have edited for new presentation.-Tyr

The Saving Grace

Dark night wind blows from the east
bringing flavor to the beast.
As bad creeping nights slowly creep,
many sad widows endlessly weep!

Dark powers greater than burning sun
leave no place to ever hide or run.
Nay! Not even the deepest cave,
will come to your spirit and flesh save.

As the beast sets to ravage and roam
destroying life , love and home.
No brave hero races into hopeful sight,
nothing can stop its fury tonight!

Yet there still is one true saving grace
ever present for the human race.
And it must not be foolishly denied,
embracing the promises so cleverly lied.

Just a few simple faithful words given
can yield a blessed eternity of livin'.
And the dark beast shall then be slain
blessed are those words again and again!

Robert J. Lindley 04-18 -2014

Copyright © 2015 Robert Lindley

Magic Road, Where Will It Lead

Magic road, I wonder where its curves lead
Seeping into the mists of future time
Sacrifices that dares make the heart bleed
Love so deep some may call it a crime!
Are you my hard path to my darling so true?
Weeping willows at every turn must foretell
Greater chances to encounter danger and you
Shall I break into that hard outer shell?
Alas! This fork leads me into a darker state
Tall oaks wrap its castle shining from afar
Surrounding its walls, guards with eyes of hate
Warriors all, built with hair as black as tar!
Walking away, road sings take this next turn
There awaits sweet hope and miracles galore
And sad days dearly needed to make you learn
Tarry not long or there you stay forever more
Looking back I seem to have lost my own past
Seeker leaving cool days of soft Spring behind
Now worried that hope shall never live to last
I cry and weep for any help I may ever find!
Abrupt turn, there sets the sun gracing life
Gentle winds blow and here voices enter me
Promising this fine spot shall I find my wife
Her true love destined to heal and set me free!

Robert J. Lindley , 10-04-2015

Note-- First half of this poem came to me a week ago
and I wrote that fragment down. Last night the other
half came to me again in a dream. I spent most of the
day slowly adding verses as I could remember them.
My muse,lazy vixen she be --gave me no help at all!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-29-2015, 04:54 PM
Risking A Loss At First Sight

I walked around a grimacing wall
surrounded by sharp razor wire.
I so wanted her and thats not all
she had ignited my love fire.

Facing a massive, old rusty gate
giant oaks towering each side.
This very moment deciding my fate
in her light I could confide.

Gate rusted so damn firmly shut
I decided to jump the wall.
Then came charging an angry mutt
made me there trip and fall.

Laughing as it licked my face
that dog became my friend.
Fear vanished, no big disgrace
all went well in the end.

That sweet voice yelling at me
who dares invade my space?
And climb my favorite oak tree
show me this daring face.

My fear gone and my courage up
I replied, look it is I.
Your beauty fills my loving cup
like stars in a night sky!

That smile sending me into spin
sweet joy rushing my heart.
Our eyes met, I was brought in
thus our love got its start.

Finding a kiss our first night
soon united love did grow.
Laughing now about my big fright
pure love now, we both know.

Facing a massive rusty old gate
giant oaks towering each side.
This very moment deciding my fate
in her light I could confide.

R.J. Lindley
Jan7th, 1971

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-30-2015, 07:18 PM
I Saw Butterflies Drinking Rain

As a kid, I raced to climb a tree
with joyful spring in my steps.
With sweetest youthful life in me
like wonders from ocean depths.

Loving sunshine and chasing bees
bold was my adventurous play.
Mysteries lurking in the tall trees
new treasure found every day.

I saw butterflies drinking rain
red hawk flying in the air.
Images stored in my young brain
life was sweet and so fair!

Nature taking me into its fold
sent wildlife to show me how.
To touch wisdom before being old
start truly loving life now.

Crossing streams, leaping stones
such pleasures came my way.
Careful to not break tender bones
kneel down and softly pray.

Skies of blue gracing my flights
with cheer in the clouds.
Life was loving these fine sights
gladly avoiding city crowds!

Home is food and safety for me
mother and father so true.
Finding treasure upon open seas
could never compare to you!

R.J. Lindley
April 25TH, 1970

Found today while searching old poems, had forgotten
it was even there.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2015, 02:19 PM
Those Exotic Enchanting Eyes And Long Dark Curls

Found you there, heart resting on beautiful cloud
with a pretty so great, you had to be proud.
Those exotic enchanting eyes and long dark curls
all of you so sweet, my mind fell into swirls.

Deepest trepidation when I dared to ask you out
your, "of course", made heart and soul shout.
Joy rained down back in those blessed miracle days
with my saying, "I love you", a thousand ways!

You filled my sails, sending my world into motion
flying to you, I crossed the Pacific ocean.
Tender and sweet, moment of our first embrace
dear love found, my mind holds every trace.

Once my days were sad and filled with dark curses
now they shine while writing you verses!
Future promises, in only death, shall we ever part
that promise sings so poetic in my heart!

Found you there, heart resting on beautiful cloud
with a pretty so great, you had to be proud.
Those exotic enchanting eyes and long dark curls
all of you so sweet, my mind fell into swirls.

Robert J. Lindley, 12-19-2004

Note- A poem I wrote to my darling wife after only
nine days as husband and wife. A private poem that
she has so graciously allowed me to post.
In my humble opinion, my best ever love poem.
Which is why I wanted it posted here.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2015, 07:46 PM
An Invitation To Poe's Dark Prison

When you walk in those nether worlds
no more bikini's, no more girls.
Just darkness eating away at light
every long corridor too damn tight.

Back there, will your heart hurt
cut the bone, bleed and spurt?
Rake your corpse, waiting its rot
endless sleep give it a dark shot.

You know, mortal life is a dream
curse you wear in another stream.
Light holds you in its sad sway
follow us into a dark realm's way.

Here evil rules without a fight
ripping claws gouge out your sight.
No pain, as death rests within you
armored vicious body, all brand new.

Hidden wings sprout to let you fly
into a dark and transforming sky.
Toast if you come, may you dare
nobody leaves, all is a nightmare.

This shadow realm, holds its dark
no fire exists, not even a spark.
Fantasy swims, in its morbid way
Soul is dead yet it yearns to play.

Black deepness inhales each soul
bringing new flesh is our goal.
Dare if you must, eternity with us
eating victims we rarely discuss.

Know before you leap into our pit
we are the darkness in every fit.
We exist and blood we cry for more
deny your prayer, open our door.

Our raging master we know as Poe
blasted here, how he doesn't know.
Once blood and flesh he was graven
heart and soul ate with the Raven.

Every night he moans Annabel Lee
and each door tries his black key.
None open and he cries in sad rage
why, O' why hold me in this cage?

Then to our blood thirsty delight
Poe bellows, we eat flesh tonight.
Then he mounts a red, fiery throne
sits there gnawing on an arm bone.

Now we wait your first hungry urge
the ache for flesh starts to surge.
Weeping will never stop its spasms
flesh waits in these hellish chasms.

Poe now wakes his Raven to guide
you have not a safe place to hide.
We feel joy as your heart goes black
soon your beast will be on track.

Tonight you'll be his Annabel Lee
your soul he holds never to free.
Soon you will forget that sad place
his touch makes hideous your face.

A door opens, we hear your flight
your arrival, his greatest delight.
Yet again he will dine with you
rotten flesh you'll both then chew!

Robert J. Lindley, 10-02-2015


This is my third Halloween poem written
for Justin.
I think this one just may do...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-03-2015, 03:49 PM
Weary Nights And Hopelessly Sad Morn

Weary nights and hopelessly sad morn
my life torn, ripped and nailed;
each day dark hours sliced and dice,
misery applauding as I failed
not once nor even twice but thrice!

Each day, worries eat into this fate
watered soup- soul needs more;
so lost, lost as three blind mice,
this aching heart dares score
as if my deep pain does not suffice!

Dare I question my dark lot in life
In ashes pray a blessing sweet;
nay, such a supplication reflects,
forlorn spirit admits defeat
epic moaning that never connects!

Tomorrow hints at miracles to come
fine ship, vast oceans to sail;
winds blowing, waters calm and blue,
relief given from a dark hell
a destined pilgrimage seeking you!

Robert J. Lindley , 10-03-2015

Note--" Thrice" | Define Thrice at Dictionary.com
three times, as in succession; on three
occasions or in three ways. 2. in threefold
quantity or degree. 3. very; extremely.
Origin of thrice. Expand. Middle English

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-04-2015, 09:45 AM
Tyrian Sails Across Stormy Seas Sailed

Tyrian sails across stormy seas sailed,
and a bold prince they deliver
At every port cheerily he was hailed,
as an arrow straight from its quiver
Bade he the pilot to next morn tarry,
as he late morn gathered her so true
A pretty queen stolen for he to marry,
their dear life in Troy to begin anew.

Hoisting ship's tyrian sails and fast away,
that morn his mighty ship flew
Blessed they thought that sweet day
"our life in Troy together we two"
Hearing loving angels sing, they wept
hearts united in enchanted glee
Life started a love vow then kept
on to great Troy they both did flee.

There by King Priam the son received,
far from harm all began rejoicing
Worrying not, ire of a Greek king deceived
heedless of dire curses he was voicing
They carried on their sweet romance,
as vessels carrying a fatal coming doom
by ships so packed each had no more room.

Far away, forces gathering to set sail
Vowing and cursing to send Troy to hell,
Agamemnon sailed on to Troy's shore
There Homer's storied legend does tell
how Troy's destruction evens the score
As savage as a king's vengeance may be
there rests a justice in Troy's defeat
For no thief be allowed to safely flee,
to enjoy any treasure gained by his cheat!

Robert J. Lindley, 10-04-2015

Note- No attempt made by me to specifically
copy or - dare try to match the majesty and
splendor of Homer's classic , world famous
tale of the Iliad and the Odyssey,
The theme was used to present a short version
of a righteous but very tragic and savage justice
delivered for stealing another man's wife.

The Iliad (/'?li?d/;[1] Ancient Greek: ?????
Ilias, pronounced [i?.li.ás] in Classical
Attic; sometimes referred to as the Song of
Ilion or Song of Ilium) is an ancient Greek
epic poem in dactylic hexameter, traditionally
attributed to Homer. Set during the Trojan
War, the ten-year siege of the city of Troy
(Ilium) by a coalition of Greek states, it
tells of the battles and events during the
weeks of a quarrel between King Agamemnon
and the warrior Achilles.
Although the story covers only a few weeks
in the final year of the war, the Iliad
mentions or alludes to many of the Greek
legends about the siege; the earlier events,
such as the gathering of warriors for the
siege, the cause of the war, and related
concerns tend to appear near the beginning.
Then the epic narrative takes up events
prophesied for the future, such as Achilles'
looming death and the sack of Troy, prefigured
and alluded to more and more vividly, so that
when it reaches an end, the poem has told a
more or less complete tale of the Trojan War.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-07-2015, 07:03 PM
Blue Hills Sing To Me

Those blue hills seem to gaze back at me
covered forests filled with glee.
Early morn the fog wraps their beauty so
such beauty sings don't you know?

In snow they look like ice cream cones
singing music in rhyming tones.
When looking for perfect Christmas tree
in season's jolly holiday spree!

Without fail hills so blue give to all
splashing colors each Fall.
From their beauty and deep snow drift.
later race streams so swift.

Spring wraps them in her beautiful heart.
Where new life sings out to set them apart!

Robert J. Lindley, 06-17-1993

Note- Sonnet on the Blue Hills, where
blue skies look down with envy.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-08-2015, 10:19 PM
Bitter Memories of A Dark Rain's Wrath

There was such warmth in your winter fires
enchanting love in your daily talks.
Sweetest glory in all your fantasy desires
such treasured memories in our walks.
Spring held the beauty of that smiling face
as rising flowers burst the ground.
Renewal of life matched your loving grace
as classical music was your sound!

Yet cold Winter came as it always must do
bringing in chills that ate away.
The breath of life in hearts and in you
sick and foreboding a dark day.
Previous joys and pleasant days cherished
dearest touches grew so old.
A darkness formed, soon our love perished
love's ashes rest there so cold!

A nightmare, such bitter and cutting stains
death brought its deep cutting pain.
Eternal epic loss, that nothing ever explains
why our love drowned in dark rain!

R. J. Lindley
June 02- 1973
Blade of Hate

Rip out my bruised and battered heart
fire that shot, you must start.
The cuts have soaked the floor so red
hell no, not yet am I, the fool dead!

Slide back into this bloody little room
give some more pain and slashing gloom.
You laugh so gleefully at my great pain
as if your heart isn't a stinking stain.

Spit out that blackened heart you chew
this world weeps at the evil you do.
Shove in more deep, slicing razor blades
stab into more late midnight raids.

Now you can walk on the blood that has dried
spin your lies and pretend this soul has died.
Stand in false pride at the gory little scene
eat out my heart , liver and my busted spleen!

Stab me with a blade of hate burned in so deep.
Finish me as now weak and dying, I go to sleep!

10-21-1973. robertjlindley

This is from long, long ago. Back when anger and passion
flowed like a river from me! My first wife tore my soul out
and stomped on it. Even in pure anger I loved her still.
I sent a copy of this to her her . She sent back a note ,
saying F.U.
This is from my journal that I have to date never shared
a single poem from.
Why not I asked myself. Life holds no truly great memories
if they are about such great pain...Pain that destroyed
a true love and glorified her use of drugs and torture..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-10-2015, 10:31 AM
If Young Lambs Bleat Too Loud

By all this is mighty and old
may dear life be so bold.
Greater than the tie that binds
honor rests in our minds.

Call once that Truth prevails
life begets,no more hells!
Fear not,the brink that looms
heaven has enough rooms!

Let not,your courage faileth
hold that hope availeth.
A clear dawn,rights the day
let freedom hold sway.

If young lambs bleat too loud
about one rainy cloud.
Remind, silver linings exist
as vapors in morn's mist.

Bind not life in wicked ropes
sing of future's hopes.
And family and days in love
dreams to be proud of!

By all this is mighty and old
may dear life be so bold.
Greater than the tie that binds
honor rests in our minds.

R.J. Lindley
July 22, 1971

Note-- Very old poem, I was 17...

Edit - Words and phrases whose definition
contains availeth:
(1 result) = righteous

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2015, 02:24 PM
Ancient Tree, How Inspiring It Be

The old tree stood beaten, weathered- Alone
were bent and twisting limbs ablowin'.
Within storm's deepest fury its majesty shown
deep was its great endurance ashowin'.

Burnt and so gnarly around its massive base
new sprouts growing from its seeds.
Beautiful widespread canopy was its face
flying like the manes on racing steeds!

With large broken limb hanging across another
huge awesome image it presented so- Epic
So easily viewed with love as if from a mother
gold poetry sung by this ancient relic!

That old tree hurt, in pain and- Enduring.
Gave solace for mankind's hope so- Assuring!

R.J. Lindley
March 2nd, 1970

Note- From my private journal. I was 16 then and
was too see that tree cut down a few months later!
Thats when I knew, man was basically ignorant and
heedless of Nature's beauty, necessity and great
dependence upon trees! I have never forgotten
that hard learned lesson.
My favorite tree, in ignorance destroyed to gain
a few more feet to plant cotton! To plant cotton!
That can be be grown by the billions with such ease
in one season but suddenly more important than a
hundred and fifty year old tree!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-12-2015, 08:58 AM
Where Now Shines Light and Love

Far, far, far away rejected darkened hate
now banished into its own gloom.
That black fog that did so dictate
the misery in my lonely room!

Pain, pain, pain was its desired fruit
I, a mere vassal to its decrees.
Finally found was its bitter root
hiding down deep as the seas!

Swift, swift, swift came the decision
to rip out one nasty, evil tree.
With deepest thought and precision
soul ripped the seed from me!

Hope, dearest hope now rests in that hole.
Where now shines love, always a worthy goal!

Robert J. Lindley, 10-12-2015

Note- A sonnet to remind me, darkness has a seed that
grows from within. Cut out the seed--light and love comes in.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-12-2015, 08:51 PM
Ghost Of My Ghost, A Much Safer Me

Ghost of my ghost, a much safer me
hiding in shadow's deepest holes.
No more fighting, I just let it be
gifting me my vaulting poles!

Heart of my heart, a calmer grace
resting within a learning soul.
The memory of her touch and face
yet again made my life whole!

Spirit within spirit, embraces life
key found to that golden gate.
Healed are cuts from an evil knife
released from chains of hate!

Solace within solace, glows with dreams
basking in a Springtime sun.
Walking in cool, clear flowing streams
with joy never to be undone!

R.J. Lindley
Nov 16th, 1990

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-13-2015, 11:40 PM
Written for contest- Ten lines or less, no names
Must be new poem, never entered in a contest here before.

Dreams Of The Conquerors, Monsters Marching By
(Dogs of War)

Along dusty narrow road they passed
Marching ever onward impetuously,
Nor saw they trembling flowers.
In panoply they rode
With music swift and loud,
And I knew not whether they went,
Nor who shall restore
The broken ways, nor where is well to hide,
Should they return in glory wrapped
Maddened with another victory.

Note- "panoply"- definition
a complete or impressive collection of things.
"a deliciously inventive panoply of insults"
synonyms: array, range, collection
"the full panoply of U.S. military might"
a splendid display.
"all the panoply of Western religious liturgy"
synonyms: trappings, regalia; More
historical literary
a complete set of arms or suit of armor.

Results in--Took 5th place.....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-16-2015, 08:37 PM
Old Maid Hadder Got Madder And Madder

Old maid Hadder got madder and madder
wind blew her bonnet and wet upon it.
Soaking showers from a blackbird's bladder
taken aback, next she fell doggone it!

Did not matter, her day in a tatter
rain pouring down, gave her another frown.
Wind drove and gusted all the more at her
in her shame she felt even more a clown!

She could never rise not that it matters
her sad life now placed her in such tatters.
Her legs exposed showed fatter and fatter
with no lover, simply did not matter!

Sad tale of a mad, old lady Hadder.
To get up, had to use a step ladder.

Robert J. Lindley

English sonnet- (modern)un-metered, so shoot me.

Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 109

For contest---
MAD AS A HORNET - SONNET - poetry contest

Blog Posted:10/16/2015 2:48:00 PM

One NEW poem on the topic of --- MAD AS A HORNET

Only form acceptable is a SONNET. May be English, Italian, or French style.
See Shadow Poetry for descriptions, syllable and rhyme patterns.
I undertake this endeavor with great trepidation so jump right in and make
some waves.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-16-2015, 10:44 PM
The Bloom Off The Flower, Dying Of The Rose

Old, blind and very ill, they wait to die
Growing cold with chill they sadly lie.
Ravages of Time eats away heart and might
Until sunny day becomes a darkened night.

In this world Time brings on that spirit
Savaging body, so silent we never hear it.
Broken down,resting in an old folk's home
Sad dying souls never again to ever roam.

As Death arrives there is no ringing bell
only the one way trip, to Heaven or Hell.
Or the trip into a dark and long dirt nap
buried deep into the grave's earthen trap.

What was once singing, love and solid gold
now is sin's judgment on those dying old.
Bloom off the flower, dying of the rose
all facing it cry so mournfully as it goes!

Robert J. Lindley, 06-18-2015

Note: A dark one but much truth rests deep within.
Copyright © 2015 Robert Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-17-2015, 10:08 AM
Be It Ancient Tree Or Skimming Skylark

Where I saw tall trees wearing many crowns
with greatest splendor wrapping spreading limbs.
Early each morn wearing soft, dewy gowns
floating teardrops dropping from brightened stems.

Ancient tree trunks adorned with gnarly knots
such rustic beauty in their thickened bark.
Nature gives majesty as it allots
be it ancient tree or skimming skylark.

Trees holding my heart in sky-filling grasp
sky reaching titans eating my dark gloom.
Nature's beauty awes within me to gasp
and with inspired mind paint a wooded room.

Return I to timeless inspiring scene.
Trees grabbing at the bluest sky to preen.

R. J. Lindley
Sept, 1981

Note- From my private journal, written back in 1981. One minor correction made today.

"Return I --"again"- to timeless inspiring scene." The word "again" removed in order to meet the ten syllable count. Man, how I dearly hate having to do that.......
Exactly why so often I ignore poetry form restricting requirements!

Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 97
Copyright © 2015 Robert Lindley
************************************************** *********
************************************************** *********
************************************************** *********
A Shining Forest Princess My Heart Made

While walking in heaven's forest garden
a wanderer within this magic realm.
Sought mystical views to grant a pardon
resting, found her underneath a witch elm.

Deep in my enchantment I found her there
sweetest vision passing into my view.
She, mythical creature gracing the air
as if my longing mind brought her on cue!

Needing a partner for her pas de deux
she beseeching me to give her my aid.
Thus began my forest dancing debut
with a beautiful goddess my mind made.

Dance over, this vision bid sweet adieu.
I wonder, was it a dream or love true?

Robert J. Lindley, 10-17-2015

Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 100

Target hit- with a perfect ten syllables per verse and exactly 100 word count!! Not an easy task... --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-19-2015, 08:03 PM
Red Sunsets On The Blue Hills

What of soft red sunsets on the blue hills
Or true love found in a dusky the light.
Just as night frights give deeper cold chills
Crimson sunsetting views show heaven's might.

Such wondrous blazing stirs in me a dream
Fire cast from Valhalla's great skies.
Reminding of dying brave warrior's gleam
Of truth in death bearing no twisted lies.

Of glowing red sunbeams gracing sweet earth
We can see true courage gifting its hope.
Man cries praying for all that he is worth
For all resting beyond his earthly scope.

When red sunsets tell us life does renew.
We may ponder the path we dare to choose!

Robert J. Lindley, 10-19-2015
(Modern Sonnet)
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 108

Note: On sonnets, I hold that the message far outranks the
far too restrictive form of set meter. Thus I refuse to write in such.
I did adhere to the requirement of ten syllables per verse.

Of course, these "rules" for writing a sonnet are meant to be broken.
And even when adhering to the rules, there will be variation; lines
need not be perfectly iambic, so long as the predominant pattern is
consistent enough to be recognized as such. Many modern sonnets no
longer rhyme, or have variant rhyme schemes, but are still identifiably
a sonnet because it adheres to enough of the rules.

(1.) Valhalla---In Norse mythology, Valhalla
(from Old NorseValhöll "hall of the slain"[1])
is a majestic,enormous hall located in Asgard,
ruled over bythe god Odin. Chosen by Odin, half of those
who die in combat travel to Valhalla upon death,
led by valkyries, while the other half go to the
goddess Freyja's field Fólkvangr. In Valhalla,
the dead join the masses of those who have died
in combat known as Einherjar, as well as various
legendary Germanic heroes and kings, as they prepare
to aid Odin during the events of Ragnarök. Before
the hall stands the golden tree Glasir, and the
hall's ceiling is thatched with golden shields.
Various creatures live around Valhalla, such as
the stag Eikþyrnir and the goat Heiðrún, both
described as standing atop Valhalla and consuming
the foliage of the tree Læraðr.
Valhalla is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled
in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources,
the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri
Sturluson, Heimskringla, also written in the 13th century
by Snorri Sturluson, and in stanzas of an anonymous
10th century poem commemorating the death of Eric Bloodaxe
known as Eiríksmál as compiled in Fagrskinna. Valhalla
has inspired various works of art, publication titles,
popular culture references, and has become a term
synonymous with a martial (or otherwise) hall of the chosen
Copyright © 2015 Robert Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-19-2015, 09:12 PM
Twilight Waters Sing

When twilight falls
And running waters sing
For joy of eventide, -
When the moon-gold primrose
Lights the pink dusk
Like pale stars fallen and become
Calm eyes of dreaming earth,-
Then through the holy stillness
Memory flies
To long-forsaken regions,
And the little words of childhood
Echoing sound
As oracles of delight;
The little thoughts
That hovered around our innocent hearts
Come singing through a mist of tears
With silvery messages,
And they we lost in years gone by
Gather around once more,
Old grief all gone, -
When twilight falls
And running waters sing
For joy of eventide.

R.J. Lindley
Aug 7th 1975

Note: "eventide"


e·ven·tide (ē′vən-tīd′)
[Middle English, from Old English ǣfentīd : ǣfen, evening + tīd, time; see dā- in
Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright ©
2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton
Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

British Dictionary definitions for eventide Expand
(archaic or poetic) another word for evening
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Cite This Source

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look up eventide in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Eventide is an archaic word for evening.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-20-2015, 08:44 PM
Dreams of Battle of Thymbra, Lydian–Persian War

In the midst of a battle I awoke thrown
walking over the crimson red dead.
Found and drew the shaft from solid stone
standing on soil blood soaked in red!

My heart afraid but never was it alone
in cold silence stood there dreaming.
My physical body was then so long gone
among the dead, dying and screaming!

Behind lay vultures squawking in feeding
ripping meat from living white bones.
Eating fallen men still alive and bleeding
yelps of pain and muffled crying moans!

Fog of war demanded the fight be engaged
crossing a river of deep flowing red.
With my sword slashing my spirit enraged
no time for sorrow for the new dead!

With each parry my time was just to borrow
a few more cuts just to stay alive.
Hell with pity, I had no time for sorrow
my soul wanted to live and thrive!

Battle won my heart sang out still beating
giving great thanks for still walking.
Glanced back at vultures ravenously eating
death upon the dead, no more talking!

Dawn's light, my sleeping battles long over
still I remembered the red soaked soil.
How soon the fallen to be covered in clover
with no more love, life or work to toil!

Robert J. Lindley, 10-20-2015

Note- Battle of Thymbra Lydian–Persian War Approximately 100,000[1]
The Battle of Thymbra was the decisive battle in the war between Croesus of the
Lydian Kingdom and Cyrus the Great of the Achaemenid Empire. Cyrus, having pursued
Croesus into Lydia following the drawn Battle of Pteria, met the remains of Croesus'
partly disbanded army in battle on the plain north of Sardis on December, 547 BC.
Even though Croesus' army was reinforced with many new men, Cyrus utterly defeated
it, despite being outnumbered more or less 2:1. This proved decisive, and after the
14 day Siege of Sardis,
the city and possibly its king fell, and Lydia was conquered by the Persians.

Cyrus's plan was to catch the Lydian king unprepared for battle, but at
Thymbra Croesus had more than twice as many men as Cyrus. The Lydians marched out
to meet Cyrus and quickly armed all the reserves there, before their allies were to
arrive, which they never did. According to Xenophon, Cyrus had 196,000 men in total,
[1][page needed] [2] which was composed of 31,000 to ~70,000 Persians. This consisted
of 20,000 infantry which may have included archers and slingers, 10,000 elite
infantry/ cavalry, which may have been the Persian Immortals, plus 20,000 peltasts
and 20,000 pikemen. All except the archers and slingers are known to have carried
small to large shields. The others were: 42,000 Arabians; Armenians; and Medians,
which amounted to 126,000 infantry. There were also 300 camel cavalry, 300 chariots,
and 5-6 siege towers, which were known to hold 20 men each. It all amounted to
1,000+ men, partly because there was one citizen, and one soldier on each chariot.
Xenophon tells us that Croesus had an army of 420,000 men,[3][page needed] which was
composed of 60,000 Babylonians, Lydians, and Phrygians, also Cappadocians, plus
nations of the Hellespont. This amounted to 300,000 men which included 60,000 cavalry.
There were also 120,000 Egyptians, plus 300 chariots, which may have been at least
500 men. The numbers of the battle given by Xenophon, even if untrue, are considered
within the realm of possibility, but less than half may have engaged in the actual

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-21-2015, 11:37 PM
Ransoming Nights, I Write In Rhyme

Deep into ransoming nights, I write in rhyme
a word or two to cry the saddest tales.
Of desperate fears, terrors of ending time
my mind rebels but my soul so wails.

Bleakest shadows follow me to my old bed
speak to me in the night about hell.
And remind me how damn soon I will be dead
then send me a taste of death's smell.

I so embolden, such can not birth my big fears
thus the monsters rise to touch me.
Then scratch, bite and pinch me right into tears
always promising to never let me be.

Nights taunt me into another darker world
full of evil gnashing demons at play.
Among these blood suckers my soul is hurled
with my only rescue the break of day.

Deep into ransoming nights I write in rhyme
a word or two to cry the saddest tales.
Of desperate fears, terrors of ending time
my mind rebels but my soul so wails.

Robert Lindley, 10-21-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-22-2015, 09:45 AM
Three AM And This Heart Goes Numb

Its three am and this heart goes numb
I wake and see what I've become.
A shell of the man I was once before
Always wanted to be so much more.
Useless were lies myself I did tell
as my horse now rides into a hell.
Pains are mental and so very damn cold
no longer am I strong or bold.
This old image looking right back at me
of a ship sinking on a stormy sea.
Why did my life wreck and go astray
can not grab to remake yesterday.
Damn the pity and damn my old tired soul
life is the pits and takes its toll.
Clock now strikes that wicked number four
I see ghosts racing in my front door.
Time to laugh out as they try to haunt me
they can not hurt this shell of me.
Leaving one always cries his wicked curse
I laugh as it can never get worse.
Its three am and this heart goes numb
I wake and see what I've become.
Only a shell of the man I was once before
Always wanted to be so much more.

R.J. Lindley
June,14TH 1989

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-23-2015, 10:13 AM
Drink, Drink Of Life's Ale

Take my measure; eat of my tree
Be gone sweet sorrow; life lives in me
Stand that axe against fallen tree, let sun arise
mercy in me, paints a jaded sky.
Cast your spear into abandoned ground;
Let love hold sway and stay around,
Gulp that sweet flagon of ale,
Life is rich and hot is Hell.
Ah, the gold in life eludes thee,
Take no great heed.
Damn it all, just set another course;
lay your gold on another horse,
Eat from the mythical tree-
And place more faith in me.
And place more faith in me.
And place more faith in me.

R.J. Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-23-2015, 10:10 PM
Solitude and Nature Please

S olitude and Nature are friends that please
N ature, nothing can ever top its gifts.
O nly cold truth in wizened, wintry trees
W ithin lies wondrous hearts that so uplifts.


Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 40
Total # Lines: 4 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 29



1) One 'acrostrain' poem titled either WIND, RAIN OR SNOW ACROSTRAIN

2) No names

3) Please date your poem

4) Post the poem as an acrostic
__________________________________________________ __________________
__________________________________________________ ___________________
Deep In My Heart, Sweet Redemption Dwells
(Three lines in verse)

In my song, then : "Love was so sweet"
Yet it never ever dares
gives sad soul too much to eat.

In my tale, now : "Life stays so true"
Although it never spells
out all the evil we so often do.

In my life, then : "Fate delivered pain"
Yet it rarely gave out
the blessed gifts of Spring rain.

In my spirit soon : "Mercy will give"
Although it reminds us
faith, by faith it tis' best to live.

Robert J. Lindley 02-19-2001
A mist, a memory;
A song in a dream that was wrapped in purple cloak
So great the relief felt
joy and happy tears merged with love
I cried out with praise and sobs so great
deep feelings swelled my breasts and made me choke.
__________________________________________________ _______
__________________________________________________ _______

Destiny and The Great Gamble

Destiny's reality invades Isle of Hope and Spirit
roaring echoes from cavernous pits.
Crowds out night-bird's song, none can hear it
epic song of relief wherein mercy sits!
A missed storm wraps time and fortune;
life bestows blessings in glimmering shades-
To those that seek a fairer trail,
world gifts sweetness in love's parades.
And good fortune without fail.
And good fortune without fail.
And good fortune without fail.

R.J. Lindley
early 70's..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2015, 04:54 PM
In Her Veil Of Morning Blue

Whence came those winsome
Asteria of my dream
With laughter laden,-
In a bright land a white band
Dancing by a mossy stream?

Once more she cometh
In her veil of morning blue
Singeth, and is gone
Happy are they who see the glint
Of her swift and silvery feet!

My dream dancer
Go ease thy hunger;
Rest and laughter make thee strong
Unto much love and learning.
Yet when love is truly understood
Dar'st thou dance in this wild world?

Robert J. Lindley, 10-24-2015

Note- "Asteria"

Asteria (mythology)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the band, see Asteria (band). For the medieval music
ensemble, see Asteria Medievale. For the type of gemstone,
see Star stone.

Asteria and Phoebe on the Pergamon Altar.
In Greek mythology, Asteria (/əˈstɪəriə/; Ancient Greek:
Ἀστερία, "of the stars, starry one") was a name attributed
to the following eleven individuals: the daughter of
Coeus, an Amazon woman, Heliad, Danaid, Alkyonides, the
Consort of Phocus, the consort of Bellerophon, the daughter
of Coronus, the daughter of Teucer, an Athenian maiden,
and a character in the opera "Telemaco". Each of these is
detailed below.

In Gluck opera[edit]
Christoph Willibald Gluck gave the name Asteria to one of
the characters in his 1765 opera "Telemaco", though the
name did not appear in Homer's Odyssey on which the opera
was based.

10-24-2015, 07:00 PM
Three AM And This Heart Goes Numb

Its three am and this heart goes numb
I wake and see what I've become.
A shell of the man I was once before
Always wanted to be so much more.
Useless were lies myself I did tell
as my horse now rides into a hell.
Pains are mental and so very damn cold
no longer am I strong or bold.
This old image looking right back at me
of a ship sinking on a stormy sea.
Why did my life wreck and go astray
can not grab to remake yesterday.
Damn the pity and damn my old tired soul
life is the pits and takes its toll.
Clock now strikes that wicked number four
I see ghosts racing in my front door.
Time to laugh out as they try to haunt me
they can not hurt this shell of me.
Leaving one always cries his wicked curse
I laugh as it can never get worse.
Its three am and this heart goes numb
I wake and see what I've become.
Only a shell of the man I was once before
Always wanted to be so much more.

R.J. Lindley
June,14TH 1989

A bit on the depressing side, Robert, but very well done. You have much going for you now in 2015, and this was written in 1989 - an unhappy year?

10-24-2015, 07:01 PM
Solitude and Nature Please

S olitude and Nature are friends that please
N ature, nothing can ever top its gifts.
O nly cold truth in wizened, wintry trees
W ithin lies wondrous hearts that so uplifts.


Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 40
Total # Lines: 4 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 29



1) One 'acrostrain' poem titled either WIND, RAIN OR SNOW ACROSTRAIN

2) No names

3) Please date your poem

4) Post the poem as an acrostic
__________________________________________________ __________________
__________________________________________________ ___________________
Deep In My Heart, Sweet Redemption Dwells
(Three lines in verse)

In my song, then : "Love was so sweet"
Yet it never ever dares
gives sad soul too much to eat.

In my tale, now : "Life stays so true"
Although it never spells
out all the evil we so often do.

In my life, then : "Fate delivered pain"
Yet it rarely gave out
the blessed gifts of Spring rain.

In my spirit soon : "Mercy will give"
Although it reminds us
faith, by faith it tis' best to live.

Robert J. Lindley 02-19-2001
A mist, a memory;
A song in a dream that was wrapped in purple cloak
So great the relief felt
joy and happy tears merged with love
I cried out with praise and sobs so great
deep feelings swelled my breasts and made me choke.
__________________________________________________ _______
__________________________________________________ _______

Destiny and The Great Gamble

Destiny's reality invades Isle of Hope and Spirit
roaring echoes from cavernous pits.
Crowds out night-bird's song, none can hear it
epic song of relief wherein mercy sits!
A missed storm wraps time and fortune;
life bestows blessings in glimmering shades-
To those that seek a fairer trail,
world gifts sweetness in love's parades.
And good fortune without fail.
And good fortune without fail.
And good fortune without fail.

R.J. Lindley
early 70's..

Really well done.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2015, 08:47 PM
Really well done.
Thanks. Which one?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2015, 09:45 PM
A bit on the depressing side, Robert, but very well done. You have much going for you now in 2015, and this was written in 1989 - an unhappy year?

Yes, that year was terrible. Can not reveal all that happened, far too personal.
Can reveal this, our precious daughter was only a year old and we almost divorced-- had nothing to do with me being unfaithful.. lets just say--some women are worthless and unfaithful even when treated like princesses. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2015, 05:37 PM
Dimissione War

I will seek the silent ways
Unknown in sunnier days,
I will linger with the flowers
Ungreeted in lost hours.
I will go quietly
That I may be
Companion of peaceful things,-

The clouds that in the morning sun
Vanish in beauty and are one
With pure, unutterable love
And those dear presences that move
Ever around us, even when
We lose the ways of trusty men.
I would forget, that I
May draw nigh
The deeper memories.

I will rise
And leave you, and so find
The deathlessness I was too blind
To see among your war-torn ways;
My days
Shall be among the immortal flowers
Born of your darkest hours
And war shall see its last
Endless number of victims from its evil past.


Silent One
Contest Deadline:

11/22/2015 12:00:00 AM

Welcome to my 17th contest. Promote peace
not war...

Let your muse flow..
Any form
No names

New poems dated from 22 October 2015.
Please put date on the bottom.

Edit- This poem took 1st place....

10-25-2015, 06:42 PM
Thanks. Which one?

Well, I meant all of them, but I will pick Destiny and the Great Gamble as my favorite.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2015, 05:54 PM
Well, I meant all of them, but I will pick Destiny and the Great Gamble as my favorite.

Thanks amigo. Kinda partial to that one myself... :beer: :beer: -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2015, 05:56 PM
Mixed Up Words Twonite

I am often blinded in my verse
words evade my searching mind.
Down and blue from this curse
my thoughts should be refined.

I ache to write a great song
a little ditty to thus amuse.
Yet my words hide in a throng
of trash I am loathe to reuse!

Another word like ocean, I sea
burning in crimson color read.
Gotto, got to go, need to pea
then rewrite those words I red.

I am often blinded in my verse
words evade my searching mind.
Down and blue from this curse
my thoughts should be refined.

R.J. Lindley

Dec, 6th, 1983

A bit of levity in title and the third
stanza, too cold to go buy more whiskey.
I wander iffn' my spillin shood be
chekked twonite.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-28-2015, 01:57 PM
As Flowers Asleep In Starlight

In my dark chamber starlight through one chink
Brings near the Heavenly regions and the deep
Eternity beyond, the while I think
Dim thoughts of waters lulling flowers asleep.

I would be free from ghosts of space and time
That walk familiar regions of the night;
In my dark chamber, to a simple rhyme,
The world is rolling onward into light.

To be quiet- there too is beauty- and to breathe
On those around the fragrance of the dreams
That lie about thee in thy solitude,
Lovelier than thou can be told. The hearts of men
By silence are made stronger to endure,
By silence wherein tremble beyond sound
The fairest symbols of eternal pity,
As flowers asleep in starlight.

Robert J. Lindley, 10-28-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-29-2015, 08:22 PM
The Priest's Love

The many colored robes he wore
Gave priestly rank and set him apart;
His faded socks, best of his poor store,
They drew him to a repentant heart.

In faith, uttered he words soothing fears
And sweet wondrous words from his heart.
Tending masses- holding back his loving tears
Pray he all, blessed and godly new start.

Through infinite quiet and its deep sound
Into darkness and its hollow hold.
He won battles with truest faith unbound
And prayers of epic blessings retold.

The many colored robes he wore
Gave priestly rank and set him apart;
His faded socks, best of his poor store,
They drew him to a repentant heart.

Robert J. Lindley, 10-29-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-31-2015, 10:39 PM
The Rustic Old Miner

He lived in the hills in a little shack
traveled he slowly back and forth.
Heavy load resting upon his weary back
back to his mountain in far North.

Had no family that he dare call his own
solitary soul living life lonely.
Amid wild animals and hard mountain stone
thought about love but once only!

Love held no candle to his mountain view
where sun rose but ever so slowly.
Had all his old tools, needed nothing new
one old bible and it was very holy.

He made do with just one worn out pick
dawn to dark, hard stones he broke.
Staying tough and very hard was the trick
quick into work every morn he woke.

He felt no rough weather deep in his mine
just sweat and pains stone breaking.
No complaints, his life to him just fine
never one to be lousy belly-aching.

Years flew by and he found a little gold
life and those views held him fast.
One cool morn he woke to find himself old
never dreaming it could be his last.

Afternoon rolled on, his head was spinning
that moment, his last breath taken.
Had he known, he would have called it winning
life over, soul had just been fakin'.

R.J. Lindley
April 24th , 1975
Note- From my private journal.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2015, 09:25 PM
Soft Wind Grace Shadows Dancing

Shadows- dancing dark mists gliding on by
Lovers in glowing moonlight breezy tryst
Held in love's romance caring but not shy
Mysteries soon solved if they persist.

Moonlight casts shadows so epic and fleet
With loving thrills racing within the scores
Shadows- dance on never daring to eat
Yet leap about enjoying nights outdoors.

Night's serenade- shadow's beauty flying
On sandy beaches gracing foreign shores
Love and life dear, can be no denying
Nature's night, its melody sweetly pours.

And if windy gusts reward with cool air
romantic scene gifts shadows holding more
She of his heart- glowing with raven hair
Yields to softer pleas which he may implore.

Never desired, loss of night's images fair
Lovely couple embraced shadows renewed
Each kiss offers up a dancing prayer
Shadows finding- true love we must conclude.


Shadows at Night - Poetry Contest
Sponsor- Shadow Hamilton
End Rhyming poems only
new poems please
no names
date your poem

Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 200
Total # Lines: 24 (Including empty lines)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-02-2015, 09:39 PM
Lost Love And Dear Time Flies

My love, wondrous mysteries of words unsaid
Heart echoes of our afternoon trysts
Soft memories of your majestic, silkened bed
Bursts from heated love's glowing mists
Not a dream- kisses that made my heart cry out
Tasting all of your sweet delights;
Promises of moonlight and another midnight bout
You showing me all those private sights.

Last morn at our private hillside cabin retreat
You danced on that huge backyard porch
Gracefully naked from pretty head to dainty feet
Beauty firing up my loving and eager torch.

Such times, remind me that my life has been good
And an angel graced my fast, racing skies
With greatest regret I now mourn what I should
O' my , how lost love and dear time so flies!

R.J. Lindley
April 23rd,1993

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-03-2015, 07:38 PM
Where Darkest Grain,Weakens The Wood

Retelling the story of lost loves in life
recovery from such saddened tales.
Thoughts of why,what if she were my wife
and memories of a leaving hell.

Winds that have driven cold hard rain
wrecking havoc upon paradise.
Fire arrows burning in that tragic brain
where love did not suffice!

And hearts torn like useless paper plates
nightly anger - no provocation.
No mercy from culminations of the hates
deep pain- never any salvation!

Dark realms, red and bloodied in intensity
past fantasies that hold deep the good.
Yet anger waiting in BOLD, epic propensity.
where darkest grain,weakens the wood!

R.J. Lindley
Sept. 10th, 1978

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2015, 08:01 PM
The Reward

Thou shalt lean thy little hand upon a tree
Mighty and aged; thy most lovely robe
Shall gently press the soft and silent earth;
The evening clouds shall float in the dark pool
Before thy beauty with a dreamy light.
None shall be with thee; none shall break the spell
That draws together the entwining splendor
Of branches black as a deep mountain cave,
Where rests- the soft moaning breeze
Of silvery curving sea and winding bays
Where sand and wavelets kiss, of twilight shadows
That deeper grow about thy loveliness.
For this is thy rich hour, this thy reward
When mindless things in the all-folding Mind
Become the glad companions of they heart
In its deep quest beyond the tide of sorrow.

R.J. Lindley
Jan.18th 1973

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-05-2015, 08:22 PM
The Ascent And The Arrival

Who am of the ancient tribes of trees,
Climb slowly.
Aeons unguessed, ere I shall see the crest
Of the blue towers, love's high citadel
Hath reared, unutterably beautiful,
Unutterably holy.

With eternal harmony- Time peregrinates
Where inaudible - Gasps
Find Elysian fields.

Robert J. Lindley, 11-05-2015

1. Aeons
plural noun: aeons
an indefinite and very long period of
time, often a period exaggerated for
humorous or rhetorical effect.
"he reached the crag eons before I

2. peregrinates
3rd person present: peregrinates
travel or wander around from place to place.

3. Elysian
General use[edit]
Elysium (or the Elysian Fields), in Greek
mythology, the final resting places of the
souls of the heroic and the virtuous.
It was ruled by Cronus.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2015, 03:33 PM
Nature's Lament

Alas! Was once greatest echo of time,
When all the days were bold;
Sky and storm cried out with ferocity
And its heart newborn was old.

Bound by chains and its beauty denied,
Earth ripped deep in savage glee,
And wickedness its glory, as it lied
A Titan knocked upon its heels.

Never more! Resting in its realm pure
Nature's fate never told;
The time of mortal man's rise,
Or at what cheap price it was sold.

Seasons racing into everlasting joy,
When its age was newborn;
Now darkness invades its golden realm
Its pure heart forever torn!

LO! I am Nature, my spirit daily cries.
And hidden cuts can be seen in my skies!

Robert J. Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-08-2015, 01:53 PM
Songs Of Power

(Lost As Blackness Invades)

Where the agony invades life seems in blurs,
And the long nights eat the fruited trees,
And later, night dreams stalk barking curs
Where blue-red tides overcome futile pleas.

Across infinite space--thoughts dreaded
And blood-lust seeking new infesting homes,
Deeper into darkness the Soul is headed
against its will- the mind wickedly roams.

Bright roses once bloomed in this castle dark,
Violets arose to soon die in vanished splendor
Where shadow raced to eat resting meadowlark,
Bound and chained heart goes with its sender.

Sorrow alights- in its ebony spreading cloak,
as storms slash across the turbulent seas,
Speared in the chest and rotting shaft broke
cried for and nothing found to appease.

No relief! Falling stars batter forsaken mind,
fiery reds cover vanishing jungles greens
Life in its mysteries, finds room to be unkind
as purple hearts- grace such melancholy scenes!

Death of innocence, once dark strain all too real
jungles evergreen, turn to exploding reds,
Where death invades innocent sleeping heads,
war, its eternal darkness, with indescribable pains.

While man thus cursed, seeks illusionary gains!
Darkness cast forth from Souls that can not feel!

For contest- Songs Of Power
Song chosen-
Paint It Black - Rolling Stones:

Not a song but rather a new poem from an old sadness.

Cut from original due to contest length requirements set.

Death of innocence, once dark strain all too real
jungles evergreen, turn to exploding reds,
Where death invades innocent sleeping heads,
war, its eternal darkness, with indescribable pains.

While man thus cursed, seeks illusionary gains!
Darkness cast forth from Souls that can not feel!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-10-2015, 11:03 AM
At An Ancient Warrior's Grave

Grave deeply, as storm-gods clamor round:
Here lieth a mortal whom the thundering sound
Of heroes maddened, one whose heart took fire
At their slow march about the headland pyre,
Chanting their sorrow in the noblest tongue
Earth ever knew, one who had once been among
The sailors in the living ships of old,
Tugged at the oars with them, and felt the cold
Of wintry night-seas heaving over the prow
In the shadows of the moon; and now
He hath no fear of any death,
For he hath seen men pitifully die
A thousand ways, and patiently awaiteth
What ever draweth nigh.

R.J. Lindley
July 23rd, 1971

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-10-2015, 08:35 PM
In Quiet She Rests, Now Forever Lost

Through her soft heart passes
The love that sent the seasons to our service
Lighted the day with joy, the night with wonder,
And leads through the mystic door of death
To happiness beyond mortality.
Among the wind-strewn blossom
She knelt, that sunrise hour,
With happy brow and bosom
Wreathed in a snowy shower.
Her soul, so calm, so brave,
Still keeps trysts she haunted;
Deep rest is hers for all the rest she granted;
She sleepeth in her quiet woodland grave.

Robert J. Lindley
Feb. 11th 1984

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-11-2015, 07:39 PM
Unknown Singer, Set My Heart Alight
(One Winter's Night)

It was a beautiful poem I found
One winter's night,
So beautiful that it suddenly set
My heart alight.
And I closed the book, and went out
Into cold falling, there and then,
And wandered hour on hour
Through dreaming men.

Never aware of the terrible cold,
Or winter snow melting on my hands
Nor images of Thor's ice giants of old
Casting winter's wrath from their lands.

I have never opened that book again,
Nor will;
The poem is gone and forgotten,
But through me still
There flows the laughter of immortal joy
I heard one night,
When the Unknown Singer
Set my heart alight.

Robert J. Lindley, 11/11-2015
Broken Wings--
Write Me A Winter Poem - Poetry Contest

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-12-2015, 09:09 AM
Sad Past That Haunts These Halls

Where fled that glowing ghost of such lost art,
flame that glowed majestically- then raced away
No bright stars on an astronomy chart
word-masters storming so far from the fray.

And what of the newer machine set up,
a lighter, rapid but far weaker beast
Should poetry have kept its golden cup
and hungered far more for its epic feast?

Where fled the glowing ghost of such lost art?
In that vastness keeping souls far apart
Ah pity, that some never dare to say-
They that know of the past in its glory

Some few kneeling in their sadness to pray-
For new ending for this sad, sad story!

Robert J. Lindley 11-12-2015

Syllables Per Line:
10 12 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 142
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 109

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-14-2015, 10:14 AM
Earth, Its Ancient Wonders And Mysteries

After the storm, miracles so 'oft grow
gifting healing that mankind finds so strange.
We foolishly think every thing we know
is written in solid stone, can not change.

That deluge that washed up the distant past
snaps cuts into our rigid, raging minds.
Living in this world blind, racing too fast
looking for treasure within all our finds.

After floods, treasure often comes forth
with shock and majesty we are in awe.
Very frigid the whipping winds from the North
Nature's gems so shiningly come to call.

Wherein, earth holds wonders and mysteries.
shimmering gold rests in its histories!

Robert J. Lindley, 9-22-2015

Poem Syllable Counter Results

Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 100

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-16-2015, 11:07 PM
Filling The Sails And Not Asking The Why

Alas! I have found raging seas my home
Set into sail, amidst the longest wails
Deep into turbulent splashing sea foam
Stalwart , desperate clinging to the rails.

Far and away rest family and shore
Winded sails,seeking chiming landing bells
And love this beautiful life all the more
Daring adventure and sailor's tales.

Every new journey an enchanting trip
Across heaven and the vast wind-blown seas
Never to jump and dare abandon ship
Even if found are golden treasure Keys.

While floating underneath, Heaven and Sky
Filling the sails and not asking the why.

Robert J. Lindley, 11-16-2015

Poem Syllable Counter Results

Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 94

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-19-2015, 10:44 AM
Yesteryear Her Heart Slept Upon My Pillow

Yesteryear her heart slept upon my pillow,
there warmth and tenderness softly lay.
Her life gone now, cut the weeping willow
shred the shadows dancing in my dismay.

Those magnificent nights we shared our all
drank in love, life and sweetest wine.
Holding on to her precious memories I recall
feasts upon which I again want to dine.

Forever faithful in our true love's passion,
eager for each new dawn's wondrous day.
Her touch and style never out of fashion,
I dare to plead for again whenever I pray.

There warmth and tenderness softly lay.
Two hearts melted together each new day.

R.J. Lindley
June 11th 1976

Life and Time destroyed the beauty of that rose,
a flower plucked from its heavenly spot.
Sad, a living death that in addiction she chose
and all our life and future she then forgot.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-20-2015, 09:26 PM
Tribute To The Memory Of John Keats

Child of the storm-swift Hermes, lithe and strong
To Trojan tumult, had the gods thus willed,
They gave thee one short year of riper song
And more melodious than ever filled
The heart of youth; they gave thee power to build
A noble altar for thy offering
Amid the heedlessness that had long chilled
True poesy, true souls that fain would sing.

And thou, from depths of silent agony,
Hast left unto the world such rich bequest
Of love's own loveliness that thy last rest
Becometh as the soul's own sanctuary
To all that long have learnt of thee to wear
Sun-raiment in the shadowy House of Care.

R.J. Lindley
Sept. 9th 1975

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-21-2015, 05:03 PM
Within A Dream, I Love You , Was Heard

Of short duration, joy in our loving dreams
Of Lust and Love- Both fuel deeper desires
With Loss, wading behind in the flowing streams
And Longing- flaming it its own Fires.
Yet where fine and fair weather holds its sway
We sing and dance never seeming to tire
And upon that sweet beach in heavenly bay
Nothing can make us think of future rage and ire.

Wanting to be that permanent snow far up top
And a mountain in its great majestic power.
Our Love swears that nothing, can ever it stop
Until doom, doom dares to invade its bower.

Once upon that sweet beach in heavenly bay.
I heard her, "I love you", so tenderly say!

R.J. Lindley,
Spring 1972

Note- This one, was a golden angel that in
my foolish youth I messed up!
Yet life had so much more in store , for living
is about mistakes, learning and surviving.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-22-2015, 01:27 PM
She Passed Unto Her Own Beauty

They bore her in a golden palanquin
Down to the dusky ford;
They bent in tears before her sandaling,
Nor uttered a word
As through the forest-shadowed water-way
She passed unto her own beauty,-
Unto the loveliness of things remembered
Beyond the light of day.
The silent prayer-
Never fear; the long sad years
With their yearning and their tears,
Crush not, only purify
That of thee which can not die.
Bow thy head and bide the hour
Of thy plenitude;
Round thee, when they need thee most,
They will come, the friendly ghost.

R.J. Lindley,
Dec. 7th, 1972

(1.) palanquin
(in India and the East) a covered litter for one passenger, consisting
of a large box carried on two horizontal poles by four or six bearers.

(2.) sandaling
verb (used with object), sandaled, sandaling or (especially British)
sandalled, sandalling.
* to furnish with sandals. Origin of sandal 1. Expand. Middle English.

(3.) plenitude
an abundance.
"the farm boasts a plenitude of animals and birds"
synonyms: abundance, lot, wealth, profusion, cornucopia, superabundance; More
the condition of being full or complete.
"the plenitude of the Pope's powers"

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-23-2015, 11:45 PM
Through The Deep Forest, Bubbling And Cool

Through the deep forest, bubbling and cool
Beneath low-dancing ferns, the hollow brook
Murmurs its memories of caverned earth
To those beloved sisters of the stars,
The golden celandine, far-lineaged,
And the pale wood-anemone that brings
Fragrance from some forgotten world of wonder
The years have drifted over. All the night
They slumber side by side, and through their dreams
Wander the shy ones, lovely and elusive
Beyond the utmost winsomeness of words.
Once we are told by that unwearying nurse
Who watched our steps from the beginning, we
Were even as they, had wisdom such as theirs,
And silence, and the gift of deathless song,-
Were children once, with laughter in our hearts
Of sunrise leaping the surges of the seas.

R.J. Lindley,
Oct. 19th 1972

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-24-2015, 08:29 PM
The Outcast

A lonely figure, at the setting of the sun,
Bending beneath a frozen wooded-load,
Draws like a dark grief over the shadowy moor
To an unseen abode.

And lo! against that glory of the west,
More wonderful than paradisal dreams,
The beauty of her soul, unveiled at last,
With holy mystery gleams.

To shape that sad vision of loveliness
Deep in the glow of eventide, this earth
Hath borne from the beginning of all sorrow
That ever came to birth.

Labor and love and loneliness; within
These sanctuaries they find the wells of peace
Who move in silent tribulation to
Their last release!

Robert J. Lindley, 11-24-2015

Note- Started this poem early this morn, finshed it
7:12 pm. I wanted to write in my old form again just
to see how hard it is to do after abandoning for so
very many years now!
Started with a sonnet in mind but my muse knew
better methinks.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-25-2015, 07:51 PM
Wild Roses In The Thunder

They are quivering
With beauty and strange alarm,
Wild roses in the thunder.

The great sea drowned
Those tiny footprints
On the sands
Of my lonely heart.

He who uttereth
Thoughts that blend with the silence
Maketh a poem.

Even the plum-boughs
Dreaming in the frozen dawn
Stir with enchantment.

In dreams of mystic earth
Raptured glory adorned her face
Sentinels sang with glee.

They are quivering
With beauty and strange alarm,
Wild roses in the thunder.

R.J. Lindley
Aug.3rd 1974

Old Note- Yes, even in my sad state of painful memories--I can see her face....
her face... her face..

Note today-- Yes, even in my current fog of memories- I still see that vision....
that vision... that vision..
Edit- I am sorely tempted to expand this poem with more details of this love
that crashed and burned in the blue flames of misery.
However, I feel my writing abilities now so weakened , are not strong enough for that task.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-26-2015, 11:32 AM
Christmas Morn, That Midnight Was Born

That Christmas morn, sun was still hiding so low
yet Queenie had just put on a beautiful show.
For little puppies we kids had all quietly prayed
And mother dog had given, each beautifully made.

Six little furry bundles soon appeared in sight
all pretty except the runt, I later named Midnight.
Momma dog was so careful to tend to them all
even Midnight although he was so very small.

Five were quite healthy and look so very great
except for Midnight and he hardly ever ate.
Born so small,left paw deformed,looked so bad
one less left toe it most assuredly had.

Father said, Midnight simply would not survive
I took it upon myself to prove that a lie.
Three weeks I diligently set him in place to feed
taking care of his every want and great need.

He had started out looking like a disaster
now suddenly he had grown into a little master.
With that white shining spot just above his eye
dad said, he will do , son you are the reason why.

A year flew past like a quick, brief summer rain
all pups beautiful, nary a one was just plain.
Yet Midnight all agreed was now the great prize
I had done it, proved my Dad's prediction a lie!

He had a shiny coat that glowed, limps as he walks
his bark was so beautiful, I swear I heard him talk.
Neighbors swore nothing like him did they ever see
Dad said, "son gets the credit" then point at me.

All the dogs were soon trained to track and hunt
Midnight excelled, the very best of the bunch.
Fellow hunters bragged all about his great skill
one offered to buy him for a hundred dollar bill!

Dad would always smile, wink and just politely say
not for any amount, not now or on any other day.
That dog was reared and fed lovingly by my baby son
I'd not sell him for diamonds nor gold by the ton.

Midnight began a runt and little could I ever see
but my boy saw and proved my error lovingly to me.
That pup began a sickly runt, a diamond in the rough
my boy healed him, making a top winner sure enough!

R.J. Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-27-2015, 01:53 PM
Darkness And Its Deep Covering Cloak

Nightfall comes, darkness precedes the wetness of dew
There rises visions and stranger rampaging things
That cause a desperate heart to fear for you;
For who may know the terror this sad night brings,
Perhaps mercy cometh only as your great honor's due.

Shine, shine on bright stars predicting another Fate
Crashing upon foreign shores, blackness at play
As darkness eats into soul's deeper first estate;
Search yet again for relief from Light of day,
And pray for mercy, as if reprieve is not too late.

Pray we, that do know darkness and its deep covering cloak.
Seekers of righteousness before serenity and faith are broke.

Robert J. Lindley, 05-27-2005

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-28-2015, 11:31 AM
Upon What Distant Shores Dare We Tread

On what shores, do the soft, bouncing gleams of sad moonlight,
Wander through the misty gloom to glow upon the dark retreats,
Where the leaves only serve to scatter the sweetest gathering
Of mythical forested creature from the ancient days of yore;
No earthly wisdom can explain this mystery to friend or foe,
Or travelers through the fantastic spiritual realms at midnight
Often seeing the miracles of creatures that man can not explain,
Or the wonders within a fairy's multi-colored, majestic gleams.

Traveling, within such vast, unexplored and magical realms,
Into the congregation of creatures our minds so often fear.

Within such wooded and mystical terrain rests our hidden dreams,
Such that often we never ever dare to reveal to even ourselves,
Aching dreams of love and fantasy desires resting upon our minds
With images glistening of ancient trolls, dwarfs, fairies and elves;
Mere fodder to set our minds into a far deeper,inspiring landscape,
In a desperate search to meet higher beings to explain this place;
And as those bouncing gleams highlight the spiritual in the night,
That we may see, that God that we so dearly want to see face to face.

Traveling, within such vast, unexplored and magical realms,
Into the congregation of creatures our minds so often fear.

R.J. Lindley

Note- A rare offering of my actually writing a poem back then that was not primarily rhyme based.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-29-2015, 09:17 PM
Blessed Be

Golden soft was the light that swiftly flew,
as whistling rain pelted majestic oaks.
And, the soaked birds began to cry for you
as Nature silently wrapped up its cloaks,

thirsty for coming dawn, so bold and new.

Silver Maples fluttered in the wind
where fast asleep the rabbits hid away;
all the beauty we wish would never end,
the brightened colors of each joyful day,

as Nature's glory flowed out to transcend.

Still, in the silence, a flowing stream sang
a melody of bygone days and stones
skipping from little hands as flat slates sprang
and lent a lilt of laughter to each tone.

Can you taste the winds as the seasons flow?

The comfy scent of wood smoke on the breeze
recalls the snap of pine cones in the hearth
or trudging through forest deep for downed trees
to bring home for a Yuletides start.

Water, wood, metal, fire, are God’s gifted plan.

Robert Lindley & Debbie Guzzi

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-29-2015, 09:18 PM
Nature's Beauty, Wonderful World

Golden soft was the light that swiftly flew,
As whistling rain pelted majestic oaks.
And the soaked birds began to cry for you
As Nature silently wrapped up its cloaks.

Thirsty for coming dawn, so bold and new.

Silver Maples fluttered in the wind,
Where the fast sleeping rabbits hid away
All beautiful, we wish to never end
With brightened colors, every joyful day.

As Nature's beauty flowed out to transcend.

Dappled sunlight flickers in swaying trees
Squirrels forage for their winter food store
Shadows dancing in warm autumnal breeze
The beauty of nature holds me in awe

Man must protect earth; we are its trustees

God blesses us with four seasons each year
Each one brings its own delightful beauty
Gardens grow, pretty flowers soon appear
Bringing joy to our world for all to see

Please cherish the world that we hold so dear

Robert Lindley & Jan Allison

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-29-2015, 09:19 PM
From Earthen Bed

Golden soft was the light that swiftly flew,
As whistling rain pelted majestic oaks
And the soaked birds began to cry for you
As Nature silently wrapped up its cloaks

Thirsty for coming dawn, so bold and new.

Silver Maples fluttered in the wind,
Where the fast sleeping rabbits hid away
All beautiful, we wish to never end
With brightened colors, every joyful day

As Nature's beauty flowed out to transcend.

As sky greets the land like a golden thread
I cry for my heart is truly Broken
Muted memories from the day we wed
The future was promised by words spoken

Your pure soul taken from our earthen bed

Bird like angels transport you to the sky
Weeping willows now join in my sorrow
Unable to give me an answer why
Today is lost I long for tomorrow

There within the Heavens we will both fly!

Robert Lindley & Richard Lamoureux

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-29-2015, 09:20 PM
Zephyr's Kiss

Golden soft was the light that swiftly flew,
As whistling rain pelted majestic oaks
And the soaked birds began to cry for you
As Nature silently wrapped up its cloaks

Thirsty for coming dawn, so bold and new.

Silver Maples fluttered in the wind,
Where the fast sleeping rabbits hid away
All beautiful, we wish to never end
With brightened colors, every joyful day

As Nature's beauty flowed out to transcend.

Blazing red the delicate maple stands
Gently kissed by Zephyr's uplifting breeze
As frost comes touching each leaf with cold hands
During night's darkest hour leaves damp to freeze

A deep pain felt by one who understands

Ginko's golden hair full of color fair
Tossed about by the nor'easter force
Weeps to sympathize with Maple's affair
Soon ribbons snatched, hair detached a worse course

Winter blows with ice and cold uncomparable

Robert Lindley & Sara Kendrick


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-30-2015, 11:58 PM
Thy Silent Thoughts

So beautiful are thy unspoken thoughts
I would watch thine eyes all day.
There is wonder in them, as the sun's first flash
Through tumult of ocean spray;
In them the shining calm of upland pools
Mirrors the glory round,
And their shadows are the shadows of sweet flowers
Upon the summer ground.
So beautiful are thy unspoken thoughts
I would watch thine eyes all day;
More beauteous in their silence than the stars,
Than the silent stars, are they.

R.J. Lindley
Aug, 11th, 1977

Note- Yes, I can still see her face and her
shining , beautiful eyes. That image has yet
to ever fade!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-01-2015, 11:14 AM
Will That Music Sing Sweetly To Us Forever

Out there comes music from the emerald hills,
Where rabbits, foxes and wildcats roam,
And great scenic views that a sad heart thrills
When seeking Nature far from sweet home
Summer morns the forest sings to be so alive
And meadow flowers dance as they are blown
Busy bees go about making honey for the hive
While snakes crawl through the brush overgrown

Will that music sing sweetly to us forever,
Or fall to cutting axe with a sharp blade,
God forbid! Pray we that comes true never!
As our hearts find the beauty Nature hath made!

R.J. Lindley
June 9th, 1974

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-01-2015, 11:34 PM
The Dark Mystery

Deep lies the anchor,
Deep in the sand;
No winds arise,
Far is the land;
The captain sleeps,
The shipmen blink,
All slowly doth
The great moon sink-
For ever and ever
The night will last,
For ever and ever
Dreams go past,
In silence of
The outer sea,
Dim-blended and
And ship and sea
And purple sky
Shall pass away,
And voyagers die;
And all that was
Be born again
Within a sunlit
Drop of rain.

Robert J. Lindley, 12-01-2015

12-02-2015, 01:00 AM
Dear Robert,
Thank you again for your wonderful poems, my grandchildren and me keep on reading with Great pleasure.
I think you will be pleased to learn, that my grand daughter, having learned some of your poems by heart, read a couple of them at school. Her teacher was shocked (in a positive meaning) very much, as it was her first acquaintance with nowadays American poetry.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-02-2015, 09:03 AM
Dear Robert,
Thank you again for your wonderful poems, my grandchildren and me keep on reading with Great pleasure.
I think you will be pleased to learn, that my grand daughter, having learned some of your poems by heart, read a couple of them at school. Her teacher was shocked (in a positive meaning) very much, as it was her first acquaintance with nowadays American poetry.

Thanks my friend as that is good news for me and made my day.
Please relay my thanks and congratulations to your precious grand daughter for me.
Poetry as a positive influence can and does bring people together, despite their differences.
We are all the same my friend= human.
I hope that your grand daughter decides to write her own poetry.
And she may present any of my poems to her class, relatives and/or friends.
I have produced a rather large amount of it and only recently started putting it out publicly.
God bless you and yours ..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-03-2015, 12:36 AM
I Once Walked Scenic Woodland Trails

In the utter darkness of great forested nights,
those sounds call and beckon to me about life;
I am finding again my way into a bushel of lights,
a child, fleeing from this world and its strife.

Years of my youth, I walked scenic woodland trails,
a voyager across ancient and stoic seas;
Nature's beauty reigns supreme, all others fail,
wonders await amongst the tall, majestic trees.

Alas! Dark-winds come to shatter this beauty renown,
where my young feet danced and gladly roamed;
Man's arrogance and stupidity wants to tear it down,
After seeing it before, my heart sadly moaned.

Dare we, cry out for a much more enlightened ways,
with greater understanding and loving hearts;
And seek always, for ever brighter forested days,
with this dream fulfilled, it surely restarts.

Robert J. Lindley , 12-02-2015

Note- So busy but my muse demanded I write this today,
this late at night. I need sleep!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-03-2015, 11:44 PM
The White Bird Of The Soul

A few wild strains that lingering sound
Like music from a dream-born land,
Vast ocean solitude around,
Storm brooding and no friendly strand,-
The gleam of sunset waves as on they roll
About her folded wings, her quiet heart,
The white bird of the soul.

There is none like thee underneath the sun,
Nor ever hath been; all too weak our eyes
To read thy vision of the Glorious One,
The mystic utterance of thy soul's surmise.

R.J. Lindley
Feb, 24th 1974

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-06-2015, 04:04 PM
A Mother's Love And Her Lament

Before the break of a winter's morn
tired, it is dark, dank and cold.
With sad, eating thoughts so forlorn
wonders how quickly she got so old!

Up she races in her worn, torn gown
for her children must soon be fed.
With more food to be bought in town
tonight late, she falls into her bed.

Daily repetitions bring her down
but the kids keep on calling.
No time to stop or wear a sad frown
and the baby keeps on bawling!

There rests hope in her sweet dreams
and energy in her worn out shoes.
She fights the wild, onrushing streams
and resists singing the sad blues.

Tomorrow will be more of her loving
as the kids seem to need it so.
Even when they are racing and shoving
her deep love they need to know!

Before the break of a winter's morn
tired, it is dark, dank and cold.
With sad, eating thoughts so forlorn
wonders how quickly she got so old!

R.J. Lindley
Nov. 27th, 1971.

Note- Written for mom. I know she works
so hard and loves we kids. If only she'd
let me tell her so. Sadly, she's just too
tired to hear and too distant to ever listen..

New note- poem above is presented as written,
I was 17 years old.
My dad had been dead 2 years and my mother was
so distant from me.
Sharing today.. My friend's death still on
my tired 'ole mind.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-07-2015, 10:32 PM
She Fled Into A Dark Oblivion On The Rise

She fled into a dark oblivion on the rise
mad race into its dark devil's eyes.
Just another fix, her body it did so need
who cares if everything else bleeds?

Needle and a spoon - O' what a damn song!
clown in love, sadly tagging along.
Oh baby! I will love you even more tonight
I need my fix, so we don't fight.

And the wicked demon, he was not evil rum
a beast with her under its thumb.
Not a conman selling his slick little lies
nor hidden storms in gentle skies.

Just a needle with its pointy little head
her laying in a haze upon our bed.
Now I was there, the sad clown holding on
a future day, my smile- it was gone!

And that dark demon, flew in every day
held her captive every damn way.
And the clown tried to hold that place
with tears streaming down his face!

One day- The sad tears all dried on up
he refused to be her empty cup.
And away he flew to another dear Fate
and then she held her bitter hate!

Another excuse, needle to meet her arm
just one more, for whats the harm.
Resting there- beautiful eyes all a'glaze
soon the comfort of a dead haze!

She fled into a dark oblivion on the rise
a mad race into its dark devil's eyes.
Robert J. Lindley , 12-07-2015

Note- My first wife, her drug addiction, destroyed marriage and
our sad history.

12-08-2015, 12:59 AM
She Fled Into A Dark Oblivion On The Rise

A very sad story, Robert. I feel so sorry for you. But, alas, life is life. Everything may happen, and it's a pity that this happened with you. I can imagine how painful it was. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/sad.gif

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-08-2015, 08:54 AM
A very sad story, Robert. I feel so sorry for you. But, alas, life is life. Everything may happen, and it's a pity that this happened with you. I can imagine how painful it was. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/sad.gif

Thanks. That is ancient history to me now my friend. I was married then from almost 4 years to her and her drug addiction was bearable the first year--it got worse and was unbearable the last three years.
I finally gave up on her and I hear now - 36 years later- that she(now in her sixties) finally got off drugs and is in extremely bad health.
We all bear the consequences of our actions--she is no exception to that..-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-10-2015, 09:22 AM
My Soul Walked In Shadows Dark And Deep

Then my soul walked in shadows dark and deep,
Holding desires that walked in desperate fires
In slumber, they raged on and on they creep,
With a darkened vigor that never, never tires:
For dreams are vast growing and eternal things
That often fly about on dark mystical wings.

Morn's reflections brought great anguish anew,
When dreams linger on to chastise and invade
That rest my mind desperately wanted to view,
In a lighted real world , so shiningly made:
For my escape rests within each bright new dawn
And Nature's view of its beautiful newborn fawn.

As red sun glides into another mysterious realm,
Again I must face the fires burning in my dreams
Ship sailing oceans of fires, nobody at the helm
O' to ever find the calm of gentle flowing streams:
To destroy this power in each dark night's grip,
Rescue the lone traveler on that fiery ocean trip!

Robert J. Lindley, 12-10-2015

Note: My muse returned this morn. For my sojourn
into deep woods yesterday has born some fruit.
Still weak, I may need another break soon, for
anguish in my life still blows a little sad horn.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-11-2015, 12:02 AM
How An Eager And Rash Young Fool So Often Feels

She raced into the room like her high heels were on fire

As if some lusting demons had chased her into that bar

She look so willingly at me and then asked me for a light

Then I knew this was to be my very lucky scoring night!

Until I saw four more female demons waiting out in her car

I asked , where are we going ladies, is it so very far

Then I made my first mistake and climbed right on in

After that sudden darkness sprang forth, then that spin.

I woke later in a darkened and silent bloodstained room

Feeling came over me, as if my body was there to consume

Not that lustful love they had happily and previously shown

Looking back in time, I should have at that moment known.

The promised deep rich satisfying sex-filled hot desires

Were to cost me my body roasting over their blood-lust fires

Quick as a flash, away I raced, she demons at my fleeing heels

And thats how an eager and rash young fool so often feels.

She raced into the room like her high heels were on fire

As if some lusting demons had chased her into that bar

She look so willingly at me and then asked me for a light

Then I knew this was to be my very lucky scoring night!

Robert J. Lindley, 12-02-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-11-2015, 09:07 PM
In Simple Wonderment She Came To Me

In simple wonderment she came to me,
heart in hand and spirit so low,
Precious fruit graced her beautiful tree
and my mind paid that heavy tow.
Summer warmed with its shining gleams
wind cooled that beauty in repose
Then she came to me in my fevered dreams
Softness in her eyes and dainty nose,
Newly discovered things we both sought
eagerness in touches betraying our love
Night coming our time was dearly bought
we gazed at our star shining bright above;
In simple wonderment she came to me,
an open wish softly whispered in my ear,
Nothing was ever, as pretty as was she
afterwards absolutely nothing ever as dear!

Robert J. Lindley, 12-11-2015

Note: Muse said, just shut up and write.
With tight lips, my hand moved about and
this came out....
My muse returneth and she is as bad as
ever !

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-14-2015, 11:09 PM
Wrapped In Sweetest Ecstasy From The Start

For you my darling the gift of my devotion,
and far more tender and sweeter things.
Our love sails the great islands of our ocean,
with those hot nights deep romance brings!

And softest kind of love deep with kisses,
cruising on our sailing ship together.
With my loving arrows shot and no misses,
we will enjoy life and its sunny weather!

You lay there, stark naked upon our night bed
passionate, lusting for coming hot pleasure.
I follow where your moaning gasps have led
softest touching, bring that great treasure.

For you dearest darling, gift of true love,
eternal love coming gently from my heart.
All the happiness in life you ever dreamed of
wrapped in sweetest ecstasy from the start!

For you my darling, the gift of my devotion,
and far more tender and sweeter things.
Our love sails the great islands of our ocean,
with hot nights that deep romance brings!

Robert J. Lindley, 12-14-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-15-2015, 10:58 PM
Dessert, A Memory You Have, Balloons

(We Met, We Soared And You Flew Away)

A memory we have of our passionate first night
where candles burned almost as hot as our bed.
Can not forget, sweet lust found in your sight,
memorable treasures now resting within my head!

Your joy at prizes worn popping those balloons
sweet kisses atop that stopped ferris-wheel.
They made me so dizzy I saw two bright moons,
as if heaven had suddenly came down for real!

Every day for that month we ate love's dessert
and savored each new and promising sweet dawn
I have never since felt that epically deep hurt,
you waving sad goodbye to me on my front lawn!

A memory we have of our passionate first night
where candles burned almost as hot as our bed.
Can not forget, sweet lust found in your sight,
memorable treasures now resting within my head!

Robert J. Lindley

Combination of Three Words - Poetry Contest

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-16-2015, 06:22 PM
Playing The White Notes

I play the white notes, they keep my on my toes
blue notes often chase me into another key.
Life once existed where everything, anything goes
strange what once, lost hope sadly did to me.

Cast my pride and compassion into a dark force
set my senses and nerves upon brittle edge.
A journey of pain devoid of guilt or its remorse
or dark step down from Hell's steepest ledge.

No casts into a clear and calm life-saving pond
too many diversions that gave so little time.
Many thrilling vices, so very sweet to respond
escapades of lusts, temptations in my prime.

I play the white notes they keep me on my toes
blue notes send my mind into a dark spin.
Sad bad choices that I once so stupidly chose
almost brought my young life an early end.

Robert J. Lindley, 12-16-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-17-2015, 10:26 AM
O' Broken Heart, What Shall All This Now Bring

Burn away, festering skies filled with pain!
Cast forth burning embers onto the bleating flock!
Let loose, sky demons to purge this dark place
And flying beasts to punish all that complain!
Give vengeance over to its satisfying lusts,
And cheer those that in darkness aid and mock.

No saving dawn will cool this raging hot fire!
Nor calvary arrive in sweet time to save the flock!
Unchained beasts will eat happiness away
Replacing with torment, misery and sad pleas!
Give vengeance over to its satisfying lusts,
And cheer those that in darkness aid and mock.

O' sacred revenge, stab the innocence of tomorrow!
Send darkness and plagues to scorch this sad flock!
Let loose demons to destroy the young and weak
And dance upon death,deep pain and sweet sorrow!
Give vengeance over to its satisfying lusts,
And cheer those that in darkness aid and mock.

O' broken heart, what shall all this now bring!
Burning to death the innocent people of the flock!
Destroying sweet life and beauty of this place
How sad that this evil you now stoop to sing!
Giving in to vengeance to satisfy sad lusts,
And cheering those wretched that aid and mock.

May divine grace and mercy heal raging pain!
Cast forth burning love for sweet innocent flock!
Let loose, angels to heal and renew this place
And flying comforters to give mercy in his name!
Destroy this vengeance that satisfies your lusts,
Heal those that in darkness would aid and mock.

R.J. Lindley
March 5th, 1977

Note- Another oldie from my private journal.
Today just seemed a good day to openly post this.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-19-2015, 12:08 PM
In The Valley Of Avalon

This day the master of my Fate
Is none of those who lead shuddering
Through mazes of wizardry,-
Nor Trachmyr the hunstman,
Nor Tannwein the daughter of Gweir,
Nor Penpingyon the porter of the palace,
Nor the muttering hag of the hall of Heilyn Goch,-
Peace to them all until we met again,-
This day the summoner of all my song
Is Hyveidd Unllen, the golden vavasoar
Of Arthur, the lord of nations.
Ye have heard
How he came hasting, broke upon our king
And Owain at their game, and how his tidings
Wounded the heart of Arthur that he paled,
Crushed into dust the chessmen, and besought
The word of Owain that could lower
The Banner of Death, and stay the dire blood-madness
Of his fell Ravens scattering from mid air
Red limbs of trusty warriors, red armor
In rain of ruin. And the banner fell,
And this day Hyveildd Unllen in his splendor
Of crystal studded, griffin-crested helm,
In robe of honor, hued as day and night,
Bordered with sunlit purple, and his belt
Clasped with eyelid of a black sea-horse,
Leadeth me from out these latter days
Into peace that followed, and will gaze
Into my tranced eyes, and fill my heart
With lost desires, that I may seek again
The glory of our great king and his host
In the valley of Avalon.

R.J. Lindley
April 17th, 1974
Poetry form- Romanticism(classic)....

Notes- Hyveildd Unllen

Five battalions fell before his blade Of the wailing men of Deira and Bernicia^;
Twenty hundred were destroyed in one hour.

Sooner art thou flesh for wolves than for thee the nuptial feast; Sooner art thou
food for ravens than for thee the marriage altar ; Before the nuptial dowry^
came his bloody bier, The price of mead in the hall among the drinking throng :
Hyveidd the tall will be celebrated while a minstrel lives. of gold, of greater
or less artistic ornamentation, terminating at the end in a cae-ad, a clasp or
hook, and an eye. It was not a chain. See Stephens' Lit. of the Kymry [2nd ed.,
p. 46, notej.^

Beads also were worn in wreaths by British warriors, as appears from the fact of
beads of amber being found in the barrows on Salisbury Plain, which had been dug
about 1800. In several of these graves pieces of amber like beads have been met
with; and in one, as many beads were found as would have made a wreath.
(Turner's Vindication of the Bards, 208-209. See also Williams' Biog. Diet,
sub Benlli


" Haearnddur and Hyveidd and Gwallawg, And Owain of Mon of Maelgwnian manner,
Would prostrate the ravagers": was not Hyveidd Unllen, but Hyvaidd Hir, the
son of Caradawc Vreichvras. This may however be called in question. So young
a man as Hyveidd Hir could not well have been the contemporary of Gwallawg ;
and the safest conclusion appears to be that Taliesin's hero was Hyveidd Unllen,
and that of Aneurin Hyveidd ab Caradoc " the affix Hir being added for
distinction. The son of Caradoc also resembles our hero in this " he died

Hyveidd and Gododin, and the lion leading (i.e. L'rien)": and also in the lines:
" " Haearnddur, a Hyfeidd a Gwallawg, Ac Owen mon Maelgynig ddefawd, A wnaw
peithwyr gorweiddiawg". " I hid., i, 64.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-21-2015, 11:38 AM
The Night Winds Visit

It is the middle of the night,
And I am startled from my dreams;
Great winds, roaring roof are a fright,
They would speak with me it seems.

So windows rattle, high rafters creak,
And the dark room is full of dread;
Yet I can not understand their speak;
The strange things they have said.

Nor will that secret message be known
Or reasons why they writhe in pain,
For had I been where they had blown
I could not sleep again.

I close my eyes, thinking of other pleas
No winds can ever waken more,
Dear ones who brought the golden keys
Of laughter to my door.

Robert J. Lindley, 12-21-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-21-2015, 09:17 PM
Victory From A Divine Quiver

Its massive heart was now just solid bone,
the kind immune from it ever breaking.
All vestige of sweet love forever gone,
and all dear mercy completely forsaken!

Flesh had turned to gray hardened rock,
teeth into fangs made for flesh eating.
Awake now, in pain around the clock,
look for more opponents to be defeating!

Warriors came with swords and shields,
all seeking victory in great battle.
Left were bloodied bones in the fields,
it savoring sounds of death's rattle!

Seeking an end to its painful torments,
roaming far and wide for a tougher foe.
Found an army sleeping in their tents,
and won a victory with only a cut toe!

Kingdom begged for warrior that could win,
priest came with only holy book to take.
Swore to stop this killing of braver men,
or else his sweet God he would forsake!

Searching he soon found the beast sleeping,
shouting his words, a warning to deliver.
I will stop your setting widows to weeping,
with true arrows from this book's quiver!

Great beast rose up to there defeat him,
stone armor guarding its bone heart.
Before great savage beast could eat him,
divine arrows shot forth like a dart.

First words, beast's armor began breaking,
cracks raced into its heart of bone.
Its weakness, God's word it was forsaking,
and the great truth that stands alone.

Priest next began in deep faith praying,
for help defeating this beast there.
And God's merciful victory in the slaying,
garnered by divine faith and prayer.

As its armor had cracked and shattered,
beast fell down in its dying throes.
Its bone heart was torn and tattered,
evil eyes now dead and black as coals!

Robert J. Lindley, 12-21-2015

Note: I sat down today to write one more message of faith and prayer.
As the world needs both now more than ever.
I once had dark monsters to slay. And found man alone can never do such..
However, sincere Christian prayer works every time it aligns with God's words
and wishes.

After The Golden Sunset Gleam

Here beneath the stars,
Far from the whispering eaves,
Tell me thy tidings.
Be they dark as northern light
I will not fail or falter.

I have built for thee
A dwelling of green pine boughs,
O silent guest.
A light to guide thy coming
Have I set : here to take my rest.

After the golden sunset, gleam
Cool silvery tones of waning light;
The Winter-lonely fallows dream
Into the ghostliness of night.

Far off, yet looming strangely near,
With starry heaven aureoled,
Dark mountain ranges westward rear
Their guardian towers as of old.

R.J. Lindley
Feb 20th , 1976

"And a new dawn brought forth new dreams,
the delight in finding cool flowing streams."
fragment, finish later.

Note- Presented as was written long ago- with no editing..
that fragment mentioned, I believe was later a finished piece,
one of those that were burned...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-24-2015, 09:49 PM
Christmas, Standing Guard

He walked hallowed halls in his brave life
far too busy fighting to have a wife.
His men he fought quite hard to keep alive
for their safety he did valiantly strive!

Dedication to soldiers out in harm's way
never given enough praise or even pay.
A leader sacrificing for that elusive peace
only death, would his duty ever release!

Praying for a time when war never returns
his safety and comfort he always spurns.
Man among very brave men, stands he so tall
protecting freedom and giving his all!

He walked hallowed halls in his brave life
far too busy fighting to have a wife.
His men he fought quite hard to keep alive
for their safety he did valiantly strive!

Robert J. Lindley, 12 -24-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-25-2015, 06:59 AM
The Past, Our Ancestors Gifted Us As Our Future

There are no words we know, fragrant and green,
Wherewith to show how welcome you have been.

You solaced us with many a song-caress,
O' marvelous was your music's loveliness.

You have called back from the unknown
Lost hours our hearts would fain have held our own.

In your souls life's echoes rang as sweet
As silver bowls dream-children gently beat.

Laughter of harvest lighting and the glee
Of tingly frosty nights ran joyously.

Among our shadowed memories,when you
Revealed the gladness we are born unto.

There are no words swiftly luminous
As those white birds your joy released to us.

Such gifts you bought and freely bade us share
As kings have sought and found not anywhere.

No day will end, all of your days that be
Some far off friend will not have memory.

How you guide us from a dreary road
Into a wide and wonderful abode.

No close will come to any bitter night
But someone will live again delight.

Roused at golden touch of gracious hands
That weave in swallow-flight their myriad strands.

Praiseworthiness our children shall attain
May be no less the fruit of some rich strain.

That once was yours and gladly lingered on,
As love endures, long after you were gone.

So dear ones, fare you well, and nobly well
Beyond the rare things silence has to tell.

Robert J. Lindley, 12-24-2015

Poem written about this past year and my thoughts as to what my children and grandchildren will remember of me.
As I remember that of my grandparents and my ancestors.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-27-2015, 05:31 AM
Upon Beowulf's Trail

Dare I attempt to travel upon Beowulf's trail
slay dark beasts and sweetest glory seek.
Walk within deep shades of both Heaven and Hell
sword protecting innocent, lame and meek.

Sing under stars the night's great moon gifts
sleep in long shadows of giants among men.
Telling epic tales of fierce battles that uplifts
hearts, souls and spirits until time's end.

Where to now find fiery dragons on the prowl
or evil tyrants using darkness to destroy.
Hell's raging anger brought by beasts most foul
rescue fair maidens, so alluring and coy.

Could our world again, offer such heroic tales
as Beowulf's slaying Grendel singlehanded.
Are we mere remnants of former warrior's shells
and just shadow ghosts now falsely branded.

Seeking victories, matching heroes now long dead
a quest noble or on fool's errand it may be.
Should I be content to sing under stars instead
and let my heart dance on, just being free.

Dare I attempt to travel upon Beowulf's trail
slay dark beasts and sweetest glory seek.
Walk within deep shades of both Heaven and Hell
sword protecting innocent, lame and meek.

Robert J. Lindley, 12 -27-2015

Note- Had a dream, could not sleep,
woke three a.m. to pound out this inspired write
Honor those that protect,
the lives of the innocent, lame and meek
pray they now rest in comfort six feet deep.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-28-2015, 10:41 PM
Return Of The Wayward Traveler

He in building his castle, surrounded by his moat
in resting repose, abandoned all he had wrote.
No rhyme or reason could he in confusion thus find
perhaps it was the gremlins invading his mind.

Rebel at heart, he had joined the crowd in its glee
and in his shame cried out,"Look, look at me".
When the light struck him, in his trembling heart
he then vowed to abandon his shame to restart!

Yet dusty treasures glared and made their calls
return and stroll our vain and hallowed halls.
And just like that, he grabbed his ever handy pen
returned to the cage of raging and writing men!

He in building his castle, surrounded by his moat
in resting repose, abandoned all he had wrote.
No rhyme or reason could he in confusion thus find
perhaps it was the gremlins invading his mind.

Soon his happy heart pointed to his new healings
and poetic words raced forth in epic feelings.
Yet in the shadows, plotted that darkness again
seeking to pry him from each and every friend!

And as his new lyrics graced these rhyming walls
his return proved again, the master falls.
Newfound knowledge, sent his soul back our way
we seeing light and dark in a different way!

He in building his castle, surrounded by his moat
in resting repose, abandoned all he had wrote.
No rhyme or reason could he in confusion thus find
perhaps it was the gremlins invading his mind.

Robert J. Lindley, 12-28-2015

We that fall and stay down, find no reprieve
we that rise to fight again another day.
Find great rejoicing and joy we may then believe!
I have risen so many times in so many ways.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-29-2015, 10:30 PM
I Have Your Hand And I Will Never Let Go.

When I have your heart holding me that deep
I see bright colors dancing in my mind.
Where once were great walls far too steep
a darkness that kept my soul so blind.

I have your hand and I will never let go!

These months have sent me into a fast spin
your visits are my days made in heaven.
I long for your soft touch and now I am in
I now beg a week be longer than seven.

I have your hand and I will never let go!

Each dawn, I hear soft echoes of your voice
singing, "rise my darling, just for me".
As if my massive love gives me another choice
when your beautiful face is all I can see.

I have your hand and I will never let go!

Hold me tight, promise these are not dreams
for that horror rips my longing soul.
When I hold you the world stops, so it seems
your love, treasures making me whole.

I have your hand and I will never let go!

R.J. Lindley
Nov. 27th 1973

Note: This poem was burned by her during our bitter divorce.
I had it framed and placed in our living room ,
She later burned it frame and all, in a drugged fueled rage.
I rewrote it in my fourth journal 3 years later and
planned on never presenting it here or anywhere.
Times change and so do people, me included, so here it be.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-01-2016, 11:42 PM
Walking In Such Green Paradise

On a clear and frosty morn
I climb yet another hill
Below smokes flows from homes
This life gives another thrill.

Clouds float by east to west
Sun peeks shyly in and out
Early red sun came too fast
In joy, I give out a shout.

Walking in such green paradise
This heart feels another prayer
Lord of each and every tree
Counsels me each and every hour.

As darkness races on to spread
I descend down from the hills
Thanks to He that blesses me
I find joy, life and such thrills.

Walking in such green paradise
This heart feels another prayer
Lord of each and every tree
Counsels me each and every hour.

Robert J. Lindley, 01-01-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-02-2016, 07:44 PM
A New Dawn I Found

New dawn I found
the grass was dying,
trash littered the yard
my soul was deeply crying
for life so, so very hard.

New dawn I found
emptiness was my reward,
dark misery was flying
feet cut on a glass shard
strangers sat there lying.

New dawn I found
shadows fleeing by the score,
truth life was denying
desperate heart wanted more
than heartache and crying

New dawn I found
my lost soul speaking,
find any path far away
hurt badly but seeking
joy's return some day.

New dawn I found
light there was streaming,
glimpses of promise
I was not just dreaming
given was sweet solace.

New dawn I found
path beckoning my spirit,
onward into the light
music sweet, I can hear it
clean soul took flight.

New dawn I found
I was back in my home,
family by my side
never again will I roam
never again will I hide.

Robert J. Lindley, 01-02-2016

Copyright © 2016 Robert Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-02-2016, 08:31 PM
A New Dawn I Found

New dawn I found
the grass was dying,
trash littered the yard
my soul was deeply crying
for life so, so very hard.

New dawn I found
emptiness was my reward,
dark misery was flying
feet cut on a glass shard
strangers sat there lying.

New dawn I found
shadows fleeing by the score,
truth life was denying
desperate heart wanted more
than heartache and crying

New dawn I found
my lost soul speaking,
find any path far away
hurt badly but seeking
joy's return some day.

New dawn I found
light there was streaming,
glimpses of promise
I was not just dreaming
given was sweet solace.

New dawn I found
path beckoning my spirit,
onward into the light
music sweet, I can hear it
clean soul took flight.

New dawn I found
I was back in my home,
family by my side
never again will I roam
never again will I hide.

Robert J. Lindley, 01-02-2016

Copyright © 2016 Robert Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-04-2016, 09:52 AM
Mourn Not, Death Can Be A Gift

I die more wrapped in stone each day
storms batter my empty seas.
Shield broken, now red blood to pay
I dare to fight on my knees.

Death, holds its long, dark salute
where banners fallen burn.
In life, its the last savage brute
this kettle and stew I spurn.

What of skies so brightly flying by
summer's soft gentle replays.
I hold on, dare I not to ever cry
time is just painful delays.

Hope once told me it was my friend.
Now I see how, it brings closer the end.

Robert J. Lindley, 08-22-2015

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-06-2016, 12:42 AM
I Can Hear Hope Whistling On By

Lonesome train whistle blowing loudly tonight
memories of my youth and that amazing sound.
Images of my dog barking at the racing sight
of that train flying by shaking the ground.
O' how big that giant metal beast once seemed
with great men steering it by our poor home.
Dare I hope one day it be me, as I dreamed
big engine, black iron rails on which to roam.

Tracks leading into adventure far, far away
maybe robbers holding up a gold ladened train.
Reality, daydreams or inspiring child's play
imagination and hope some may dare call insane.

Iron wheels, they once moved my imaginative soul.
Now to regain that lost blessing, my great goal!

Robert J. Lindley

Note: that train just went by. My old mind jumped
aboard, took a seat and started writing!
Was truly great to be that poor kid again, holding
onto hope's eternal promise of a future not so damn
I can remember me looking at my dog, Buster and saying
--"Someday buster, some future day"!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-07-2016, 09:54 PM
Her Beauty Stands Apart

Beauty stands apart, giving those golden gifts
taking one's spirit and soul as it uplifts
My spirit viewed her grace that hour and day,
stood like a mountain no clever words to say.

Child lost in wilderness soaked with fears
words raced from her lips to my eager ears
Happiness sprang from joy and eager mind
greatest treasure, a man could hope to find.

She showered me with her love and soft glow
I begged and prayed for a never ending show.
Fickle fate, recklessly mirrored my shallow way
cast apart and apart we forever had to stay.

Years did not banished my love for her show
blessings can not erase memories I know.
Days and nights waking her right by my side.
pain so deep its more than this man can abide.

Regrets, daggers slice deep into a man's heart
demands that ending held as was our joyous start
Never let sad thoughts force me to weep and moan
my selfish deeds that forced her to be forever gone.

No power to reclaim her faithful love came to me
just sadness that seeks to cast my spirit into the sea
Dark spirits, casting doubts and sins back into my face
lost wild horse, that never finished first love's race.

R.J. Lindley

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-08-2016, 07:31 PM
Magical Mountain Where Blue Cat Resides

This Majestic mount made of magic stone;
I climbed every night as a lonely child.
Tall and regal, it stood there all alone,
symbol of a world fantastic and wild!

Atop the peaks in my racing night dreams,
I looked across earth's fantastic skies.
Resting below, forests and flowing streams
lay magic's realm where a blue cat resides.

Deep within each night's visionary quest,
I'd pray for family sleeping nearby.
Brave climber, courageous, daring his best
fantastic thrills rewards every night's try!

This Majestic mount made of magic stone
was conquered by a child of flesh and bone!

Robert J. Lindley, 1-08-2016

3rd poem.

Inspired by
(The Blue Cat by Pamela Colamn Smith 1907)

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 98

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-08-2016, 07:32 PM
The Swirling Green Storm

Sea foam splattered upon his panicked face
his boat sank and life was torn asunder.
He had run away, he was a disgrace;
the storm worsened with a crack of thunder.

Each new wave tore at his weakening hold
yet he recovered, now he longed to live.
Wanting to hold her as he had of old
to taste sweet love only Kara could give.

The words formed inside, then out swift they rushed
Jacob prayed for rescue and a new start.
Dear God, let live, let my life not be crushed
please save me, please enter this aching heart.

Suddenly, silence, the sea stopped raging
as he had prayed he would get a new chance.
He could picture them together aging
he felt blessed by their renewed romance.

A ship rescued him, new life he could see
with many new paths to embrace with hope.
All that was needed was his heartfelt plea;
God's answer given when he could not cope.

Robert J. Lindley

Poem 1
Inspired by-
(After: Blue and Green Music - Georgia O'Keeffe 1921)

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 200
Total # Lines: 24 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 161

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-08-2016, 08:25 PM
A Painted Gaze

Sitting alone in soft and easy chair
rustic gaze in artistic, painted scene.
Yet, gentle beauty leaps from face and hair
colors speaking, so softly blue and green.

Were you happiest in your painted gaze
with gentle look of a young girl so free.
Wrapped by beauty in a colored haze
your future promise holding loving key.

Sitting there in your soft and easy chair
rustic look in brilliantly painted scene.
Graceful beauty leaping from face and hair
colors speaking softly in blue and green.

Robert J. Lindley, 1-08-2015

Painting number two
Poem number two.

Inspired by -
(Portrait of Carol Nye Rhoades (Robinson) (1915)

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 120
Total # Lines: 14 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 85

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-08-2016, 11:27 PM
Hidden Lake Resting Between Snowy Peaks

Cold lake in the clouds soothes his weary soul,
among towering, silent, mountain peaks.
Life's troubles have taken a heavy toll,
sadness rasping in his voice when he speaks.

He conjured better images of calm sound
on glistening snow-white sandy rock slopes.
Gentle waves, lapping over boulders round
when seen this close, no need for telescopes.

Icy chills stir fresh mountain lake airs
as he camped at his cherished hiding spot.
Here he could rest, abandoning his cares
forgetting reasons why she loves him not!

Magnificent reward for climbing here,
holding clear lake view beautifully deep,
in solitude he could abandon fear,
entering heaven's realm in restful sleep.

Robert J. Lindley
Inspired by-
Painting number four
Poem number four

Inspired by-
(Lake by Georgia Engelhard )
and Debbie Guzzi's 10 for 10 challenge.

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 160
Total # Lines: 21 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 108

Final draft:
Representing a safe haven, cherished refuge for his mind
to heal its emotional wounds. Mixing Nature's beauty and
man's imagination with painted scene and the artist's
canvas captured image.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-09-2016, 10:32 AM
Colorful Fantasy Flights

You brought color to life;
a soul seeking newer forms.
Into bright red sandy realms
holding rainbows in disguise,
you instead slept not
yet endured all—

with honor.

Blank canvas speaks to you
about its great thirst
and splashed colors galore.

Your firm belief in honor and
beauty satisfies.

Did you not find heart in
brush strokes?
Sending painted glee
and with art have you not flown deep
into life's mysteries?

Robert J. Lindley, 1-09-2016
Painting number five
Poem number five, Ekphrasis (Free verse)

Inspired by-
Autumn in France by Emily Carr 1911
and Debbie Guzzi's 10 for 10 challenge.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-09-2016, 07:51 PM
Her Longing Heart Seeks Love's Relief

Pretty young lady, my how you steal the show
how many admiring eyes look back at you?
Perhaps a secret admirer is gazing back you know
longing to be in your private booth too.
With that handy fan hiding your shy smiles
you're features are an enticing mystery.
Clever use of your female charms or wiles
denying him such an early discovery.

What of the high stage, you alone dare grace,
could your setting look more like a throne,
or your beauty reveal more of a loving face,
while desiring you, should he walk out alone?

Alas! Society restricts such daring bold acts.
Yet, a longing mind can always find some way,
to defeat the prudish rules society enacts
she's sure there's time to steal away to kiss and play!

Robert J. Lindley, 1- 10-2016

Inspired by-
Painting number six
Poem number six, Ekphrasis (Rhyme)

Inspired by-
(Theater, by Mary Cassatte 1879)
Debbie Guzzi's 10 for 10 challenge

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-10-2016, 01:09 PM
Beach Strolling Sisters Discussing Their Savior

This was his virtue, that with head and heart
He saw life sanely, from all mist apart,
And spoke with such assurance that he showed
Our way as straight as an old Roman road.

This was his beauty, that with bird and flower
He loved the strange revealings of each hour;
From wandering stars, from waywardness of earth,
Fountains of poesy quivered at his birth.

This was his grandeur, that in all he saw
Or dreamed, he bowed before eternal law,
Knowing his soul the vassal of that King
Whose realm is established by our laboring!

Robert J. Lindley, 1-10-2016

Painting number seven
Poem number seven

Inspired by - the painting
(Twilight Confidences by Cecilia Beaux 1888)
Debbie Guzzi's 10 for 10 challenge

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-12-2016, 10:19 AM
Mourn Not, Death Can Be A Gift Too

Mourn Not, Death Can Be A Gift

I die more wrapped in stone each day
storms batter my empty seas.
Shield broken, now red blood to pay
I dare to fight on my knees.

Death, holds its long, dark salute
where banners fallen burn.
In life, its the last savage brute
this kettle and stew I spurn.

What of skies so brightly flying by
summer's soft gentle replays.
I hold on, dare I not to ever cry
time is just painful delays.

Hope once told me it was my friend.
Now I see how, it brings closer my end.

Now that the cold arrested my warmth
My shield has repaired my tragic youth.
The kettle starts to swirl and swarm
Hiding this loneliness from the truth.

Above pale skies the storm retreats
banners wave flying above the sunset.
My stew of hatred has cried defeat
Although my dying stone, I won't forget.

Death, holds its long, vivid salute
I have learned down on my knee's.
For the pain of losing may pollute
but my misery has now broken free.

A friend once told me hold on to hope.
The end is distant...I let go of the rope.

Robert J. Lindley and Laura Loo,

Thank you my friend for such lovely verses!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-13-2016, 09:14 PM
Are You Still Cursing Sweet Red Sunsets

Are you still lurking, in sad corners of many minds
taunting them with your charms;
wrapping their lonely hearts into deep dark binds
while desperately laughing at deserted farms?

Are you still cursing sweet red sunsets
with salty voice and fast fleeing jabs;
shouting into blowing winds filled with jets
and still practicing with sharp dagger stabs?

Do you still chasing fantastic shadow dancers
across those wide and deadly dark fields,
summoning up friendly demon prancers
clashing in battle with swords and bloody shields?

Yes! Your evil life has been all misery and sad woes
worn shoes with no heels and cut out toes!

Robert J. Lindley, 1-13-2016

Note --Re-worked a very old sunset poem today.
With hindsight I asked different questions of that past ghost.
Answers were echoed back in laughs, sneers and wicked little snickers.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-14-2016, 09:29 AM
There Was A Valley Meadow Resting There

There was a valley meadow resting there,
plant life flourishing in its golden views.
Painted on canvas brings awe inspired stare
marveling at multi-colored hues.

Dancing beneath a decorated sky,
were vivid colors bouncing back and forth.
Artist, image, soft colors blend to tie
with clouds breezing above from the cold North.

Captured beauty, splashed on by artist's paints,
breathlessness in its tantalizing scenes,
paradise complete yet where are the saints
praising it by any and every means?

Splashed canvas held scenes of grass and flowers.
We gasp at all those colored showers!

Robert J. Lindley, 1-11-2016

Painting number 10
Poem number 10, Ekphrasis, (sonnet)
Inspired by-
Thistle in a Field, by Fidelia Bridges 1875
and Debbie Guzzi's 10 for 10 challenge.

Note: Tenth and final poem written for Debbi Guzzi's ten/ten/ten challenge.
Has been a most rewarding venture and Debbie has been exceptional in editing, advising and generous tips, etc....
I thank my friend for all her time , generosity and kindness.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-16-2016, 11:25 AM
Bluest Blues While Looking Back

All my victories have been shallow stains
shadow lights bent by use of greater force.
Time that culprit, shows just decayed remains
of white bone set upon a stone-cut course!

Looming so large once were joys in pleasures
now enhanced by a vain mind's need to gloat.
Truth is life was ruled by twisted measures
me sailing this cold world in leaky boat!

Sad thoughts, my poor soul now has so many
each one holding dark, miserable keys.
Life's real sweet treasures I haven't any
except days fishing under shady trees!

Decades have culminated in this thought.
Fishing for nothing and nothing I caught.

Robert J. Lindley, 1-16-2016

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 104

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-18-2016, 06:37 PM
A Warrior's Blood In His Old Age

Warriors bled, most now are dead and gone
tales read of blood, guts and dried bone.
Those that found residing in sad old age
were few comforts for lost youth's bitter rage!

Tired of waiting for another call to arms
not satisfied by women's alluring charms.
Holding onto craziness of courageous times
of forays into dark lands and hot desert climes!

Waiting for last mark on a white tombstone
resting in quiet solitude, shadows all alone.
Warriors bled and gave away such brave hearts
You'll not find that on any military charts!

We that fought not should see deep sacrifices
thus consider the costs and bloody prices.
Such they see in vivid dreams of and battle cries
are memories honored with that heavy sigh!

Warriors bled, most now are dead and gone
tales read of blood, guts and dried bone.
Those that found residing in sad old age
were few comforts for lost youth's bitter rage!

Robert J. Lindley, 1-18-2016

Note- Dedicated to two of my deceased friends, now gone but not forgotten!
Both combat veterans, one in the Korean War, the other in the Vietnam War and to all their military brethren that have sacrificed so much in order that we may
live free...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-24-2016, 11:39 AM
I Rested Upon A Tall Mountain Top

I journeyed into a one-eyed pristine land,
nobody could see to destroy its beauty.
There lay rose inspiring colors on demand,
there was, keeping Nature intact as a duty.

I journeyed into that heavenly soft dream,
nobody there was in a wasteful hurry.
Goodness always rained down it did seem,
like snow falling in a gentle flurry.

I rested in that clear and mellow view,
lone traveler seeking no other new path.
Embracing beauty's hold that is so true,
and seeing eternity in its endless math.

I rested upon a tall mountain top,
from there I saw spreading beauty nonstop.

Robert J. Lindley, 1-24-2016

Note. My muse accused me of being lazy and told me to get up and write you clod.
I typed the first verse--then suddenly the rest flowed like a gentle clear stream..
I said thank you muse, she replied, "next time don't be so damn lazy."
"Next time I'll give the first verse and your next thirteen verses had better be great!"

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-29-2016, 07:38 PM
First draft--good but does not meet syllable count required for a sonnet(couple verses slightly off. .Tyr

Where The Bluebird Sings

Often I travel where the bluebird sings
upon clear morns through long dewy grass.
Just to smell the deep woods and things
and maybe catch a few splashing bass.

Such days send my soul onto mystic shores
engulfing my mind in Nature and trees.
To feel new day's sun I journey outdoors
under blue sky and with the birds and bees.

When found, that sweet spot sings to me
a tune ripping with such gentle flows.
There aching heart and mind can truly see
where life's titanic stream restlessly goes.

Bluebird then sees my longing resolutions.
Sings inspiring those elusive solutions.

Robert J. Lindley , 1-29-2016

Fixed but prefer the first draft myself. -Tyr

Where The Bluebird Sings

Often I travel where the bluebird sings
upon fantastic morns through dewy grass.
Longing to smell heavenly woods and things
and maybe catch several splashing bass.

Such days send my soul onto mystic shores
engulfing my mind in Nature and trees.
To feel new day's sun I journey outdoors
under blue sky with the birds and the bees.

When entered, scenic sweet spot sings to me
a tune ripping with moving gentle flows.
There aching heart and mind can truly see
where life's titanic stream restlessly goes.

Bluebird feels my darkest lamentations.
Sings elusive magical solutions.

Robert J. Lindley, 1-29-2016

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 96

Took a trip this morn to my woods. Entered to rest my soul.
Found a saving place and there peace came--my goal.

01-30-2016, 09:57 AM
A Warrior's Blood In His Old Age

Warriors bled, most now are dead and gone
tales read of blood, guts and dried bone.
Those that found residing in sad old age
were few comforts for lost youth's bitter rage!

Tired of waiting for another call to arms
not satisfied by women's alluring charms.
Holding onto craziness of courageous times
of forays into dark lands and hot desert climes!

Waiting for last mark on a white tombstone
resting in quiet solitude, shadows all alone.
Warriors bled and gave away such brave hearts
You'll not find that on any military charts!

We that fought not should see deep sacrifices
thus consider the costs and bloody prices.
Such they see in vivid dreams of and battle cries
are memories honored with that heavy sigh!

Warriors bled, most now are dead and gone
tales read of blood, guts and dried bone.
Those that found residing in sad old age
were few comforts for lost youth's bitter rage!

Robert J. Lindley, 1-18-2016

Note- Dedicated to two of my deceased friends, now gone but not forgotten!
Both combat veterans, one in the Korean War, the other in the Vietnam War and to all their military brethren that have sacrificed so much in order that we may
live free...

"A Warrior's Blood In His Old Age"

Huh! Nice....!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-30-2016, 08:57 PM
The Deliberate Coin Flip

Wrote a letter to a longtime friend now dead,
asking about other side, what he could tell.
Please my friend, send me a signal if this read
and also let me know to postmark, Heaven or Hell.

Seven years passed, I received not a single word
although I thought I had got several hints.
The was this strange late night squawking bird
that beat on my new car leaving bad dents.

Finally it came, a deep voice asking me this,
why on earth are you still waiting there?
I died, we all are taken right on to heavenly bliss
you should come, leave your worries and cares.

Confused, I asked why he had not replied before
answer came back, "your letter you never sent".
Now that innocent reply my heart it deeply tore,
truly I had not known where his soul had went.

I shot back, friend the postmark you did not tell
so in my usual deliberation I flipped to see.
If tails its heaven and if heads its depths of Hell
now fate is the culprit, certainly its not me.

Now I find its always heaven and you want me to now join
And just to think, I did deliberately use my two-headed coin!

R.J. Lindley
Aug. 9th, 1982

Note- A little humor tossed in, written 7 years after my buddy had died in 1975. He would have laughed and loved it. Guy told the best jokes I've ever heard, he knew hundreds and hundreds of them. Drunker we got, the funnier it all was. If only to be young once again and also see my departed friend.
From my private poetry journals.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-01-2016, 09:40 AM
Sometimes Nature Joins Life's Celebration

Sometimes Nature joins life's celebration
giving generously beautiful scenes;
relief from man's saddest tribulations,
such rewards are worthy by any means.

Where morning sun glistens on dewy grass
glowing blue sky graces the live long day;
rests valley meadow in a mountain pass
where Nature dances forth in its own way.

When man finds this epic, beautiful view,
his first thought is this jewel to then own;
such lusting reveals his brain is askew,
and his head is as a dead and dry bone!

Nature is not ours to greedily tame.
For we as mortals, are one and the same!

Robert J. Lindley, 2-01-2016

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 100

NOTE: Wrote this from memory of a mountain meadow I once visited decades ago.
A memory so awesome that its not been lost, a view vividly burned into my mind.
Finished it, then I checked for the hundred one word count and found it was
dead on! My intuitive brain must have been counting all along.
Writing about Nature is a healing action for me, my day has brightened already.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-04-2016, 10:55 AM
Vanishing The Sky's Majestic Blue

Pristine views of sunset's glows,
Where sky flashes out its best,
No storming waters or undertows
Just beauty sinking in the west;
Nature wraps this scene in splendor,
Fading tree lines give gasps anew,
Day's demise a beautiful tail-ender
Vanishing, the sky's majestic blue.

R. J. Lindley,
AUG. 20TH 1986

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-06-2016, 07:54 PM
Under These Slow And Sinking, Pale Half-Moons

Angel of soft, ever wanting touch;
Delivers with serenity in tow;
That this sunken vessel needs very much-
Set thy eyes upon my dark, fleeting soul!

Will this humble plea strike upon thy heart;
Shall from it, thee ever gift joyous tunes?
Or force in me yet another sad start-
Under these slow and sinking, pale half-moons.

Angel of my heart's desperate desires;
Will thee ever prepare that blessed meal,
Roasting delicately upon hot fires-
Aye, thy gentle hand my soul doth now feel!

Angel sent this sad and desperate plea,
Will thy hand thus, reach forth to comfort me?

Robert J. Lindley, 2-06- 2016

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 100

Note: A new sonnet dedicated to this excerpt--

In Section LXIX of In Memoriam, Tennyson dreams an allegorical angel who may or
may not be the transformed Arthur Hallam:

I found an angel of the night;

The voice was low, the look was bright;

He look’d upon my crown and smiled:

He reach’d the glory of a hand,

That seem’d to touch it into leaf:

The voice was not the voice of grief,

The words were hard to understand.

Second draft--

Under Slow And Sinking, Pale Half-Moons
(Number one, of Debbie's 6/6 challenge)

Angel of soft and much wanted touch,
she delivers serenity in tow;
Can this sunken vessel proclaim as much-
agree, lifting pain from my fleeting soul!

Will this humble plea strike upon your heart;
shall from it, you then gift joyous tunes?
Kill my spirit, force another sad start-
how under slow and sinking, pale half-moons?

My angel of my heart's heated desires;
could you ever prepare that blessed meal?
By roasting delicately on hot fires-
would not your gentle hand my soul then feel?

Hearing now this sad and desperate plea,
Fearing not, your hand reach to comfort me?

Robert J. Lindley, 2-06-2016

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 100

Note: A new sonnet dedicated to this excerpt--

In Section LXIX of In Memoriam, Tennyson dreams an
allegorical angel who may or
may not be the transformed Arthur Hallam:

I found an angel of the night;?
The voice was low, the look was bright;?
He look’d upon my crown and smiled:??

He reach’d the glory of a hand,?
That seem’d to touch it into leaf:?
The voice was not the voice of grief,?
The words were hard to understand.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-10-2016, 08:59 AM
Contest poem, edited , retitled and rewritten to meet contest requirements.

You Gave Me No Second Chance

All that I once so dearly loved,
sweet joys blessedly known;
crashed when push came to shove,
are poor fair now that you are gone!
Pain rips the cool from the winds,
great sorrows fill my heart;
once we were lovers, now it all ends
as I pray for yet another start!
An arm offered for your sweet kiss,
you refused with a locked gate.
All of you is what I dearly miss
and I cry now because you hate!
I begged for compassion yet again,
your heart laughed with glee;
I have no desire to only be a friend,
you scoff at my tortured plea!

Pain rips the cool from the winds,
great sorrows fill my heart;
once we were lovers, now it all ends
as I pray for yet another start!

Robert J. Lindley, 2-10-2016

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-14-2016, 01:16 AM
My Bones Under Trees With Very Deep Roots

My life flown past is only a pane of glass,
My joys mere coffee dregs to be tossed,
My victories were not gold but mere brass,
And my awesome tales enlarged and embossed;
Yet earth gave me of its wondrous fruits,
All memories, in trees with very deep roots!

My dances all were on beds of hot stones,
None were happy scenes in majestic dreams,
I relished eating empty ice cream cones,
As I crawled along barn splintered beams;
Fleeing owls screeched out their hoots,
Racing into tall trees with very deep roots!

I begged for the roasted bread of life,
I took so much more than ever I gave,
My cuts were bruisings with a dull knife,
And soon I shall sleep in an unknown grave;
Where dirt will fill my sadly torn boots,
My bones under trees with very deep roots!

Robert J. Lindley, 2-14-2016

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-14-2016, 03:02 PM
All That He Ever Craved

As her lover he walked on a razor thin edge.
His thick rubber-bands in his pockets groaned,
yet his walk a dance of hottest thrills;
for her honey she spread on thick, in a glaze.
Time. What of it, should he ever deign to care?
No, his beating heart told him satisfaction awaits,
in her labyrinths of treasure filled dreams;
a testament to mind over matter and reality,
with its sad, sickening and indulging torments.
Each new morn he walked that thin red line,
a traveler on pleasure's secret paths,
complete with rubber-bands in his empty pockets.
The edge's cuts were all that he ever craved!
The wickedly deep cuts were all that he ever craved!

Robert J. Lindley, 2-14-2016

Note: A rare free verse from me today.
Do not blame me, my muse forced it out..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-15-2016, 09:11 AM
First draft..

When They Perish We Dearly Feel The Loss

With heart of a lion, the feet of a gazelle
are all condemning the wicked gates of hell;
men and women honorably carrying the Cross,
when they perish we dearly feel the loss,
yet in heaven they shall eternally dwell.

With earth behind them, gone is the gloom,
living in paradise above their earthly tomb,
each will find that serenity sweetly calls;
great are the mansions, gold in their walls,
no longer worrying of Fate's impending doom.

With heart of a lion, the feet of a gazelle
are all condemning the wicked gates of hell;
men and women honorably carrying the Cross,
when they perish we dearly feel the loss.

Robert J. Lindley, 2-15-2016

2nd draft= Finished poem..

Whenever They Perish We Dearly Feel The Loss

With heart of a lion and feet of a gazelle
are all condemning the torturing gates of hell;
faithful followers that carry the Holy Cross,
whenever they perish we dearly feel the loss,
yet within heaven they shall eternally dwell.

Their earthly fears behind them, gone is any gloom,
living in paradise above their earthly tomb,
each will find heaven's serenity sweetly calls;
magnificent the mansions, golden are their walls,
no longer worrying of Fate's impending doom.

With heart of a lion and feet of a gazelle
are all condemning the torturing gates of hell;
faithful followers that carry the Holy Cross,
whenever they perish we dearly feel the loss.

Robert J. Lindley, 2-15-2016

Sonnet in 12 syllable verses,
with perfect 110 word count...

Syllables Per Line:
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Lines: 16 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 110

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-25-2016, 11:43 AM
A Diamond Shattering Death

Diamonds shattering just behind her family's door
for the life of her dear father is no more!
Fate set it's seal too early upon her young life,
results of a great tragedy born of mental strife.

Death brought shadows blocking out healing light
no more beautiful sunrise, as all is darkest night.
Wickedly, it's daggers into that soul deeply cut,
aches and pain sole companions in that black rut.

So very relentless are such deep heartache blues,
often birthed on strange paths one did not choose.
Father lost in desperation of mental illness's haze
poison taken ending his painful and confusing days.

Silently reading from the one great spiritual book
a mourning, soulful repose daughter then took
Seeking solace as she gazed into another realm,
seeking rescue ship, her beloved Savior at the helm!

Robert J. Lindley, 5-14-2014

Note: Poem is about one of the greatest and most grievous
tragedies in life. Although nobody in my family from either
side ever did such a thing, I saw its devastation on my
best friend/schoolmate back when I was only 12 years old.
His father ended his own life in that way(shot himself).
After that his character completely changed and since that
day in 1966 sadly, two of his brothers and four of his cousins
have done the same. Such tragedy in one family is impossible
for me to truly understand.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-27-2016, 04:09 PM
Man Of My Own, part 3

My son, your wedding approaches now so fast
we proudly share in your love and coming joys.
Please, be kind to her always and make it last
and gift us several little girls and boys!

Never forget your dear father's sage advice,
hold on to our family's principled views.
Never sacrifice honor at any price,
eternally give her the love she is due!

As life brings its trials and great tribulations,
look to heaven when in dark desperate straits.
There gifted to us are true celebrations,
often with the shields that ward off evil fates.

As my dearest son, you have now made me proud,
with family you are now about to start.
In life celebrate and sing out to her loud,
soon you will be joined with another dear heart!


Father, how much I miss you words can't say,
since your death life has never been the same.
First it was difficult and skies seemed grey,
I should have been with you, not seeking fame.

Beautiful memories of times gone by,
sadden me as you are not by my side.
Each photograph I look at makes me cry,
fills me with guilt for every time I lied.

When I have a problem I look for you,
but then realise you're not here to talk.
Your words of wisdom will always be true,
that made me strong since the day I could walk.

Father your legacy lives on with me,
despite my destiny not being known,
I will continue our family tree,
your love has made me a man of my own.

27 February 2016,
Robert Lindley(first 16 verses)
SilentOne (second 16 verses)

Last poem of a three part series, completed today.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-04-2016, 10:40 AM
Upon Misty Morning's Fast Fading Glow

Upon misty morning's fast fading glow,
dance fairies on glittering silver wings.
Flying with fantasies flowing in tow
And sweetest joy such dancing often brings.

Above their heads the rising sun awaits,
its morning sun's time for shining anew.
If fairies are seen, man then contemplates,
dreaming depths of that rare mystical clue.

As dancing wings fast flutter to depart,
one ponders glistened myriads of fate.
Sadness beating in dreams of every heart,
with embellished scenes of day's opened gates.

Upon that vanishing flash time cries out,
woe to he that simply waits upon me!
Free living is what life is all about.
Life taking dire chances is living free-

In those windless breezes summer moon shines,
In the deep dark no more secrets to dread,
The grave beginnings we have all kept live ----
Weeping misery and ancient-kept death

The mountains moan, the mountains moan! ---- as babes!
Those creepy-crawly mists fade to fortune;
Wondrous winds in a panting night do tame ----
The fevered child once wan with vacant love

A horn Gabriel shall blow through pink clouds ----
And sleeping stars bring life with bright-night-light
A world to shine and illume all year round;
Broods of good company and simple delights

The morn shall pass and with it mad darkness,
The heavens death cannot roam freely so;
Old Lucifer, huffing and puffing red!
Upon misty morning's fast fading glow.

Robert J. Lindley and Keith O.J. Hunt, 3-04-2016

First 16 lines written by Robert Lindley
Last 16 lines written by Keith O.J. Hunt

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-08-2016, 10:32 PM
Your Cold Heart Denies My Love

I can not change your cold heart,
Or force you to again lovingly speak.
Sad your choice is we remain apart.
That again, our love I dearly seek:
I can not change your cold heart!

I can not change your cold heart;
Nor storm the many castles you build.
Despite my sad pleas for another start,
you hating me, refuse to ever yield,
I can not change your cold heart.

I can not change your cold heart;
Change your mind, if only I ever could,
forever hold you and never part!
Rejoin our love by any sacrifice I would
I can not change your cold heart.

I can not change your cold heart,
Or remove that hate in your dark eyes:
Behind that stare awaits a poison dart,
to fling at me based upon many lies;
I can not change your cold heart.

Robert J. Lindley, 3-08-2016

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-10-2016, 11:26 PM
To A Wren

They have not taken thee, thou art too small
To tinge their fancy with a moment's flush;
Thy safely lieth in a ruined wall,
Thy plainsong blendeth with loud water's rush.
In dusky shade thy duskier shadow flits
Beside the pathway; friendly in thy flight;
No wrath of Heaven scares thee from thy wits,-
Thou art a brave and homely little wight.
What man can tell the meaning of the tongue
Thy presence in our memory uttereth?
What say you the thoughts of thee that wind among
Our travels on the ways of life and death?
If our hearts knew that secret we should be
Lords of the legend of our destiny.

Robert J. Lindley
presented , 3-10-2016

1. Wren- The wrens are mostly small, brownish passerine birds in the mainly New World family Troglodytidae. About 80 species of true wrens in roughly 20 genera are described. Only the Eurasian wren occurs in the Old World, where in Anglophone regions, it is commonly known simply as the "wren", as it is the originator of the name. The name wren has been applied to other, unrelated birds, particularly the New Zealand wrens (Acanthisittidae) and the Australian wrens (Maluridae).
Most wrens are small and rather inconspicuous, except for their loud and often complex songs. Notable exceptions are the relatively large members of the genus Campylorhynchus, which can be quite bold in their behavior. Wrens have short wings that are barred in most species, and they often hold their tails upright. As far as known, wrens are primarily insectivorous, eating insects, spiders, and other small arthropods, but many species also eat vegetable matter and some take small frogs and lizards.[1]

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-20-2016, 08:16 AM
O' The Deep Wisdom That Man Fails To Seek

Dark world's scar, sad clown in dancing despair,
Lively in sewers of forbidden thought,
Gambling in darkness for a wasted share,
Content with errors so easily bought.

What of the world's sweeter admirations?
Or family's great clear and glowing praise?
Shall one thus live for selfish sensations,
With no need for truth that spirit will raise?

Yet life may still gift other shining gold,
As one walks its great mysterious paths.
In adventure one must be bravely bold,
without fear of Fate's many fickle wraths!

O' the deep wisdom that man fails to seek.
Such loves and treasures, he gets not a peek.

Robert J. Lindley, 3-20-2016

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 102

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-22-2016, 07:46 AM
How Fine Life Is To Man, When His Crops Are All Green

Yesteryear, I saw grapes hanging heavy on the vines
Such bounty was not all, bright where the windy pines.
Green the grass grew, great fodder for all of mankind,
How I wish I knew, that righteous path to again find.

Beyond that past scene, rests solace in future hope
Life soft and less mean, no bad seen in my horoscope.
Another Spring giving joy, gentle winds in my sail,
Happiness for my little boy, treasures he can retell.

With that thought, I can find another gentle peace!

Today my heart raced on again, into its new scene.
How fine life is to man, when his crops are all green.
Music reaches into his heart, dancing into his soul.
He rises in joy's restart, entering his blessed new role.

With that thought, I can find another sweet release!

Robert J. Lindley, 3-22-2016

My new sonnet form.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-27-2016, 11:06 AM
With Nature My Life Stays In Tune

With Nature my life stays in tune
Be it day or clear night's bright moon
On this, my heart holds true and fast
With clear sunshine in month of June
Pains in life my soul seeks to prune
Cuts for the good, thus meant to last
With Nature my life stays in tune
Be it day or clear night's bright moon

Greatness in this, Nature's sweet song
Words my heart holds, praying along
On this, my heart holds true and fast
Cuts for the good, thus meant to last
With Nature my life stays in tune
Be it day or clear night's bright moon

Robert J. Lindley, 3-27-2016

Syllables Per Line:
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 8
Total # Syllables: 112
Total # Lines: 15 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 104

"Sonnetina Rispetto"
The "Sonnetina Rispetto" is a new poetry form
created by Dorian Petersen Potter on September 8,2009.
This form has 14 lines with 8 syllables each.
It can be written in 3 quatrain stanzas and a couplet or
with an Octave(8) and a Sestet(6) lines.
The rhyme scheme is as follows: A1,A2,B1,c,c,B2,A1,A2,d,d,B1,B2,A1,A2.
The capitals A1,A2,B1 and B2...stands for the refrain lines in the poem.
Any subject.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-27-2016, 09:05 PM
FOR A NEW CONTEST. I am not keen on doing 7 verse stanzas myself.
However, I did chose to write these entry of 49 lines in ten syllable verses.-Tyr

Such Wonders Are Breathtaking To Behold

The morning dew on red rose does glisten
As early dawning sun beams brightly down
Such beauty, bees decorate that soft gown
As Nature's music plays, creatures listen
Seeing such, in great awe man can not frown
Be it in wilds of the woods or hometown
Such depth of beauty must always glisten

Such wonders are breathtaking to behold
Wherein life, earth, and brighter blue sky meet
That greatness of all tends to gladly greet
The wise hearts and souls of both young and old
Cold of winter or steam of summer heat
Depths of vivid colors can not be beat
Could man find greater beauty to behold

Where forests meet the rivers flowing deep
Colorful riverbanks birth soft flowers
Light beaming down, feeding glory the hours
Even with moon's glowing while creatures sleep
Some spread colors tall as mountain towers
This shining shows Nature's true life powers
Wisdom man would do well to ponder deep

Upon meadows ranging across this land
Spreads panorama of colors and life
Cutting its scenic views like a sharp knife
With precision through crops and timberland
Nature hands both man and animals strife
Its flows in time, where life and death are rife
Across breadth of all earth's majestic land

Jungles and mountains across its wide space
In Africa's wildness teeming life glows
In fantastic beauty, great spirit shows
Within hardiness of its festive face
Stirs toughness, a higher power bestows
Regardless of how bad the ill wind blows
There growing, its creatures and human race

As winds blow across panoramic views
Life splashes within its colorful deep scenes
Even without mortals or their machines
Nature's beauty casts for its many hues
Despite plunder, man does by other means
Nature's can correct as it grooms and preens
And if not, mankind gets to pay its dues

We may admire scenes of earth and wildlife
Yet ignore the plight of destruction wrought
Great wonders destroyed from changes we brought
Our habit to gift unintended strife
Far more destructive than any dreadnought
Are actions we fail to ever be taught
Costs of our higher quality of life

Robert J. Lindley, 3-27-2016

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 490
Total # Lines: 56 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 350
Contest-- Specifications and suggestions from sponsor.


Nature and humanity

FORM : 7 stanza poem that has 7 lines in each stanza and in the following format:

First three lines describe nature, a natural feature, lakes, mountains, forests, game reserves etc. You can personify nature

4th line is a bridge i.e shifting to the human side

5, 6 and 7 lines bring in the human aspect (What people do there, how they interact with nature, fun things to do/see, what you did there what you would like to do there etc)

The poem must have the following rhyme scheme: ABCACBA

Minimum number of syllables per line must be 6 and maximum must not exceed 10

I will be impressed by the use of the following in your poem(but dont over do)

Imagery - Take me there with your words


Assonance and Consonance

I also love learning new words: Make the dictionary your friend

Cliches knock the stuffing out of me......so

You can submit new and old poems(Just make sure they conform to the format laid out here)


The dappled peacock dazes the dawn
While the African crowned eagle
Takes flight and prowls for prey
And tourists peep and picture the fawn
While their eyes prowl the breakfast tray
Jacaranda festooned fashion regal
Its blue flowers blue snowfall upon dawn

Example poem but this has 8 stanzas

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-03-2016, 10:48 AM
I had to visit my favorite woods yesterday, this came to me this fine morn, a sonnet...-Tyr

I Recall Mockingbirds Singing To Me

My life now so far away in the past
resting back in that glowing red sunset;
in lost memories where dreams always last
wishing for lost time, I can never get.

As fading shadows dance in bonfire's glow
I recall mockingbirds singing to me;
precious gifts such memory plants to sow
so like seeds dropping from big red-oak tree.

My eyes filled with falling tears, my soul sees
far beyond, well past my mind's window sills;
Green forests in my life with their lost trees
resting back there, lasting memory hills.

As my life now sends me yearning anew,
images parading forth, treasures so true!

Robert J. Lindley, 4-03-2016

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 105

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-06-2016, 09:20 AM
Life Gives Until Each Spirit Flies Away
(Letting Go )

Life gives until each spirit flies away
Every soul knows that death shall come someday
Tomorrow, stop enjoy life's blessed ride
Today, reaching deep, feel your soul inside
Inspiration flows from that sweet spirit
Not our selfish heart, God never hears it
God knows, we live for our selfish pleasures

Get that joyous happy, its your treasure
Our God- Love impossible to measure.

My pain lived in bad blood that darkly flows,
with that poison which ate away my heart,
living in darkness man can never knows,
why life hits with such hard and heavy blows

under sad, black clouds
darkest rain will someday fall
best shield is god's truth

Robert J. Lindley, 4-06-2016

Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 0 10 10 10 10 0 5 7 5
Total # Syllables: 147
Total # Lines: 20 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 110

My entry for contest--- The Acrostic and the Quatrain written in ten syllable verses,
the senyru in 5-7-5 (as is required for a senyru) .
And hit my 110 word count too(not contest required). -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-06-2016, 04:17 PM
Season's Blend, Variety In Life

Spring's clear thoughts, that so cheers us from cold's grip,
welcomed friend to eager young and frail old;
nicer weather comes in its yearly trip,
its new-birthed joy, treasure for hearts so bold.

Summer waits around that seasonal bend,
sandy beach loafing and sweetest tan lines;
many may find it their favorite friend,
along with pleasure as the hot sun shines.

Autumn cries out its arriving cool glees,
refreshing change from hot summer's late heat;
enjoying its gifting colorful seas,
and cooler weather racing one's heartbeat.

Winter announces cold, deeper coming blues,
dreaded by many that are old and weak;
Of seasons it exacts heaviest dues,
with its bitter, below zero cold streaks.

Robert J. Lindley, 4-06-2016

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 160
Total # Lines: 19 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 113


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-13-2016, 08:12 AM
Now Looking Back At The Stones I Have Laid

Born into sad, dark world as I am,
now looking back at the stones I have laid.
My life- Once was a great and sinful sham,
filled with sex lusts and those dark spots I made.

Adventure in living was to be had
sweetest spice was found at every new turn.
I once was wild, wicked and very bad,
goodness and decency I then did spurn.

Seeing now, fool was so easily played,
my life's sad journey is started anew.
I would if I could go back there to trade,
gold for my living with a better clue.

Born into this sad, dark world I now find,
my loss was only in my state of mind.

Robert J. Lindley, 4-13-2016

Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 116

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-13-2016, 08:17 PM
You My Son Shall Venture Forth Without Fear

You my son shall wander into vast halls,
sit by craggy rocks upon mountain peak.
Hear the wisdom in Nature's sweetest calls,
wade in deeper where rushing waters speak.
Listen to night owls as they softly hoot,
see the slow sinking moon sparkle anew.
Walk soundly, learning to ride, rope and shoot,
sail daringly upon great oceans blue.
You my son shall venture forth without fear,
face the darkest storm and its mighty blast.
Hold out against great pain without a tear,
catch fish on each and every thoughtful cast.

Yes, you my son, shall do better than I.
This my last prayer asks before I die.

Robert J. Lindley, 4-13-2016

Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 15 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 107

NOTE- Written 7 years ago(Justin was then two years old)- edited today(shortened) to be a sonnet.
Cut out 14 verses and altered the rhyme scheme to match.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-19-2016, 08:57 AM
With Fantastic Shields Made Of Doubt Proof Steel
(The Turning Point)

In this my heart, I dare steel my resolve,
never again yield to cowardly fear,
change my life and in truth's wisdom evolve
well lighted path that breeds courage so clear.

In my spirit, a new creature shall dwell,
no more night shadows will dare ever haunt,
no more black nights spent fighting gates of hell
no more bloody demons that cut and taunt.

In hope, life begins its journey anew,
with fantastic shields made of doubt proof steel,
resting upon faithful words - bold and true
no longer in my darkness, life is real.

In true faith, this dark world is seen clearly.
In true light, hope is embraced, held dearly.

R.J. Lindley
June 14th, 1979

Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 112

Note- Written in my private journal , long ago.
I fell many times after this (demons that sought my destruction not conquered yet)
but eventually faith brought its just rewards--my current life and family..
Granted- I've still a long way to go--(conquering my temper)..
as my very long family bloodline of warriors /fighters are not easily defeated my friends..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-21-2016, 07:03 AM
Black Death Among The Shadows Does Gaily Roam

Black death among the shadows did roam
deep in solitude its power reigns.
Nowhere and everywhere it calls sweet home
and always its appearance brings pains.

Through fords, over mountains into gentle seas
fate sends its messenger in a black shroud.
Never to be stopped by the many crying pleas
or women moaning and wailing out loud.

Its only victorious foe, the light of eternal life
where our Redeemer's truth and divine love grows.
Delivering us from depths of misery and strife,
brought by suffering from fear of death's throes.

Black death among the shadows does gaily roam
Yet tis forever forbidden in God's sweet home.

Robert J. Lindley, 4-21-2016

My poet friends, Peter Duggan, Lin Lane and Seeker.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-22-2016, 11:38 PM
Every Morn, My Eyes Wake To Seeing You Nude

Naked in bed your rose shines very bright
with leaves that stir imagination right.
Earthen mounds giving me fantasy views,
Took my pants off even before my shoes!

Nude, your imagery casts its searching lights
moon never looked better on loving nights
Soft your body, like cool spring's falling rain
with deep curves that sear my feverish brain.

Tiny supple rounds, hills for me to see
like dropping cherries in sex crazy tree
Every morn, my eyes wake, seeing you nude
and savor long our night's sweet interlude!

Naked in bed your rose brings greatest glee
And that was the thrill you gave only me.

Robert J. Lindley,

Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 105

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-23-2016, 07:55 AM
Like An Old And Worn Battleship Hard And Fast Ran Aground

Walking wearisome road, dollar in pocket, my knife in right hand
nothing in sight but wicked are the many alluring sounds
Hard are long nights rest in this dangerous raging land
for now nothing, nothing seems to be out of bounds.

Like an old and worn battleship hard and fast ran aground
with no celebration , no parade, no marching bands
Just the hammer blows on and on they wickedly pound
at each winching pain, crowd cheers in the upper stands

Fork ahead, promises mysteries, be they for good or bad
ah but that is the dear spice in life our spirit seeks.
Many are the joys, pains and sad regrets I have had
yet nothing beats kisses laid on my darling's rosy cheeks.

Like an old and worn battleship hard and fast ran aground
Off beyond the horizon, again comes that fast flowing sound!

Robert J. Lindley, 4-23-2016

Note-- Sonnet written to remind me life holds future surprises , hope and
blessings but one must still remember the hard lessons of the past..-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-24-2016, 09:15 AM
They Rage On In Their Jungle Filled Cages

They raging on in their jungle filled cages
this world for each lost soul holding no glee.
We watch, destruction comes in deep rages
poison fruit falling from a poisoned tree.

The world sees, encourages resulting pains
amidst all, we ignore to let it be
Dark are the miserable gashing stains
there shining again that old poisoned tree

Some lucky few do find the lighted path
with ghastly wounds healed they accept that glee.
Thus forgotten is their dark hate-filled wrath
their victory crashing down poisoned tree.

This world holds ready massive dark forces.
Our souls, always facing tempting choices.

R. J. Lindley
May 12th 1979

Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 100

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-27-2016, 10:13 AM
Earth, Fire And Melted Stone

Before this earth's life ever came to be
space held earth, fire, red-hot melting stone.
Only later came the covering seas.
Still, with no growing life earth was alone.

After man appeared, great changes were brought
destruction began on a massive scale.
Now we can see the trap which we are caught
it damn sure looks like a dark piece of hell.

Could man ever find truth and thus refrain?
Will man's greed then truly be satisfied?
Always his power mad lusts this earth stain
in his black heart thinks he is deified.

Earth, fire, melted stone can not withstand
much more destroying this beautiful land.

Robert J. Lindley, 4-27-2016

Sonnet on Destruction of too much of our forests, rivers, lakes and streams.
We must use it wisely and not destroy that which thousands of years created.

Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 106

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-28-2016, 06:41 PM
I Walked A Thorny Path Alone

I walked a thorny path alone,
Bare feet eating dusty ground:
I looked back, you were gone,
Remained only hollow empty sound,
We both racing homeward bound.

That Spring morn, you were all mine,
Smiling with heart all aglow-
Blazing sun you did outshine,
Future love, would we know:
Loving food yet still refuse to dine?

Time told me this pain once before
You had shattered me that day
I wanted you , desired you, all the more
Reunited again each night we could play
Until you departed to another shore.

Now memories show me your smile
Sexy legs and red-hot lips
Soft witchery that so beguiles,
Face that launched a thousand ships
Now I look back a thousand miles!

Robert J. Lindley, 4-28-2016

Note- If ever a man lost a greater treasure I pity him more than me..
She was the moon's sweet light and the cat's soft meow.
My first wife found and burned the only picture I had of her.
All I could say was, "its ok darling--she was in my past"..
Yet now 40 years later, she still haunts my dreams..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-29-2016, 01:10 PM
Poetry Lives, Dances, Sings and Shouts

Poetry lives, breathes into the soul of all that see
arms wrapping eternity tight and soothes very deep
No end to enchanting verses in its massive sea
magnificent beauty showing great, one may just weep.

Poetry dances , to mellow flows and tunes
colors that fascinate and sing to wanting hearts
Lyrics that rival, romance of Junes brightest moons
begs imaginative reader's love from the start.

Poetry sings, with brilliant notes perfectly in key
about living life, love, heartache and very much more
Gifting joy, healing the sad hurts of spirits lonely
traversing with its happiness distant shore to shore.

Poetry shouts, join in this great marching parade
set your heart out to hug all those needing relief
Its the cake, the apple pie life has sweetly made
rewards generosity and faithful belief!

Robert J. Lindley , 4-29-2016

13/12 rhyme scheme.

Syllables Per Line: 13 13 13 13 0 12 12 12 12 0 13 13 13 13 0 12 12 12 12
Total # Syllables: 200
Total # Lines: 19 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 133

Written for PoetDestroyer's new contest ...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-02-2016, 08:13 AM
Withered Are Memories Made On False Ground

Majesty of her charms , pale in light now
Love's glow has died, ashes only remain
She was sad , my heart took a fleeing bow
Her cries left only darkened bitter stain
No long goodbye words, we both knew not how
She was mad, I felt no need to explain

What is the past but dead dreams on black ice
Time returns us not to make our amends
Wishful thinking, going back would be nice
Yet new pains could rise, and forward it sends
With no overs, nothing said would suffice
Best journey on, racing around the bends

In hindsight , glory heavily infests
False goodness and sweet touches abound
However, truth lies in dark empty nests
Where heartache and misery were first found
Seek not ye fools gold as wisdom suggests
Withered are memories made on false ground

Robert J. Lindley, 5-02-2016

Written for contest, slammed out in ten minutes may revise later..-Tyr